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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Happy international women's day by the way. Almost forgot about it.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The next, Celaeno, Eurybia, and Phoebe, who were companions of Artemis in the hunt and whose spears found their mark invariably, did not even graze the single target, but in that fight they were one and all cut down as they stood shoulder to shoulder with each other. After them Deïaneira, Asteria and Marpe, and Tecmessa and Alcippe were overcome. The last-named had taken a vow to remain a maiden, and the vow she kept, but her life she could not preserve.

Diodorus Siculus

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Now the general mass of the Amazons were arrayed against the main body of the followers of Heracles, but the most honoured of the women were drawn up opposite Heracles himself and put up a stubborn battle. The first, for instance, to join battle with him was Aella,​ who had been given this name because of her swiftness, but she found her opponent more agile than herself. The second, Philippis, encountering a mortal blow at the very first conflict, was slain.

Diodorus Siculus

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Gods Are Not Metaphors In Paganism

On this channel, we have spoken at length, as to theological concepts regarding how the Gods are to be perceived, given all we know in the legends.

Many people will not deny the worship of Hercules was quite common in antiquity. Many also know that he is the son of Zeus, king of the Olympian Gods & a mortal woman, Alcmene. This makes Hercules a Demigod by definition.
If you read the 12 labors of Hercules, one will come across a figure Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons & daughter of the Olympian God of war Ares. The labor was to obtain her girdle, a belt gifted by Ares so she would never be defeated in battle. This makes Hippolyta a Demigoddess.

Demigods & Demigoddesses are sons & daughters of Gods & Goddesses. They are well known to exist in Pagan legends and worshipped in these ancient faiths. They can only come about, if the Gods are truly imminent & physical beings, not metaphorical orbs & abstract concepts outside of space & time.

If you disagree, whence come demigods?

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Homeric gods are indeed “physical” entities, which explains their physical descriptions and physical interventions, including sexual intercourse with humans (a hero, by definition, must have one divine parent), and not mental processes or useful poetic conventions as some suggest.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Their women are more sensitive than any others in the world. When, for example, their husband dies, many look upon it as their own death and freely smother themselves, not wanting to continue their lives as widows.

Strategikon of Maurice on ancient Slavic women

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Yngvi by Daniel Jacobs

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Art by Bohdan Soroka

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Typical universalist reaction

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Maiden with a laurel wreath by Henry Ryland

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Kjalnesinga saga in English. Pretty hard to find online so make sure to save it. It has plenty of interesting events such as duels, mysterious cave-people and troll-wrestling.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Bui went into the temple. He saw Thorstein lying face down before Thor. Bui moved forward silently…grabbed him…and then dashed his head down against the stone so hard that the brains spilled across the floor.

He took the sacred fire and made a torch, and then carried the flame around the temple and touched it to the hangings. One quickly caught fire from the other, and in short time the inside of the temple was ablaze.

Kjalnesinga saga

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Bui was thought to be peculiar as he grew up: he never wanted to make sacrifices and said it was undignified to prostrate himself…Thorgrim the Godi kept a close eye on people who were not willing to sacrifice, and they came in for some very harsh treatment from him.
In the spring of the year that Bui was twelve…Thorstein charged Bui at the Kjalarnes Assembly with false religion…and Bui was declared an outlaw.

Kjalnesinga saga

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Thorgrim built a farm at Hof that spring. It was called the godord of the men of Brynjudal, and he was called Thorgrim the Godi. He made many pagan sacrifices.
He had a large temple built in his hayfield, a hundred feet long and sixty wide. Everybody had to pay a temple fee. Thor was the god most honored there. It was rounded on the inside, like a vault, and there were windows and wall-hangings everywhere. The image of Thor stood in the centre, with other gods on both sides. In front of them was an altar made with great skill and covered with iron on the top. On this there was to be a fire which would never go out — they called it sacred fire.

Kjalnesinga saga

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Done recording a little interview. May take a while, but it looks interesting and will involve many Pagans I know and am eager to hear.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The commander of the Amazons, Melanippe, who was also greatly admired for her manly courage, now lost her supremacy. And Heracles, after thus killing the most renowned of the Amazons, and forcing the remaining multitude to turn in flight, cut down the greater number of them, so that the race of them was utterly exterminated.

Diodorus Siculus

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Then he joined battle with Prothoe, who, they said, had been victorious seven times over the opponents whom she had challenged to battle. When she fell, the fourth whom he overcame was known as Eriboea. She had boasted that because of the manly bravery which she displayed in contests of war she had no need of anyone to help her, but she found her claim was false when she encountered her better.

Diodorus Siculus

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Heracles then received a command to bring back the girdle of Hippolyte the Amazon and so made the expedition against the Amazons. Accordingly he sailed into the Pontus, which was named by him Euxeinus,​ and continuing to the mouth of the Thermodon River he encamped near the city of Themiscyra, in which was situated the palace of the Amazons. And first of all he demanded of them the girdle which he had been commanded to get; but when they would pay no heed to him, he joined battle with them.

Diodorus Siculus

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

There are supernatural “physical” entities that “inspire” or “breathe” emotions, feelings, thoughts into the heroes, in addition to the “air” strictly speaking that we breathe in order to survive. Homer and Hesiod could thus understand the verses as being “breathed” into their thumos or phren by the Muse (or Muses) via a material substance. This is in fact explicitly implied at Theogony when Hesiod states that the Muses breathed a divine voice into him and Homer implies the same thing at Odyssey when we are informed that the gods planted the pathways of song into the singer Phemius’ lungs before he began his song.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The light-haired races place great value on freedom. They are bold and undaunted in battle. Daring and impetuous as they are, they consider any timidity and even a short retreat as a disgrace. They calmly despise death as they fight violently in hand-to-hand combat either on horseback or on foot. If they are hard pressed in cavalry actions, they dismount at a single prearranged sign and line up on foot. Although only a few against many horsemen, they do not shrink from the fight.

Strategikon of Maurice

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Their experience in crossing rivers surpasses that of all other men, and they are extremely good at spending a lot of time in the water. Often enough when they are in their own country and are caught by surprise and in a tight spot, they dive to the bottom of a body of water. There they take long, hollow reeds they have prepared for such a situation and hold them in their mouths, the reeds extending to the surface of the water. Lying on their backs on the bottom they breathe through them and hold out for many hours without anyone suspecting where they are. An inexperienced person who notices the reeds from above would simply think they were growing there in the water.

Strategikon of Maurice on ancient Slavic warfare

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Rural Landscape by Flinta Zenovii

1969 Tempera on canvas

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

A domovoi and a cat in a sauna

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

I have become aware of a most unfortunate but not unforseeable circumstance by a friend of this channel /channel/VidarRising

In the post here, he posted link to a Greek City Times article where the construction of a Temple dedicated to Zeus & Pan was being halted by the courts & its founder arrested. But why?

The greek orthodox judeo-christian church is afraid of Native European faith growing. Describing it as "returning to a period of darkness" neglecting the fact that under Paganism, the Greek folk were the strongest they had ever been. Under the shelter provided by real Gods of Olympus & not under the bondage of the jewish demon yahweh.

He was arrested because he dared to build a temple to real Gods which gave him purpose. He's organizing a protest to save this temple on March the 8th. The orthodox metropolitan and prosecutor vow to arrest him again if he dares worship the true Gods of the Greek folk. This is what real persecution looks like.

They're afraid, because their lie is dying at long last.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

This became a very sacred place too, and Thor's Boulder that was used for the killing of those who were to be sacrificed, still stands there.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The map of Kjalnesinga saga

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

^ Note that even a kid was outlawed for not sacrificing to the Gods as well as not prostrating himself before them. And nowadays some fools talk about not kneeling and Paganism not having such thing as heresy. Hopefully one day more people will realize that religion is dogmatic and those not following the laws are to be punished.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

On the altar was to lie a great armband, made of silver. The temple godi was to wear it on his arm at all gatherings, and everyone was to swear oaths on it whenever a suit was brought. A great copper bowl was to stand on the altar, and into it was to go all the blood which came from animals or men given to Thor. They called this sacrificial blood and the sacrificial blood bowl. This blood was to be sprinkled over men and animals, and the animals that were given in sacrifice were to be used for feasting when sacrificial banquets were held. Men whom they sacrificed were to be cast into a pool which was outside by the door; they called it Blotkelda (Well of Sacrifice).

Kjalnesinga saga

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Reverence also in other ways is paid to the grove. No one enters it except bound with a chain, as an inferior acknowledging the might of the local divinity. If he chance to fall, it is not lawful for him to be lifted up, or to rise to his feet; he must crawl out along the ground.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The costumes of magnates from 16th c. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

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