A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Despite introducing the Byzantine law code and desecrating the idols of Perun, Dazbog, Stribog and a few other deities in Kyiv Vladimir’s approach to christianization wasn’t as zealous as it may seem after reading a history textbook. He ignored many things new religion commanded and did’t even bother growing a beard instead opting to keep traditional Slavic style of long mustache with a clean-shaven chin as you can see on his coins.
Читать полностью…Why Vladimir betrayed the Gods?
A matter of ego
It’s well known that the (in)famous Vladimir was the first christian ruler on the lands of Rus (modern Ukraine). This is not entirely correct since his grandmother Helga was both a prolific ruler and an open christian. Still the bastard was the first to go down in history as a christian king. He was also the first of not fully Germanic Rurikids. Still, he was loved and received his share of power, but wanted more likely as a result of an inferiority complex which also showed itself when he raped princess Ragnhild.
New year, new hardship and happiness await.
May the Gods guide us on the path of fate.
^ wonder if any of you guys tried this since I originally posted the idea. If so, feel free to share the results.
Читать полностью…New year brings us to the topic of dates and dating systems. As we know Ancients had a lot of different dating systems. Each tribe had their own sacred history which does make it hard to count the dates, but is an example of folkish perspective.
For example, one of Roman systems was AUC (Ab urbe condita) according to which now is 2777 (2024+753)
Reddit is the biggest cesspool on the net. Not a hot take, I know. Yet it’s still useful to check it out from time to time. Why? Just to do the opposite, really. Best example for us is the self-proclaimed pagan community it has. Not saying all people there are degenerates with no real belief, but the majority obviously are. A great source of lolcows if you need them. Here are some anti-dogma types answering a question about not praying. They "do what feels right" since actually "you make the rules"!
Читать полностью…To explain this lack of attention Buri and Bor received I propose a theory. It’s simple, but I don’t see any issues with it. We know that Gods can die and there’s a clear indication that Gods age too (otherwise they wouldn’t need Idunn’s apples), so it’s possible and dare I say probable that both Buri and Bor died, likely of old age. When exactly they died would be impossible to tell, but my sense is that it happened either before or right after the creation of mankind hence why they were not worshipped. They just didn’t get to deal with humans.
Читать полностью…In Iceland, an old tradition that carries till today is the Yule Lads or Jólasveinar who play pranks around the home.
These are the guys who make 'Murphy's Law' a Law👌🏻
Illustrations from Arveds Paegl’s "ABC" of Latvian signs ornamentation
Читать полностью…Some say that mythic literalism wasn’t the norm, or at least something only peasants (as STJ puts it) believed, therefore we are to worship archetypes. But that’s a lie since those who made such claims in the past (xenophanes, socrates, plato) had to explain and promote the idea. It was a new spin on traditional Paganism and it was not appreciated, to the point that those supporting it got punished. The only reason actual Pagan believers are criticized as fundamentalists and whatnot is simple. Most Pagans today are ex-christians who got atheistic in order to drop christianity. Later they jumped on Pagan bandwagon and sadly kept atheistic lenses on. Hence the ridicule of literal (aka real) belief in Gods as something christian. It’s not. It’s just religion. And deep down they don’t want a religion.
Читать полностью…Join us for our Year's End Stream where we will go over this past year, have interesting discussions and so much more as we look toward the Solstice!
Читать полностью…Just a nice-looking coat of arms. It belongs to the House of Narbut, a Polish noble family of Lithuania descent.
If you have some cool European coat of arms to share feel free to do so in the comments.
Have a good Wednesday, guys. It’s a beautiful way to study ancestral traditions. Then again, every day is!
Читать полностью…Pavlo Pavliuk was another cossack leader of Ukrainian rebellion cursed by jews since, as N.Hanover puts it, Pavliuk and his men: "Decided to destroy the very name of Israel…returning to Zaporizhia the rebels destroyed many synagogues and killed approximately 200 jews. They also destroyed many cathedrals and killed countless Latin Catholic priests."
Eventually Pavliuk was captured, tortured and put to a gruesome death by the Poles who were praised for it by the jewish chronicler.
Cossack chief Severyn Nalyvaiko is another example of a Ukrainian hero jews despise. 17th century chronicler, talmudist and kabbalist Nathan ben Moses Hanover dedicated a chapter of his book Yeven Mezulah (Abyss of Despair) to Nalyvaiko titled "Here’s a list of destructions from Nalyvaiko (may his name be erased)". The part in brackets is a traditional hebrew curse yimakh shemo which jews use each time they address an enemy of their people. Also, the book praises Polish king Władysław IV as a fair ruler who loved the people of Israel.
Читать полностью…After the murder of his brothers Vladimir got the throne and with it seemingly the desired power. Yet he wanted to be greater than Sviatoslav, but lacked the strength to conquer like his father did. So Vladimir chose to suck up to Byzantium and convert. The deal must have seemed like an absolute win to both sides. Byzantium was a crumbling empire and wanted an infusion of strong barbaric blood to save them just like Rome did (ironically doomed itself). Meanwhile Vladimir could use the prestige of aligning with a proper empire to legitimize his own.
Читать полностью…Iðunn and Thjazi by Rim Baudey
Читать полностью…A.Cīrulis Saules pagalmos
Читать полностью…In theory it is entirely possible to construct a chronological history of a tribe. This task would be accomplished by knowing the sacred places within the tribe’s geography and all of the stories that are related to these places. By identifying the before and after of the stories and then arranging them on a time scale, one could project a chronology.
Same Reddit pit on the topic of genuine belief. Note how those fakes use the same rhetoric as some guys supposedly on our side who mock real traditions opting for some platonist/evolian/esoteric bs. Also, yet another example of thursatru subversion. Jormungandr is not a God, neither is loki, but they don’t know what Germanic tradition is.
You either believe in Gods and myth or you are an atheist. Simple as.
Also, we know that Aesir built temples (hofin a is plural form of hof), which may sound odd as they are Gods themselves, but it can be explained if we assume that by that time Buri and Bor, as well as some other older deities such as Odin’s mother Bestla, were already dead and thus venerated by their descendants. Just like we humans worship our own Ancestors so do the Gods.
Читать полностью…Where are Bor and Buri?
A few days ago the topic of Germanic ancient deities came up. Buri, licked out by Auðumbla herself, and his son Bor, father of Odin, Vili and Ve. Those old Gods are barely mentioned in the sources and don’t interact with the younger generations of Gods (Odin’s children and grandkids e.g. Thor and Magni). They don’t take part in major events like Vanir-Aesir war or Ragnarok, and judging from archaeological and textual data, they were not worshipped by the people (no idols, no temples).
^ btw, it's the same with the concept of religious dogma, the practice of kneeling while addressing the gods and more. Some "Pagans" just don't like religion in general so they try to mold ancestral faith into atheism with runes. It's somewhat understandable and can even be forgiven if the guy is a teen who just now got into Paganism, but when the man is pushing 40s, claims to be an expert and promotes his atheistic revision to countless followers it becomes a problem.
Читать полностью…Early snow in the evening by Yuri Pryadko
Читать полностью…Variations of Narbut coat of arms
Читать полностью…What’s the difference again?
Читать полностью…There’s a lot of similar stories throughout Ukrainian history, but I’ll stop here for now. Hopefully it was an interesting read.
Читать полностью…Here’s to a fine chief Severyn Nalyvaiko who slaughtered jews and died a martyr at the hands of sellout Poles.
May his name never be erased!
In the 17th c. during the Cossack–Polish War led by Ukrainian national hero Bohdan Khmelnytsky jews were killed since they managed the estates of Polish nobility. Hence many modern authors paint a negative picture of Khmelnytsky and his actions, e.g. Polish-born jew Orest Subtelny wrote:
"Between 1648 and 1656, tens of thousands of Jews-given the lack of reliable data, it is impossible to establish more accurate figures-were killed by the rebels, and to this day the Khmelnytsky uprising is considered by Jews to be one of the most traumatic events in their history."