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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The resilient shall inherit the earth

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

12 Labors of Heracles part 2

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Thor shield in cast iron
Made in Sweden in 1890

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

One of modern men bearing the name Mstivoi is a vocalist and guitarist of the black metal band Velimor.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The name Mstivoi later appeared among the Pomeranian (Pomerelian) rulers of Samborides dynasty: Mstivoi the Peaceful and Mstivoi II. Their names are often mistransliterated as Mestwin even though it’s clearly Mstivoi (Polish: Msciwoj).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Mstivoi (Mistevoj) was a IXth century chief of Obodrites (a confederation of West Slavic tribes). Not much can be said for sure about Mstivoi, but he certainly was a major political figure of his time.
We know that he assumed his father’s throne in young age and inherited a family feud with chief Zhelibor of Wagri tribe. Later, under Mstivoi’s rule his tribes took part in the Pagan Revolt of 983. In 990 Obodrites raze Hamburg targeting christians. Despite all this, Mstivoi was christian himself and as some suggest eventually had to retire because of his unwillingness to abandon christianity. Thietmar of Merseburg wrote that the reason Mstivoi retired was him going mad with guilt he felt after burning down a monastery in 983. A more reasonable theory is Mstivoi simply dying of old age around 990.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

On the borders of Merovingian lands and beyond them where christianity eventually came, pagan resistance was getting more violent, taking a form of pagan restoration (temporary recovery of pagan belief as the external politics changed) or pagan revolt…


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Reading an interesting book. Lots of good material on the topic of Pagan resistance to christian proselytism and reaction to their vandalism. Covers pretty much all of Europe. Have already translated some parts.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

E-pagans regularly show an absurd lack of understanding of their own tradition. Thursatru and Rokkatru are even worse than Wicca. At least the latter is just an occult form of feminism and not much more.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Latvians, Macedonians and Bulgarians have cosmogonic tales about God getting stuck while creating the world. Fortunately a hedgehog gives him some crucial advice.
There are also tales about Sun and Moon getting married in which, once a gain, a wise hedgehog is one to help deal with the potential catastrophe of many little suns being born and burning the world down.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The wisdom aspect of hedgehogs is reflected in folklore by them being one of the adviser type of animals. If a fairy tale’s protagonist finds him-/ herself in a tight spot he can often find help in those living pincushions.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The anger aspect of hedgehogs is self-explanatory. As cute and cuddly as they may seem to us, in the eyes of their pray hedgehogs are nightmarish monsters covered in spikes with an insatiable appetite.
And despite rather diminutive size, they are not ones to mess (unless you want needles in your paws or snout).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

What Ignatenko describes as 'amulet’ is better called a defender. In fact, hedgehogs are considered so powerful that their pelts are used as strong charms against evil. Slovenian kurent (a type of spirit banisher) uses a club with hedgehog’s needles to fight off winter demons.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

A hedgehog is a surprisingly big deal in folklore. The animal is associated with quite a few things, all of them superficially unbefitting a small, cute scavenger. Let’s start with the list.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

This is the only photo of the drawing I know of. It was used to make the edit above.
If you happen to have a photo of this piece feel free to share.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Loop of Life by Valdis Baškirovs

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

12 Labors of Heracles part 1

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Are posts about ancient names like the ones above interesting or not really?

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Mstivoi II (approx. 1220-1294) was the last ruler of independent Pomerelia and since his death there was no monarchs bearing the name. But it was not forgotten and while obscure it can be found among modern Pagans.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Mstivoi has never been a popular name, but it’s etymology is relatively clear. It can be interpreted as Avenger due to msti- meaning vengeance or to avenge from Proto-Slavic mьstь.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Priesthood played a more active role in the pagan resistance among the Polabian and Pomeranian Slavs.
These Western Slavic tribes show that pagan resistance meant uprisings. People’s massive, armed reaction to the spread of christianity organized by local pagan priests and rulers with anti-christian violence.
Many christians died during the rise of Obodrites in 1002 when the body of bishop John was dismembered while his head was sacrificed to Radegast. During the rise of chief Mistevoj in 1018 all christians of Oldenburg were killed while the captured priests had crosses carved into their heads.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

After the death of Pippin II in 714 Frisian king Ratbod started a war with the Franks in order to strengthen independence and returned Frisian lands which Franks conquered under his control. All of this led to the decline of christian faith and restoration of paganism in the area. "Due to priests fleeing and Ratbod’s persecution the majority of churches, which used to be under Frankish rule, fell into desolation and lay in ruins, and, sadly, the worship of idols and construction of temples continued" (Willib. Vita Bon., 4).


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

To be honest, the Other World of the Celts is neither above, nor below; it is elsewhere, to the side. And it is often possible to enter it, as the inhabitants of the Other World can come to the human world.

It is believed that there live Tuatha De Danaan, the peoples of the goddess Dana, already lords of Ireland before the arrival of the Gaels. Their universe, however, has nothing comparable to the gloomy districts of the Erebus.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Intarabus a War God of Treveri Gauls
by Brother Bjorn

My commission

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

For example, in The Magic Swan Geese fairy tale a hedgehog helps the main heroine to find her brother kidnapped by Baba Yaga. This highlights the connection hedgehogs have to the mystic parts of the word. After all, they are chthonic animals. In folklore hedgehogs (as well as snakes snakes) know where to find magic herbs used for healing as well as raskovnik (used to unlock anything that is locked).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Don’t forget that hedgehogs hibernate so they need to put on a lot of weight before winter, just like bears. And if awakened by some unfortunate critter hedgehogs can become rogue vagrants desperately attacking every living thing in sight in a (usually doomed) attempt to last till spring.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

You can see the hedgehog club (properly called ježevke) clearly on this photo here.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In his research I.A. concluded: the following symbolic meanings of words with the root «-hedgehog-» were found:

1) 'amulet’,
2) 'anger’,
3) 'wealth’, 'avarice',
4) 'hooliganism’,
5) 'wisdom’,
6) 'male potency'.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Trying to compile some data on one of the most badass animals in the world. Folklore mentiones it rather scarcely though, so it will take time.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

^ as far as I understand the piece above is basically hidden and rarely shown even in Vasiliev’s museum. Most likely due to the laws against so-called nazi symbols (aka runes and swastika variations) in modern russia.

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