A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
In fear at the coming of the chieftains,
the kings of the raths, the noble Maines,
made round the ford to guard it
fences of black-thorn and of red-thorn
From these fences in sooth,
in the meadows of noble Elga,
is named Ath Cliath, with its strong tribes,
where I was wont to wend.
There were brought a hundred and fifty tender kine
to one spot and to one hill;
their milk was drawn without price paid
on the cold hill of Ard Lemnacht
The Milk Lake
Ard Lemnacht
King Crimthand feuded with a powerful tribe of the Fidga.
Every man of them was match for hundreds
overwhelming was their stature and their numbers
No mischance dared touch them at all,
no clang of arms in conflict could hurt them
One day the king was visited by a man who had heard that "there was none in Erin to whom Eochaid would say no". What the cruel man asked for was the king’s only eye.
Give me thine eye grey and bright,
said the surly malignant druid
thou among all men art specially distinguished
by fame for generosity among the Gaels
The King of Clare and Codal put
(it was a deed of praise and of horror)
his finger under his grey ball-like eye
so that it lay on the palm…
But the tragic past of the lake didn’t stop people from finding a use for it.
All the sheep in Erin were plunged therein
every seventh year,— it was a lasting custom:
white they were when they entered the lake,
famously red they stepped forth.
Dindsenchas (Gaelic: lore of places; Irish: topography) is a genre of Irish literature dedicated to noteworthy sites and the origins of their names. It offers a treasure trove of folklore both in prose and verse. The biggest dindsenchas collection I know is one complied and translated by Irish academic Edward John Gwynn. It consists of five volumes and all of them can be found online. My plan is to go through those I find especially interesting in hopes of popularizing the great tales and honoring the tradition they belong to.
Читать полностью…Aurora Garden by Gilbert Williams
Читать полностью…Despite months of torture red scum put Shkuro through, The White Wolf never repented staying true to his principles till the very end. Branded as a traitor by the country he was never a citizen of, Andrei Shkuro is remembered as a great hero and martyr by the few descendants of Kuban Cossacks. Tales of his wild adventures are still told in hopes that one day black banners with wolf’s head will rise again over the ashes of neo-soviet union.
Читать полностью…Rare photo of Shkuro training the cossacks from Werner Krause’s book Kosaken und Wehrmacht: der Freiheitskampf eines Volkes
Читать полностью…Shkuro met British General Herbert Holman who awarded the cossack with The Most Honourable Order of the Bath and praised his efforts in fighting against communism.
This is not the only time we will mention British in this biography and unfortunately the next one won’t be that pleasant.
Wolves’ Hundred attack on the red army
Читать полностью…Shkuro was loyal to the Empire even after it’s collapse and never sold out to the soviets. Great part of his motivation was the so-called decossacksization of Kuban. Countless cossacks were forced off their lands by lenin’s shabbos goyim. Destruction of nations and ethnic identities is a tradition modern soviets vehemently uphold.
Читать полностью…One by one, more European folk are listening to the ancient whispers of their true ancestors. Reconnecting with the Gods of their Folk. Inspiring them towards greatness, encouraging their sovereignty and guiding them to a brighter tomorrow
Читать полностью…Next big post will be dedicated to a rather obscure, but very peculiar historical figure. Will hopefully be interesting enough.
Читать полностью…Onund Treefoot
Onund was a great viking who lost his leg in a sea battle. He was the great grandfather of famous outlaw Grettir the Strong.
Fort of Fences
I was instructed, through lore of battles,
in the true tale of Ford of Fences
It was a home of shields and skenes,
with plenty of stake-fences and of troops:
blood-stained were its braves
on raids with the kingly Maines
There was a druid among Crimthand's men who found a way to deal with the fierce Fidga.
If ye desire their sudden destruction,
here is the means to subdue and behead them:
whomsoever the Fidga men shall hit,
let him be plunged in a pool of white milk:
from the strife of dreadful numerous weapons
he shall rise smooth and sound of wounds
Assisted by one of his men who used divination magic Eochaid managed to find a spring of secret water fountain which healed him
To the King who suffered, better than any prince,
let not my earnest supplication be scanty!
The eye of Eochaid the Generous
Eochaid was a king known for being kind and open-handed.
"A king more generous with his splendid treasures never held Clare of the hundreds".
"A single eye had the king of Druim Derg—he was the kindly one-eyed man of the red sword."
Riach’s Blood Lake
Loch Riach, famous for it’s red color, was named after Riach of the bright cheeks. He was one of four local kings. The other three were: fair Caimell, cruel Etar and Casta. Riach and Casta wooed the daughters of the other two, but were rejected. This led to a bloody battle which was their undoing. All four kings and their men die and "lie together in the lake". This leads to it getting so tainted it’s been red ever since "the color of each men’s blood in turn is the color that the lake acquired."
Taking a deep dive into Celtic tradition these days. Back in highschool I’ve read a lot of Celtic legends and, of course, Mabinogion. Now it’s more obscure stuff. Already found some interesting tales in Irish Metrical Dindsenchas.
Читать полностью…I plan on translating some parts of Shkuro’s memoirs The Notes of the White Partisan
Читать полностью…The betrayal of the Cossacks
After German surrender the Cossacks flee westwards to surrender to British as they understood that the soviet capture would be much worse. Shkuro and others managed to brake through to Lienz, Austria where many Cossack families lived. There British betrayed the captured Cossacks and handed them to the soviets who sent Cossack women and children to prison camps where they were worked to death, while Cossack men were tortured and murdered. Shkuro and other leaders such as general Helmuth von Pannwitz were hanged on 16th of January 1947.
Years pass, despite his senior age Shkuro is still eager to avenge his people and take down the soviet regime. He finally gets an opportunity with the start of WW II. The White Wolf joins Germans. In 1944 Himmler asks him to train special cavalry corps in Yugoslavia. Old chief’s experience leads to quick success and the XV SS Cossack Cavalry Corps is formed the same year.
Читать полностью…In 1920 Shkuro and his men had to flee the country after the White Army lost the civil war. In exile he travelled across Europe displaying great horsemanship, telling stories of his adventures and meeting with influential men in hopes of returning home and fighting lenin’s scum again.
Читать полностью…Wolves’ Hundred cossacks with their wolf’s head banner.
Читать полностью…Andrei Shkuro
The White Wolf
Legendary cossack chief Shkuro was one of the last real Russians who dedicated his life to fighting communists. He was a commander of a special cossack division called Wolves’ Hundred who were known for their bravery and daring raids behind enemy lines during the WW I.
Shkuro’s main traits were his charisma and fearlessness which is traditional for cossacks who came from the same wild steppes of Ukraine as ancient Scythian riders.
Can you believe that people like that not only exist, but call themselves Pagan?
Sure, let’s not only accept, but praise the street poopers! They are legal migrants! They pay taxes! Also filthy pajeets are actually the last bastion of European tradition, despite not being European themselves.
russian rodnovers are mostly commie trash created by KGB. There are some trustworthy individuals, but all big organizations are under complete control of the neo-soviet, anti-nazi government. Literally praise Lenin (a jew) and Stalin (a churka) every chance they get and glorify red army scum.
Читать полностью…Autumn Fairies by Arthur Rackham
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