A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Syncretist scholar explains why we are all one and how Disney movies connect to theology
Читать полностью…As king of the gods, the Dagda exercised great authority. It was he who divided amongst the Tuatha De Danann, that is to say, the gods, whom the more fortunate race of Mile had overthrown, the sid or wonderful palaces, which were usually inaccessible to men, being hidden away in the bowels of the earth, under the hollow of the hills, or beneath rising ground. The Dagda, for instance, gave a sid to Lug, son of Ethne, and another to Ogma.
H.A. de Jubainville
Audun implored him not to go down, but Grettir bade him attend to the rope, saying that he meant to find out what it was that dwelt there. Then he descended into the howe. It was very dark and the odour was not pleasant. He began to explore how it was arranged, and found the bones of a horse. Then he knocked against a sort of throne in which he was aware of a man seated. There was much treasure of gold and silver collected together, and a casket under his feet, full of silver. Grettir took all the treasure and went back towards the rope, but on his way he felt himself seized by a strong hand. He left the treasure to close with his aggressor and the two engaged in a merciless struggle.
Читать полностью…One who manages to defeat a witch becomes a herbalist. Belief is such initiation of sorts highlights the difference between a witch/witcher and a herbalist. The latter is a healer who helps maintain natural order, while a witch distorts said order to manipulate the world. However, it’s worth noting that one could be both a herbalist and a witch and use different forms of magic when needed.
Читать полностью…I spoke with the peasants who were charmed when driving by the farm which belonged to a family of witches. They were driving home for hours before suddenly realizing that this whole time they were going in a loop on the forest field.
Serhii Lys
In XIX P.Ivanov recorded a ritual performed to become a taught witch. At night one had to stare at a horse or cow cadaver, make a hole in the corpse and get inside. After lying there for a while a witch is to get out from the other side. From this moment he/she got the powers.
Читать полностью…Need to get back to the translation I was planing a while ago. Hopefully it will be finished soon. Life is a bit tough right now. Sorry for the delay.
Читать полностью…Since I don’t want to spoil the main events this is where the review ends. Krabat is definitely a movie worth watching, preferably with original dub. Fortunately the subtitled version is easily available.
The master won’t let Krabat escape and uses warlock powers learned from Koraktor (a book of black magic from Sorbian folklore) to control the students. The latter are not only forced to work for the master, but also perform rituals based on folk belief e.g. to sleep at a spot where a man died violently.
Читать полностью…The movie is based on a novel Krabat written in 1971 by a German author O.Preußler. The book takes great inspiration from Sorbian folklore and features many typical elements one can find in Slavic fairy tales which the animated feature faithfully preserves.
Читать полностью…Going to write a movie review
Читать полностью…One of the most underrated tales in Greek tradition is one of Achilles and Penthesilea’s tragic love which both began and ended in battle.
Читать полностью…Folk Herbalism vs corporate pharmaceuticals:
Modern medicine is really good at concentrating & making chemical compounds to quickly neutralize symptoms. Fever . take 3 Tylenol etc. What modern medicine does not do well is preventative medicine and curing the root cause of illnesses.
Several years ago there was an exposé between wall street investors and big pharma / health insurance agencies who had meetings around, "is curing patients a sustainable business model?" The goal of these companies is to make as much money as possible. To do that, sell you as much medication as possible. To do that is not to cure you, but to keep you sick while making you feel better.
Folk Herbalism by contrast is about supplementing your diet with preventative vitamins & minerals. It is about living a good lifestyle. In short, with proper living and diet, the need for modern heavily-concentrated artificially-synthesized medications is rendered moot. This is the main reason why home gardens and homesteading is under attack.
If I got a penny for every atheist posing as a Pagan… This retard claims that the Gods were originally not depicted as human-looking, even though the oldest idol on Earth (Shigir idol) is. Uses naturalism reducing Gods to animals, mountains and rivers (literally christian-atheist trick like euhemerism). And doesn’t even know how the term Pagan was (and is) applied.
Читать полностью…Nevertheless it was not war but work that determined the trend of life and gave form to institutions, social as well as religious. A man asserted his gentility no less by tilling his land in luck and showing a generous hospitality, than by courage in action.
When the Dagda, after the defeat of the Tuatha De Danann by the sons of Mile, came to divide the sid or underground palaces among his chieftains, one of the latter was absent. This was Oengus, son of the Dagda.
Shortly afterwards he came before the Dagda and complained of the injustice. The Dagda, however, refused to hear him. Oengus then asked permission to pass the night in his father's mysterious palace at Brug na Boinne. The Dagda consented, and to the night graciously added the day, meaning, of course, the next day. But Oengus once in possession refused to leave, on the plea that time being composed of nights and days, the palace had been ceded to him in perpetuity.
H.A. de Jubainville
Some one might ask then, what race held the island, when this mighty work was reared above this lough?
Well I remember, it was the Tuatha De Danann in their hosts, with their darts, with their shields, with their war-harness.
Who was king over all Erin, sweet-sounding, radiant? Who but the skilful Dagda? You hear of none other so famous.
In Old Norse literature necromancy is referred to as val galdrar ‘slain incantations’ and in tales such as Grettir’s Saga the living are typically disturbed by walking corpses rather than ethereal ghosts.
The restless dead of pagan Scandinavia were clearly thought to retain their bodies – in pre-Christian times, haunting in the North was the prerogative of animated corpses or zombies, not disembodied spirits wandering from their graves.
M.Macleod and B.Mees
When a taught witch steals your cow’s milk you can challenge her by pouring said cow’s milk into a frying pan and lighting a fire under it. While doing so you have to chant certain spells herbalists know. If the milk from the same cow is still inside the witch she will get a fever and come to you asking to lend her something. You have to completely ignore her pleas and pretend she’s not there. If you manage that the witch will grow weak and swear to do whatever you want.
Читать полностью…Witch-fighting in Polisia
One challenging a witch has to follow certain rules which come down to not focusing on the witch. You mustn’t look them in the eyes or listen to their voice so that the witch won’t be able to use their powers and charm you with either words or stare. If a witch does manage to grab your attention you have already lost and are completely at their mercy. Worst case scenario the witch will steal your soul, but may just turn you into a pig or some other animal until sunrise.
Taught and inborn witches
In Slavic folklore there’s two types of witches/witchers. The strongest are the inborn ones i.e. those who have had powers from birth. They can control weather, charm people and command spirits. The taught witches are those who receive powers, usually (but not necessarily) from the inborn ones through studies and performance of various rituals.
Though prayer, meditation and honorable acts are forms of veneration and worship, so too was dancing and song. Each avenue of worship was permitted and encouraged in antiquity, so too should it be in our revival
Читать полностью…Most important is that each year the master has to duel one of his apprentices to the death. The one left standing will become the new head sorcerer, but that never happens because the master’s shapeshifting and quick wit grant him victory each time.
Читать полностью…The story follows titular Krabat, a young homeless boy who lives as a beggar until one day he is summoned by ravens to an abandoned mill where a one-eyed sorcerer makes Krabat one of his apprentices. The sorcerer himself is the standout character of both the book and the movie. Despite providing shelter and even teaching the boys his dark arts the Master (as he is addressed) is cruel and scary serving as the antagonist of the story.
Читать полностью…Krabat the Sorcerer's Apprentice is a great animated movie from Czechoslovakia and I highly recommend it.
The first noteworthy thing is obviously the unique cutout animation used in the picture. The technique seems exotic nowadays since it’s much cheaper to create 3D models with modern tech. Not to sound like an old grump, but I prefer those antiquated methods like stop-motion, cutout etc. And Krabat is probably one of the best examples why.
Achilles and Penthesilea by Bertel Thorvaldsen
Читать полностью…Nice, source-accurate depiction of Cu Chulainn. Most artists forget, or rather, are not aware, that he was very young and never even reached full adulthood. Cu Chulainn being too young to have facial hair is the reason he wasn’t affected by the curse which put down all other warriors of Ulster.
Читать полностью…Antefix in the shape of a female bust from the neighborhood of the altar of the Temple of Hera, Paestum.
Читать полностью…First snow where I am. Winter spirits waking up early it seems.
Читать полностью…When the connection with daily occupations and obligations had been severed, as it had to be in armies settling on foreign soil, war filled the scene, and the truest, nay the only proof a man could give of his gentleness consisted in deeds accomplished with the axe. These gallant knights were sometimes fain to pour contempt on the patient toil of the bread winner as in the epigram of the Harbardsljod: “Odin owns the earls who are slain in battle, Thor owns the race of the thralls”.