A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Bannik is not the only evil sauna spirit, there’s another, female one. Even more dangerous and aggressive is obderiha (the ripper). Typically she is imagined to be a small, scary woman with long claws.
Читать полностью…Bannik is a manevolent spirit in Slavic folklore who lives in the sauna. He can seem playful at first, but is very dangerous.
Читать полностью…Hag of the Mist (Gwrach y rhibyn) is a Welsh spirit which looks like an ugly woman with bat wings. She flies to the window of the person about to die by night and calls their name.
Читать полностью…Nachzehrer is a German vampire type closer to the original Slavic upyr. It’s a grisly undead, not a suave gentleman in a cape.
Читать полностью…One can hardly fight a Stüpp. Some tales mention victims fighting off a Stüpp successfully with an iron knife while others say that if one knows the Stüpp’s name and called it out loud he would let go and vanish.
Читать полностью…Roggenmuhme the mother of the Roggenwölfe (rye wolves) can turn into a wolf.
Читать полностью…Starting from this day I’ll make a series of posts I promised before. They will all be focused on the scary folklore of Europe.
Читать полностью…Greeks! They knew how to live: for that purpose it is necessary to keep bravely to the surface, the fold and the skin; to worship appearance, to believe in forms, tones, and words, in the whole Olympus of appearance! Those Greeks were superficial - from profundity!
You can compare & contrast Celtic, Germanic, Greco-Roman, etc. religion all you want but stop saying they are the same. That's as absurd as saying German and Roman culture is the same. Do you see why universal thought destroys individual identity?
Читать полностью…His name is Wotan, he dwells in all of us who are made of German flesh and spirit. From the high Alps down through the valleys of the Rhineland and across the seas and shores where we wandered. Through vineyards and forests, in the hunt and the harvest. He is the storm, the wildfire, the roar and cacophony of battle. But also the fireside tales and bedtime stories read by Grand Mother or Grand Father.
Happy birthday to Stephen McNallen
Читать полностью…Next week I am going to write about the scary side of European folklore. Got my hands on some rare ethnographic materials.
Art by Tatia Koviz
Less than 24 hours! Set the countdown
Читать полностью…A nice viking figurine I own. If you can’t carve an idol or have no Pagan artisan to commission one you can use figurines like this, at least for ancestor veneration.
Читать полностью…I plan on writing more about the Axial Age as well as some of it’s precursors. It’s a topic too often ignored by modern Pagans despite it’s relevance to our struggles today.
Читать полностью…Bannik, like most household spirits, is seen as a small old man. Since he lives in a sauna he is naked and has a bath broom(s) made out of birch leaves.
Читать полностью…A Welsh saying, to describe an ugly woman is "As ugly as the Hag of the Mist"
Читать полностью…Nachzehrer is also notable for it’s ability to shapeshift, but unlike a typical Hollywood vampire Nachzehrer turns into a pig, not a bat.
Читать полностью…The Stüpp is a mix of a vengeful spirit and a werewolf. He does not physically tear the flesh off the victim and also lies in ambush in places traditionally inhabited by aptrgangr (undead).
Читать полностью…Stüpp is a wolf spirit from Rhineland area. He lies in wait usually at a crossroads and jumps on the victim’s back. Once attached the Stüpp grows bigger and heavier with each step the victim takes.
Читать полностью…Roggenmuhme (rye aunt) is a type of malevolent Feldgeister (field spirit) in German folklore. It looks like an ugly woman and kidnaps children.
Читать полностью…Halloween costumes from 1918 with traditional European symbols
Читать полностью…Magic tambourine and the jews
Ukrainian fairytale
Before I get to the Halloween themed posts, I’d like to finish and release one translation. It’s a folklore story about the jews.
Читать полностью…We would impose Asatru on no one. But we earnestly invite those whose heritage it is, to return to the belief that is a part of them as surely as blood and bone.
Portrait of life and death by Andi Drude
Читать полностью…The key ingredient which ensures the survival of a race is its will to self-preservation and the persistent and unshakable folk consciousness that stems from a mutual indigenous belief. A cohesive belief MUST be established before an iron will and a collective consciousness of the folk can begin to develop.
Any form of religion or belief system that does not spring naturally from the soul of the race—that is not born of the blood—will ultimately destroy the threads which link men with nature and kinsmen with kinsmen. А race without a mythos and belief of the blood drifts aimlessly throughout history.
Ron McVan
I'll have more of these for sale soon. This one is for a charity auction coming up but I'll make it a regular offering here.
I'm thinking $65 shipped for this variant.
Xenophanes was a true forerunner of Axial Age thought. His ideas ended up shaping platonism with it’s monistic and idealistic view of the Gods. Xenophanes also inspired christianity and islam with their de-humanized ganz andere divine.
Xonophanes also denied reality as illusion of senses, just like buddhists do today.
According to pseudo-Plutarch Xenophanes “declares that the senses are deceptive”. Aristocles wrote that “they think that sense perceptions and appearances must be rejected… or at one earlier time Xenophanes…said something of this sort”