IoT hardware, Nats message broker (, timeseries database (influxdb ve ya timescaledb) ve Django bacariqlari 😁
Читать полностью…Salam hamıya,Django layihədə karqo şirkətinin maşınlarının real time yerini görüntüləyə bilməm üçün nə kimi yol tövsiyyə edərdiniz? Necə bir struktur qurmaq yaxşı olar?
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ilk baslarda yazdigim proyektdir, ordan baxin
Python ilə yazmısızsa, listin içində 1 doğru cavab və 3 random səhv cavab şəkildə varianltarı quramaq mümkündü
Читать полностью…Bot-a sual cavab da əlavə edə bilərsiniz. Məsələn "Quantity" sözünün mənası nədir? option kimi variantlar da qoymaq olar
Читать полностью…diger bir halda ozum is yerinde bezi serverlerde log fayllar ucun bunu isledirem.
+ xeritede goruntu ucun geojson data format, ve visuallasma ucun Mapbox js, Leaflet js ve s
Читать полностью…Dostlar, İngilis dilini öyrənmək istəyənlər üçün Telegram botu yazmışam, bot hər gün kanalda yeni sözlər və cümlələr paylaşır, marağı olanlar kanala abonə ola bilər :
Pulsuz Sentry alternativi, istifade edirem, error tracking-i qesengdir + uptime check de var.
ama Sentry-de olan metrics, tracing, profiling falan yoxdur - meqsedi de o deyil onsuz da.
Ela terefi odur ki, sentry SDK ile ishleyir, yani deyek ki, sizde Sentry qoshuludur ve Glitchtip-e kecid etmek isteyirsiniz o zaman sadece Glitchtip DSN deyishirsiniz vesselam ishleyir.
ElasticSearch - Kibana - Filebaet triosu ede bilersen, o da rahatdi. Men serverin logunu buna qoshmushdum bir defe, suretli idi
Читать полностью…Mesajlari renglendirmesi en sevdiyim terefidir. Herden fokuslanib sadece ERROR axtariram deye
Читать полностью…tutorialda bir dummy ssh server verir. Orda "mesq" ede bilersen
This detailed report provides a comprehensive analysis of the synergies and reasons for positive CAR, making a strong case in favor of the proposed acquisition.Читать полностью…
2024-07-12 11:15:20.019 | DEBUG | __main__:write:75 - > Finished chain.
2024-07-12 11:15:20.024 | DEBUG | __main__:write:75 - > Entering new CrewAgentExecutor chain...
2024-07-12 11:15:24.329 | DEBUG | __main__:write:75 - To write a detailed report arguing against the proposed acquisition, I need to gather insights from the team members who have opposing views on acquisitions. This will help me provide a thorough analysis of why the acquisition might not be beneficial, considering potential negative synergies, costs, and reasons for negative CAR.
First, I need to understand the potential negative synergies and associated costs. I will start by asking the Opponent of acquisitions for their perspective on the potential downsides of the acquisition.
Thought: I should ask the Opponent of acquisitions about the potential negative synergies and associated costs of the proposed acquisition.
Action: Ask question to co-worker
Action Input: {"coworker": "Opponent of acquisitions", "question": "What are the potential negative synergies and associated post-merger integration costs of the proposed acquisition between the two companies? Please provide a detailed analysis including the type, magnitude of negative impacts, probability of realization, and associated costs.", "context": "The proposed acquisition is expected to generate substantial synergies that will enhance operational efficiencies, reduce costs, and drive revenue growth. However, I need to understand the potential negative synergies and associated costs to argue against the acquisition."}
2024-07-12 11:15:40.917 | DEBUG | __main__:write:75 -