A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
You can find many ancient truths in folk music. The stories passed down by our forefathers through ballads are, in many cases, older than even the times their verse was recorded. Northern song and lorekeeping were interwoven in this oral tradition; to which our sacred texts are no exception.
The Elder Edda - our most promiment hierological work, is intended to be sung.
Folk music is the soul in Folk-soul.
Thor fishing by L.Frolich
Читать полностью…Gallic Chief Near Roche Salvée at Mont Beuvray (1896). Jules Didier (French, 1831-1914).
Читать полностью…Kostubonko or Kostrub (not to be confused with Kostroma) is a figure representing male fertility, possibly a deity of rebirth similar to Baldr. The puppet was made out of straw, had long, unkempt hair and a phallus. Both are obvious fertility symbols.
Читать полностью…If you can introduce me to a Pagan artist or are one yourself, please comment. I often need a depiction of a rare deity or obscure legend and so far I only have two artists I work with semi-frequently.
Читать полностью…Christianity today, including all of the many minor sects, is what it was made by the patient and subtle work of the Fathers of the Church. They were a knavish lot. There is no way of knowing how many of them were actually Jews on duty for God’s Race. It is highly unlikely that any one of them was a Greek or Roman. Most of them were probably Semites or descendants of one of the other Oriental peoples that swarmed into the mongrelised Roman Empire and displaced or replaced the Romans. Whatever their racial antecedents, it is clear from their own writings, despite much later whitewashing, that they were a motley crew of shysters, psychopaths, and other misfits.
Revilo Oliver
The cultural expression of Germanic polytheism, as practiced by its devoted followers, forms a beautiful and intricate system of customs and beliefs. These traditions serve as a connection between present generations and the ways of their ancestors. Embracing our heritage, we recognize that these expressions belong to us, and it becomes our duty to uphold and revitalize them in our lands once more. A notable shift is taking place within the community of Germanic polytheists—a convergence of individuals committed to understanding and preserving our ancestral legacy. Their collective objective is to establish a vibrant living tradition deeply rooted in the ancient customs of our pre-Christian forebears. While Christianity wanes in the Western world, the yearning to reclaim our ancestral practices has ignited a movement that will endure for millennia.
We are the descendants of the Germanic tribes. We will reclaim our heritage.
This concludes my long analysis of Pamfir. It was an interesting film to analyze and hopefully to read about too.
Читать полностью…Another family member, Pamfir’s brother Viktor is interesting. He is a small guy and used to be a mama’s boy, but acts tough probably trying to emulate his older brother Pamfir. He has rather law morals since he wants his woman to abort the child and won’t even pay for it. Also he didn’t tell Leonid that he was smuggling for Mr.Orestes. There’s clearly an attempt to compensate even in his unique Malanka mask.
Читать полностью…Some notes on the side-characters before I am done with the review for good. Pamfir’s father is an interesting one and I like how their relationship was depicted. By the end of the story he made an attempt at piece with Olena, but a new tragedy occurred.
Читать полностью…Next is the highlight of the film. The night of the Malanka festival. Cinematography and music here are great and give a very primordial feel to this ancient celebration.
Читать полностью…One of Mr.Orestes’ conditions is for Pamfir’s son to take part too since the tunnel is too narrow. Nazar is eager to help his father and, as it turns out, he knew about the smuggling long before. Leonid does not want his son to end up a criminal, yet once again, has no choice.
Читать полностью…By the end of the dialogue Pamfir tells Olena that he will go celebrate Malanka with Nazar as he promised even though she is against it due to the festival being Pagan one.
Читать полностью…Next we learn why Leonid hates his father. When she was smuggling alone she took too much weight and had a miscarriage. Pamfir’s father could have helped, but was convinced by his wife not too. The latter always hated Olena, partially due to her being a shtundist, though mothers often hate their son’s wives for no particular reason.
Читать полностью…The Sedian symbol: The Yggdrasil
This beautiful piece of art is a recreation of the Yggdrasil found on the Överhogdal tapestry.
Found in 1909 during a church renovation, this tapestry is a beautiful display of the craftsmanship.
We believe that by utilizing this symbol to represent our sincerely held religious beliefs we are honoring the past, present, and future generations.
Art work recreated by Scott Sterling
Thor fighting giants by L.Frolich
Читать полностью…A core tenant of Pagan Revivalism is family building. Any philosophy or theology that does not put family first (or to hold it off for salvation or nirvana) is a cult
Читать полностью…Kostubonko’s straw figure was ritualistically killed by either burning or drowning which also hints that he may have been a fertility deity who died at the change of seasons.
Читать полностью…A resplendent shot of the Thor Vé at FSH this morning.
Читать полностью…By Aryan Paganism.
❄️ @thetruenortherner
Just as any other spirituality or religion does, Heathenry includes both a written, "scriptural" aspect as well as an unwritten, traditional one. Modern Reconstructionists, like Protestant Christians relying on the doctrine of "sola scriptura" (i.e., that only what is written in the Bible matters as it pertains to the Christian religion), will almost always demand written proof that the unwritten Germanic traditions do in fact include an underlying Heathen basis.
But the proof are the traditions themselves and the fact that Germans follow them.
(Continued in the comments...)
How did I become Pagan?
Growing up my family identified as Catholic, some relatives were Christians, but we never went to church or prayed at the dinner table. We only went there for weddings or funerals, I was told God existed and he would help you when needed. Throughout my life I never felt close or wanted to be a part of the church and religion. The last 5 years or so I found and embraced my true roots of Paganism and learning about my ancestors, Gods/Goddesses and our folk. I truly feel at home and the Pagan community is one of the best at helping you with any questions you have.
What is Paganism to me?
Paganism is what we were born with inside of us, it is nature, it is life and the true belief system of Europeans and descendants of European folk. I try not to see it as a religion but an embodiment of what we are, were and will always be. It is the true belief system of White (Aryan) peoples, it's what makes us stronger in life.
Officer Boboul is a side-character I mostly omitted during the summary, but he is important and even plays a major role at the finale I won’t go into detail with. Unlike Vassyl he likes the power cop’s position provides since with it he can humiliate and hurt people with no consequence for himself. Next to Morda (Orestes) he’s the most negative character in the film.
Читать полностью…Speaking of Olena, it’s peculiar that she has no family of her own which may be part of the reason why she’s such a fanatical christian. It’s also interesting that Pamfir took a full orphan with somewhat foreign religious views as his wife. Though it’s possible that the miscarriage is the reason she became a fanatic, since christians intentionally seek out people at their weakest as such state makes indoctrination easier.
Читать полностью…After Malanka Pamfir and Nazar go to the tunnel. On their way the Leonid tells his son the meaning behind his nickname Pamfir.
Later Nazar enters the tunnel with the package, still dressed in his costume and with the mask to protect his head, but they get attacked by the border patrol. Leonid dies from many wounds in the tunnel and gives his final words of wisdom to Nazar. The latter crawls out now reborn as a criminal and new Pamfir (both his father and great grandfather had this nickname).
The scene referees ancient European tradition of using tunnels for rituals of manhood. Boys enter the tunnel and leave from the other side as men and full members of their society. Similarly Nazar is now a man too after his first smuggling and loosing his father.
Later Vassyl and Pamfir have a short chat. The former tries to comfort his old friend and says that trying to fight Mr.Orestes is pointless. Leonid reminds Vassyl of their school days. The latter was a whipping boy and obeyed the gang-leader, Pamfir was the only one who defended him. Obviously despite all those years Vassyl didn’t change and still sheepishly follows the orders of his superior, even though he probably became a cop to compensate for all the humiliation from back in the day.
He represent the type of person who sees the corruption and would like to go against it, but is too much of a coward to actually do so.
Next is the scene in police department where Orestes tells Pamfir to do a job for him. He also humiliates Vassyl to show his dominance. Despite being a representative of the law, Orestes acts like a criminal boss and in the original he is addressed by a nickname Morda which the subtitles commit, even though it’s quite important.
Читать полностью…Later Leonid discusses religion with his wife which is a very interesting scene, since the two have almost diametrically different perspectives. Leonid also tells her a story of his grandfather whose nickname he inherited. That Pamfir was a pious man for most of his life, but one day he made an icon which had no humility according to the priest. The latter than tore it apart and since then Pamfir never went to church till his death and asked relatives to bury him without a priest.
Читать полностью…Vassyl tries to help Pamfir after all
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