The channel's name says it all. By Hannah Tsehay Contact: @AHT_comments_bot
And on the flip side, Loz articulated it well👇🏿
Читать полностью…Hey my አርብ - እኞች
Please keep forgiving my intermittent absence
This Friday deserves a Poem and there you have it
I sorrowfully make pathetic jokes saying
my best friend knows my voice better than my face
Mahn seven-ish years is a long time
But now I have grown big enough to understand that it ain't that bad,
(Happy birthyear to us comes twenty five )
I am not even a phone person, but I still look forward to the long hours of phone talks with you at the end of the week
Sometimes we got lucky enough to do that twice per week
Your essence in my life hanging over my head like a bag of NS
Dripping slowly and patiently right into my veins
I tell you, that is how I get half of my strength
It is like load it with phone talks and maintain it with texts
Keep that going from week to week and boom it is seven years before you know it
It is a sad thing we live oceans apart
But now that I think about it, it is a blessing in disguise
This thing we got going
It is one of a kind
You dissect through my voice like a skilled surgeon
You tell me when I am sad even before I know it
You flesh out my frustration, my excitement and my fear
You make sense my scattered thoughts
just from the sound of my voice
And when I am going off the radar you remind me that doesn't sound like me.
Huh, what is me? Still figuring that out but
you Surely you can't tell that just by the look of me,
cause my face can't help but always look like me
That is why I say thank you for knowing the sound of my voice better than my face
My parents been married for three decades now
And here is something my dad never said outloud to my mom but If I could somehow auscultate his thoughts, I know I am definitely gonna hear that.
"Look at us... We started from scratch, we are still on the scratch. You and I never been artistic but we managed to sketch 4 awesome beings who are definitely not gonna start from scratch. And that must be something. "
Thanks to the almighty, who draws just as good even with crooked stationaries.
ወንድማችንን እናሳክም🙏
ደግነት ዳንኤል ባሳ ይባላል፤ በሐዋሳ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ህክምና እና ጤና ሳይንስ ኮሌጅ 5ኛ ዓመት (Clinical ll) የሕክምና ተማሪ ነው። ይሁን እንጂ በአሁኑ ሰዓት ባጋጠመዉ የአንገት አከባቢ ህብለ ሰረሰር እጢ በሽታ (C2 –C3 intramedullary spinal cord tumor) ክፉኛ እየታመመ ይገኛል፤ ለዚህም በአስቸኳይ ሕክምናን የማያገኝ ከሆነ በሽታዉ የመተንፈሻ ጡንቻዎችን በመጉዳት ሕይወቱን አደጋ ላይ ይጥላል፡፡ ሕክምናዉም ሀገር ዉስጥ ስለሌለ በአስቸኳይ ወደ ዉጪ ሀገር ሄዶ እንድታከም የሐዋሳ ዩኒቨርስቲ ስፔሻላይዝድ እና ኮምብርሄንሲቨ ሆስፒታል ሕክምና ቦርድ የወሰነ ሲሆን ለዚህም ብያንስ 1.5 ሚሊዬን ብር እንደሚያስፈልገዉ ተነግሮታል፡፡ ይህም ከቤተሰቡ አቅም በላይ ስለሆነ ሁላችውም የአቅማችሁን ትብብር እንድታደርጉ ይጠይቃል።
ለትብብራቹ እናመሰግናለን።
Deginet Daniel Bassa
Dashen Bank
Deginet Daniel Bassa
+251949613179 ደግነት ዳንኤል
0941047406 ሳምሶን መስቀሌ
0904761931 ናፓሊዮን ፈ/ሥላሴ
0909896878 ዘሪሁን ዛና
0965497319 ተሻገር ብርሃኑ
0916280514 ሙሴ ደምሴ
0924654040 ኢማን ወለላ
0961530200 የሺወርቅ ሀይሉ
[Happy mother's day]
I heard them saying today is world Mothers' day.
If it was world's day, it would still be mother's day.
It would still be your day, mama.
Time for some goat talk😁(yeah, I said goat talk)
Happy Friday awesome people
When your Friday nights are ruined because of work duties, you try to make a Friday out of a Saturday morning
Good day
#Unpopular_opinions edition
1. [When people say I love you]
When people say, "I love you." ...our over competitive instinct kicks in immediately and we find ourselves saying, "I love you more" out loud. I mean no one is talking about "more" in the first place. I think it is just our egos lifting psychological trophies on a self-madeup championship.
[Small great things]
We keep mistaking bigger for better
We keep mistaking "a lot" for a number
That is why we can't be content with what we got
That is why we will never be satisfied
Climbing a mountain just to aim another bigger mountain
The precious thing we dreamed of cheapens to be mundane
The minute we put our hands on it
Trust me the human desire has no end
Our run is like chasing the wind
Nothing of this world is big enough to gap those holes
Nothing under the sun is huge enough to fill those voids
You know what I am talking 'bout
Unless we redefine our meaning of great
We will keep falling short from a whatever height
Mahn ain't it funny how "small" got an "all" in it?
So, teach your kids what really sums into an amount
Teach them what really is gonna count
Tell your daughter ,
That the reason you believe in small great things is her
How long is "a while" by the way?
This time, it is one year.
[I miss almost falling for you]
I miss how I synched back my haphazardly racing heart beat back into rhythm whenever your name popped out on my phone screen
I miss how I learnt to completely ignore the butterflies in my tummy while seeing you from afar
I miss how I gracefully held in my breath when all my lungs wanted to do was squeez out my heart and have a little more space to expand
I miss how i used to skillfully paint my blushing face pale white when ever you spoke of me lovingly
I miss how I gently walked away from you while dragging my hemiplegic body wanting to stay
I miss how that all worked out
No I don't miss you,
This actually has nothing to do with you
I just miss knowing better
I miss how I used to theme my emotions
I miss how self aware I used to be
I miss being in control
I miss how I used to manage me
No, I don't miss you
But I miss almost falling for you
I miss how I used to pull my self back right before my body touches the ground
Some people change your weather
Some people change your climate
I go through Job flipping through his sorrow
I read Psalms and see David 's heavy heart behind his selahs
Ecclesiastes helps me wrestle with existential questions I haven't even learnt to pronounce right
Habbakuk tells me it ain't a taboo asking God to explain Himself (like Job isn't any comfort)
Jeremiah teaching me that it's okay to cry, not only like once in a while but like maybe all your life.
There are lots of things I don't get about life - lots of things I don't get about the Good Book, either.
But I still can't help but be mesmerized by how the stories are just so down-to-earth.
I don't have to stretch that far to see how I can relate.
And then comes My Jesus
A God down to earth
In the most literal sense
There is even 'mile' in smile
I don't mind the distance by the way
Farewells are overrated in a way,
I don't believe in goodbyes, I say
They overshadow all the mundane days,
The fun talks, the aimless laughters,
The tough times, the tears shed,
the good, the bad, the gray in between.
I don't want to recall the grand finales,
I'd rather remember the gentle beginnings.
Us starting to talk was so casual,
Sharing meals and having coffee came natural
Simple and effortless
And I don't want our goodbyes to echo past those silent starts.
Farewells don't allow for slow fadeaways
And as a certified book lover,
I believe life is like a well written book in a continuum
And we live flipping through the pages of our life's edition,
But we don't see the last paragraphs of a chapter
Screaming 'hey, remember me better than the previous section.'
My friend told me that anything that begs to be remembered,
Is not worth the memory
for spontaneity is what's treasured,
So I won't say goodbye, but I'll keep remembering
Without the grand endings, cherishing our silent beginnings
Just as much as our subtle transitions
For life is a continuum
And goodbyes sound like immature interruptions
Know that my leaving without a farewell,
Is my way of making home for our favourite memories
But in goodbyes they don't dwell
So don't look for them there
Friday is a concept and It is still Friday in my head
Good day
There goes Saakumeko
Not exactly the happy Friday to be back, I know.
So my witty cousin @written_thoughts suggested I re-title this piece as [ ሜሪ አላት ትንሽ ጠቦት ]. It is a family pun and I like it😁
Good Wednesday
[ሜሪ አላት ትንሽ ጠቦት]
So moving on is my lifestyle
Call me nomadic
I just drag myself around
Not with a backpack full of fruits and snacks
With tablecloths spread to sit on and relax
This ain't no picnic
This is a journey in panic
I tend my thoughts and emotions across green pastures
But they prefer the rocky mountains
Not docile like innocent sheepherds
These are wanderers claiming their independence
And it is my job to keep an eye on the predators
Browsing through uncharted samples of shrubs and leaves
Mapping out their taste buds , mahn these goats got no chill
They are a handful
I am a handful
So I gotta make use of the unoccupied limbs
Walking it off in style
Growing with every mile
You know, I could be tending my herd even while going down the aisle
Are you ready for that?
Heyy, welcome to my nomadic life
Every morning he wakes up feeling like a total sham
Like all the accomplishments he thought he had were just part of a mass scam
The imposter syndrome finally creeping in
He tries to work hard to keep his mind from giving in
and they call it discipline
He has been told he is calm and collected
But deep down he knows he is just a controlled chaos
Pacing through life cautiously out of habit
He is living cause he is not dying
Always on the go, and his mind is racing
His not so little insecurities ochastrating symphonies and playing their sonnets in a march band at the back ground really outloud
And he could feel the earth beneath his feet shaking to the sound
But he walks on it with calculated steps and they tell him
even his walk is musical...and he finds that comical
but he takes no offense and keep on pacing in rhythm
He gets suspicious of feeling good for too long
Expecting to meet an imminent calamity at any given time T
He is inherently incapable of relaxing and enjoying
An uptight soul which knows no loosening
He has made his peace with that and one morning
He was walking through his door hurrying
And he was stopped cause his shirt got stuck with the door handle, that was a weird pause. A thrilling one.
Like a whip of fresh air stroking his face,
A glimpse of what could be if he pauses and let in some grace
He knows a door is no room to stay
But you met him at his door way
He is scared, he has to think this through
He is not so good at drawing but give him time till he figures out
on which side of the door he wants you to stand
So I'mma bring something new to the table. sharing some "unpopular opinions" on Saturdays. We need Saturday to accompany Friday after all😁
Would love it if you share what you think via the bot about these "unpopular opinions"
Good Saturday
Back with another small piece,
I am not sure if it gonna be great tho😉
Happy Friday
(We been doing this for more than 3 years now by the way😬)
ቡና ስንት ነው? by Loza Alemberhan Admassu
Reading this is even better than having good coffee.
Read full storyቡና-ስንት-ነው/
More of Loz's brilliance😃? Check @coffeeandscribblings
Some Saturdays almost feel like Fridays
Good night dears
Happy birthday to her,
(I will be accepting gifts, chocolate and coffee invitations by the way😁 )
It is Christmas Eve, Friday just got even cooler.
Today's piece edited by Eyos Riddle( /channel/zunavia ), the punniest guy I know btw😁
Bless up!
Merry Christmas