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Telegram-канал babybnbtiger - BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


The administrator will never chat privately! All private conversations are scams! Official Channel: @BABYBNBTIGER 🌍 Global Group: @BABYBNBTIGEREN 📊 Chart:

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

We want to change this world for the better and we started with ourselves!

All thanks to BABYBNBTIGER community!

Be better, do better, spread the love and positivity and help those in need!

Invest into charity with BABYBNBTIGER!!!

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

🐯 Dear friends of the BabyBNBTiger project, today we are celebrating an important event - International Tiger Day! 🌍🐾

This day is intended to draw attention to the conservation of the unique and beautiful tigers, which are becoming increasingly vulnerable in the modern world. Tigers are symbols of strength, beauty, and wilderness, and we are obligated to make efforts for their protection and preservation.

BabyBNBTiger takes pride in collaborating with organizations dedicated to tiger conservation and their habitats. Our project strives not only for success in the crypto industry but also for raising awareness about global issues such as wildlife preservation.

On this special day, let's come together to support tiger conservation efforts. Remember that each of us can contribute to the fight for preserving our wildlife. Share with friends and loved ones the importance of tiger conservation and their natural habitats.

Let's make our world a better place for all its inhabitants, including the magnificent and mighty tigers! Together we are strong! 💪

💸 You can buy tokens here

🧐 How to Buy #BabyBNBTiger Guide

📄| Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

| Experienced team
| Strong community
| Big Marketing
| Active chart
| Long term
| Buybacks

➡️ | Chart
➡️ | Marketplace
➡️ | Website
➡️ | Telegram
➡️ | Twitter

💎 | Potential | x100 - x1000 |

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

This project is the best for gaining real, useful and proper values. For cryptocurrency to fulfill its purpose. This project is supported by superior power. To join it or not is only your choice! Why us?

We don't promise easy money. We don't promise freebie. We provide you with an opportunity to make money. 💰

For this you need:

1. Keep up with news.
2. Do reposts.
3. Get tokens.
4. Complete simple tasks.
5. Be active.
6. Work for the future.
7. Be a human.
8. Don't be afraid of problems.
9. Rely on us.
10. Trust yourself.
11. Be optimistic.

@BabyBNBTiger is your best investment in charity! ❤️

🐯 | Marketplace
🐯 | Website
🐯 | Telegram
🐯 | Twitter
🐯 | Chart
🐯 | BabyBNBTiger">YouTube
🐯 | LiqLock
🐯 | How to Buy

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Charity is the best thing that can happen with you on your way to success.

You can get whatever you want - money, power, fame, love but not charity. It doesn't mean you must do good to people.
Even if you know that one needs help, don't rush to provide it.
Do this only when you want to.
In this case you'll get much more than you give.
People will be thankful to your kindness and you can take pleasure in doing something good 💰

And this is the most important ❤️

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Due to a charity each of us can develop themselves, convey proper values and bring them to others' lives.

This year we appeared.
And now we invite you to participate in our project BabyBNBTiger to help those in need of support.

Our project exists only 4 months and it has already helped to provide assistance to dozens of orphanages and other organizations all over the world.

During this period of time the peak of our token capitalization was achieved and it was more than 90 million dollars. And this is just the beginning.

We could provide hundred lives with the necessary goods with this money.

For this we raise money and then we send it to the organizations which help children and animals.

Our project brings people of proper values together and helps them act for the good of the world. We search people who are ready to change the world for the better.

Those who are ready to be helpful and needed in the right place.
If you are ready, then you need to join us!

Our community:
- is a community of like-minded people who want to be helpful for others;
- is ready to share our experience and knowledge, and to work for a common cause;
- isn't afraid of problems, is ready for changes and is open to the new;

Our mission:
To make life of each person better, to have more and more healthy and happy people on the planet.

BabyBNBTiger is your best investment in charity! ❤️

🐯 | Marketplace
🐯 | Website
🐯 | Telegram
🐯 | Twitter
🐯 | Chart
🐯 | BabyBNBTiger">YouTube
🐯 | LiqLock
🐯 | How to Buy

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Only small steps can lead to the goal. Thank you for being with us and continuing to help us. Together we can make this world a better place, and all holders more abundant ❤️

I would like to remind you about our social networks and that the participation of each holder is important for growth and development, for which we are very grateful to you, especially to those who talk about us ❤️

@BabyBNBTiger is your best investment in charity! ❤️

🐯 | Marketplace
🐯 | Website
🐯 | Telegram
🐯 | Twitter
🐯 | Chart
🐯 | BabyBNBTiger">YouTube
🐯 | LiqLock
🐯 | How to Buy
🐯 | Chinese chat

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

The best, most beneficial and powerful investment without consoling ego is the investment in giving, the investment in charity.

Charity is a way to give other people what they want the most - Love! Zest for Life!
And it can't be more.
It can't cost more.
And it can't be less.
And what does it mean for you?
For you it means that you provide people with an opportunity to be happy.
You give them an opportunity to find out how happy they can be and to make other people happy.
Let me give a simple example.
Imagine that you are Tiger cub.

BabyBNBTiger is your best investment in charity! ❤️

🐯 | Marketplace
🐯 | Website
🐯 | Telegram
🐯 | Twitter
🐯 | Chart
🐯 | BabyBNBTiger">YouTube
🐯 | LiqLock
🐯 | How to Buy

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


1. World is changing and so is crypto
2. Different marketing strategy moving forward
3. BABYBNBTIGER price 4 months from now
4. Q&A

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


Win $100 of tokens by completing the sentence below:

In 2023 BABYBNBTIGER will..

Everyone who participated in all 4 of this weeks contests must join our AMA, @horizoniki will pick winners there!

We will also discuss the future, core values and vision of the project moving forward as well as pick winners of this weeks contests!

Link to join: /channel/BabyBNBTiger?livestream

So grab a bag, make yourself some tea and get ready to spend some quality time with the 🐯 tiger fam!

💴 Buy BabyBNBTiger
🧐 How to Buy
📝 Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


Just like Christopher Nolan's latest masterpiece is blowing our minds in theatres worldwide, BabyBNBTiger is also keeping us glued to our phone screens this week!

⭐ Create and upload your bullish BabyBNBTiger video with hashtag #babybnbtiger and any other hashtags you like to a platform of your choice: TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram or Threads.

❤️ The video that gets the most recognition wins $100! 🎥🌟

🎙️Participants must attend Friday AMA Jul 21 3PM UTC. Videos are accepted up until AMA!

😊 Stack up those buys for a juicy entry before others do the same and become part of this unstoppable growth!

💸 Buy BabyBNBTiger
🧐 How to Buy
📝 Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


😎 While Tom Cruise is fighting bad guys in his latest movie we will clap some silly paper hands this week.

❤️ Buy at least $100 and hold for 7 days
⚡️ Comment with your transaction hash
🎙️ Tune in for Friday's AMA at 3PM UTC
🤑 Win $100 worth of tokens!
⏰ Buys count until July 18th 00:00 UTC

😁 Pro Tip: Buy more and before others for best entry. That’s how crypto works.

💸 Buy BabyBNBTiger
🧐 How to Buy
📝 Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Your Answer Can Change Everything..

💭Imagine: You’ve become financially independent.
Billions and billions on your account.
There’s nothing left to buy. You’ve literally got it all. Now..

⁉️ What would be THE BEST kind of investment for you and why?

⚠️ It’s a philosophical question so THINK HARD on this and leave your honest answer down below

Replies accepted before July 16 2pm UTC!!! ⬇️

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


As BabyBNBTiger steps into a new chapter It’s important to learn new things going forward.

Started amidst bear market BabyBNBTiger has taught all of us a lot of things: acceptance, perseverance, resilience and patience, just to name a few.

But this project needs more than a sheer will and good marketing to achieve success—we need the right mindset.

What lies below is something that can only be applied to a project like BabyBNBTiger. At its core lie real human values, something that will stand the test of time in any market. It is also a project that will only continue to evolve as we, holders, choose to do the same.

After all, this is 2023 and if you don’t evolve - you are clearly doing something wrong. Being present and seeking the meaning of life is natural, it makes us all human.

You must have heard about the fundamental laws of the universe. They govern how the universe works and can be applied to all aspects of life, including building a successful crypto project.

Here's how to harness the understanding of the laws and use them to help BabyBNBTiger, a project that aligns with your best self:

1. The Law of Attraction: what we focus on, we attract into our lives. As holders, we can focus on what we want to achieve, envision it, and take inspired action. Doing so aligns us with the power of the universe to draw the right opportunities, investors, resources, and partners. Just remember that this tiger cub is a mirror to your internal self, so if you dislike the reflection, focus on your internal world.

2. The Law of Cause and Effect: everything in the universe happens for a reason and every cause has an effect. Everything that happens to BabyBNBTiger results from the steps you take. A single tweet can change everything. Our latest twitter contest encourages just that!

3. The Law of Inspired Action: This law encourages us to act intentionally and purposefully. In BabyBNBTiger, small and steady progress is key. Take meaningful and inspired action toward your goals. The shilling crew is taking action every waking day, join the movement!

4. The Law of Compensation: the value we provide to the world determines our compensation. By providing exceptional value, the universe rewards us with abundance. The BabyBNBTiger NFTs infuse those things together, but it’s important to note that every holder can make participate in our charity initiatives!

5. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy: I know, it sounds mouthful but hold on a sec. Basically, the energy can be transformed from one form to another. In BabyBNBTiger, we can use this law to our advantage by being kind to one another, even those who came with a fight. Energy is everything and a positive mindset is infectious. Team puts a lot of effort booking various AMAs around the globe where I pour my heart out constantly but I can’t do it alone - jump in and engage with the new audience by spreading positive message about us!

By practicing these laws, we can easily attract holders, whales, influencers, celebrities and overall abundance in our lives. If we remember to enjoy the journey, success is within reach.

On a final note: whatever happens in BabyBNBTiger doesn’t happen TO you. It happens FOR you.


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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Are you ready for the biggest surprise yet?

The unboxing event starts in just some minutes!
👌 Don’t forget to mint your NFT in the Auction tab!

💸 You can buy tokens here

🧐 How to Buy #BabyBNBTiger Guide

📄| Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

| Experienced team
| Strong community
| Big Marketing
| Active chart
| Long term
| Buybacks

➡️ | Marketplace
➡️ | Website
➡️ | Telegram
➡️ | Twitter
➡️ | Chart
➡️ | LiqLock

💎 | Potential | x70 - x1000 |

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Elizabeth Wood - @woodstation

YouTube Advertising Manager
📹 babybnbtiger" rel="nofollow">

We invite all YouTube bloggers from all over the world to cooperate on the topics of cryptocurrencies, NFT and charity.

To apply, you need to write 5 facts about yourself:

1. What country are you from?
2. What are your coverage areas?
3. In what language do you broadcast?
4. Send a link to the YouTube channel and your other resources.
5. Specify the cost.

Expect a response by agreement 💰

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


Today is a National Tiger Day. The majestic stripey feline is a symbol of power, courage, and resilience.

However, let us not forget the reason we are called Baby BNB Tiger in the first place and learn vital lessons it teaches about preserving wildlife and embracing compassion in a world rife with selfishness.

The TIGER, an ancient symbol, has roamed the Earth for millennia, embodying the essence of the wild. But now, its existence is threatened due to human actions. Our planet's wildlife faces challenges like habitat destruction and climate change. It's a wake-up call to protect nature's delicate balance.

We've been selfish in our pursuit of progress, neglecting the needs of vulnerable creatures and orphaned CHILDREN. Let's learn from the tiger's ways and embrace its qualities. Its power inspires us to protect nature. Its courage motivates us to stand up for the voiceless and care for children in need.

A poverty is also a real problem. We proudly wear BINANCE on our sleeve as a symbol of financial revolution and freedom. Because if you gotta fight the 5% who own 95% - you better surround yourself with strong allies.

Let's adopt the tiger's strength to confront challenges and persevere in conservation. Let’s protect orphaned children, and inspire others to embrace empathy. Let’s bring the unorthodox movement of crypto charity investment to masses together with Binance!

Today is the day we stand tall and celebrate our pledge to be guardians of our planet. Let's build a legacy of preservation, love, and empathy. #cryptocharity #babybnbtiger


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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Charity can be done by different ways depending on your own abilities and desire to help others. ❤️ There are some ways due to which you can do charity:

1️⃣ Financial assistance – donating money for charities or direct aid for those in need.

2️⃣ Voluntary – participating in charity events, assistance for societies or organizations in need.

3️⃣ Donating goods – providing people with things you don't need or giving them to the charity shops.

4️⃣ Participating in social projects – support and participation in projects aimed at solving social problems.

5️⃣ Help for voluntary organizations – providing professional skills or resources for implementation of charity projects.

6️⃣ Dissemination of information – one more way to help is the dissemination of information about charity organizations and their activities to draw attention and support.

It's important to undersand that charity is done not only by money, but also by actions and time, so everybody can find a way to do charity depending on their opportunities.

@BabyBNBTiger is your best investment in charity! ❤️

🐯How to Buy
#BabyBNBTiger Guide:



| Potential | x20 - x100

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Mission Impawsible Contest winners have been paid!

Congratulations Tigers 🐯

Hold on for future updates, the dev team has been working hard on something interesting lately 👀

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Charity is a voluntary provision of assistance or support to people, organizations or societies who need this. It can be made by financial donation, providing services or resources, promotion of the volunteer activity and many others. The main goal of the charity is to make people's living standards better, to solve social problems and improve social development. Charity is a base for creating fair and equal society, and it helps everybody to show compassion, care and support to other people.

@BabyBNBTiger is your best investment in charity! ❤️

🐯How to Buy
#BabyBNBTiger Guide:



| Potential | x20 - x100

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


In this post I would like to share what a correction is and how you can use it to your advantage!

A correction is a normal occurrence in any market, basically looks like a flatlined chart that usually indicates asset redistribution. Weak hands out, diamond hands in.

In DEFI a 90% down in a single day might be considered a "healthy" correction so long as an asset preserves its value.

Without a healthy correction, asset values would be so far from justifiable that investors would be in constant danger of an asset crash.

In the case of cryptocurrencies, a correction more often leads to a trend reversal, where if there is no decline, then the crypto market correction leads to further growth, sometimes as rapid as the previous one.

BabyBNBTiger has been sideways trading for weeks now and not many people seem to recognize, especially beginners that a correction stage in a promising defi project is in fact your best opportunity to make lifechanging money.

How so?

So long as you believe in this project and you're confident reversal is unavoidable the correction gives you a lot of time to make calculated decisions, to add to your bag in cold blood.

Those who used this opportunity well (i.e. Shibtoshi, the shiba billionaire who turned $8000 into $5Billion) are in for truly lifechanging money. As valuable assets tend to reverse after very long periods of correction sometimes shooting up way higher than it's previous ATH.

DEFI is a sport not for the faint of heart type player, where sizeable result requires meticulous effort and discipline in doing one thing and one thing only: HODL.

HODL - is more than just a word, or act, it's acquiring the winner's mindset overtime which takes time and skill so it rewards no just with money but ultimate wisdom.

Are you willing to grow together with BabyBNBTiger? 🐯

💴 Buy BabyBNBTiger
🧐 How to Buy
📝 Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

There are several reasons why investment is so important:

1️⃣ Aid to those in need:
Charity provides support for people who have difficult life situations. We can help them to get the needed food, accommodation, medical assistance and education. It contributes to the improvement of their living standard.

2️⃣ Creation of the best society:
Charity helps to establish much more powerful and joint society. Our assistance to other peolple leads to the development of mutual support and solidarity between people.

3️⃣ Personal satisfaction:
Charity provides deep satisfaction and happiness. Noticing the specific results of our help and understanding that our efforts change the world for better develop our emotional and spiritual dimensions.

4️⃣ Nurturing kindness and compassion: Charity helps us and other people to develop kindness, compassion and empathy. These values are the base of the creation of the world free from suffering and violence.

5️⃣ Development of your skills and improvement of knowledge: While taking part in charity projects we can get new skills and knowledge which can be useful in our professional and personal life.

Generally speaking, charity is an important part of our life which let us not only help other people, but also develop ourselves and our society 🐯

@BabyBNBTiger is your best investment in charity! ❤️

🐯How to Buy
#BabyBNBTiger Guide:


TG: /channel/BabyBNBTiger

| Potential | x20 - x100

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Week's contests winners have been paid! Congratulations!

Random buy contestants must hold until end of monday! Both have agreed to split the reward 50/50!

Stay tuned for future announcements!

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Get ready for AMA: /channel/BabyBNBTiger?livestream

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements


Just like the new Barbie movie is unleashing childhood wonder and nostalgia, Baby BNB Tiger is pouncing into the crypto scene with its own playful and cubilicious energy.

Show us your devotion by taking part in this a raiding contest! 🐾

Rules are simple:
1. Follow and write a bullish tweet about our lovely tiger cub!
2. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and leave a bullish comment under your favorite video!
3. Share your tweet link and YouTube comment screenshot in our Shilling group /channel/+MeQ9VFVM4tJlMGEy with hashtags #bbtraider
4. Attend the Friday AMA at 3PM UTC

With $100 worth of tokens the contest and 2 minutes it takes to raid twitter and YouTube this contest is well worth your time!

The more tweets and comments you leave - the bigger chance you have!

💸 Buy BabyBNBTiger
🧐 How to Buy
📝 Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

The gradual launch of advertising to different countries has begun. Fasten your seat belts, we are going to the moon and take with us only those who love and appreciate all our common idea that will change the world 🌐

BabyBNBTiger is an investment in charity! 💰

This is just the beginning 💎


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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

🔥 Today is a wonderful day

Almost all paper hands have left our project, for which we are very grateful to them

🚀 A little more and we can fly to the moon

💰 Those who hold will receive their reward in the form of a large profit

💸 You can buy tokens here

🧐 How to Buy #BabyBNBTiger Guide

📄| Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

| Experienced team
| Strong community
| Big Marketing
| Active chart
| Long term
| Buybacks

➡️ | Marketplace
➡️ | Website
➡️ | Telegram
➡️ | Twitter
➡️ | Chart

💎 | Potential | x100 - x1000 |

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

🐯Dear community and newcomers!🐯

😏 I couldn’t be more excited to share that we got big plans on you guys next week, so before we start we would like to get to know YOU better!

🤔 Kindly tell us about yourself in the comments below, tell us when and how you discovered BabyBNBTiger and what are your personal financial goals before the end of this year?

🎁 Those who participate and leave a comment down below might get a nice surprise soon 😏

❤️So let’s go, tell us about yourself, where and how you found out about BabyBNBTiger and what you wish for this year

down in the comments ⬇️

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

4 legendary NFTs have found their owners

🤝 We sincerely congratulate these lucky ones!

🔥 They receive a permanent 40-50% discount on all goods and services that will be presented on our marketplace

🤔 The last 5th legendary NFT has not yet been opened, any box can be a winner

🙏 We wish good luck to everyone

💸 You can buy tokens here

🧐 How to Buy #BabyBNBTiger Guide

📄| Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

| Experienced team
| Strong community
| Big Marketing
| Active chart
| Long term
| Buybacks

➡️ | Marketplace
➡️ | Website
➡️ | Telegram
➡️ | Twitter
➡️ | Chart
➡️ | LiqLock

💎 | Potential | x70 - x1000 |

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

📣 The first NFT auction ended successfully

💰 100 NFTs were sold for a total of $100,000 at the current rate

🤝 We thank everyone for their participation and for their trust

👌 We remind you that you definitely need to mint your NFT in the Auction tab

Today at 4 pm UTC the boxes will open and you will see your Guardian tiger cub

🙏 Until then, please take a mint

💸 You can buy tokens here

🧐 How to Buy #BabyBNBTiger Guide

📄| Contract: 0x5a04565ee1c90c84061ad357ae9e2f1c32d57dc6

| Experienced team
| Strong community
| Big Marketing
| Active chart
| Long term
| Buybacks

➡️ | Marketplace
➡️ | Website
➡️ | Telegram
➡️ | Twitter
➡️ | Chart
➡️ | LiqLock

💎 | Potential | x70 - x1000 |

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BABYBNBTIGER official Announcements

Jane Bryant - @janegferson

Marketing & Product manager @BabyBNBTiger

You can contact her for all marketing issues. Jane, has created multibillion-dollar companies and has conducted and researched hundreds of marketing hypotheses based on her experience. Anyone who previously had any agreements with Jane needs to write to her again with screenshots of the agreements. You should not write more than 1 message!

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