Не, ну 33 года кучи гражданских войн, включая 2 чеченских и последние 10 лет российско-украинской, а также карабахский конфликт (и это только самые главные) — это всё фигня. Надо дальше развивать тему. Правильно? Конечно правильно! Посольство США одобряет!
Читать полностью…В час бессонницы задумался о судьбе одноклассников.
Действительно дельным человеком стал только один.
Он продаёт гробы.
А щяс, конечно, в Эстонии только эстонцы живут и только у них могут быть Права!
Oh, Wait!
П.С. Я против отправки заключенных в Эстонию, но потому что это нарушает права заключенных, а не эстонцев, гкххх
Итальянцы от неугодных избавляются в Албанию, а Бритиши в Эстонию… только после отбытия срока или амнистии, они будут оставаться в Эстонии. Какое тупое правительство. Жаль Прибалтов…
Читать полностью…Египетские археологи обнаружили меч фараона Рамзеса II в ходе раскопок в провинции Эль-Бухейра на севере страны.
Как отметили в Высшем совете по делам древностей Египта, находка подтверждает историческую и археологическую важность форта Эль-Абкайн, который считался одним из пунктов дислокации египетской армии в древности.
Рамзес II был одним из величайших правителей в истории Древнего Египта.
Считается, что он правил более 60 лет (XIII век до нашей эры), за это время Египет добился серьезных военных успехов и крупных территориальных завоеваний.
I really appreciate this article 'Coping with Collapse' from July 1991, written by Adam Garfinkle, for its honesty in accurately describing what the US planned to do with Russia in the future. He laid it all out there:
"But portentous choices lie just ahead. A brief but very useful period of U.S.-Soviet good feeling is over. What now? One possibility for the Soviet future is a full-fledged return to Brezhnevism and Stalinism led by the army and the conservative wing of the party, and supported by reactionary law-and-order Slavophiles and anti-Semites like those of Pamyat. This would mean continued economic collapse, of course, but such a regime could persist for some time. The Soviet people have more sweat capital left inside them (even if they themselves don't believe it) that could be elicited by coercion and fear. For all the changes of the past six years, two things have remained under effective central government control: jobs and guns.
A second possibility, probably the least likely, is that the Soviet Union will in time—maybe after a failed attempt at Communist restoration—develop an attenuated authoritarian order, if not a liberal democracy, and a more-or-less free-market economy. If so, an orderly devolution of power is yet feasible, and we would see a new Slavic state in diverse if unsteady relations with former imperial subjects, an arrangement achieved generally without violence and disorder.
A third possibility, either after the other two have been tried or sooner, is civil war, social chaos, and the full economic prostration of nearly the entire Soviet Union. Civil war could well be followed by the dissolution of the empire, the eventual consolidation of a Slavic Russian core state, and the creation of a zone of instability from the Baltic Sea to the Sea of Okhotsk. The cycles of Russian history suggest that a new time of troubles is upon that unhappy land, and, while nothing is inevitable, to bet against this pattern is almost to bet that winter won't follow fall. This frightening prospect of violence and danger will likely mark the first half of the 21st century.
A future Russo-Chinese war, for example, is horrible to contemplate for humanity's sake, but it would not be as injurious to U.S. interests as a Russian lurch toward peninsular Europe, the Turkish straits, or the Persian Gulf. So it therefore makes sense to abjure extensive military cooperation with China, but strengthen it over the long term with Turkey, Israel, and Germany.
A diminished Russia will still retain the largest army in Europe and with it, a capacity to wage wars of mass destruction unlike that of any other Eurasian power, but it's foolish for the United States to assist that power, in effect, by allowing greater resources to be brought to its service. Therefore, it makes both moral and practical sense for U.S. foreign policy to encourage the dismantling of the Russian Empire, preferably in the least disruptive manner possible."
Хм, а почему песен 19, если их там больше? Простите, я немного не шарю в этих ваших современных компьютерных технологиях и защите информации.
Читать полностью…Особенно хорошо всё это звучит на фоне публичного обсуждения возможности обстреливать российские города американскими ракетами.
Не то чтобы их сейчас не обстреливают. Но видимо у Роскомнадзора повышенное желание сделать жизнь админов каналов более разнообразной и увлекательной.
Голубинный народ не может определиться в чятах. С одной стороны ЛГБТ-пропаганда (экстремистская организация) и Запад не дремлют, с другой стороны у каждого приличного последнего ребенка Советского Союза есть его фото в образе зайчика в окружении таких же зайчиков, котиков и лисичек.
Возможно, уже тогда ЗАПАД ЧТО-ТО ЗАМЫШЛЯЛ!
Мне особенно нравится, как в чятах борющихся с клятым Западом и За Русь (есличе, сама такая) при этом страшно переживают за этническое благополучие и однообразие Троебалтов.
Ау, Орки, вам там ничо не жмет? Вам давно прибалты не рассказывали, что вы генетические рабы и недолюди?
Впрочем, по ту сторону пруда еще лучше кукуха свистит. Предлается что-то увидеть в колье Тэйлор Свифт.
Читать полностью…Типичный либерал тянется к режиму: в идеале вернуться в СССР, там за меня все выбрали
Читать полностью…It has been one month since the Ukrainian Kursk incursion.
The incursion has not resulted in anything of strategic importance for the Ukraine, except for significant material and personnel losses, dozens of abandoned villages, and a questionable PR victory. If the goal was to disrupt Russia's advance in the Donbass, it has clearly failed.
At the same time, it was not a clever Russian plan to lure the AFU into a trap using MASKIROVKA or whatever. It was a fuck-up that was later turned into a somewhat sustainable situation. The greatest mistake was the failure to properly evacuate civilians from the border area - they had to do it themselves. On the bright side, Russia has not succumbed to the provocation and made the incursion strategically ineffective.
However, there is one clear beneficiary in all of this: NATO and the West. They needed to establish a precedent for invading "proper Russia", and they have now done so. It may seem like a terrible deal for thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to have died for such a minor gain as this precedent, but the thing is, the West is not interested in Ukrainians sticking around for too long. Who are the Ukrainians? They are people who look like Russians and talk like Russians, and the West is not a fan of those. It's clear that in the long run, the possibility of Ukrainians willingly (re)joining Russia is pretty high. That means that, in the eyes of the West, every Ukrainian soldier has the potential to become a collaborator with Russia in the future. To prevent Russia from potentially getting free manpower from the Prodigal Cossacks, the West can double up the brainwashing of their subjects. Or they can just kill'em against Russian Federation, which is the surest way to do it.
Currently, the West is in full control of the political elites of the Ukraine - a country full of Russians - and it's only logical for the handlers to waste the country's military potential as they see fit. Ukrainian authorities were secretly fine with ending the war two years ago. They were willing to cede Donbass and Crimea for peace and prosperity, but the West intervened and demanded they continue the death march.
But it's not all doom an gloom. Actually, the world we live in is the best timeline that could have ever happened. It's important to understand that this has been the plan of the US, UK, and others all along, since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Their goal has been to dismantle all Russian-speaking countries and, ideally, break them up into dozens of small republics. They have achieved some of this in Ukraine, but they have not been successful in doing so in Russia. Moreover, they are quickly losing most of their influence they once had in countries like Georgia, which is now rejoining the Russian sphere of influence.
Since 1991, Russia has been expected to never recover and regain its status as a major power. They were expecting endless civil wars within an impoverished Russia and us fighting the Chinese on their behalf, for heaven's sake. The fact that Russia is even able to challenge all of NATO is not something that they might have envisioned 30 years ago. But more on that later.
Ну и по традиции, бароновское: если кажд/ая, кто прочитает этот пост, задонатит 100 или хотя бы 40 рублей, мне хватит на нужды и на шоколадку еще!
Читать полностью…Обновила сегодня плейлист. Радиоактивного пепла стабильно хочется, но сегодня как будто чуть поменьше.
Читать полностью…Господь, можно уже астероид побольше в нашу идиотскую планету въебать? Так они все достали меня. Сил нет.
Читать полностью…Они реально вписали обязательство собирать имена и телефоны всех админов канала, а также айпи-адреса.
Ну правильно. Чтобы эльфам и санкцинаторам жилось проще. А то иноагентства да ракеты всем въебали. Надо дать людям отдохнуть.