A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Sviatoslav destroyed the Khazar state, a powerful competitor which hurt the Slavic lands with their raids and demands for tribute. In 965, after covering a distance of several thousand kilometers, Sviatoslav conquered the Khazar capital Atil, forcing the Khazar magnates to hide on Volga River islands. Moreover, Sviatoslav conquered the second Khazar capital Sarkel on the Don River…
The Wends…have such a high regard for the bonds of matrimony that when the husband is dead the wife refuses to live. A wife is considered deserving of praise if she dies by her own hand and is burned with her husband on the same funeral pyre.
That’s pretty much all. The movie is just edgy action schlock with a subversive cherry on top. I know there’s a sequel, but I’d rather watch paint dry.
Читать полностью…But the biggest issue is the message. Compared to it everything else is minor. One would assume that trying to make religion=bad type of movie while also featuring Gods and mythical beasts is a bad idea. But what do we peons know, right? We are not Hollywood writers. Now Perseus is a hardcore misotheist who won’t pray even to save his life.
Читать полностью…As mentioned already, the plot just takes us from one action scene to another, much like the original, but since it’s all CGI now the artists, not being limited by the old tech, decided to jump the shark in every fight. Instead of just swinging swords and dodging everyone tries to show off their acrobatics skills by jumping and using WWE moves. Of course, the camera shakes to add energy to the already over the top scenes. Reminded me of Transformers. Good thing I was working out while watching most of the film. Were I to give this mess full attention it would probably make me sick.
Читать полностью…Kraken is now a child of Hades which makes no sense since in the movie’s intro we are told that Kraken killed all the Titans and hence is the strongest thing in the world, but Hades still obeys Zeus whom he hates. And then this overpowered monster gets petrified by Medusa’s gaze which is a curse gods (in this movie’s lore Aphrodite) created. So why was Kraken needed to begin with? Zero though was put into this. All that mattered to the filmmakers was the spectacle. A shame it ended up being shallow and boring.
Читать полностью…Now there are Djinn who look like arabs and one of them becomes part of the team. He speaks his own made-up language except one word. And as I was doing research for the movie turns out he has a name. Some muslim representation is exactly what the original needed, right?
Читать полностью…Zeus is a complete idiot in the movie since he trusts Hades who couldn’t possibly look more evil. Liam Neeson was wasted even more than Fiennes. And, of course, he also wears something stupid.
Читать полностью…Remake’s Perseus wears black armor with a black shield and rides a black Pegasus. Add some generic rock in the trailer and we have the edgiest version of Greek myth yet.
Читать полностью…Sam Worthington was awful. Say what you want about Hamlin’s version, but overacting is better than not acting at all. Actually I haven’t seen a single movie where Worthington played anything but a serious military guy and that’s what he does here. Arguably looks the part, but has no charisma at all.
Читать полностью…Overall Clash of the Titans is a good movie, which could have been great. If for some reason you were hesitating, I recommend giving it a watch. As far as mythology inspired movies go, it’s still one of the best.
Читать полностью…The best creature is of course Medusa. Probably Harryhausen’s best work, though I prefer Ymir from 20 Million Miles to Earth.
Читать полностью…The movie doesn’t go for accuracy when it comes to clothes and armor, but the style is still recognizably Ancient Greece and it’s neighbors.
Читать полностью…Harry Hamlin is a bit blend as Perseus, but that’s not really his fault since the script didn’t provide much. At least his acting was better than what Arnold would have provided were he cast as the lead.
Also not the best choice of hairstyle which covered Hamlin’s forehead and made the head look asymmetric. Ends up looking goofy at times.
Calibos is not based on any figure from Hellenic tradition. If anything he has more in common with Shakespear’s Caliban.
Читать полностью…Sviatoslav the Brave was the first prince from the Rurik dynasty to receive a Slavic name. The chronicle points to his bravery — he warned enemies before launching campaigns against them: "I am coming for you."
In numerous battles in the Balkans, the prince ordered to have the gates locked behind his troops so that no-one could take refuge behind the fortress walls in case of defeat.
Who are the Gods of Germania?
On January 25th at 12pm eastern standard time, I will be interviewing the accomplished scholar & author William P. Reaves on who are the Gods of Germania? Mr. Reaves will cover all the Gods and Goddesses, using the research & method of Viktor Rydberg. After the show, Mr. Reaves will take some questions from the audience in a Q&A
This is a show you won't want to miss, only here on Pagan Revivalism channel. And I want to give a great thank you to Mr. Reaves for sharing his insights towards the revival of Germanic Faith & Ways!
Gods love you
In the movie most people openly hate the gods and take down their statues. The only ones staying religion are portrayed as fanatical nuts worshipping bad guy Hades. Good job, Hollywood!
Читать полностью…And at the end of this mess Perseus doesn’t even marry Andromeda. No idea why. Guess being an ex-fisherman he knows there’s plenty of fish in the sea and Alexa Davalos is far from beautiful, but it’s supposed to be a story of Perseus and Andromeda. Just changes for the sake of changes.
Читать полностью…New Calibos is just a boring angry man. He only has three scenes and barely speaks (2-3 lines at best). The fights he has with Perseus are probably the worst in the movie since instead of actually fighting they do some Ancient Greek wire fu. Sam Worthington backflips, screams and flies on wires because that’s all he does. I get irritated just remembering this.
Читать полностью…Medusa is weird in the remake. What once was a highlight is now a disappointment. The CGI didn’t age well and I have no idea why they decided to doll her up. There’s a low hanging joke here with her stone-turning gaze and erection, but really who though it was a good idea? Are we supposed to feel sorry for her now? She still brutally kills Perseus’ allies and gets decapitated. Nothing changed except her being paradoxically both better and worse looking.
Читать полностью…The supporting characters (there’s 5 or 6 of them) are all so one-note and boring the movie just kills all of them in one fight. Why did we have to wait for a whole hour? Why waste good actors like Mads Mikkelsen and Liam Cunningham on such cardboard cutouts?
Читать полностью…Ralph Fiennes is straight up doing Voldemort again (both the voice and the mannerisms) and wearing some embarrassing getup. Why is Hades always a bad guy in Hollywood movies? He’s the ruler of the Underworld but Hades is not supposed to be evil. Guess christians read about Underworld being dark and immediately think of hell so they make him satan.
Читать полностью…The pseudo realistic dark and dirty look is irritating. Ancient Greece was full of color, most ancient civilizations were. Also there are clearly blacks in the crowd. 2010s are probably remembered fondly, but let’s be real, woke didn’t start in 2020, it just got bolder.
Читать полностью…Well, that was worse than expected.I remember the movie being bad, but this is so generic and shallow it’s almost special. The plot is just a series of lame fights with shitty dialogues in between.
Читать полностью…Ray Harryhausen’s dynamation is what saved the movie. Can’t even imagine the story without his effects, probably because the man was very involved and many scenes were written purely to showcase his stop-motion talent. Clash was also Harryhausen’s final movie and is deservingly considered his swansong.
Читать полностью…No idea why they decided to call the creature Kraken (him being the last titan makes no sense too). It’s a memorable design though. Could have appeared at least one more time somewhere in the middle of the film, but guess there was no room left in the story for another city being destroyed.
Читать полностью…Compare to this photo. Shorter hair would have worked better.
Читать полностью…Calibos, while not from the myth, is a case of good inspiration. It’s absolutely in Zeus’ character to transform a criminal into a beast. Did just that to Lycaon.
Читать полностью…Another standout is Neil McCarthy as Calibos. While the character is definitively evil, he is not without a shade of grey and the actor managed to convey that even under all the make-up.
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