A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
christians are ok with sacrificing people as long as it's done to appease their jewish god
Читать полностью…Who would worship a bound enemy of the gods destined to lead the inhabitants of Niflhel in the ship Naglfari to battle the gods to the death? Only a deranged mind would knowingly stand against the gods and godesses of our folk and those that do so, openly confess their fate and their own impending doom being cursed by the gods and nothing but Misfortune awaits them.
I personally believe those that do so mostly do this from ignorance. They do not know the lore, its history/epic nature and mostly do this as a social statement to appear cool and rebellious.
Physically the Celts are terrifying in appearance, with deep sounding and very harsh voices. In conversation they use few words and speak in riddles, for the most part hinting at things and leaving a great deal to be understood.
Diodorus Siculus
Sacred Grove, Beloved of the Arts and the Muses by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes
Читать полностью…According to Erasmiius Stella, the Prussians said that the gods dwelt in groves and woods; here sacrifices were to be offered to them; from hence sunshine and rain were to be obtained. "They said that the gods inhabited the finest trees, such as oaks; from these trees enquirers heard replies given to them; therefore they did not cut down trees of this kind but tended them religiously as the houses of their deities."
H.M. Chadwick
Unnamed by Dragos Kalajic
Читать полностью…Europe by Dragos Kalajic
Читать полностью…Scythian God of War by Darbarnir
Читать полностью…Not a single trace of the jesus christ personage can be found in authentic history. Nevertheless, this newly fabricated hoax of jesus christ, the son of god, this idea, with all its suicidal doctrines, was soon to pull down in ruins the great Roman Empire and the great White civilization that went with it.
Ben Klassen
"Oh please, shut it down. Europeans having their culture is satanic"
Hellenic popular teaching commands that every talent must develop through a struggle: whereas modern educators fear nothing more than the unleashing of so-called ambition.
Celts and Slavs have the same tradition when it comes to facial hair
Читать полностью…This Pagan custom of theirs claims that fire serves their father, an evil and insidious demon who created the law to cut long hair and shave beards with a razor. He (the saint) as if numb to his body, rejected vile and madness of any carnal tradition and did not cut them (hair and beard). Seeing a man of such look the king asked he whether he was a christian. He admitted that boldly which caused the king great anger and frenzy.
Lives of Martyrs of Vilnius
Wish more European leaders back in the day had this approach to christians.
Читать полностью…Finally got a rare text fragment available. Will translate later.
Читать полностью…What is this channel?
Folkish Worldview is just what it sounds like. We collect and share the best aesthetics, theory, and practice of folkish paganism.
Here you will find the folkish worldview in the making. Folkishness is a recovery of something ancient, but was taken for granted by our forefathers, so they never wrote it down. It's our job to rebuild it.
All other worldviews are either slavishly repeating what others have said, or are making things up out of nowhere. Only we have dynamism and tradition. Folkishness is both the past and the future.
Join us.
Sacred Tree by Rim Baudey
Читать полностью…Good to know that my last Substack article has triggered all the right people 👇🏻
This is the kind of schizoid rambling that passes for criticism of the idea that you can't be your own authority. Let's just pick a quote:
Race, nation and ancestry should never be the basis of worldview but the product of it
In other words, race is a social construct.
The Lost Hero by Ed Org
Читать полностью…The accusation made against paganism that it’s just making things up, could not be more wrong-paganism is the sole alternative to “choose your own god”. The fact that we’ve been off-track for a long time hardly matters. Ancient error is still error. Ancient anti-authoritarianism is still anti-authoritarianism. The ancestral principle is simply the recognition that you don’t get to choose your own authority. Only paganism holds this principle consistently, because your forefathers didn’t get to choose their own authority either.
Mike Maxwell of Imperium Press
Diana by Dragos Kalajic
Читать полностью…Plato thought he could do for the Greeks what Mohammed did for the Arabs several centuries later...His ideas were quite practicable just as certainly as those of Mohammed were practicable; for even much more incredible ideas, those of Christianity, proved themselves to be practicable!
A few hazards less and a few hazards more and then the world would have witnessed the Platonisation of Southern Europe and, if we suppose that this state of things had continued to our own days, we should probably be worshipping Plato now as the “good principle.”
As Yule approaches, let us spend more time with our families, ancestors, folk, with nature and most importantly to give back to the Gods.
May the Gods smile upon and bless you, this day and every day 🙏🏻 Let us give thanks and offerings to our guides and protectors
Oisin and Niamh by Moonbriarart
Читать полностью…A new era is begotten, for our past we've not forgotten
Читать полностью…Odin by Alexey Asgardov
Читать полностью…This new translation from the Lives of Martyrs of Vilnius adds to the other sources which make it clear that pre-christian Slavs did not grow beards.
Читать полностью…The translation is done, but the fragment needs some backstory to be understood fully. The text tells how Pagan Lithvanian Algirdas met with a christian (future martyr) and what's most important here-how he managed to realize he was a christian. This has to do with Slavic traditions, but is hopefully will be interesting enough for all the readers.
Читать полностью…The abovementioned fragment is from the Lives of Martyrs of Vilnius. Three orthodox monks who travelled to Lithvania and were killed by a Pagan duke Algirdas.
Читать полностью…While Odysseus is an example of a hero chosen by a deity for his personal qualities (quick wit and skill in battle), Chryses, on the other hand, is a devoted follower, who has full support of his God.
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