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Telegram-канал basedonfoucault - Post-Foucault


1. Foucault is based (post-schizophrenia & post-shame/after-cringe) art, philosophy and non-sense 2. "free speech" will not be tolerated 3. otters, toucans and capybaras are the mascots of the channel 4. yes, we do steal memes, get over it 5. I hate lists

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Lula rolls the best cigar
asked to assume the presidency

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Niagara Falls boring af

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It is not a matter of mathematical metaphors. In each domain,
one must find elements, relationships and points. When Levi-Strauss undertakes the study of elementary kinship structures, he not only considers the real fathers in a society, nor only the father-images that run through the myths of that society. He claims to discover real kinship phonemes, that is, kin-emes [parentemes], positional units which do not exist independently of the differential relations into which they enter and that determine each other reciprocally. It is in this way that the four relations—brother / sister, husband / wife, father / son, maternal uncle / sister's son—form the simplest structure. And to this combinatory system of "kinship names" correspond in a complex way, but without resembling them, the "kinship attitudes" that realize the singularities determined in the system. One could just as well proceed in the opposite manner: start from singularities in order to determine the differential relations between ultimate symbolic elements. Thus, taking the example of the Oedipus myth, Levi-Strauss starts from the singularities of the story (Oedipus marries his mother, kills his father, immolates the Sphinx, is named club-foot, etc.)
G. Deleuze; How do we recognize Structuralism

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"Structures are necessarily unconscious, by virtue of the elements, relations and points that compose them. Every structure is an infrastructure, a micro-structure. In a certain way, they are not actual. What is actual is that in which the structure is incarnated or rather what the structure constitutes when it is incarnated. But in itself, it is neither actual nor fictional, neither real, nor possible.
Jakobson poses the problem of the status of the phoneme, which is not to be confused with any actual letter, syllable or sound, no more than it is a fiction, or an associated image. Perhaps the word virtuality would precisely designate the mode of the structure or the object of theory, on the condition that we eliminate any vagueness about the word. For the virtual has a reality which is proper to it, but which does not merge with any actual reality, any present or past actuality.
The virtual has an ideality that is proper to it, but which does not merge with any possible image, any abstract idea. We will say of structure: real without being actual, ideal without being abstract. This is why Levi-Strauss often presents the structure as a sort of ideal reservoir or repertoire, in which everything coexists virtually, but where the actualization is necessarily carried out according to exclusive
rules, always implicating partial combinations and unconscious choices. To discern the structure of a domain is to determine an entire virtuality of coexistence which pre-exists the beings, objects and works of this domain. Every structure is a multiplicity of virtual coexistence. Louis Althusser, for example, shows in this sense that the originality of Marx (his anti-Hegelianism) resides in the manner in which the social system is defined by a coexistence of elements and economic relations, without one being able to engender them successively according to the illusion of a false dialectic.
What is it that coexists in the structure? All the elements, the relations and relational values, all the singularities proper to the domain considered. Such a coexistence does not imply any confusion, nor any indetermination for the relationships and differential elements coexist in a completely and perfectly determined whole. Except that this whole is not actualized as such. What is actualized, here and now, are particular relations, relational values, and distributions of singularities; others are actualized elsewhere or at other times. There is no total language [langue], embodying all the possible phonemes and phonemic relations.
But the virtual totality of the language system [langage] is actualized following exclusive rules in diverse, specific languages, of which each embodies certain relationships, relational values, and singularities. There is no total society, but each social form embodies certain elements, relationships, and production values (for example "capitalism"). We must therefore distinguish between the total structure of a domain as an ensemble of virtual coexistence, and the sub-structures that correspond to diverse actualizations in the domain. Of the structure as virtuality, we must say that it is still undifferentiated (c), even though it is totally and completely differential (t). Of structures which are embodied in a particular actual form (present or past), we must say that they are differentiated, and that for them to be actualized is precisely to be differentiated. The structure is inseparable from this double aspect, or from this complex that one can designate under the name of differential (t) / differentiation (c), where t / c constitutes the universally determined phonemic relationship."
G. Deleuze; How do we recognize Structuralism

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Analog Synth (N1982)

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Jesus Christ, her pussy is fire

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this is where i post from

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If you are Queer and you live in the United States,
Arm yourself asap

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"The schizophrenic, without any epistemological guarantee, so to speak, sticks closely to reality and this reality causes him to move from one level to the next, from a questioning of semantics and syntax to the revision of the themes of history, etc.
Well, from this perspective, people in the human sciences and in politics should, in a sense, go a little schizo. And not to embrace that illusory image which the schizophrenic gives us when he is trapped in repression, according to which he is supposedly "autistic," withdrawn into himself, etc.
On the contrary, to have the same ability to embrace all the disciplines together. In the aftermath of May '68, the question is precisely this: either we attempt to unify our comprehension of phenomena such as, I don't know, bureaucratization in political organizations, or bureaucratization in State capitalism, with our comprehension of distant and disparate phenomena such as, for example, obsession, or the descriptions given by repetitive autism—or else, if we stick to the idea that things are separate, that each of us is a specialist and should mind his own business while making advances in his field, explosions that totally escape our powers of description and comprehension, from a political as well as anthropological point of view, will nonetheless show up in the world. In this sense, the point of calling into question the division of the various disciplines, as well as the self-satisfaction of psychoanalysts, linguists, ethnologists, and teachers of pedagogy, is not the dissolution of these sciences. The point is to refit these sciences so they better measure up to their object of inquiry.
A whole line of research conducted prior to May '68 by some small, privileged groups suddenly found itself at the center of debate, and that Spring, institutional revolution was the order of the day. Psychoanalysts are increasingly "interpolated" in public discourse; they have been forced to broaden their discipline. The same goes for psychiatrists. This is a totally new phenomenon."
G. Deleuze; Capitalism and Schizophrenia

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"The real problem of delirium is the extraordinary transitions between two poles: the one is a reactionary pole, so to speak, a fascist pole of the type: "I am the superior race," which shows up in every paranoid delirium; and the other is a revolutionary pole: like Rimbaud, when he says: "I am an inferior race, always and forever" Every delirium invests in History before investing in some ridiculous mommy-daddy [complex]."
Gilles Deleuze; Capitalism and Schizophrenia

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"Postmodernism finds fault with both [Liberal and Marxist] of these theories (or narratives) of history, suggesting that they are one-dimensional and limit the scope of historical understanding. Post modern theorists prefer to avoid these kinds of linear historical narratives, seeing them as too normative and reductive, and claim instead that history is the product of overlapping narratives and discourses, theories of knowledge, and various types of social and political relationships and interactions. But three aspects of the politics, technology, and economy of the twentieth century have further propelled the postmodern critique of Marxist history in particular. The first is the political failure of European communism; the second is the shift in capitalist society from Fordist to post-Fordist practices of production; and the third is the rise of consumer society and culture."

Post Modern Theory and Blade Runner by Matthew Flisfeder

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La arquitectura orgánica es el ideal moderno y la enseñanza tan necesaria si queremos ver el conjunto de la vida, y servir ahora al conjunto de la vida, sin anteponer ninguna tradición a la gran tradición. No exaltando ninguna forma fija sobre nosotros, sea pasada, presente o futura, sino exaltando las sencillas leyes del sentido común —o del super-sentido, si ustedes lo prefieren— que determina la forma por medio de la naturaleza de los materiales, de la naturaleza del propósito... ¿La forma sigue a la función? Sí, pero lo que importa más ahora es que la forma y la función son una.’ - F. L. Wright, Organic Architecture, 1939

Quetzalcoatl's Nest; Javier Senosiain

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Wow, such innovation 🙄 go outside lol #PathA

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this but it's 3K subscribers and Post-Foucault

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my honest reaction to the state of things right now:

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girlboss to the grave!

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Singularities correspond with the symbolic elements and their relations, but do not resemble them. One could say, rather, that singularities "symbolize" with them, derive from them, since every determination of differential relations entails a distribution of singular points. Yet, for example: the values of differential relations are incarnated in species, whereas singularities are incarnated in the organic parts corresponding to each species. The former constitute variables, the latter constitute functions. The former constitute within a structure the domain of appellations, the latter the domain of attitudes."
Levi-Strauss insisted on this double aspect—derived, yet irreducible—of attitudes in relation to appellations.
A disciple of Lacan, Serge Leclaire, shows in another field how the symbolic elements of the unconscious necessarily refer to "libidinal movements" of the body, incarnating the singularities of the structure in such and such a place.
In this sense, every structure is psychosomatic, or rather represents a category-attitude complex.
Let us consider the interpretation of Marxism by Althusser and his collaborators: above all, the relations of production are determined as differential relations that are established, not between real men or concrete individuals, but between objects and agents which, first of all, have a symbolic value (object of production, instrument of production, labor force, immediate workers, immediate non-workers, such as they are held in relations of property and appropriation).
Each mode of production is thus characterized by singularities corresponding to the values of the relations. And if it is obvious that concrete men come to occupy the places and carry forth the elements of the structure, this happens by fulfilling the role that the structural place assigns to them (for example the "capitalist"), and by serving as supports for the structural relations. This occurs to such an extent that "the true subjects are not these occupants and functionaries... but the definition and distribution of these places and these functions." The true subject is the structure itself: the differential and the singular, the differential relations and the singular points, the reciprocal determination and the complete determination.
G. Deleuze; How do we recognize Structuralism

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Freudo-Foucauldian web-space

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concept schematic of a cyborg-ninja

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Paolo Soleri's experimental desert town

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V. Marchetti: Could psychiatry play this role and become, so to speak, the new human science, the human science par excellence?
F. Guattari: Rather than psychiatry, why not the schizophrenics, the crazies themselves? It seems to me that those who work in the field of psychiatry, at least right now, are hardly on the cutting edge!
Capitalism and Schizophrenia

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"I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood."
F. Nietzsche; Nietzsche Contra Democracy

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" If only I’d forerunners at some time or other in the history of France!

But no, nothing.

It’s obvious to me I’ve always belonged to an inferior race. I don’t understand rebellion. My race never rose up except to pillage: like wolves round a beast they haven’t killed.

I recall the history of France, eldest daughter of the Church. As a peasant I’d have made the journey to the Holy Land: I have all the roads of the Swabian plains in my head, all the views of Byzantium, the ramparts of Suleiman: the cult of the Virgin; tenderness for the crucified, wake in me among a thousand profane enchantments. – I sit, a leper, among broken pots and nettles, at the foot of a wall ravaged by the sun. – Later, a mercenary, I’d have bivouacked under German midnights.

Ah! Again: I dance the Sabbath in a red glade, with old women and children.

I remember nothing more distant than this country and Christianity. I’d never be finished with viewing myself in this past. But always alone: without a family: what language, even, did I speak? I never see myself in the counsels of Christ: nor in the councils of the Lords – representatives of Christ.

What was I in the last century? I only discover myself in the present day. No more vagabonds, no more vague wars. The inferior race has spread everywhere – the people, as one says, reason: the nation and science.

Oh! Science! They’ve altered everything. For the body and the soul – the Eucharist – we’ve medicine and philosophy – old wives’ remedies and arrangements of popular songs. And the diversions of princes and the games they prohibited! Geography, cosmography, physics, chemistry! ...

Science! The new nobility! Progress. The world progresses! Why shouldn’t it turn as well?

It’s the vision of numbers. We advance towards the Spirit. It’s quite certain: it’s oracular, what I say. I know, and unaware how to express myself without pagan words, I’d rather be mute."
A. Rimbaud; Bad Blood

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to be woman is to become, even

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меня это не останавливает😩

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a lil kiss to the homies who've always been here with us ❤️

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You both are going to the Lulag too
speedrun the entire channel leaves for some reasons just to troll

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