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HAVA claim is live….only few hours left. Choose Opt-in option
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TIA, Milyway users check HAVA airdrop
Even injective users will have
Dyor : Solana
Hit trending and socials so it should 🚀🚀🚀🚀
yeah looks like baout to pop
Insane volume for just launching
It should 10-20X 🙏
prob just be their market making engine
Remember to take good profits, usually once match around previous ath 69k, it probably need lots of momentum to go past that…. Below 50k is not a surprise.
Yes Btc halving is coming another 30 over days. But buy the hope, sell the confirmed? End mar to may or jun usually lots of volatility and super fluctuative. Maybe when Eth etfs approved, launching or launched, Then the big boys and whales will put the huge net to dump first with the weak and impatient and speculative hands to reset the current game to much cheaper valuations to buy again.
Remember to buy good newer coins or new coins or small cap coins more, more risks but higher gain.
Do airdrops, testnets, mainnet tasks, farmings, liquid staking not a bad choice.
Join this group for more updates and more airdrops and testnets
I'm ready to answer any question about Islam, guys😁
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In Islam, it is compulsory to believe in Jesus Chirst, we love prophet Jesus, but we believe that prophet Jesus and prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them both ) are prophets,. They were revealed to guide us to the path of the God and path of paradise, path of love and path of peace,
The greatest benefit of being a Muslim is that a Muslim is promised by God the reward of eternal Paradise (Heaven).
Those who are blessed with Paradise, will live eternally in bliss without any sort of sickness, pain or sadness.
God will be pleased with them and they will be pleased with Him. ▫️Even the lowest in rank among the dwellers of Paradise will have ten times the like of this world, and they will have whatever they desire.
🔷️In fact, in Paradise there are pleasures that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no mind has ever thought of.
🔸️ It will be a very real life, not spiritual only, but physical as well.
Hell is the abode which the God Allah (swt) has prepared for those who do not believe in Him, those who rebel against His laws and disbelieve in His Messengers. It is the punishment for His enemies, the prison for evildoers.🔥
God said in the Holy Quran:
"Know they not that whoever opposes and shows hostility to Allah and His Messenger, certainly for him will be the fire of Hell to abide therein? That is extreme disgrace". (9:63)
"The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss!" (39:15)
Let me say this to you ,this life is short as a dream one knows when he will die!
what will be your answer to your creator if he ask you in the judgment day: why don't you search for the truth?
why don't you believe in the last messenger?♥️
To be A true believer you must believe in all the messengers which God sent
God mentioned in the holy Quran that who ever refuse to believe in any true messenger he will refuse him:
read this verse:
"Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allāh and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allāh and His messengers and say, "We believe in some and disbelieve in others," and wish to adopt a way in between -
Those are the disbelievers, truly. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a humiliating punishment".
So if that all makes sense to you, and you have began to realize the truth of it in your heart, do you want me to help you take the first step towards becoming a Muslim?
🌹my respected 🌹Does it make sense, that God has created us, then God will not make it clear what God wants from us?♥️
we as muslims believe that GOD (Allah) has sent messengers and books down to mankind so that we may know who God is, and how to worship God , God has made it clear to us that this life is a test, and the ones who worship God and do good deeds, God will reward them with paradise, and those turn away from God and refuse to worship God, then God will account them for rejecting the truth.🌺
Islam is just the Arabic word for the same religion that was given to the first man, Adam. It simply means in English "to submit your will to God's will."
Therefore, Islam is not a new religion, rather it is the same message preached by all earlier prophets such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all). But God’s final message to mankind was revealed to the last prophet, Muhammad, as a revival of lost teachings of previous prophets and as a reconfirmation of the eternal message. And that message is to worship and believe in 1 true God - Almighty (Allah) with no partners.
Allah has been sending messengers and books since the beginning of time so that mankind may know Him and worship Him by himself so everytime a nation began to leave or distort what the past messenger or prophet came with then Allah commissioned another prophet or messenger ordering the people to believe in him and everything that he came with and he explained to us that disbelief in him is disbelief in the one who sent him(Allah) so Allah commissioned last prophet and messenger for all of mankind Muhammad may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him after the distortion of his religion and his prior books. So us as Muslims believe in all of the prior prophets and messengers and all of the prior books as Allah has commanded.".
No one will enter the heaven unless he believes in all the true messengers..
in the day of Noah no one will enter the heaven or be true believer unless he believes in Noah
in the day of Abraham no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Abraham and all the messengers before him
in the day of Moses no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Moses and all the messengers before him
in the day of Jesus no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Jesus and all the messengers before him
in the day of Mohammed no one will enter the heaven or be a true believer unless he believes in Mohammed and all the messengers before him..
there is a last message from God Allah that he sent down for mankind and it is upon every individual who hears about Islam and the last prophet Mohammad to believe and worship God in a way that he is pleased with by worshiping him by himself and praying 5 times a day and fasting the month of Ramadan and staying away from fornication and so on.
So whoever here’s about this last message and rejects it then God will reject them.
For etf Ethereum similar, (stable? Not really though.) that’s why new coins, newer coins, small market cap coins and testnets and airdrops and farming are much much much better.
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Читать полностью…Time to dump big? whatever cnbc or jp Morgan says usually opposite results? 😅😪🥹😂😭🤣
If you have USDC on the Tron blockchain, you might wish to take urgent action to close that position.
Question :
Thanks. Will this cause a big dip? Aptos (APT)
Читать полностью…Market risen quite a lot
Don’t wait for whales and big boys to dump on us
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Читать полностью…Zeus allocation check available. Today W listing…tomorrow Zeus
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Zksync airdrop nft referral link
Ido and Domain referral link : bought about 50usd worth of ether for ido using zksync era network snap shot of points by this month end, while stocks last
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Читать полностью…You can learn more about Islam here👇🏻:
The following are the 6 basic Belief of a Muslim,
1️⃣ - Belief and Worship of only 1 true God-Almighty (Allah),
2️⃣ - Belief in the Angels of God,
3️⃣ - Belief in the Holy Books from God,
4️⃣ - Belief in the true-Prophets of God, (such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad) ,
5️⃣ - Belief in Life after death, and the Day of Judgement,
6️⃣ - Belief in God's PreDecree (Destiny/Fate)
Islam is the way to find real happiness and inner peace, Islam is divine religion , it is the only religion which is capable of meeting all the needs of both soul and the body, it is the only religion that is capable to solve the complex human problems
Did you know that Muslims must believe ,love and respect Jesus and his message of worshiping God (Allah) alone without any partners?
In regards to Jesus -- We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of God (Allah) the almighty God (Allah). We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention. We believe he was the Messiah translated Christ (peace be upon him).
🌹We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission. We believe that he healed those born blind and the lepers with God’s permission. We do believe that he was not God, nor the son of God nor was he crucified. I hope that’s clear?
🔷[Jesus said], “And indeed, Allah (God) is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path.”
Qur’an 19:36
🔷"Jesus was not but a prophet upon whom We bestowed favor, and We made him an example for the Children of Israel."
Qur’an 43:59
I wish you to open your mind & heart and understand, I do not need any worldly benefits from you, I am actually caring about you, this life is short like as a dream and the day will come we have to leave, so take the right decision before that happens, be a true believer. that is to bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except the God ( Allah ), and I bear witness that Muhammad is HIS last prophet & messenger. and I bear witness that Jesus Christ is HIS prophet & messenger” 🌹🌹
🌹my respected 🌹 There is only 1 GOD. 🌹 In jewish language, GOD is more commonly known as YHWH, in christianity GOD is more known as Elohim, in arabic His name is Allah. The word Allah existed even before islam came in arabic, because as the word exists in english is God, similarly in arabic it's Allah.
🌹see please, 🌹The word -Allah- means the one who is worth to be worshipped.
♥️GOD ( ALLAH ) is one, Everything in the universe and the creation bear witness to HIS Oneness, He is The GOD (ALLAH) the Creator, beside HIM none has the right to be worship but HIM, the All knower of the unseen and the seen.♥️
ALLAH is the Gracious, the most Merciful, HE is ALLAH. The King ,The Holy One, the one free from all defects, The Giver of security, The Watcher over his creatures. The Almighty, The Supreme, Glorified is ALLAH.
HE is above all that, what they associate as partners with Him. ♥️ ♥️
🌹Our purpose of life in this world is to worship GOD (Allah) alone without associating any partner with HIM, and pass the tests He gives, and work towards earning a place in Paradise where we will stay forever. By recognizing the meaning of life, our relationship with GOD (Allah) strengthens, and peace and tranquility increase in our lives.♥️
Читать полностью…Lol, then pls remember to sell now and wait for 30percent downtrend at least before buying since accumulation not good anymore maybe only for new or newer coins… the freaking old coins not that attractive in terms of gains. But stable?(not really) lolll
All coins manipulated including bull and bear narratives and best and good coins narratives
For those with good profits maybe take good profits half or partially first(unless coin chart parabolic pattern?) my referral Link buy starknet futures in advance in here, aevo airdrops potential. Just saw it in aevo announcement
Читать полностью…**One of the most smooth airdrop campaign for testnets** looks like it is for testnet
Code = repwnb
Code = mrh4hn
Monopass Blast Sepolia
Btw, Remember to take good profit of all the coins since they are all time, and can get good nee coins or existing newer coins. Never too late to buy in terms of days or weeks
Читать полностью… ends in 5 days, do for minimal points
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