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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Now live.

For this first European drop, we commissioned one of our earliest artists who did many classic designs for Werewolf as well as BMH, Umberto.

We have two banners and a new tee shirt design.

US orders and others outside of Europe are very welcome also if you want to show your support to this new endeavor.

Thank you all so much.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

“What I am about to say does not concern the ordinary man of our day. On the contrary, I have in mind the man who finds himself involved in today's world, even at its problematic and paroxysmal points; yet he does not belong inwardly to such a world, nor will he give in to it. He feels himself, in essence, as belonging to a different race from that of the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries.

The natural place for such a man, the land in which he would not be a stranger, is the world of Tradition.”
― Julius Evola

It can be overwhelming at how bad things have gotten at times but it's important to remember that all of this was predicted and is playing out just like other events in history.  I often go back to Evola's book "Ride the Tiger", a difficult read to be certain, but the message left for us can be applied to a way of survival moving forward.  I believe that homesteading and becoming self sufficient is an important foundation to accomplish what Evola talks about.  Evola’s idea of Riding the Tiger can be explained as the person who can survive the ride through the modern world without falling off and being consumed by it.  When the modern world has run its course, we will be there to deal the final blow and rebuild.

The world asks that we reject our past and our ancestors, our religion, our lands, and our blood.  We should live on top of each other in cities, work for faceless corporations for just enough money to survive, worry only about ourselves and how we can be more comfortable, and happy ~ to worship ourselves as gods and to forsake everything needful for temporary pleasure.  An artificial, soulless existence far removed from the natural world.

Starting a homestead is in my opinion the way to fight back against the world and everything it stands for.  Growing your own meat and vegetables ensures your family is healthy far beyond what any store can provide.  Homeschooling your children and grandchildren ensures your values and culture are promoted and carry on into the future.  You become the "warrior in the garden" of old always preparing and ready to put down the beast of modernity when the time finally comes.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Being a Father requires an investment into the future, building the kind of world around your homes and communities that you want to raise your children in.  More times than not though, the present rules the day.  The larger the family, the more involved in the moment we must be.  All of the teaching and coaching moments, the "hey Dad watch me!", and especially the "Dad can you fix this?". 

There are different stages of life a man goes through.  In his youth he looks to the future, as a young Father he lives in the present, and in his age he remembers all the fond memories of the little voices and the stampede of feet rushing to greet him.  Treasure the present now so you don't miss out on memories to smile at in the future.

Happy Father's day!

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

"Every crossing of two breeds which are not, of equal standing results in a product which holds an intermediate place between the levels of the two parents.

This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to that parent which belongs to a biologically lower order of beings, but not so high as the superior parent.

For this reason, it must eventually succumb in any struggle against the higher species. Such mating contradicts the will of Nature towards the selective improvement of life in general.

The favourable preliminary to this improvement is not to mate individuals of higher and lower orders of being, but rather to allow the complete triumph of the higher order.

The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature.

Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so, it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind, for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all."

― A.H, M.K, Nation and Race

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Waging war on weakness becomes the primary principle of those who seek to honor Life.

Doing anything less would mean wasting oneself by turning down the gift of Life

Embracing struggle and pushing through pain purifies the soul, that is, the process of overcoming, which propels it (the soul) to higher realms.

And what else is the purpose of living if not the mastery and conquering of life's challenges? Leasure? How insulting and abominable to think that!

He has done well, he who has stood against all odds, put himself to the harshest of tests and can say to his soul in his last breath, "I have lived!"

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

The gym is barely even about muscles.

The gym is about developing your character as much as it is about developing your body.

A man who commits himself to the iron undergoes immense spiritual self-overcoming.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

About 10 years ago I traveled to Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa.  Walking around the city and seeing the beautiful classic architecture surrounded by literal waves of garbage blowing down the street, homeless camps, and drug dealers walking right up to me, it's a memory that has always stuck with me.  As an American, this was my first glimpse of life in a third world country where White Europeans were living as unwanted minorities.  Back in 2018 I went to England and Germany and I could see the consequences of mass immigration, In London they had just put up sidewalk barriers after the terrorist attack.  Just like you see in the videos online, it was like being in India, or Africa just blocks from each other.

I have been all around the world and have had the opportunity to have very deep conversations with the locals.  The things that I've seen out there are unfolding even faster than I imagined here at home.  If you want things to be different, network and keep company with like minded people.  Start a family and raise your children around people like you that share your culture and values.  We are everywhere, and we're not hard to find.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

"History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives, and we die, his truth becomes written - and ours is lost. He will be a hero, 'cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. His truth will be the truth. But only if he lives, and we die... "

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

I think it's safe to say that anyone reading this has had a protein shake from a big plastic container.  I'm probably one of the most lactose tolerant people out there, but protein powder shakes always ruined my stomach.  Store bought protein powders are known to contain toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and micro plastics that wreak havoc on our bodies.  When I first started lifting weights I fell into the same trap as most people, supplementing my diet with ultra processed powders and heat pressed vitamins because that's what the top athletes are doing when they pose for pictures so it must be legit...When I stopped and looked at how much money I was spending on vitamins, protein powder, pre workout, etc, I could no longer justify it, and I never really felt that great when I was taking all of those things.  It's been several years since I first started looking into the farce that is the supplement industry.  The majority of companies out there get their ingredients from the same places, slap their companies logos on it and promise the moon and stars.  The reality is that we can get much better results from eating a proper diet.

The best thing I did was learn about how easy it is to get what our body's needs from whole foods, and the more I deviate from the FDA guidelines the better I feel.  I start my mornings off with a 6 raw egg, 2 cups of Bulgarian yogurt shake.  It's around 60 grams of protein and costs less than 2 $ for me to make. 

Different diets serve different needs.  It's always important to consider what your goals are long term and adjust your nutrition accordingly.  Vince Gironda had some of the coolest experiments out there and I highly recomend reading up on the information he left behind in both nutrition, and exercise.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

"Wise is not the one who knows a lot, but the one whose knowledge is useful."

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Shop night.

I can’t really express well in words how it feels to be a father after so many years of believing it would never be something I experienced.

The love I feel for him is so raw and crazy and all encompassing, and the increased love and power I feel with his mother who gave me this incredible gift is beyond anything I ever thought I could experience.

He is an expression of not only myself but my father and my father’s father back to the beginning.

Everything he sees and knows and interacts with is a product of all myself and my woman and my brothers and sisters have done with our lives and I see the strength and joy he has and I know this way of life is correct.

I know this is to be immortal in the only real sense of the word and I will give him everything I can.

Have a radical life. Have kids. Send your blood on, into eternity.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

New Call Sign: Werewolf is now live.

In this broadcast, I sit down once again with Kevin D. to discuss vital paganism, radical belief, ritual and the concept and lifestyle of an honor culture.

In my humble opinion one of the best broadcasts to date.


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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

The moment you are no longer emotionally and psychologically affected by your enemy's tactics, you become a sovereign being.

You cease to look at things through a veil. Your eyes are your own, your mind is your own. No longer a puppet, your actions are your own.

All warfare is based on deception. Dance to no one's strings. Take no one's bait. See things for what they are.

The fool mistakes impulsiveness for heroism. Develop cunning, become calculating, adopt a calm mind. Learn patience.

Sovereignty is power.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Honor is not bringing shame to yourself, your family, or your tribe. For a man that means not making them or yourself look weak. Mentally, emotionally, or physically.

It means duty, sacrifice, and personal responsibility. It means self control in all areas. It means courage in the face of fear. Control in the face of stress. Ferocity in the face of any threat to anything that it is your duty to protect and uphold.

It means constantly working towards what is right and demonstrating to the folk and to the gods the quality of your soul.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Whatever has the majority percentage of an individual's attention is what has the most influence over their mind.

A significant criticism from a few decades ago was how public school dominated half the waking hours of a child's attention. Effectively raising the child as they see fit while both parents work a full time job.

These days, while public school still has a significant influence over society's children, further attention has been drawn away from the parents through the internet and social media. Or any digital distraction in general.

There is an information stream the size of the universe out there. An endless ocean of useless and destructive garbage competing for your child's attention. And their main competition is you.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️


OPWW has a new Europa distribution alliance in the form of French black metal legion Baise Ma Hache.

Our brothers in BMH will be handling all European design, stock and shipping, meaning our comrades in Europe will be able to support without the highway robbery of international shipping costs.

New designs for shirts and flags will be available this Friday at

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

To the fathers:

It’s a fine thing to be a young man, and free of responsibility!

Let none tell you otherwise.

Wildness and mayhem and the path of the heroic youth is not time wasted - many have missed out through choosing the soft life or the domestic life too early the iron and brutality that makes a man in his younger days someone his friends and children look up to later on.

However -

To be a father - this is a divine and holy ritual of completion; of totality - of immortality that no one who chooses another road will ever know or understand.

Our task is clear: to not wait for our children to improve a world that we left worse than our fathers.

We must remain heroic.

To our sons or daughters.

To our wives and families. Even our fathers and mothers; because our understanding of time is not linear! Our actions go cyclically forward and backward through time to strengthen or poison our lines to the beginning and to the ending.

Be strong! Everything is counting on you. Happy Father’s Day.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

It’s been an age
since we heard the song
Of our blood’s call
to be conquerors and kings

Our heads hung down
Upon hollow chests
Nor pride nor fire
Only loss’s sting

We gaze numbly out
O’er a world once ours
Now ashes bitter
And plague’s foul mark

For brothers turned
Against our own
As foes looked on
From the fearsome dark

And struck fell blows
Amongst our ranks
While we fought on
And killed ourselves

Our high jeweled towers
Came to the ground
Our kingdom of heav’n
Brought low into hell

And slow, forgot
Our shining crown
That was “honor” called
In days long gone

We cast it off;
We threw it down
Then nightfall came
And swallowed Dawn

And yet - we still
Can hear the call
In hidden places
Outside the walls

Where men ensure
The fire burns -
To what once we were
We shall return.

- PW, 9.22

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

In my life I am the caretaker of many things.  This requires me to be a leader and steward in my family, farm, and career.   

A Steward is someone who cares for something, protects it, and watches over it.  "We must pass the best things of our world to the next generations in a form as good or better than we found it."  This is stewardship, a character of leadership that created some of the greatest empires the world has ever seen.

Throughout history, the leaders that were considered to be the greatest and most loved by their people were the ones who looked into the future and made decisions as guardians rather than possessors.  They viewed their people and their lands as a trust that they were to secure an existence for into the future.  First hand accounts of such leaders talk about how it was as if speaking to a nation through the person, that the individual needs of the person no longer existed.  These leaders couldn't be bought or swayed outside any goal but to the preservation and advancement of the nation under their care.

This should be the standard by which we judge all our endeavors, professions, relationships, and our lives themselves.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

“In our society growing food ourselves has become the most radical of acts. It is truly the only effective protest, one that can ―and will ― overturn the corporate powers that be. By the process of directly working in harmony with nature, we do the one thing most essential to change the world ― we change ourselves.”

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Welcome everyone!
We are wannabe homesteaders just trying to carve a healthier, more wholesome path through this crazy world for our children. We are excited to share our journey with you!

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Little consideration should be given to the opinion of a man or woman whose physique is not on point.

One must establish oneself within natural order for one's words to have potential value.

What weight can words hold if the man who speaks them is a stranger to the lifelong initiation of pain and struggle­?

What thing of value to share, what wisdom can such a fool proclaim to possess, he who has never stepped into the brutal reality of life?

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

In my dogs I trust, loyal to the end... ❤️

Dutch shepherds are a magnificent breed.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

“A knife less man is life less man.”

I apply this old Norse quote to many different levels in my life. At its most basic literal translation, all men should carry a good knife on them at all times. Folding or fixed, pick what you prefer to carry.

At a deeper level I apply this to all areas of my training. An out of shape man (knife less man) is both slowly dying, and completely unprepared for a violent interaction (life less man). You have to maintain a consistent work out schedule to keep yourself in a ready state. It doesn’t have to be a seven day a week “death by” whatever workout. You have to take your health serious, especially if you’re a father.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Tolerance is just another way of throwing your values away.  In human society the things that people tolerate are never good.  We tolerate unnatural lifestyles, criminal governments, and evil on a grand scale is allowed to permiate every aspect of our existence.  What are you tolerating?

The things you tolerate eventually creep into your own life.  Our parents generations laughing at sodomites in Hollywood paved the way for hormone blockers in children today.  Unchecked imigration as long as its legal has given us the wonders of diversity we see around us where the third world that doesn't share our values and culture are ready to vote us out in a rigged democracy.  Don't question it, your just not being tolerant enough right?

If you want your children to grow up in a healthy world, it's time to push your values. Our lands were once beautiful, productive, and healthy.  If you tolerate all the evil out there, you're just inviting it in.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

"Today, I spoke with an old man who had visited many ports in his youth and lived joyous days filled with girls, wine, and song. Now alone without a family, he regrets not taking the time to find a loving wife and have children. He shared that nothing brings more joy than a caring spouse and happy kids. Learn from his regrets and start building your own big family today. Why wait? Now is the perfect time!"

The Scandinavian Colonist

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

This might ruffle some feathers but the truth is that irregural warfare is romanticised and their accomplishments most often over exaggerated. The causality ratio and numbers of dead for the irregulars is always extremely high. They might win a few first engagements due to element of surprise but once that is gone and the larger conventional enemy adapts, improves and overcomes the irregular force shall suffer even more.

If we in the west can barely have a cohesive opinion about the war in Ukraine, that is now 2 years old, what is there to realistically dream about minutemen/partisans fighting off a large conventional force?

For a irregural groups survival criminal actions and acts of terror will become the norm. If the population looses faith in your cause and starts to blame you for their suffering then you won’t make it long. It’s only a matter of time that normal people will tire from all the reprisals, shakedowns, potential harms and unsafe upbringing for kids in a conflict area. We haven’t even talked about salary and benefits of the fighters and their families. Folks won’t fight for long if you can’t provide basic upkeep necessities.

“BuT thE TaLibAn!?!?”

Are you ready for 20 years of conflict, involved in illegal trafficking/smuggling, be religiously extreme and loose the majority of engagements? The Taliban received heavy support from local tribes, foreign governments and where extremists. The Taliban won politicly in the long run but lost militarily. Afghanistan is not a Western society with western norms and morals.

There are so many cases of failed irregulars that no one mentions them… rarely do I see posts about it compared to the over glorified few success stories. And those success stories often forget that the irregulars often developed/evolved/merged out of it to actually succeed. By becoming something structural and bigger.

We saw what happened during the “pandemic” and how normal average folks reacted to it. Unless you are in a “tribal”, strong religious or ideological society with clear ethnical identities many of the irregular forces success factors start to disappear in the grand scale of things. Especially when you can’t establish a clear political/relations center that draws in foreign or local support.

I am all for the knowledge and art of the irregular forces. It isn’t hopeless but it isn’t a cake walk that dosen dudes can realistically accomplish without becoming a criminal organisation.

Instead I would love to see this:
Talk to your neighbours, be involved in local efforts, participate in volunteer aid/reliefs and be a team player to your community or region. A squad of friends dreaming about being partisans is unrealistic, unless you join an already established organisation. But a squad of friends can help to saves lives and provide an area with realistic emergency aid efforts.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

If you’re looking for universal acceptance, keep looking my friend. You will never please everyone and if you do, you have no real opinion of your own.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

No matter what country you're from, the ruling class hates you and will not hesitate to kill you to line their pockets. Their families should live in fear of their actions.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Statistics in multiple studies show that if the Father is healthy and exercises regularly, the children will keep this lifestyle themselves into their adulthood.  Alternatively, fathers that are unhealthy will have children that continue down a path of self destruction.

If you are invested in the future, and you should be, you have a great responsibility ahead.  In a world that promotes anti-health, we are living outside the formless mediocrity that they want to keep us in. 

Read the ancient tales of heroes past and think back to the hero prototype our ancestors looked up to.  We have the opertunity to carve ourselves into that likeness, and our children will strive to be strong like Dad.

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