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A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The Ancients never doubted that Gods were present in the world, ready to show themselves when necessary. The idea of a deity being separate from the world just hanging out above and beyond it is a product of abrahamic anti-theology.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Volh the Shapeshifter
by Velemir
My commission

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Sirin birds are not found in Slavic folklore (songs, epics, fairytales, riddles etc) but are exclusive to christian wiriting of the Middle Ages.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In those medieval christian song called psalms (from Hebrew tehillim lit. praises) sirin birds come from heaven and charm those wholisten to their songs.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The biggest threat to our authentic pathway has always been New Agism, and it will continue to raise its ugly head as long as we allow it to.
But I don’t see this having long term sustainability. New Agism is basically a Boomer phenomenon, and all that is dying out, thankfully. Now we see people having real theological debates, forming camps on philosophical differences (which is a GOOD thing!), and really wanting to understand the nature of divinity. This is the future of our faith, and these great men and women are paving the way.

Mark Puryear

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Imagine seeing majestic statues of powerful European Gods like that all around you. The folk would be much stronger and pround of their traditions. Say what you want about statues, but they really can either uplift or demoralize us.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

You knew this was coming. Platonism is a dead end for paganism, as the Greeks themselves agreed. It's also a dead end for nationalists, and especially for traditionalists.

This article is free to all.

The Socratic hero was a conscious attempt to replace the Homeric hero with a genteel one more to the tastes of a weak and exhausted society that had just lost a war and was about to become a permanent vassal state. The Owl of Minerva flies at dusk—a society becomes self-reflective and critical of its own tradition just before it dies.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

To be a heathen is to be ethnic. Ignoring ethnic traditions is pure subversion.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Swastika belongs to Europeans

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Art by Brother Bjorn

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

A settlement during the Neolithic period by Arthur Kampf

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

"Vegetation deity," the "Death God," and similar generalities into which we now like to dissipate living deities as if we had in them the primal concepts of religious consciousness—these, too, are nothing but lifeless ideas. How could they ever have fulfilled the demands of devotion, lifted up the spirit, elicited the powerful forms of cultus? No life proceeds from a concept...

W.F. Otto

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Modern academia is a jailor of knowledge. It makes it as hard as physically possible for one to get to the actual sources while flooding the media with it's post-modernist interpretation of the latter. Be very careful.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Muslims just want women to disappear. That's because all abrahamists are latent homos.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

It's not just marriage. It is the founding of a dynasty, a dawn of a new era, what Pagan Revivalism is all about!

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Today is Holodomor rememberance day. It was a real genocide of European people and was organized by those who never suffered any real persecution, but have always claimed to. The first nation to recognize Holodomor as a genocide was Reich Germany while Israel denies it such status to this day.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Scenes of the pre-Indo-European culture of Europe; Iberian Civilization. 🇪🇸 Reconstructive art by José Emilio Toro Pareja and Angus McBride (1931-2007).

These illustrations are based primarily on archaeological finds of statues and grave goods from southern and eastern Spain. Iberian civilization was one of the native cultures of western Europe, that remained after Indo-European peoples, such as the Celts, proliferated throughout, and took over most the continent. It was almost as ancient as the most ancient civilization of Europe: The Minoan Civilization of Crete and the Aegean. Cities had appeared in southern Spain as early as before 3,000 B.C.

Archaeologists have found evidence that early on, Iberian culture was matriarchal; ruled by queens. It was an urban culture, heavily centered on commerce, but also reliant on agriculture, and animal husbandry. It was heavily influenced by the cultures of ancient Greece and the Phoenicians, its main partners in commerce. Both colonized the peninsula (Phoenicians founded the cities of Cádiz, Málaga, Almuñécar, Abdera, Cartagena, and possibly also Seville and Córdoba, while Greeks built Ampurias, and a city called Hemeroskopeion, the location of which is now unknown), and the Phoenicians even undertook campaigns of military conquest (237-218 B.C.). These were interrupted and reversed by the Romans in the Second Punic War, however. Celts also came in contact with Iberians from the 12th or 11th century B.C. onward, when they invaded the peninsula from France and are believed by some to have been responsible for the collapse of the bronze age Iberian Argaric Culture. Celtic influence on the Iberians included adoption of horses for warfare, new funerary rituals involving immolation of the deceased, and possibly also the switch from matriarchal governments to having polities led by men; though women continued to be prominent as priestesses.

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!): /channel/CelticEurope

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The word sirin itself is obviously comes from siren and is as foreign to a Slavic language as something like a Minotaur.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Sirin bird
Fake folklore

Some consider Sirin birds to be a part of Slavic folklore, but in reality it's taken from Hellenic tradition and was used only in christian literature. Orthodox monks were somewhat familiar with Greek myth and used some elements of it in their writing.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Bacchus and Ariadne by A.Shishkin

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Plato showed himself a spiritual heir of Xenophanes when he criticized the traditional lore and great educators of Greece Homer and Hesiod. Plato treated myth and legends as fiction only a pleb could believe (note that no Hellenic priest ever expressed such views). Also just like Xenophanes Plato called for a life of ascetism. Also was a proto-communist (no private property and abolishment of family).
Overall, Xenopahanes, Socrates and Plato were subverters of Greek tradition. Saying otherwise is either ignorant or malicious.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

When Homer invokes the Muse and asks her to instruct him; when Hesiod tells us that he has heard the song of the Muses and was ordained poet by them, themselves; then we are accus­tomed to see in this no more than the necessary result of a belief in the gods...
Whether we believe in Apollo and the Muses or not, we must acknowledge that the living consciousness of the presence of a higher Being necessarily is part of creative acts in the high style, and that our judgment can never do justice to the phenomenon of this type of creation if it ignores this fact.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In Slavic tradition there's a lot of different spirits belonging to and managing different parts of the house such as stables or sauna.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

christianity is universalism. everyone can join. the point of christianity is total human interchangeability- the erasure of all individuated tribes or groups... so the point is to destroy the nations (goyim) that jews have had a grudge against since forever by giving everyone in the world a single anti-tribalism universalism.
every single person is a potential convert to the anti-nation (christianity) so that's why you're supposed to "love your enemy"- they might be a potential convert to universalism and universalism itself dictates that your enemy is included with you, that there is no tribal line between you and them.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Swastika is our symbol

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Thor battling giants
by Carl Ehrenberg

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

What is buried, has been unearthed.
What once was, soon shall be

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

For there’s no righteousness
in those who recognize or practice
what’s beyond our customary laws.
The truth is easy to acknowledge:
whatever is divine is mighty,
whatever has been long-established law
is an eternal natural truth.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Pagan temple of Blagoveshchensk hill (Vshchizh)

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

To understand Nietzsche's condemnation of Antisemitism we must distinguish between the Antisemitism displayed in the Roman Empire which Nietzsche explicitly praises and the Christian Antisemitism prevailing in Germany during Nietzsche's time which he criticized. Christian Antisemitism is directed at the Jews mainly as a religious community—this is distinct from the racial, intellectual, moral, and metaphysical brand of Antisemitism exhibited by the Roman Empire...


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