A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Variations of swastika used to decorate pottery from Early Middle Ages. No exact matches to kolovrat.
Читать полностью…“Kolovrat” symbol is mere modification of swastika and only has been appearing much less throughout the history than it is attributed in present day. Also, the name itself is of modern origin. “Kolovrat” only gained on importance in the last decades of 20th century because of an attempt of Slavic Paganism reconstruction, where this symbol became a imaginary symbol of the movement. Nowadays, it is widely used by neopagans, reenactors, soldiers and companies targeting these groups with their marketing campaigns.
There’s an interesting theory when it comes to Svenaldr. Some say that he betrayed Svyatoslav and it is possible. After all it’s odd how the king ended up dying in an ambush while his general returned safely. Ultimately we will never know the details and it’s possible that Svenaldr just got lucky, but some point out that Svyatoslav was an inconvenience to the the aristocracy and merchants who wanted to ally with Byzantium and convert to christianity which would be impossible with a militant Pagan on the throne.
Читать полностью…Svyatoslav the Brave’s childhood also serves as an example of foster-parenting since the future king was raised by guardians and tutors voivodes Svenaldr and Asmundr
Читать полностью…During the Viking age, it was common for a family to give one of their children to another family to foster. It was a bond that could link a man to his social superior. Typically, a child from a superior family was raised by an inferior family. The foster parents received either payment or support from the birth parents. Fostering was not the same as adoption. It was a legal agreement, and an alliance. Ties between foster-relations could be as strong or stronger than those between blood-relations.
Families and Demographics in the Viking Age
Dnipro river pier
From the exceptional privilege of burial within holy ground the idea could easily arise that the ghost of the buried king or priest partook somewhat of the nature of the divinity and should share in his worship. Some approximation of hero and divinity seems to glimmer through part of the representation on the Phaistos sarcophagus.
Greek Hero Cult and Ideas of Immortality
Kernosivskyi idol copy
Читать полностью…What are your thoughts on the theory W.P.Reaves presented about Lodr?
Читать полностью…Heimdal and Loki slay each other in Ragnarok
by Brother Bjorn
I have emphasized strongly the fact that except for a few industrial and commercial centers ancient Greece was a country of peasants and herdsmen and that according to modern notions many of its so-called cities were but large villages.
Meat was not daily or common food. One might slaughter an animal in order to entertain a guest, as Eumaeus did when Odysseus came to his hut, but this was considered as a sacrifice also. Generally speaking, the common people ate meat only at the sacrifices which accompanied the great festivals.
The show many of you have been waiting for is here!
Who are the Gods of Germania?
The goal of this is very ambitious. Nowhere, to my knowledge, is there a single show which covers every single God & Goddess in Germanic faith.
On the 25th of July, in the 25th year of this millennium, when many are celebrating Misseri Yule, and all the planets being visible in the evening sky, this interview you won't want to miss.
Our main guest is author & researcher, William P. Reaves. Along side him are returning guests Mr. Davis & possibly Mr. Osgood and Mr. Puryear of the Norrœna Society, they will go over theories & thoughts on the Gods & Goddesses of the Poetic Edda, using the Rydberg Epic Method. The insights & arguments they'll share are the basis for their practice of Heathenry today.
After the interview, our guests will do a short Q&A from the audience. This interview will be recorded, so if you can't catch the whole thing, you'll have it.
Join us at: /channel/Pagan_Revivalism?livestream
An idol group on top of the Bald Mountain in Kyiv and it’s miniature version for a home altar
Читать полностью…Theseus and Minotaur by Severino Baraldi
Читать полностью…A necklace from Novohrad-Volynskyi, Ukraine. Debatably 11th century. It’s similar to kolovrat, but is not the same exact symbol.
Читать полностью…Svenaldr and Asmundr accompanied Svyatoslav in his first battles. Obviously they were the ones actually commanding the troops, but the future king grew up used to the battlefield.
Читать полностью…In addition, fostering was a way to redistribute children among families. Because the infant mortality rate was so high, some couples had no live births. It has been suggested that the percentage of couples without live children was as high as 20% in the Viking age. Fostering was a means to bring a child into a family that had none.
Families and Demographics in the Viking Age
Mykyta the Tanner and the dragon
Читать полностью…Why temples being destroyed is not as bad as it may seem
It radicalizes Pagans worldwide by showing that there’s no peaceful solution to abrahamism and the government will never be on our side
Are there artists interested in working with me? Want to help promote lesser known myth and legends and a nice visual is always welcome. Comment here.
Читать полностью…Principal sources: Mythological eddic poems, Skaldic verse, Viking Age picture stones and Contemporary Christian views
To approach research effectively, we can structure the hierarchy as follows:
Primary Source Comparisons
Secondary Source Comparisons
Native Linguistics
Cross-Cultural Comparisons
Cross-Cultural Linguistics
Primary Sources: The Poetic Edda, Skaldic poetry, Archaeological finds
Histories and Sagas offer cross-cultural comparisons and retellings of older events. However, they are often reframed through centuries of Christian propaganda. Notable examples: Tacitus, Jordanes, Bede, Ibn Fadlan and Various sagas.
By prioritizing primary sources, critically analyzing contemporary Christian works and contextualizing histories and sagas, we can reconstruct a more accurate understanding of the traditional worldview.
Kyle Davis
Who are the Gods of Germania?
This is the full interview between Pagan Revivalism and author/ researcher William P. Reaves, featuring guest appearances from the Norrœna Society: Kyle Davis, Keith Osgood & Mark Puryear.
This interview is broken up into four distinct parts: Introductions, Foundations of Germanic Faith, Deep Epic Analysis, Rapidfire Analysis.
An accompanying table of contents will be posted separately so you can skip to a particular part you are interested in.
We went over deep theology, using sources and methods intrigal to the Rydberg Epic Method, which is used in research into Germanic faith as well as the bedrock for their revived practice of Heathenry today.
Some of the basic and most profound questions of theology are basic questions to anything, such as: who, what, when, where, why & how. Yesterday we covered Who are the Gods of Germania.
You may not agree with some of their conclusions, but this shows our faith is maturing into a highly revived & professional state!
Gods love you
The Thesmophoria and some other festivals of Demeter were celebrated by women alone.
Some scholars have thought that the reason for this was that the Thesmophoria had come down from very ancient times when the cultivation of plants was in the hands of the women. This can hardly be so, for the cultivation of cereals with the help of the plow drawn by oxen has always been the concern of men.
The reason why this festival was celebrated by women alone may simply be that the women seemed especially fit for performing fertility magic.
The significance of agriculture in the popular festivals occurred even to the ancients.
A survey of the Greek festivals with rites which are really important from a religious point of view shows that an astonishing number of them are agricultural.
Charts according to Rydberg's Epic Method:
Fig. 1. The Germanic Worldview & Cosmology
Fig. 2. Another look at the Germanic Worldview & Cosmology
Fig. 3. The Germanic Underworld
Fig. 4. Midgard Surrounded by the Sea. (Asgard is in the sky above Midgard). Image from Brian Branstock's Gods of the North.
Fig. 5. The World-Mill
Fig. 6. Snorri's Worldview, modified by scholars. He places the 3 wells on 3 levels, one in Hel, one in Jotunheim and one in Asgard. This is not an accurate picture of what Snorri actually says, and it is not consistent with his source, Grimnismal 31, which he paraphrases in Gylfaginning ch. 15. Image from Kevin Crossley-Holland's The Norse Myths, 1980.
Fig. 7. Legend for the Map of the Frau Holle and Related Figure by Erika Timm 2002
Fig. 8. Map of Frau Holle and Related Figures by Erika Timm 2002
Art by Jon Campbell aka Brittonic Celt
Ancient Roman mosaics in the Musei Capitolini
Читать полностью…Greek myth illustrated by Severino Baraldi
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