A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Paganism is the spiritual third-position in the West.
Abrahamism and Atheism have run their course and are finished. It is therefore no surprise that many are returning home and bringing light back into the world
He saw Marichka beside him, but he knew that it was a wood nymph and not Marichka. He walked beside her and would not let her go ahead for fear of seeing the bloody hole in her back where a wood nymph’s heart and lungs can be seen.
Poseidon by A.Shishkin
Читать полностью…He had never heard people playing in this manner. But then who was playing? Not a single person could be seen in the forest around him. Ivan glanced back at the rocks and was petrified. There, astride a rock, sat the Vanisher, his pointed beard twisted, his horns bent down, and his eyes shut, playing on a flute.
Which rare European deity (or a hero) should have more depictions? Asking for future commissions.
Читать полностью…Don’t let guys like this around your temples/groves. They are fakes and are to be ridiculed.
Читать полностью…Beowulf grapples with Grendel by Graman Folcwald
Читать полностью…Monk hairstyle can also be seen as a slave mark. Most ancient societies used it as a the mark of a slave or eunuch. Can also be a christian version of circumcision.
Читать полностью…"Hail sky-father archetype",
said no Pagan ever.
Volund the Smith by Brother Bjorn
I got so lucky to have found La Dama de Elche statue bust in a second hand store!! She is a very popular statue found in Elche, Spain. The name they gave her translated into English is “The Lady of Elche”.
Читать полностью…The light and warmth of the sun did not only produce the first plants but also the first human couple who grew up like two trees a landi, on the bare ground newly arisen from the sea. Divine intervention then turned them, as in the Iranian myth, into the full forms of man and woman. The anthropogenic myth to which Voluspa alludes may thus reflect mythic ideas on the origin of mankind from trees that were part of a common Indo-European heritage.
The Askr and Embla myth in a comparative perspective by Anders Hultgard
Actually even in christianity there’s no creation out of nothing. Primordial waters of chaos were not created and Adam was made out of red lay hence his name which means red earth i.e. clay. It’s well-known that jews were influenced by Shumerian and Akkadian myth.
Читать полностью…The eldest creation myth is found in Shumer tradition where the wise God Enki and the fertility Goddess Ninmah create humans together, but since Ninmah was drunk she made a lot of flawed, incomplete invalids to whom Enki nevertheless gave some fate:
Ninmah took clay from the top of the abzu in her hand and she fashioned from it first a man who could not bend his outstretched weak hands. Enki looked at the man who could not bend his outstretched weak hands, and decreed his fate: he appointed him as a servant of the king.
The fire outside was blazing higher. With the dignified motions of an ancient priest, the chief shepherd kept adding dry wood and green branches to it. The blue smoke rose lightly and then, blown by the wind, seized hold of the mountains, cut across the black strip of forest, and rolled over the distant peaks. The upland pasture was beginning its life with living fire, which would protect it against all evil.
Not all beloved historic trees are felled by nameless vandals, some are felled by the government and corporations. In the last few years, trees such as the 300yo Hunningham Oak and the 250yo Cubbington Pear Tree have been cut down to make way for the High Speed 2 railway network. Further, the Woodland Trust states that over 108 ancient woods have been cut down for the project, felling thousands of trees and killing thousands of animals.
To add insult to injury, it’s doubtful that HS2 will even go ahead now.
It has come to my attention that several syncretist channels have decided to take aim at Pagan Revivalism over my stance on syncretism.
Imagine the hubris one must have to tell someone, "Hello, fellow Pagans. Your Gods, Ancestors and Heros are false, and only I know the real truth."
I do not feel the need to tell a Celt, Slav, Greek or anyone else, that their folkish faith is false. And for this, I'm vilified?
They are mad that someone stands against their form of universalism. Truth is, I stand against all forms of universalism, especially those that imply the Ancestors and the Gods are liars.
I will trust the ancestors about their faith, which they lived, over some random autismo on the internet, every day.
Syncretism is a disease,
Pagan Revivalism is the cure.
Pagan Revivalism
It's definitely not as new as you think
"Christian heritage" is an oxymoron.
Christianity is not something which values the world around people, let alone their inheritence. It is nothing but a tool to get people to a permanent afterlife divorced from the cycle of life and rebirth.
Painter: Theodor Kittelsen.
❄️ @thetruenortherner
Let’s ask Catholic sources what tonsure (monk’s haircut) means:
"Traditionally, the tonsure consists of the complete shaving of the crown of the head, in a manner previously reserved for slaves, to make them distinguishable from free men. Some say that it was adopted by Catholic monks, and later the secular clergy, as a sign of their complete gift of self as slaves of Christ."
Our Lady of the Rosary Old Roman Catholic Church
Ever noticed how christian monk haircut simulates jewish kippah?
Читать полностью…Northern Lights in art | Северное сияние в искусстве ✨
1. Howard Russell Butler (American, 1856-1934).
2,3,4. Sydney Laurence (American, 1865-1940).
❄️ @thetruenortherner
Recent anti-Pagan vandal attack. Podolsk, russia
Читать полностью…Solvognen (Solar Chariot) by Ædel Malm. Mid-20th-century brass plate from Denmark.
In European myth, however, it is also common for human origins to be connected with trees too.
Читать полностью…Later in Shumer mythology there is an account of a Enkidu’s creation which also involves clay
So the goddess conceived an image in her mind, and it was of the stuff of Anu of the firmament. She dipped her hands in water and pinched off clay, she let it fall in the wilderness, and noble Enkidu was created.
In Egyptian mythology ram-headed fertility God Khnum also created humans from clay using a potter wheel.
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