"History is written by the victor. History is filled with liars. If he lives, and we die, his truth becomes written - and ours is lost. He will be a hero, 'cause all you need to change the world is one good lie and a river of blood. His truth will be the truth. But only if he lives, and we die... "
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
I think it's safe to say that anyone reading this has had a protein shake from a big plastic container. I'm probably one of the most lactose tolerant people out there, but protein powder shakes always ruined my stomach. Store bought protein powders are known to contain toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and micro plastics that wreak havoc on our bodies. When I first started lifting weights I fell into the same trap as most people, supplementing my diet with ultra processed powders and heat pressed vitamins because that's what the top athletes are doing when they pose for pictures so it must be legit...When I stopped and looked at how much money I was spending on vitamins, protein powder, pre workout, etc, I could no longer justify it, and I never really felt that great when I was taking all of those things. It's been several years since I first started looking into the farce that is the supplement industry. The majority of companies out there get their ingredients from the same places, slap their companies logos on it and promise the moon and stars. The reality is that we can get much better results from eating a proper diet.
The best thing I did was learn about how easy it is to get what our body's needs from whole foods, and the more I deviate from the FDA guidelines the better I feel. I start my mornings off with a 6 raw egg, 2 cups of Bulgarian yogurt shake. It's around 60 grams of protein and costs less than 2 $ for me to make.
Different diets serve different needs. It's always important to consider what your goals are long term and adjust your nutrition accordingly. Vince Gironda had some of the coolest experiments out there and I highly recomend reading up on the information he left behind in both nutrition, and exercise.
"Wise is not the one who knows a lot, but the one whose knowledge is useful."
Читать полностью…Shop night.
I can’t really express well in words how it feels to be a father after so many years of believing it would never be something I experienced.
The love I feel for him is so raw and crazy and all encompassing, and the increased love and power I feel with his mother who gave me this incredible gift is beyond anything I ever thought I could experience.
He is an expression of not only myself but my father and my father’s father back to the beginning.
Everything he sees and knows and interacts with is a product of all myself and my woman and my brothers and sisters have done with our lives and I see the strength and joy he has and I know this way of life is correct.
I know this is to be immortal in the only real sense of the word and I will give him everything I can.
Have a radical life. Have kids. Send your blood on, into eternity.
New Call Sign: Werewolf is now live.
In this broadcast, I sit down once again with Kevin D. to discuss vital paganism, radical belief, ritual and the concept and lifestyle of an honor culture.
In my humble opinion one of the best broadcasts to date.
The moment you are no longer emotionally and psychologically affected by your enemy's tactics, you become a sovereign being.
You cease to look at things through a veil. Your eyes are your own, your mind is your own. No longer a puppet, your actions are your own.
All warfare is based on deception. Dance to no one's strings. Take no one's bait. See things for what they are.
The fool mistakes impulsiveness for heroism. Develop cunning, become calculating, adopt a calm mind. Learn patience.
Sovereignty is power.
Honor is not bringing shame to yourself, your family, or your tribe. For a man that means not making them or yourself look weak. Mentally, emotionally, or physically.
It means duty, sacrifice, and personal responsibility. It means self control in all areas. It means courage in the face of fear. Control in the face of stress. Ferocity in the face of any threat to anything that it is your duty to protect and uphold.
It means constantly working towards what is right and demonstrating to the folk and to the gods the quality of your soul.
Whatever has the majority percentage of an individual's attention is what has the most influence over their mind.
A significant criticism from a few decades ago was how public school dominated half the waking hours of a child's attention. Effectively raising the child as they see fit while both parents work a full time job.
These days, while public school still has a significant influence over society's children, further attention has been drawn away from the parents through the internet and social media. Or any digital distraction in general.
There is an information stream the size of the universe out there. An endless ocean of useless and destructive garbage competing for your child's attention. And their main competition is you.
Читать полностью…Years ago I followed one of my favorite Facebook pages until it got zucced. I was happy to see he moved here and honored for all the shares he's given my page.
Earth, land, soil, terra, boden. Throughout history people have sought after, and fought over good land. Having good soil and a place to raise livestock insured a people's existence and the future of their children.
In modern times the majority of commercial farm land has been poisoned for decades with chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The soil that was once full of life has been reduced to a dead growing medium.
Keeping protein on the table starts from the ground up, and everything on my farm has a purpose. The garden and fields feed our family and our livestock. All of the manure from the rabbits, goats, and chickens goes back into the garden, and any household food waste goes back to the livestock.
A healthy living soil ensures healthy produce, and healthy proteins are always available for generations to come. Too many people sold away everything their ancestors built for the future. It's up to us to leave something worthwhile behind for our children, and teach them the mistakes that squandered away our birthright.
For those whose countries don’t allow them to use that video platform:
Читать полностью…VIGOR. Have mental and physical energy. Be active. Do not be the one who looks away when it is time to accomplish some task. Step up when others step back. Apply energy to your life; accomplish things, pitch in for the sake of all. You will have more vigor if you take care of your body - eat good food, get enough sleep and exercise, learn how to relax: Take a walk on a forest trail, or call up a friend for no particular reason. As the old saying goes, "Do not let the bastards grind you down."
Читать полностью…FREEDOM. You must have a passion for freedom. Freedom is not license; it is bound by law, and that law must be just and fair. From the earliest times, our Folk guaranteed the rights of freemen. Tyrants were recognized for what they were, and when the law broke down, the people had the right to rise in revolt. The very word "law" comes to us from the Old Norse and Old English; it was a force of nature, and all were bound by it, chieftains and kings included.
Читать полностью…In my dogs I trust, loyal to the end... ❤️
Dutch shepherds are a magnificent breed.
“A knife less man is life less man.”
I apply this old Norse quote to many different levels in my life. At its most basic literal translation, all men should carry a good knife on them at all times. Folding or fixed, pick what you prefer to carry.
At a deeper level I apply this to all areas of my training. An out of shape man (knife less man) is both slowly dying, and completely unprepared for a violent interaction (life less man). You have to maintain a consistent work out schedule to keep yourself in a ready state. It doesn’t have to be a seven day a week “death by” whatever workout. You have to take your health serious, especially if you’re a father.
Tolerance is just another way of throwing your values away. In human society the things that people tolerate are never good. We tolerate unnatural lifestyles, criminal governments, and evil on a grand scale is allowed to permiate every aspect of our existence. What are you tolerating?
The things you tolerate eventually creep into your own life. Our parents generations laughing at sodomites in Hollywood paved the way for hormone blockers in children today. Unchecked imigration as long as its legal has given us the wonders of diversity we see around us where the third world that doesn't share our values and culture are ready to vote us out in a rigged democracy. Don't question it, your just not being tolerant enough right?
If you want your children to grow up in a healthy world, it's time to push your values. Our lands were once beautiful, productive, and healthy. If you tolerate all the evil out there, you're just inviting it in.
"Today, I spoke with an old man who had visited many ports in his youth and lived joyous days filled with girls, wine, and song. Now alone without a family, he regrets not taking the time to find a loving wife and have children. He shared that nothing brings more joy than a caring spouse and happy kids. Learn from his regrets and start building your own big family today. Why wait? Now is the perfect time!"
― The Scandinavian Colonist
This might ruffle some feathers but the truth is that irregural warfare is romanticised and their accomplishments most often over exaggerated. The causality ratio and numbers of dead for the irregulars is always extremely high. They might win a few first engagements due to element of surprise but once that is gone and the larger conventional enemy adapts, improves and overcomes the irregular force shall suffer even more.
If we in the west can barely have a cohesive opinion about the war in Ukraine, that is now 2 years old, what is there to realistically dream about minutemen/partisans fighting off a large conventional force?
For a irregural groups survival criminal actions and acts of terror will become the norm. If the population looses faith in your cause and starts to blame you for their suffering then you won’t make it long. It’s only a matter of time that normal people will tire from all the reprisals, shakedowns, potential harms and unsafe upbringing for kids in a conflict area. We haven’t even talked about salary and benefits of the fighters and their families. Folks won’t fight for long if you can’t provide basic upkeep necessities.
“BuT thE TaLibAn!?!?”
Are you ready for 20 years of conflict, involved in illegal trafficking/smuggling, be religiously extreme and loose the majority of engagements? The Taliban received heavy support from local tribes, foreign governments and where extremists. The Taliban won politicly in the long run but lost militarily. Afghanistan is not a Western society with western norms and morals.
There are so many cases of failed irregulars that no one mentions them… rarely do I see posts about it compared to the over glorified few success stories. And those success stories often forget that the irregulars often developed/evolved/merged out of it to actually succeed. By becoming something structural and bigger.
We saw what happened during the “pandemic” and how normal average folks reacted to it. Unless you are in a “tribal”, strong religious or ideological society with clear ethnical identities many of the irregular forces success factors start to disappear in the grand scale of things. Especially when you can’t establish a clear political/relations center that draws in foreign or local support.
I am all for the knowledge and art of the irregular forces. It isn’t hopeless but it isn’t a cake walk that dosen dudes can realistically accomplish without becoming a criminal organisation.
Instead I would love to see this:
Talk to your neighbours, be involved in local efforts, participate in volunteer aid/reliefs and be a team player to your community or region. A squad of friends dreaming about being partisans is unrealistic, unless you join an already established organisation. But a squad of friends can help to saves lives and provide an area with realistic emergency aid efforts.
If you’re looking for universal acceptance, keep looking my friend. You will never please everyone and if you do, you have no real opinion of your own.
Читать полностью…No matter what country you're from, the ruling class hates you and will not hesitate to kill you to line their pockets. Their families should live in fear of their actions.
Читать полностью…Statistics in multiple studies show that if the Father is healthy and exercises regularly, the children will keep this lifestyle themselves into their adulthood. Alternatively, fathers that are unhealthy will have children that continue down a path of self destruction.
If you are invested in the future, and you should be, you have a great responsibility ahead. In a world that promotes anti-health, we are living outside the formless mediocrity that they want to keep us in.
Read the ancient tales of heroes past and think back to the hero prototype our ancestors looked up to. We have the opertunity to carve ourselves into that likeness, and our children will strive to be strong like Dad.
I'm lucky enough to spend each day deep in England's rolling hills & countryside, work with the soil & all it grows & nourishes, spend free time with a bow or spade in hand & relish solitude reading or simply gazing.
Yet, the vile stain, degenerative sickness, the truly bewildering insanity & corrosive corruption of every aspect & facet of 'modern' society is still impossible to avoid, notice & keep at bay from seeping into one's consciousness & life.
Wars & rebellion are no longer only treated by iron & steel, but with each & every act, choice, habit & stand one makes.
Hail to all those taking action, no matter how big or small!
Thank you brother for your kind words, I appreciate it a lot. All the best wishes to you and to your beautiful family. Keep up with great work!
Читать полностью…Imagine this: The dollar and the stock market crashes over night following years of out of control government spending. The value of your home has plummeted and your work has cut wages and issued layoffs. Lines have formed outside of banks, mass riots and looting are going on everywhere. Are you resilient enough to bounce back?
During the Great Depression, the farmers who were able to keep their farms faired the best. Take this excerpt for example. "We always had enough to eat because Mom and Dad raised a large garden and Mom canned a lot. We butchered a cow and a couple of hogs every year, and had chickens for meat and eggs. My sister and I wore patched clothes to school, but we were much better off than many of our fellow students. I guess we kids didn’t really feel poor at all. Most everyone else around us was just as bad off, or worse." - Sam Moore
Preparation for the hard times ahead will make or break your family. Prepare ahead, become resilient.
GODS-TROTH. Be true to the Gods and the Goddesses of our Folk. They are our Elder Kin. Give them respect, and strive to become more like them in wit and wisdom, in strength and steadfastness, in courage and capability. However, not all who throw the Spear will believe in the Gods - some will take up our cause, give us aid, and join us in the fight to secure the existence of our Race despite their personal non-belief. From those, we ask only respect and understanding. "Blood is thicker than baptismal water."
Читать полностью…LOYALTY. Be true - to your family, clan, co workers, and race. Do not let quarrels and disagreements come between you and your kin and valued friends; if you have problems or misunderstandings, work them out. Treasure these bonds of blood, and soil, and soul, and the experiences that bind us to each other. Kin and clan come first: Even the Mafia gets that right.
Читать полностью…HONOR. "Honor is that which no man can give you and no man can take away," as Rob Roy says in the movie of the same name. Right action produces honor. Sometimes others can see it, and give you praise, and that is a good thing. It is something to be sought - it grows your spiritual might, your luck, your hamingja. But honor is in the doing, it must be proven against adversity; sometimes fools think they have honor, while others scoff at them behind their backs.
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