A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Celtic warrior reconstruction by S.Shamenkov
Читать полностью…Slavic autumn equinox is called Osenini, Ovsen or simply the Harvest Day, it’s usually celebrated on 21-24th of September.
Читать полностью…Oseberg cart reconstruction by Piotr Rzeźbiarz
Читать полностью…These are some of the pictures I can find from Endovelico. Thanks Christians.
Читать полностью…Everybody deserves the right to put their own people first, to be true to their people, to continue their people, without interference…We really, genuinely want diversity and we want to keep diversity which ultimately we would not have under a global authoritarian system.
No man should trust a maiden's words, Nor what a woman speaks
This quote may cause confusion and is often misunderstood. I think it’s just a very down-to-earth warning to a man, especially a young man, not to be too trusting of a woman in day-to-day life rather than any anti-women propaganda. Unlike abrahamic cults Paganism does not consider women inferior, yet acknowledges the differences, chief among the instinctive guile women possess to compensate for physical weakness.
The mysterious coffin which just appears seemingly out of nowhere in the mountains as Sviatogor and Ilja rode by is, obviously, a representation of inevitable fate. Sviatogor was just outlived his time, he could no longer die in battle, since even if there were enemies in the mountains none of them would be a challenge to him. Teaching Ilja was his last mission and once the training was over Sviatogor could either return to meaningless wondering of the mountains or die. This tragic abundance of power is what makes the character and the tale interesting to me.
Читать полностью…With each breath Ilja got stronger. Sviatogor warned him not to take the last breath since it would make him as powerful as Sviatogor himself was and thus unable to walk on land. Ilja carried out his friend’s last wish.
Читать полностью…Ilja took his friend's giant sword and hit the lead with it, but with each strike the coffin got covered with iron stripes.
Читать полностью…One day Ilja and Sviatogor were riding the mountains and found a strange coffin with a short text on it’s lid. The latter claimed that whoever fits into the coffin is to lay in it.
Читать полностью…Sviatogor taught Ilja many things, realizing his bogatyr potential. They trained and lived in the mountains. As Ilja learns Sviatogor, despite being by far the strongest and wisest warrior in the world, can not really put his skills to good use since he is so heavy that the ground itself can’t support his weight. So he only rides deep in the mountains, rarely visiting the very border. The name Sviatogor can be translated as holy mountain.
Читать полностью…After Ilja’s third charge the giant warrior woke up complaining that the mosquitoes of Rus are quite wild. He then finally noticed Ilja and raised him up to take a closer look.
Читать полностью…Ijja called out to the giant, asking the stranger to stop and name himself, but there was no response. Ilja shouted some more, warning the stranger that he will have to use force. After a couple more attempts he charged and struck the horseman with all his might.
Читать полностью…Ilja and Svistogor
After Ilja of Murom became a bogatyr he was patrolling the border. As I wrote before the primary duty of those heroes was defending the borders of Rus, not wandering in search of adventures. This routine is what opens this story. Patrolling the border Ilja suddenly hears loud snoring.
Urbanization and Axial Age heresies
We all know that christianity introduced the so-called divine right of kings and strengthened the state (Obey the government, for God is the one who has put it there). The jewish sect turned free citizens into cattle. Later, christian capitalism with life and word-denying morality (Life is an illusion) boosted rampant urbanization and destruction of nature. For example, Victorian era was very Monistic and treated common people like factory cattle. That’s typical christian society.
Such treatment of your own people is the problem we would not have had without the Axial Age, which is the true origin point of all subversive teachings all over the world, judeo-chrsitianity included.
Nashville Tennessee USA.
It's definitely an awe-inspiring sight to behold
Happy Vernal Equinox, folks
Читать полностью…The art of storytelling has to return. Our traditions were oral for centuries. As much as we use written sources today, real folklore is always oral. Both can and should coexist.
Читать полностью…If you want an ethnostate you need an ethnoreligion
As simple as that
A channel dedicated to the racial types of Central and Southern Europe, as well as their aesthetics and genetics.
Brother Bjorn recently drew Sviatogor for me
Ilja took Sviatogor’s sword leaving his giant horse by it’s master’s coffin. The latter is still there in the mountains.
Читать полностью…After all attempts proved futile Sviatogor spoke from the coffin. He asked Ilja to come closer and breath in his last breath.
Читать полностью…Ilja got inside the coffin, but it was too big for him. Then was Sviatogor's turn and it was just right for him. The moment they realized it, the lead sealed itself and Sviatogor could no longer get out.
Читать полностью…The meta reason for Sviatogor’s inability to go beyond the mountains is due to him being a hero of the past, the pre-human past, the time when Gods and spirits walked the earth and a warrior as incredible as giant Sviatogor had worthy enemies to slain and a fittingly magical world to inhabit. This "man out of time" element is aisles expressed in the ending.
Читать полностью…This is how giant warrior Sviatogor and Ilja of Murom became friends.
Читать полностью…But the horseman didn't even flinch while his gigantic mount kept riding away. Ilja's iron club got bent so he took out a spear and charged the stranger again with the same result.
Читать полностью…Ilja follows the noise and sees a giant horse carrying a huge warrior.
Читать полностью…Big bylina retelling and analysis coming
Читать полностью…The development of the German Christian nobility from the Frankish civil service nobility is essentially the reason why, in contrast to the pagan Germanic nobility, it no longer served as a leadership incorporated into the people, but as a self-contained layer above the German people, which was not to be redrawn until the time of the Crusades.
R.W. Darre