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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

𝕾𝖑𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖈 𝕲𝖎𝖗𝖑 by Mariusz Szmerdt ☠️

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Years ago I followed one of my favorite Facebook pages until it got zucced. I was happy to see he moved here and honored for all the shares he's given my page.


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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Earth, land, soil, terra, boden.  Throughout history people have sought after, and fought over good land.  Having good soil and a place to raise livestock insured a people's existence and the future of their children.

In modern times the majority of commercial farm land has been poisoned for decades with chemical fertilizers and pesticides.  The soil that was once full of life has been reduced to a dead growing medium.

Keeping protein on the table starts from the ground up, and everything on my farm has a purpose.  The garden and fields feed our family and our livestock.  All of the manure from the rabbits, goats, and chickens goes back into the garden, and any household food waste goes back to the livestock.

A healthy living soil ensures healthy produce, and healthy proteins are always available for generations to come.  Too many people sold away everything their ancestors built for the future.  It's up to us to leave something worthwhile behind for our children, and teach them the mistakes that squandered away our birthright.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

For those whose countries don’t allow them to use that video platform:

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

VIGOR. Have mental and physical energy. Be active. Do not be the one who looks away when it is time to accomplish some task. Step up when others step back. Apply energy to your life; accomplish things, pitch in for the sake of all. You will have more vigor if you take care of your body - eat good food, get enough sleep and exercise, learn how to relax: Take a walk on a forest trail, or call up a friend for no particular reason. As the old saying goes, "Do not let the bastards grind you down."

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

FREEDOM. You must have a passion for freedom. Freedom is not license; it is bound by law, and that law must be just and fair. From the earliest times, our Folk guaranteed the rights of freemen. Tyrants were recognized for what they were, and when the law broke down, the people had the right to rise in revolt. The very word "law" comes to us from the Old Norse and Old English; it was a force of nature, and all were bound by it, chieftains and kings included.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

JOY. "The warrior is cheerful in adversity." Delight in the best of things -the humor of comrades, the rising sun, the modest meal that will fill an empty belly, the smile of someone you love. Joy is a blessing, but it is often a choice. Make a habit of joy and it will seldom desert you. The joy you will feel will lift all those around you. The most joyous of all will face their own deaths with a smile and a joke on their lips; they will find the company of the Gods and their glorious ancestors.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

STRENGTH. You must be strong. There are many ways to be strong, in body and mind and spirit. Your body must be strong if you are to be confident and firm. Your mind must be strong, capable of learning, focused and clear, sure in the rightness of our cause. Your spirit must be strong, of unbreakable will, firm in the rightness of our struggle. You must be steel, not straw.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Looking through the internet, anyone can find a plethora of articles about the decline in food and agriculture literacy.  What is more surprising to me is the amount of people that say they don't care where their food comes from or what its made of.  Mindless consumerism is a big part of modern culture, but signs are pointing towards a shift. 

Everyone can see that the global economy is in shambles.  Food prices are soaring higher than ever, and major food corporations are shrinking their products to maintain prices to delay the inevitable.  All of a sudden the hyper processed foods that used to be cheap easy slop are getting sidelined by real food, but with traditional farm land being gobbled up by billionaires and foreign investors I see a unique opportunity for change at the home level.

Sustainable homesteads offer not only a healthier and happier change from modernity on the induvial level, but they can bring communities back together that have been separated by disgusting strip malls and convenience shopping.

Look around your area and find an existing small farm and take on an internship.  Farming conditions differ from region to region so it's important to draw knowledge from your area.  Together we can farm the future.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

“Fate and Blood. First is an unseen power, the second is a force of nature in which we find fate.[…] Blood is that fuel that feeds the metaphysical flame of fate.”

Ernst Jünger, Interwar Articles

A pencil drawing of a dagger and a ᛟ Odal rune.

© 2024 P-S Lindblom

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Excellent points here. You're not Rambo and most importantly; Do not engage in a fight unless you know damn well that you can win it easily.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

There must be balance between mind and body. An ill-kept body isn’t made a more beautiful sight merely by the indwelling of a radiant spirit in it. We should not be acting justly if we were to bestow the highest intellectual training on those who are physically deformed and crippled, who lack decision and are weak-willed and cowardly. What has made the Greek ideal of beauty immortal is the wonderful union of a splendid physical beauty with nobility of mind and spirit.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Furthermore, feeding yourself and your family with food you've grown yourself, free from toxins is insanely rewarding for the spirit as well as the body.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Celebrity worship is a cancer.

Let’s raise children who find their heroes in their ancestors and the gods, who can name species of trees, plants and flowers and can look to their community for influence.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

I'm lucky enough to spend each day deep in England's rolling hills & countryside, work with the soil & all it grows & nourishes, spend free time with a bow or spade in hand & relish solitude reading or simply gazing.
Yet, the vile stain, degenerative sickness, the truly bewildering insanity & corrosive corruption of every aspect & facet of 'modern' society is still impossible to avoid, notice & keep at bay from seeping into one's consciousness & life.
Wars & rebellion are no longer only treated by iron & steel, but with each & every act, choice, habit & stand one makes.
Hail to all those taking action, no matter how big or small!

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Thank you brother for your kind words, I appreciate it a lot. All the best wishes to you and to your beautiful family. Keep up with great work!

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

New kids on my little homestead... ✌️

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Imagine this: The dollar and the stock market crashes over night following years of out of control government spending. The value of your home has plummeted and your work has cut wages and issued layoffs. Lines have formed outside of banks, mass riots and looting are going on everywhere. Are you resilient enough to bounce back?

During the Great Depression, the farmers who were able to keep their farms faired the best. Take this excerpt for example. "We always had enough to eat because Mom and Dad raised a large garden and Mom canned a lot. We butchered a cow and a couple of hogs every year, and had chickens for meat and eggs. My sister and I wore patched clothes to school, but we were much better off than many of our fellow students. I guess we kids didn’t really feel poor at all. Most everyone else around us was just as bad off, or worse." - Sam Moore

Preparation for the hard times ahead will make or break your family. Prepare ahead, become resilient.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

GODS-TROTH. Be true to the Gods and the Goddesses of our Folk. They are our Elder Kin. Give them respect, and strive to become more like them in wit and wisdom, in strength and steadfastness, in courage and capability. However, not all who throw the Spear will believe in the Gods - some will take up our cause, give us aid, and join us in the fight to secure the existence of our Race despite their personal non-belief. From those, we ask only respect and understanding. "Blood is thicker than baptismal water."

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

LOYALTY. Be true - to your family, clan, co workers, and race. Do not let quarrels and disagreements come between you and your kin and valued friends; if you have problems or misunderstandings, work them out. Treasure these bonds of blood, and soil, and soul, and the experiences that bind us to each other. Kin and clan come first: Even the Mafia gets that right.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

HONOR. "Honor is that which no man can give you and no man can take away," as Rob Roy says in the movie of the same name. Right action produces honor. Sometimes others can see it, and give you praise, and that is a good thing. It is something to be sought - it grows your spiritual might, your luck, your hamingja. But honor is in the doing, it must be proven against adversity; sometimes fools think they have honor, while others scoff at them behind their backs.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

COURAGE. All of us know fear.  Courage is the putting aside of that fear, even when that fear threatens to overwhelm you.  "Do right and fear no one." Train yourself to be courageous and true in the small things, and gradually you will become so in large things.  Model your behavior on the heroes of the sagas, strive to be worthy of the Volsungs. 

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Excerpts from The Spear

The Nine Fold Way of the Spear-Wielder:

LOVE.  You must love your Folk.  You also need to love those near to you, and you must love yourself.  The strongest will learn to love their personal Destiny, and embrace it despite trials and pain.  In every way, love will get you further than hate.  As we have said many times before, "My love for my Folk does not mean I hate another's folk." Simply do your duty to blood and spirit; honoring and defending your Folk and your Gods, and no man or woman can speak ill of you. 

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

"People confuse the outlaw and the criminal.

Some outlaws commit crimes, but the real outlaw isn’t a criminal by trade.

He’s someone who refuses to live by society’s established norms of behavior.

He has an internal code and answers only to his own sense of honor and right and wrong.

The outlaw doesn’t conform; he rebels. He doesn’t accept; he questions.

In the end, the outlaw might change and adapt, but he bends for no man and won’t let his life be defined by someone else.

Jesse James was an outlaw but so was Albert Einstein.

I’ve been many things - father, son, husband, leader, brother, and friend - but through it all, I was always an outlaw."

George Christie, Exile on Front Street: My life as a Hells Angel and Beyond

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

The trenches of this ongoing culture war are choked with the corpses of its victims:

Those crushed, broken, or beaten by its heartless and endless slow grind.

Those who have surrendered to the enemy forces - whose machines of void and death roll over skull and bone, reducing the battlefield to a single plain of ash, and naming it “progress.”

Traitors with baleful eyes look on from the shadows, compromised and corrupted by enemy propaganda that promises a global gulag in which they will bear the dubious honor of being trustees and informants.

A grim reality.


All is not lost.

The war is still being fought by those with hearts on fire.

To a cause. To an ongoing and deathless tradition of war against falsehood and lies, against hopelessness and total control.

These men are brothers, worldwide, in one iron division of warriors.

Men who survive the depredations of their hated foe and for all his hubris and reckless hate roar back


We go on!

We survive!

And we are winning.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Statistically, individuals date with members of similar socioeconomic status. The Kalergi project is not limited to importing hordes of third-world misfits, but also granting them socioeconomic status.

We could classify those misfits into two groups:

A] the impulsive ape-like, and

B] the semi-educated/tamed type

Naturally, the impulsive ape-like type [A] who cannot operate beyond theft, murder, and rape solely serves the purpose of bringing chaos and destabilizing Western nations.

Those are brought in en masse and in secrecy within our borders. It's their first contact with civilization and their biological limitations make their integration impossible.

The other type [B] which is seen smiling on adverts, propaganda media outlets, institutions, cultural events and promotional posters, corporations, entertainment, etc. is the semi-educated, tamed, and the comparatively smarter type who is in charge of diluting and destroying our ancestors' gene pool.

With the total implementation of the "diversity, inclusion, equality" anti-White ideological trinity, this type is being granted, regardless of merit, state-sponsored access to all socio-professional categories.

As a result, the most conditioned and misguided (and vulnerable - young) members of our race fall into the deception of viewing those misfits as peers, equals, and therefore potential mates.

This grand deception of our time cannot hold on forever. Three four things cannot be hidden forever: the sun the moon, the truth, and the nature of the nigger. The enemy is afraid and plays a gambling game, hoping that sufficient and irreversible damage has been done by the time the world realizes the truth.

When enough accidents happen at the workplace, enough lives are ruined and ended, enough money is lost, and enough general damage is done, it might become obvious to even the most doubting at first, that perhaps equality is a myth, and that you might take the nigger out of Africa, but you cannot take Africa out of the nigger.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

The following is one of those decades old viral forum posts. Not sure who wrote it but there is some good information here that will get you thinking along the right lines.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Gardening is one of the best things you can do for your soul.

The biggest pro I've noticed after gardening for about a decade now, is the meditative effect. Gardening forces you to slow down and take your time. The tranquillity of being outside amongst plants that you've grown and raised with your own hands is indescribable.

Gardening is not something that can really be rushed. The best results come from slow and intentional actions.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Historia est magistra vitae.

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