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Random فائدة:

A certain phraseology often appears in Kalam works:

فيما لم يزل و لا يزال

In the beginning I used to wonder how this ought to be understood and translated. I have seen some translators translate this literally, but that doesn't convey the meaning of the source text.

When I tried to look up what it actually means, I found the following in al-Dasūqi's hāshiya on Sharh Umm al-Barāhīn:
قوله (فيما لا يزال) هو ما قابل الأزل و مبدؤه خفي تقف عنده العقول فلا يعلمه إلا الله

In another place:
قوله (المتعلقتان بجميع الممكنات) اعلم أن للقدرة تعلقين: تعلق صلوحي قديم و تعلق تنجيزي حادث بمعى أنه متجدد بعد عدم، فالأول صلاحيتها في الأزل لإيجاد كل ممكن فيما لا يزال أي حين وجوده

Shaykh Saeed Foudah also explains the phrase in his al-Sharh al-Kabīr:
و تحرير الكلام في مسألة إطلاق اسم الخالق على الله نعالى في الأزل و فيما لا يزال - أي قبل أن يخلق الخلق و بعد أن يخلقهم - أن يقال (...)

After consulting a Shaykh, I opted to translate this phrase as "pre-creation and post-creation" in my translations. This, for now, seems to be the most sensible to me.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Classic example of this right here.
With “Crackhead Barney” coming on the Piers Morgan show.

All of this degeneracy is designed to make the Palestinian cause look bad.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

This is even funnier than the clown who said there have been 21 Ashari scholars in total.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

On that note, this clip by Usaymi really made my day!

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

A friend said to me:

You know how low the bar is to be called Talib 'Ilm? You basically just need to post ibn al-Qayyim quotes on FB, have an unironed ghutrah, grow your beard and say "The Ummah is in a bad shape Akhi."

Coincidentally, this also happens to be the bar for issuing declarations of takfir.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

A must attend for all those in the area. Simply studying the works of Imam Sanusi on the basics of Creed would go a long way to helping out all Muslims today in dealing with all issues pertaining to their faith and correcting their worldview.
Only with this right foundation can a student or common Muslim move forward.

Credit to Shaykh Asrar for always emphasizing this and teaching the masses.
This is far more beneficial than a lot of the so called Kalam and Mantiq experts (from both the Deobandi and Barelwi camps) in India and Pakistan who claim to “study” 16 different texts in logic. There are some among those circles who are genuine ulama who have produced great students and great written works like Allama Fayd al Rahman Haqqani (May Allāh preserve him) and others.

But many of the people who ascribe themselves to these camps have no idea how to answer basic questions that people pose in Creed (or in Fiqh, or in Hadith). They live off the reputation of their akabir, copy paste answers, and recycle citations from their own scholars’ works. They have no actual understanding themselves nor do they know the needs of their people or the problems they face, let alone how to solve them.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Shaykh Ahmad Sharif Al Azhari warns against the Ahbash (AICP) sect. The video has English subtitles. The shaykh warns against rushing to takfir and explains some key points about how cautious we must be.
The shaykh mentions how the Ahbash pretend to be Azhari even though they takfir the scholars of Al Azhar. They takfir major Imams like Ibn Humam, Ibn Abidin, Shaykh Muhammad Mutawali al Sharawi, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Alawi al Maliki, Shaykh Sa’id Ramadan al Bouti, and others.
They set up fake institutions. For example in Australia they set up a company named “Dar ul Fatwa”, and they call their own scholar as “The Grand Mufti of Australia”. They are always found to have grand mosques in places like Germany, Switzerland, etc.
They pretend to visit places like Cairo, Damascus, Karachi, Delhi, acting as normal Sunni Muslims. They are in fact a deadly poison.

[This group is changing the books of classical scholars just like Wahhabis do. They have many errors in Creed and Fiqh. The RAND corporation has spoken positively of the Ahbash several times. Shaykh Abdullah al Harari was a muhaddith who memorized the 6 books of hadith and has a couple of useful works. But he was not an expert in any other field. He went senile in the 1990s when he was over the age of 80. This is when all the strange fatwas of takfir on other ulama started coming out under his name. There are many normal Sunni Muslims in the group today, but the leaders of this group in Lebanon are all sell outs. Many of them have been caught with multiple passports and have ties with intelligence agencies as well.]

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Shaykh al-Islām Zakariyyā رضي الله عنه said:

‎❝From the most miserable of people is one who is not righteous, yet messes with the dignity of the righteous.❞

Especially the Fuqahāʾ. Beware of speaking bad about them.

al-Imām al-Shāfiʿī and al-Imām Abū Ḥanīfah رضي الله عنهما said:

❝If the Fuqahāʾ are not the Awliyāʾ of Allāh, then He does not have a Walī.❞

Sayyidnā Ibn ʿAbbās رضي الله عنه said:

❝Whoever disturbs a Faqīh, he has disturbed the Messenger of Allāh. And whoever disturbs the Messenger, he has disturbed Allāh.❞

And Allāh has mentioned the severe punishment for those who disturb Him:

[إن الذين يؤذون الله ورسوله لعنهم الله في الدنيا والآخرة وأعد لهم عذابا مهينا]

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Nobody's understanding of the religion is strengthened by simply critiquing other viewpoints.

By critiquing other viewpoints, one simply identifies what is incorrect, but that doesn't teach them what is correct nor does it mean what they stand on is true.

The starting point to any learning is to first figure out what is correct, and by figuring out what is correct you can determine what is incorrect.

Allah teaches us the correct approach to learning:

"It is He who revealed to you the Scripture. Some of its verses are definite in meaning (muhkamat) —these are the foundation of the Scripture—and others are ambiguous (mutashabihat). As for those in whose hearts there is perversity, they follow whatever is ambiguous in it, seeking dissension and seeking (to distort) its interpretation." (3:7)

There's much to say on this verse, but let's zoom in on one point.

Allah categorises verses into two:
1) Decisive (Muhkamat)
2) Ambiguous (Mutashabihat)

He then tells us that the decisive verses (muhkamat) are the foundations of the Quran, and that because they are the foundation of Scripture, to understand what is ambiguous (mutashabihat) one must read them in light of those decisive verses.

It is by conflating these two categories and by making the ambiguous the foundation that one falls into error.

In this regard, Aishah informs us that the Prophet (peace be upon him) recited the verse above and then said:

"So, when you see those who follow what is ambiguous from it, then it is those whom God has mentioned, so be wary of them." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Therefore, rather than focusing merely on someone else's false and ambiguous positions, it would be far superior to first understand one's own decisive foundations (muhkamat), because it is only after identifying the decisive foundations that one truly empowers themself with knowledge and can identify what is incorrect. Before that, they can only carry a false sense of conviction.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Also relevant to this discussion: the concept of God in Islamic theology (a summary of Dr Hamza al-Bekri's lecture).

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

This document discusses the concept of God in Islamic Theology in light of reason and revelation. As well as why He deserves to be worshipped. It is based on a lecture of Dr Hamza al-Bekri; the link to the original lecture is provided in the document as well. Please share far and wide.

Updated on 26/7/22

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

The Eminent Rank of Al-Quds

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

BOOK RELEASE! The Eminent Rank of Al-Quds by Imam Wahbah az-Zuhayli رحمه الله تعالى is now available on Amazon.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

To my pleasant surprise, Haqiqatjou is pretty solid on his critique here of the usual arguments for takfir of the Shia. (And before any clowns object, this is not in any way an endorsement of the criminal regime in Iran that has plenty of innocent Muslim and particularly Sunni blood on its hands)

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Orientalist Retardation, Desi Secularism, Engineer Mirza, the Sethi Clan (end)

This is a great thread by a learned brother refuting the regurgitated bakwaas in the video above.
The ulama encouraged scientific inquiry. Islam is a rational religion.
This does a great job exposing her false quotations and pseudo research.
The same old lazy Orienatlist trope gets debunked again.

The pdf of the thread has been attached here as well.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

The structure of the Marja` system (yes, it is a Sunni concept)

This layout has been drawn up from Imam Muwaffaq ud-Din Ibn Qudamah’s Al-Mughni: Sharh ul-Mukhtasar il-Khiraqi, vol.10, pp.46-58 and vol.11, pp. 380-391; Imam Abdul Qadir ibn Umar At-Taghlabi’s Nail ul-Ma’arib bi-Sharhi Dalil -it-Talibi Li-Nail il-Matalib, pp. 434-435

Credit to Shaykh Abu Ja’far al Hanbali

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Anti Israel Protests

As the protests against Israel go on across college campuses in the USA, more people are waking up to the fact that Palestine is not the only land under Zionist Jewish occupation.
“The United States of Israel” is trending on Twitter.

This is all great news. The only word of caution one must take heed of is that many of the protests going on in America can be linked back to Soros and Rockefeller money.

Mixing the truth with falsehood is a very important tactic for the ruling elites. They wish to conflate pro Palestinian/Anti Zionist sentiments with degenerate leftist Marxist LGBTQ nonsense.

Most average redneck/hick/working class white people in the Anglosphere think that Muslims are allies of radical left wing fools.
Muslim organizations in the West must steer clear of any funding from the left (or the right) and be independent.

Muslims cannot be seen siding with or getting help from the satanic puppets at BLM, or other such movements.
As mentioned previously, we have to show the common masses of kuffar that their political parties are ran by zionists/globalists who are our common enemy.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

According to this clown, Imam al Nawawi was trying to secretly penetrate the ranks of Salafiyyah to spread Asharism. 🤣🤣🤣

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Salman Nasir (@SN_Makkah) Tweeted:
Bab: Min al Shirk Qawlu "This Made my Day"

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

The cover page of Sharḥ of Ḥidāya al-Ḥikma of Mufaḍḍal Ibn ʿUmar Athīr al-Dīn Abharī (d. 1264) by Mullā Ṣadrā (d. 1641), with notes by Allama Ashraf ʿAlī Thanvī (d. 1943) and Imam Shah ʿAbd al-Azīz Dehlawi (d. 1824).

[In a post on Twitter we referred to statements from ulama such as Shaykh Abdul Hamid Turkmani, Shaykh Saeed Fodeh, Shaykh Abdul Rahman Mihirig, and Shaykh Hasan Spiker regarding how Mulla Sadra was mostly an unoriginal thinker. This does not mean that was not influential and not held in high esteem or worth reading.
We are simply pointing out that his status has been blown out of proportion thanks to Iranian oil money. In a similar manner to Ibn Taymiyyah and Saudi Wahhabi petrodollars.]

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Starting today, Tuesday 23rd of April, at SBC (B13 9LS) is the works of Imam Sanusi. This dars consists of 5 works of Imam Sanusi starting with his 'Sharh alMuqaddimat' and finishing with 'Sharh alKubra'. This dars is every Tuesday, in sha Allah, at 6pm-8pm, followed by I'lam alAnam of Imam I'tr from 8pm-10pm.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Another midwit Desi Orientalist liberal kafir, Dr. Javad “Jay” Hashmi tries to weigh in on the recent nonsense spewed by Uzma Rumi and Dr Taimur Rahman.
“Jay” should have remained a medical doctor but he tried to get into the religious arena. So now instead of poisoning people with medicine, he is also poisoning peoples’ iman. He’s literally both a “neem hakeem” and a “neem mulla”. (The Urdu speakers will get the reference)

He thinks his PhD from Harvard makes him an expert on everything under the sun.
He made a number of stupid statements in his full thread which you can see on Twitter. The crux of his stupidity can be seen here at the start of the thread.

Jay says no “expert in the field” respects Shaykh MM A’zami’s work. To this day the Shaykh’s work has not been answered by a single Orientalist. This is because they have no answer. He utterly exposed them.

In general the “experts” Jay looks up to are either Ismaili kuffar like Khalil Andani or other secular atheistic/non Muslims.

Why is it that any Orthodox scholar who defends Islam will get labelled as an “apologist” while any kafir moron who makes dozens of blunders and is against Islam from the outset, labelled as an “academic expert”?

“Jay” Hashmi needs to understand that academia is not a sacred cow nor is it objective. Rather it is full of people who have their own biases. There is no such thing as neutrality.
“Jay” should also ask himself why every single one of the beliefs in his worldview happen to align with the prevailing zeitgeist and whatever is morally acceptable to the liberal secular West?

“Jay” has a deep rooted inferiority complex and his own lack of knowledge of basic logic, history, and theology only magnifies it. His mind is subservient to liberalism only. Like the others mentioned above, “Jay” is a servant of liberalism only. He desires so deeply to be accepted by the West. That is their only goal in life.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Dr Taimur Rahman has been continuing his stream of nonsense. As Muhammad Jamil writes here in Urdu “There is a lot of difference between Western liberals and Pakistani liberals. The Pakistani liberals are hypocrites of the first degree/top rank.”

Recently Dr Taimur Rahman promoted Uzma Rumi’s stupid video on Imam Ghazali. As far as we know, Uzma Rumi is not related to the Pakistani secular libtard Raza Rumi. (For those wondering, she is also of no relation to everyone’s favorite Italian Deobandi Don Quixote Umar Rumi)

It’s rather hilarious seeing Taimur, Uzma, and other morons promote the Mutazilah, as the Mutazilah would have had these idiots lashed. The Mutazilah were also not “free thinkers” as they actually had their opponents suppressed and killed by the state.

It is equally stupid for them to allege that Sunni Asharis somehow suppressed Shaykh Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd. The works of Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd are still taught in many seminaries. In fact many great Orthodox Sunni ulama such as Ibn Kamal Pasha and others defended Ibn Sina from the allegations against him. This is also the position of many of our teachers, we don’t takfir Ibn Sina.

Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Al Farabi and co would also cringe at being cited by these Desi libtards. Perhaps Taimur and co should actually read the works of the authors they cite instead of blindly sucking up to Western Orientalist trash.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

❝The scholars unanimously agree on the desirability of beginning supplication with praising and thanking Allāh, exalting Him, then sending blessings upon the Messenger ﷺ, and the same when concluding it.❞

‎– al-Imām al-Nawawī
‎ قدّس الله روحه ونوّر ضريحه

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

"We are men and they are men"

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

A lecture by Shaykh Muhammad Akram Abu Gosh discussing the problem of evil.

He explains how the discussion ought to be redirected to something more fundamental: the concept of God's being all-willing and all-able. The problem of evil is mostly solved once the correct concept of God is adopted.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

With Allamah Fadl Subhan of KPK, Pakistan (may Allah keep him safe and in wellbeing)

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Imran Hosein is like Forbes. He has so many predictions on Qiyamah and its signs, one of them is bound to be proven true. That doesn't mean he's an eschatology expert. That just means he's a broken clock.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Members of the Pakistani liberal "intelligentsia" are the dollar store version of liberal thinkers. They are almost inevitably dumb as a sack of bricks and about as well-read. It is quite amusing to watch these functionally illiterate brown sahibs pontificate about anything.

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Ash'ariyyah | الأشعرية

Orientalist Retardation, Desi Secularism, Engineer Mirza, the Sethi Clan

Another exhibition of shameless midwit Desi secular-liberals quoting retarded Orientalists…
This lady is a supposed journalist and she tries to peddle the same age old lie that “Imam Ghazali killed scientific progress” among other nonsensical things.

It should be noted that underneath her video on YouTube, the official account of the moron “Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza”, who somehow has 2.2 million subscribers, screams gleefully in support of the lies being presented. This makes it clear yet again that this clown has no Usul and his criticisms (including many valid ones) of the traditional Deobandi/Barelwi ulama in India and Pakistan do not come from a sincere place. He is a stupid mix of Wahhabism and Liberalism. He does not even write his own supposed “research papers” (they range from half-decent to garbage)

It should also be noted that the presenter in the video regularly does events and hosts a TV show in Pakistan with Najam Sethi. Najam
Sethi is a very influential figure in Pakistani politics. After growing up in a strictly Marxist household, he joined the Baluchistan separatist movement before becoming. a journalist. He served as the Pakistan correspondent for the (Rothschild) Economist and began his own newspaper. He has served as Caretaker Chief Minister of the Punjab province, as well as the chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board.

Najam Sethi and his wife Jugnu Mohsin are both extreme liberals and can be seen spouting kufr regularly in Pakistani talkshows. Their daughter Mira Sethi has written liberal puff pieces for Western newspapers and is an actress in Pakistan.
Their son Ali Sethi is an open and flagrant homosexual. His songs online have garnered close to 1 billion views, his most famous song is about his homosexuality. A scant number of scholars have addressed all this in Pakistan and made these connections.

All these things go on and yet the typical trad desi scholars (and others around the globe) think that the spread of degeneracy today is random and by coincidence. Rather it is by design.
Insha’Allah all this nonsense will be dealt with by fresh up and coming scholars in Pakistan. The globo-homo attack on Pakistan is in full flow now. It is important that students of knowledge and ulama know who their enemies are and who is behind them. They must step up or watch their society get subverted.

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