The channel's name says it all. By Hannah Tsehay Contact: @AHT_comments_bot
Happy birthday to the co-admin of this channel and kinda co-admin of my life as well,my person, my dearest friend...
ህሉዬ 🖤
With you, I know I have hit the jackpot of friendship
Thank God for you
[📷"Simple but not easy"📷]
There are people with photographic memories
And there are people who have to learn to build a camera on their own,
And then master the the skill of developing films on top of being taught how to take pictures at right angles and light and sadly that is not all
They are then supposed to make sure the exact place they keep the pictures they take in their photo albums every now and then cause they may actually forget the details even after all they have done ...
I am the later kind of people
the photograph in marron colored wood frame
hanging in my living room wasn't an easy click
You may not see it
But it has my sweats and tears for a caption
It may look like a one lousy snap
but it is a whole kind of exhibition
To me, at least
Am just telling you this so next time people are kind enough to let you into their galleries remember to respect the process
Not every simple thing came easy
Not for everyone
[⚽️Better than Leo⚽️]
I fall for you with out you fouling me
Dribbling past all my expectations
Assisting me in ups and downs
Standing firm in all the fight
Even in the dark, you help me see the light
In wins in losses,
You say we are team,
you lead with grace and you stand tall
And they are telling me that is the relationship goal
If that is the case, I got a lot to say
Both in sacrificial plays and in free kicks
You are decorated with hat ricks
Hats off to you
Winning Ballon d'or on daily bases
Seven times a week
That you make Lionel Messi look weak
Haaa how does that work?
You are Jesus' sheep, but you will always be my G.o.a.t
[ ⛰🚶♀wanderer⛰🚶♀]
Will I make it? I doubt.
Will it make me?, that I am sure.
So this is the road I chose to walk,
With both doubtful and reassured heart.
Hey friday people
How ya'll been?
Here is a heartfelt piece
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And also catch my exclusive piece titled [My_currency] at
[The tell of two zeros]
We came to this world with nothing,
we started from zero...[0]
And when the time comes for us to leave this world behind,
We leave with nothing,
that is another zero...[0]
So whatever we call life is a dance between these two zeros
I have a question,
Why does the symbol for infinity looks a lot like two zeros performing duet ballet?
Also on a very unrelated question column,
I miss you.
Well, that was more of a statement than a question
But I was thinking of those little infinite moments
[Growth and development😂]
I stumbled on the mile stones
Missed to notice the red flags
Heading to the danger zone
With a big social smile
(Didn't know what I was getting into)
Lost my parachute reflex somewhere on the road
Now am agreeing to everything they say with a nod a one year old
Yeah, am just scribbling
Don't know what I am writing
Speaking in jargons
Walking in wide gaits
Thought I was grown up
...........all autonomous
Heading to self destruction
Yet you intervened
...........all anonymous
Yeah you hear me
Make sense of my telegraphic speech
I know I can never get lost
In a place where you can't reach
Like a dad caring for his toddler
You took me off the roller
Yeah, taking my hand with your hands...
now this is the good walk
This is the good walk
Yeah now am writing a letter to the world
How the prodigal child got saved
Ain't knowing how to put this
Don't even know if I make sense
Firming my pincers grasp
Traynna depict how HE closed the gap
Yeah this is my story
This is how HE found me is a long one
Don't know if all the papers would suffice
But where my vertical stroke meets the horizontal one
is right where my story starts
[🔬Fear and microfear🔬]
(When microbiology gets in ur head😂😂)
No matter how expert you are
At identifying the world under the lens
No matter how good you are
At bringing the perfect focus at ease
Even if you consider the stains to be your friends
Even if you call all the microbs by their names
Although the eyepieces bow down to your gentleness
Although the stage clips smile at your presence
It is always hard when it comes to examining the thing that is going viral in your head,
sequestering your every single thought ,
becoming systemic
invading your heart and soul
You won't lift a finger to scrutinize it under your microscope
Not because it is a hard science
Not because it is a strange strain
Not because you don't have the skill
Not because you don't have the stain
You don't need an indicator to confirm
You don't need a super power lens to affirm
You are afraid of what you are gonna find
You are scared of what is going to be revealed
You already know what it is
You already know it's name.
Here is Hannah Tsehays intro as she starts her journey on Loline Blog. You can find her article on our blogging platform
Читать полностью…[📚Spectrum of my 'knowledge'📚]
There are lots of things I don't know for sure
Like the last time I bought that was supposed to tell us about the future with our "together"
And I flipped through the pages
From cover to cover
But no, we were not even on the same page!
Now I don't know whom to ask about it
Whose fault is this?
The author's or the publisher's?
Wait wait...was that even a fault?
Like I said, I don't know a lot of things.
Hey little sis.
Just a quick reminder
You know that you are not supposed to literally get on my nerves every now and then and climb over each neurons to work your way in my head right?
Cause you know, you kinda reside there.
I kinda have always had you in my mind
For a long long time now
Probably, ever since I can remember
[Breath in]
The air I inspire inspires me more than anything else.
I think, there is nothing more motivating
than realizing that you are being given a second chance.
[Banks to her river]
I think a flowing river depicts the metaphor of life than a long country road stretched to the horizon with tall trees by its side does
We flow to our vast and deep end in continuum
Joined by tributaries on the way
No two passing drops are the same even though they share the same course
Just like no two days of your life are the same.
We flow and we flow
The path is intentional
But the river banks are not
Those banks are ...
like treasures in store, memories of your journey, some sovunieres from where you have been, the laughter from your good old days, the heartaches and the tears, the things you tossed aside,the things you have let go, the things you forgot, the things you remember, the wins and the losses....everything
Piling up piece by piece over the years,
Lying a bit above your level just by your edges,
'holding you close enough but never holding you back',
making sure they are not getting in your way...
But Accompanying you throughout
the banks are always there
And on the days you want to slow down and rest your bones, to reminisce, in search for a reminder, or just to remember what you actually look like... the banks get the best of it, cultivating your most refined reflection in an organic sprout growth from the very soils you have dragged your way.
Yeah just as the banks tell where the river has been and all the way it has come better than its actual footage can tell,
She trusts what she finds about herself in the hearts of those who have been through all of it with her than what the mirror tells her
She trusts the banks to her river
And they are indeed the best couse they got ATMs all over
You know like in cases of emergency and she needs to cash out some courage
Here's the news I've been waiting to tell you!
My third book titled, "Yaanni Koo: A Reflection on Aspects and Attitudes towards Love: the Ethiopian Context" will be out in few week.
This is book is a collection of essays that I wrote in the last three years on the topic of love from various angles in the Ethiopian context. It contains a theological, philosophical and anthropological reflection. It has been reviewed by people I think are experts on this topic in our country and got a pass.
It will be released as an ebook (PDF, MOBI and epubi formats) so that my readers can access it on their phone. I'm sure you will be challenged and also get something out of the book.
There will be a virtual releasing ceremony on ZOOM with some speakers on the topic. I will let you know the exact day of the virtual program. I hope you all will be present.
Thank you for your appreciation and encouragement in the past three years. The book is dedicated to those who have journeyed with me in the last couple of years.
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ቃል ስጋ ሆነና
ከድንግል ተወለደልን"
Merry Christmas
People who have recently joined this channel, I want to say Welcome and thank you😊
Today we are talking about cameras📸
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Bless Up
I don't watch football
I don't get football actually, but I do really like messi.
And this piece was written just for the sake of word play
Happy friday
[🤵Wound dressing🤵♂]
You are a sharp dresser
You have impeccable sense of fashion
You even dress your wounds in style
And still manage to look just as good
Now who can tell there lies a fresh cut covered in blood soaked bandaid right beneath the shiny strips of your classy watch, let alone guess if it was self inflicted injury?
Yes, we have noticed
Cause we too know how to pull these tricks
Hey buddy , let us heal together
This channel is officially two years old.🎂
And I have saved one of my favourite pieces for this day, if not my most favourite.
Today am sharing a piece I wrote some couple of years ago while I was studying for my microbiology final exam.
It is one of my honest poems, I hope you enjoy reading it
Happy Friday
[Things we don't say out loud]
(Dedicated to my good friend Mike, for all the good you are)
In this social media infliterated
emotion inflated world,
I believe brokness have been over poeticised
and scars have been over romanticised .
Why is it thought that
unless you have been broken or messed up in a way
You don't do enough growing up?
I mean like, shouldn't the fact that you have managed to avoid these circumstances even when they seemed almost inevitable say something about your stamina?
My friend once said "Some, if not most , of our so called 'scars' are just excuses for our own failures."
I couldn't say it any better and this is exactly why I admire you.
Even when there were 1000 possible ways
Life could have done you wrong
You chose purity, perseverance and most importantly your own sanity and health over miscalculated adventures
You taught me not every wound is worth the pain
You taught me to choose my battles
Sometimes being coward is the bravest
and wisest thing to do
Hey, thank you for saving yourself
Thank you for taking care of you
In med school, I learnt no matter how well a wound heals
A scar will never be as strong as an intact skin
Seems like that is the philosophy you live by
And now I want it to be mine
I know time will come when you won't have control over things
You may be left broken or even torn apart
But am already proud of you
Cause then you will have the most deserving scar
And you will wear it proud
for it will be your badge of honour
Been almost two years since I have started sharing on this channel. Was expecting it to be a clumsy toddler by now, but you cool people made it run even before it could walk😊 THANK YOU.
And now I am here to tell you that I am now a proud blogger at
An awesome online mag with great contents and user friendly app by enthusiastic young bloods raising the bar of online mags very high.
Go check it out and enjoy every bit. I will also be sharing exclusive poems and writings on my page there.
Bless up!
and have a good good night
I know many will relate to this piece.
Share along if you do.
Bless up
[Until next time ]
He pened your pain so you won't forget it, and you got mad at him for doing that.
But you are the one who erased his rubber, and now he sees no point in using a pencil.
He is a born recorder and you are a born editor.
The world needs you both, it just doesn't need you together.
So you departed your ways.
You choose the right, and he took the left.
May be... Just may be you will meet
... Somewhere in the future
in an old stationary
Back with a relatively long piece, to make up for the time I haven't been here
Thank you for choosing to stay 😊
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"Yaanni Koo: A Reflection on Aspects and Attitudes towards Love: the Ethiopian Context" will be inaugurated the coming Saturday July 31st 2021 from 04:00 - 05:30 PM (10:00-11:30 local time).
It will be an online program on ZOOM so that people in every continent can attend the session. In the session there will be speakers who will reflect on the book. Different people will speak on the matter.
I will be answering questions about the book and related stuff. There will also be a virtual book signing. I invite all of you to attend this event.
Those of you who want to attend the meeting, please contact me (@Born_Crucified).