“The essential thing is action. Action has three stages: the decision born of thought, the order or preparation for execution, and the execution itself. All three stages are governed by the will. The will is rooted in character, and for the man of action character is of more critical importance than intellect. Intellect without will is worthless, will without intellect is dangerous.”
— Hans von Seeckt
XIV 🏴☠️
It’s a simple explanation.
Firstly, if you actually believe in human equality or even the potential for human equality, you’ll always be left confused and frustrated because you’ll end up assuming everybody is capable of reaching the same level of understanding, which they aren’t.
In reality most people simply don’t care about what’s going on and they lack the mental capacity to understand anyway. And this is no fault of theirs, it’s just the way they are, it’s the way they’ve always been and will always be.
Regular people aren’t bred to think, they just work, focus on their immediate needs and aren’t geared to actively participate in political activity.
You can’t make conscious revolutionaries out of ordinary people. The most you can expect of them is a vote, maybe a fleeting riot if things are bad enough, but there’s no point wasting your time trying to influence a regular person to support a certain political persuasion, because they’re never going to understand.
The good news is you don’t need a significant percentage of these people to produce major social-political change, because the regular folks will always support or obey whoever seems to be winning or ‘in control’. Basically you just need to seem strong and as though you’re a winning option, and most people will support you, regardless of what your policies are.
Since virtually everybody these days is born into ‘the regular folk’, those of them who are worth anything in politics will find their way out of the mob on their own. The rest will just work, eat and vote. That’s just the way it goes.
You can’t convince everybody and you don’t actually need to, so don’t stress.
"Our world will not be saved by blind intellectuals or bored academics. It will be saved by poets and fighters, those who forged the ‘magic sword’ of which Ernst Jünger spoke, the spiritual sword that makes monsters and tyrants pale with fear."
— Dominique Venner
Idolizing a politician is same as believing a stripper loves you.
Читать полностью…Fathers, prioritizing your health is not being selfish, or not giving your kids the attention they deserve. It provides an example for your kids. A strong father who eats well, sleeps, lifts and trains to fight. Be the example of what you want them o be when they grow up!
Читать полностью…In the end, when all that remain of your days are a deafening silence and retrospection, it is not your failures that will haunt you but the thought of the shots you didn't take, the things left unsaid, the ideas you didn't manifest.
Be bold, friend, for dying consumed by remorse is a cursed fate, and there is much inside of you that hungers to show what it's capable of, if you would only honor that call.
'Never lose hope, be persistent, stubborn & never give up. There are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly, so you should never conclude all hope is lost.'
On cowards and traitors:
I've never regarded the enemy as a disturbing reality. What I've always found repulsive beyond measure is cowardice and betrayal.
The Hellenes always fared more than well against the most fearsome foe, to the point of gaining great glory and thus immortality, as their deeds will be remembered for millennia. No matter the numbers of the enemy, the Hellenes would eventually defeat.
Hellas has bled most by acts of betrayal. There is no man more despised and cursed by the gods than the traitor. A man cannot possibly fall any lower.
Our society is teeming with cowards as it was built for the purpose of producing such, and a coward born of the same ancestors is a traitor who is actively or passively participating in our downfall.
That being said, the coward, still being a member of our kin and having not known much more than what the system has poisoned him with since he can remember, must be invited, presented once with the opportunity to change himself and attain honor. If he chooses to remain a coward, he must be left for dead.
Cowards are not only dead weight, they actually become traitors, not by any explicit act of treason, but by mere passiveness and refusal to take appropriate action. They become a tool of the enemy.
The enemy will unknowingly present one with the opportunity to grow stronger and attain glory, and one usually sees him coming. The traitor will stab his own kin in the back. The traitor conspires and works against the interests of his kin. The traitor dares to share the same blood as our beloved forefathers, therefore every beating of his heart, every breath he takes is an insult.
Thus, it is proper to despise the traitor more than the enemy.
All non-Whites are hostiles.
They came to your homelands to kill you, rape your children, and destroy your heritage. If you simp for them, you're just as much an enemy as the non-jewish zionist who simps for israel.
Find friends, start families & build communities because it's only going to get worse.
The energy of Odin within is like a flame to be harnessed. For many, that flame goes out quite early in life. But for those connected to the spirit of our ancestors, the opposite should be true. While young men burn like bonfires, large and chaotic; getting older should not diminish the power within. Instead, as the noise of useless distractions becomes ever more quiet. And as our power over ourselves increases...we should seer like coals. Not only with more heat and more endurance than ever before. But also with a razor like mind to direct that enery where it needs to go. To produce. To defend. To destroy.
Читать полностью…There is a primeval, esoteric connection between man and mountain.
The mountain is sacred as it represents and symbolizes higher calling and overcoming.
Nature calls on the Chosen to realize Her will by implementing Natural Law. For that reason, there exists a special connection between mountain and the Aryan soul.
Man will go into the wilderness and ascend the sacred mountain in search for himself and his role in the universe. Or simply for the thrill and transcendent exhilaration of it.
The mountain will reveal its wisdom to those it favors, and the whispers of the gods and ancestors will be heard by those who are ready.
If you want to avoid idiots, go where they can’t survive.
Читать полностью…🚫
“One must be something in order to do something.”
- Goethe
This one is worth putting some thought and contemplation into.
But not too much.
AI is a wonderful tool.
People could never truly hear Him because all they saw was an angry man yelling and we were told he was screaming about taking over the world.
Now, normies are literally hearing his words and sympathizing with them.
Exciting times, friends.
Don’t let politics create stress in your life. It is an election cycle so fear propaganda machine is in full swing. It’s sole purpose to divide us into sides that hate each other, so a few in power can get more power.
Stop watching the news, take a breath, and focus on your family. Create a family life and small friends circle that is self-sufficient and less reliant on the government for help. If you’re truly worried about things getting worse. Build that local network now.
“There are only two forces in the world, the sword and the spirit. In the long run the sword will always be conquered by the spirit.”
Napoleon I
A pencil drawing of a dagger and a ᛟ Odal rune.
Othala (ᛟ), also known as ēðel and odal, is a rune that represents the o and œ phonemes in the Elder Futhark and the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc writing systems respectively. Its name is derived from the reconstructed Proto-Germanic *ōþala- “heritage; inheritance, inherited estate”. As it does not occur in Younger Futhark, it disappears from the Scandinavian record around the 8th century, however its usage continued in England into the 11th century, where it was sometimes further used in manuscripts as a shorthand for the word ēðel (“homeland”), similar to how other runes were sometimes used at the time.
The Odal rune was also used as the insIgnia of ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) of the 7th ΣΣ Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen.
Othala is a rune of heritage, homeland and family.
As sons daughters of Europe, we are able to draw great power from surrounding energies and the soil itself.
On this sacred ground did our ancestors walk, offer to the gods, laugh, loved, lived and died for their kin.
Their spirit has become one with nature, and by communing with nature, one communes with the ancestors.
By going into the wilderness, one can benefit from tremendous transcendental healing in the shape of spiritual breakthroughs and getting to know oneself by allowing one to return Home.
There’s only two kinds of people left.
Those who know that the truth of this existence is inescapably tied to the blood, fidelity to our lineage, and adherence to the continued telling of an ancient story that we are the present stewards of -
And those who wish to eradicate this…not only those who are actively and ideologically opposed, but those whose opposition takes the form of cowardice, of downgoing, of weakening their birthright through either wrong action or worse, inaction.
May we all be blessed today to have the opportunity to show which one we are.
A lot of people still believe they can overtake the current establishment by going into politics — by having our people "infiltrate" the current regimes. I don't believe it possible. Do you actually think that they'll let people they don't approve of in the clique? In their system? Have you not yet realized that politics is theatre?... That it's a plot against you? A reform of the current structure is no solution. You cannot reform sickness into health. It is sickness at its core. It must be destroyed to create anew. It is precisely this that people do not want to accept — that this system must fall drastically and bloodily. It is the idea of losing modern comforts and falling into a raw and natural state of fight or flight that is scary to most, and so they make themselves believe that a political solution exists. But it does not. There is no political solution. At least not inside the existing political and global structure we know. A fall is required and overdue. A fall is inevitable. And only the strongest of mind and body will survive — only the bravest will thrive — and only the true will rule.
Читать полностью…I try to stay optimistic about the future but the more I watch the state of current events. The more I feel that violence will be necessary to right the world. Too many bad actors seeking to harm what I hold sacred.
Train your body in the gym. Train to fight on the mats. Get on the range. Train tactics. Learn to grow your own food. Become more self sufficient. Tighten your family circle.
Think of the decline of Western civilization like a fight you’re training for. If someone called you and told you that in the future you would be confronted by an individual of great strength and ability and you would have to fight him, you would probably begin some kind of training. You might arm yourself, you would take steps to be ready.
The decline of our civilization is going to be a multigenerational affair. The assets you possess, the skills you pass down, the preparation you set up for, will decide if your line continues or not. If your children thrive, survive, or perish.
You don’t have time to learn and pass on everything you need to know. From hand to hand combat, physical fitness, nutrition, academic skills to pass down, finance, etc.
There is no way to master all of these things, you have to make choices about which things to focus on without completely neglecting any of them. The cost for not learning enough about the wrong thing could be severe. The cost of not preparing sufficiently could be watching your family suffer.
You don’t have time to waste. Train, learn, pass on, organize repeat.
Life is warfare. Such has been decreed by Nature. All lifeforms must partake in an endless struggle for supremacy, or perish.
The most ruthless, cunning, adaptable and fit for surviving the cold winter and long night are Nature's crowning jewels.
Natural decrees are absolute, unapologetic and unforgiving.
And so must we be also.
⚡"Vim vi repellere omnes leges omniaque jura permittunt."⚡
Art by /channel/obsidianbone
"We Drink the Blood of Heroes."
A friendly reminder:
Neither of the two old farts would give a shit if you got shot, let alone spend the entire day being concerned about your condition.
Don’t spend the entire day online and go do something that will make your life better because neither of those two will, regardless of which one of them eventually gets elected.