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A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

What some newcomers to Paganism don’t realize is that rejecting everything christian is not enough and can even lead to loosing some Pagan elements (e.g. kneeling). We have to learn to separate negative theology in general, not only abrahamic sects. There were many subversive cults back in the day and some of them predate christianity. Just being BC is not a guarantee. Example: Stoics came before christians, yet they were not Pagan at all. Marcus Aurelius was one and he completely contradicted Hellenic belief about afterlife.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The moon is beautiful tonight

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Nixie in the Goldfish Pond
Franz Hein

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The "declaration of deeds" is an attempt by fake pagans to introduce woke gibberish into real Germanic paganism. The only way they can do it is by rejecting real Germanic paganism:

We endeavor to be better than our forebears. Their society was a product of its time and was often deeply flawed, but their religious belief in the gods we hold to be timeless. We endeavor to reconstruct their religion, not the flaws in their society.

This is heresy, but it's actually an improvement. They used to simply deny that historical heathens were sexist, homophobic, etc. They seem to understand that they've lost that debate. Now the play is to try and separate Germanic religion from Germanic culture, as though it's something you can just cut and paste on to modern liberal tastes.

This is indefensible and they have retreated. They know they're losing.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Chapter four of Sallustius’ treatise, On the Gods and the Worlds, the platonist refers to the legends of the Gods as mere fables (animalistic as the platonist says). This is from the same individual who wrote that "the myths are things that never happened."

The platonism to atheism pipeline runs both ways, it seems. The more platonic one becomes, the more atheistic. Likewise, as atheism is losing its power, and our Folk return to their true roots, they rush to platonism to LARP as "my fellow pagans" while belittling the beliefs we hold.

You notice this when they try to describe Egyptian religion and the God Osiris as being humidity for some reason. No Egyptian ever considered Osiris to be humidity, ever. Nevertheless, it reveals that these platonic philosophers do not take Traditional Pagan Faiths seriously, neither in antiquity or in the present day. The willingness to employ straw-men (noble lies) and literal r/atheism arguments hasn't gone unnoticed. In fact, some platonists admit this privately:

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Comparing all these facts we can only reach one conclusion, the christianization of Vyatichi and their region did not occur immediately but was a long development, a gradual and very slow one, not ubiquitous, since there were still tenacious pagans in Mtsenks up to the XV c.

Metropolitan bishop Alexy (Konoplev)

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In 1114 a priest named Kuksha Pechersky was sent to the lands of Vyatichi to preach christianity. He was killed by the locals the same year which made him one of saint martyrs.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Another translation coming soon. The text is small, but valuable. Will be on the same topic as before (how supposedly christian Europe stayed Pagan)

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Similar idea (throwing valuables away) existed in ancient Germanic and Celtic tradition too.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The conceptions of hybris and nemesis had a popular background in what the Greeks called baskania, the belief, still common in southern Europe, that excessive praise is dangerous and a cause of misfortune. Even we are accustomed to saying "touch wood" if things go exceptionally well with us. It was customary, and is so still, to avert such a danger by spitting into one's bosom or by making an obscene gesture. The impressive scene in the Agamemnon of Aeschylus, in which the king fears to tread on purple carpets when entering his palace lest the envy of some evil eye should harm him, is taken from real life.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Same guy who built the altar on the left for further proof.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

New Age practices (left) promote concepts such as syncretism, universalism, and personal gnosis (UPG) as the main truths of religion. This approach is seen as undermining the structured, community-based ancestral teachings that are central to traditional beliefs, challenging the integrity and exclusivity of established doctrines and traditions. Such New Age perspectives are viewed as subversive, ahistorical, and in stark contrast to the communal, time-honored stability provided by traditional views.

Traditional Heathenry (right) is deeply rooted in the cultural, historical, and spiritual heritage of the Germanic peoples. It offers a sense of identity and continuity with ancestral traditions and fosters strong community bonds through shared rituals and values derived from ancient Germanic societies. Practicing Heathenry is not just a spiritual path but also a means to preserve and honor the legacy and traditions of Germanic ancestors, ensuring that their stories and wisdom continue to be celebrated. This deep connection to heritage and the natural world positions traditional Heathenry as the resonant choice for those looking to maintain or rediscover their Germanic cultural roots.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Ascetic literature from Byzantium frowned upon secular merrymaking and minstrels representing it.

In natural religious sacred ceremonies are often accompanied by dances, while singing is an important element of worship in all religions. No ceremony of our pagan ancestors went without singing and dancing.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Minstrel tradition of masking, singing cheerful, often indecent songs reminded of the bacchic cult of Dyonisus. Minstrels lead trained animals, they practiced healing and divination all this caused strict condemnations from the christian zealots in Byzantium.
In Germanic world Spielmänner were shun by the church and had no juridical rights. Yet, both in Byzantium and Medieval Europe minstrels and Spielmänner were pitied by the people. No folk celebration, feast, marriage, tournament etc was without them.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

So, games, songs and dances were usually called demonic. The attitude towards dancing and music as something highly sinful, demonic, came to us from Byzantium…zealots of piety attacked songs and dances mostly because those merrymakings distracted believers from the church and offered a lot of seduction.
But besides that our clergy clearly realized that many songs and ceremonial dances were leftovers of ancient paganism. That’s why pastors were correct calling games and dances a pagan custom...


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Imagine thinking that socrates (a freak and a heretic) had a better insight into the nature of the Gods than Homer, who was divine himself.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Happy Spring Equinox

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Honor the peasants, for they are the finest among the nation

Martha Elisabeth Fossel

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Thanks for 7K btw. Officially a big channel now (I guess).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Custom handmade Mjolnir by a friend who has a since passed away.

Hail mighty Thor the bane of the Jötuns and protector of Miðgarðr!

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In the very centre of the Vyatichi lands Mtsensk city (Oryol Governorate) paganism struggled fiercely with christianity and one modern legend dates the conversion of locals to the early XV c. This is how the events are in the legend: in 1415 during the reign of grand king Vasily I Dmitriyevich, son of Donskoy, the citizens of Mtsensk did not recognize the true God yet, which is why that year He and Metropolitan Photius sent priests with many armies to lead the locals to the true faith.

Жур.Мин.В.Д. 1837г. стр.107, 108.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Defending their political independence Vyatichi also stood up for their pagan religion. Living in thick forests, Vyatichi kept their customs, morals and laws for a long time.
Describing the morals of Vyatichi reverend Nestor the Chronicler calls them beasts who live in the woods, eat all food, have no shame, no piety, pagans who don’t know the god’s laws.

Metropolitan bishop Alexy (Konoplev)

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

It was customary for our ancestors to sacrifice valuable weapons and tools. Archeological findings within prominent rivers and bogs confirm this practice.

The above photo is my own sacrifice. Deposited into a prominent river alongside the grove I worship in.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Herodotus' story of the tyrant Polycrates contains a folk-tale motif which is still current. When King Amasis heard of Polycrates' exceptional good luck he advised him to offset it by throwing away something which he valued very highly.
Polycrates obeyed and threw a costly ring into the sea, but it was found again in the stomach of a fish which was brought to him a few days later by a fisherman. When Amasis heard this he renounced so dangerous a friendship, and Polycrates ended his life on the cross.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Strong religions necessitate sacrifices to adhere to their theological principles. For Germanic polytheists, these principles are imparted by the culture bringer, Heimdallr and established by the gods themselves. This would be expressed through our Traditional worldview.

In contrast, weak religions such as new age and universalist cults readily change their views to cater to personal comfort, demanding little to nothing from their adherents.

It boils down to this: you are either embracing your ancestral culture or you are not. Claiming to practice an ancestral tradition means aligning with a robust cultural framework. Deviating from this to accommodate personal inclination or modern beliefs is diluting the religion.

Traditional Heathen groups or individuals should not honor their ancestral culture and embrace the traditional worldview it held as integral to keeping society healthy.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Those people are new agers. They are promoting degeneracy, pedophilia, and destroying family values as their religious beliefs. They are disgracing the gods and our traditions but attempting to subvert it with their progressive ideologies.

You can't be a progressive and follow a traditional culture. They are contradicting worldviews. Only retards like the people on the left don't seem to get that.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Maslenitsa is a celebration of the end of the winter period and rebirth of nature. It includes baking pancakes (possibly a symbol of sun) and burning an idol of a winter hag.
Maslenitsa is often attacked by christian clergy as a Pagan celebration (because it is), but stays popular to this day.
Marrymaking lasts for a week from 11th to 17th March.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Therefore, the reason which produced Greco-Roman mimes and our skomorokhs is in pre-historic conditions of the Western Aryan branch. In historical period this pre-historic relation could have been refreshed: Greco-Roman mimes could have visited Rus. Our skoromokhs could have adopted costumes and even plots of their stage performances from mimes.
Dancers and musicians on the frescoes of St. Sophia's Cathedral are dressed in Western style. Those are either real foreign mimes or, if they are Rusy, they are dressed as mimes. Maybe our skoromokhs visited Byzantium.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The sermon John Chrysostom…contains a view of games and public merrymaking in general as pagan leftovers. Listen, the preacher says to his congregation, many of you are christian in name only, while your customs and actions are pagan.
You are worse than Hellenes i.e. pagans used to doing pagan things: dancing, moving hands, satanic songs…The author of the sermon is deeply resentful of parents taking their kids to the feasts and shows. And honorable, senior people did that. If you ask those elders something about the lives of the apostles or prophets they will be unable to answer anything. Yet when the topic is horses or birds then they are wisemen.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In 1636 nine priests wrote a collective petition to Patriarch Joasaphus I pleading him to make a decree concerning the attitudes of the people. The petitions goes into rather great detail on folk games and recreation. The people celebrated from Christmas to Epiphany. "They make bark horses, liege", the priests from Nizhny Novgorod write: "and aurochs decorate the cloths and silk wimples and hang bells on the horse, and put shaggy and beastly masks on their faces and such clothes, and tie tails to their backs as devils have…".
Harlequins were followed by great crowds of people and many gave money to those satan’s servants.


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