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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Hello and welcome to Pedo Hunting Europe.
Pedo Hunting is a volunteer anti-pedophile organization that operates across ~ 22 European countries.
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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Only 7 days remaining on this pre-order.

Current order numbers will mean that we are also limiting this to a print run of 250 copies in total, of which more than half are already spoken for.

Get your order in this week - you won’t have another opportunity after this print run sells out.

Printing will be a black leatherette hardcover with silver foil and debossed logo - the book will be over 500 pages and include nearly 7 complete volumes in one:

Werewolf Manifesto
Complete Transmissions 1-3
Inner Circle
Kali Yuga Survival Guide

It will also include a new extended introduction by the author.

Buyers should expect eight weeks of turnaround time from the close of the pre-order.

This pre-order will remain open for only two weeks, at which time it will be permanently closed, and there will not be another opportunity - multiple copies can be ordered at one time if desired.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

"You think you're going to win by meeting up with guys to box in the park?"

No, I think we're going to win by organizing.  You can't organize seriously with a bunch of risk averse, conflict avoidant podcast fans.  If someone will meet in the park to train with you, they're infinitely more committed to the cause than someone who sends superchats to their preferred online hot taker.

If your entire connection to the cause can be cut off by your phone running out of battery, you're not doing anything.


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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Happy Equinox to all who observe.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

In memory of Maxim "Tesak" Martsinkevich who was killed by the Putinist regime 4 years ago today.

Tesak like many other Nationalists of Russia was a big ally of the Ukraine's Nationalist movement and if he wasn't for he's death he would very likely be fighting today along he's Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Polish comrades against the communist euroasian vermin from the east.

Rest in peace brother, you and your actions shall never be forgotten!
See you Valhalla!



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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

This is your weapon. Every fucking humanoid got the same as you. But your's is special. You can paint the world more beautiful, lift more weight than the bluehaired retards, build more robust than clayhuts.

The future is in our hands. We can take this civilization of concrete and gender studies and leave it a civilization of marble, ideals and strength. In your hands are the power to create or destroy worlds.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Silence is golden. 🤫

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

The 13th Warrior (1999)

Based on the novel Eaters of the Dead, wherein elements from ibn Fadlan's account of the Rus and the ancient, Finno-Ugric bear cult are combined with the plot of Beowulf, The 13th Warrior is a violent, tense film served with a heaping helping of European history. A dissertation could probably be written analysing the anachronisms present, pointedly the arms and armour, but the glimpses of historicity improve the experience regardless. Of particular note is the use of the Germanic (and Finnic) refusal to name the creature ('bear' is itself a byword). One might argue rightly that the acceptance of the Arab's religion is a symptom of a Liberal worldview and Western decadence, marking this film as a product of its time, but it is true that it is the white man's tendency to accept within limits the outsider if he is competent and holds the line against the enemy.

Suitability: Adults for swordplay and gore (teens at parents' discretion)

Key themes: Daring, warfare, foreignness, savagery

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Something that should often be remembered is how easy it is to fall into misanthropy in the modern world. We forget that the people who are so easy to hate were bred that way over thousands of years by our ancestors. They are peasants, people that have had an instinct to follow orders and not to question beaten into them on a genetic level. They're stupid, willingly ignorant, and afraid of change. In some places, our ancestors considered them a different species. Chivalry was created to stop us from killing them.

We must have compassion for these poor souls and realise that they are, for the most part, simply fulfilling their dharma. They simply live according to their nature, and it is up to us to
have the wisdom to guide them fairly.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Start a family- Build a tribe.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Foreigners now dominate our streets, armed and entangled in organized crime. Crime has surged—you are aware of the statistics.

Many in our movement fail to recognize that these outsiders don’t share our values or sense of morality. If they have a gun, they’ll use it—no hesitation, no matter the stakes.

Although; never underestimate the power of physical fitness or combat skills; they’re more vital than ever.

Just as you wouldn’t bring a knife to a gunfight, you must be ready to match or exceed their force. This is about being prepared, not promoting gun violence.

In brief; It’s better to have a gun and not need it, than to need one and not have it.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Since time immemorial, our ancestors worshiped the sun as a bringer of life and warmth. Like a golden disk, the sun shone upon them, like a wheel, it rolled across the sky.
The Sun determines the passage of time, and its path is itself a circle. Draw shorter or longer lines around the Earth. At 6 in the morning you can see it in the East, at twelve noon in the South, at 6 in the afternoon in the West, and at midnight, during the summer, in the far North, where its cycle ends.
Our ancestors saw the passing of the year as points on a wheel. This was the old calendar wheel, which can be seen on the horizon. In the Arctic North, during the winter solstice, the sun appears at the southernmost point for a very short time; On the summer solstice it is at the northernmost point. The union of these two points gives us the North-South line of the horizon.
In our latitudes the sun rises in the middle of summer and on the solstice of winter in the northeast and southeast respectively, and sets in the northwest and the southwest. The lines that join these points form an ass previously divided into six parts forming the ancient sign of the wheel:
From the distant North our ancestors brought with them a foundational experience that became very important for their future and especially for us as we rediscovered our heritage. It was as follows:
In the far North, summer and winter fought among themselves as did the forces of light and darkness. The dark winter with its harshness and cold seemed to defeat the short and arid summer. And yet, summer came year after year despite the insistence of winter. If their arrival each year had not been a certainty, this would have meant the death of the Nordic people. Sad and depressed, the Nordic people watched as the circle of the sun became smaller and smaller at the end of summer. The sun was becoming weaker, older and paler. His path became shorter, and during the winter solstice there were only a few hours of daylight, he would immediately sink into the cold North Sea and be swallowed up, as if devoured by a monster. He had died and was lying in his grave. The question of whether the sun would remain buried forever was of as much importance as the life or death of Humanity.
On the day of the beginning of winter the miracle occurred: The sun rose from its watery tomb. He had been reborn as a child, regained his strength, and reappeared before the happy and joyful people, who felt that life was restored to them. This happened every year. And every year it was celebrated as their most important festival, their sacred night festival. They greeted the sun with lit torches to help it free itself from the bonds of winter death. And they celebrated the longer and longer solar circles as often as possible. The bonfires burned very high on the spring equinox, when day and night were of equal length, and the sun would surely have won the battle. And again on the night of the summer solstice, when the sun had achieved its greatest victory and the night lasted only a few hours. This celebration became the most important of all.
The strong sun made the harvest possible, reason for another festival, after which, its strength is quickly lost and it heads again towards death, until returning to life again.
No matter how far we go back in the Nordic and Germanic times of the German people, we will always find people telling the story of the death and resurrection of the sun in very different ways. We are fortunate to know more about this ancient tradition than about other closer periods in the history of our people. This experience of the sun is the root of most of our pre-Christian tales, which the Brothers Grimm collected and wrote down more than a hundred years ago and thus preserved forever. The solar princess, killed by an evil winter force, resurrected by a young hero: this is the essence of all these stories, which were wonderfully long and varied.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Live within the reality of this life, fear not your fate as fear is for fools and cowards. A valorous man boldly faces what the Norns decree. This is the core tenet of a belief in our Gods, it is to know that our plan is already woven and just waiting for us to meet it bravely. There should be no fear of death in the warrior who has lived a noble life, and only the fool believes that he can live one moment longer than he is meant to. Our ancestors who embodied this calculated worldview terrified their enemies with an implacable fury in all endeavors. From the outside looking in they couldn't understand how a person could have no care for life or death in battle. They misunderstood it for either lunacy or carelessness, but it was truly the most pragmatic approach to war that had ever been seen.

The warrior strode onto the battlefield knowing that if today was his day, then all he could hope for was to die in the most honorable way possible, so as to gain his spot in Valhalla. But if today was not his day to die, then nothing could kill him, thus he became immortal. There were some Berserkrs who had D-rings put through their calf muscle that was attached to a chain with a spike on it, so they could stake themselves to the battlefield. They would walk out with just their weapons, pound their stake into the ground and howl at the host as their fierce declaration that none could take their life. This is what it means to live within the Norn's decree, to take everyday your given and wage a relentless war with it for your Faith, Folk, Blood, Soil and Honor. Embrace the truths of this world so that you may finally be free from fear and be valorous in your every action. The battlefield has already been set comrades, it's just waiting for you to stake yourself to it.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Defending what is beautiful and moral today is a rebellion

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Great events are taking place in Europe; events that have not occurred for decades. We know what will happen to the world as the decades go by. but it is better to live one day as a lion than 1,000 as a sheep. Every fight for an ideal of honor is a sacred fight; there is a greater cause before all things. Fight and fight until you bleed, until you grind your teeth! because a man who does not fight is not a man.

"Who is not willing to die for own cause is not worthy of promoting it."

— Mussolini

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️


The chasm between the weak and the strong, lies in their fundamental approach to life. The weak are enslaved by immediate desires, seeking comfort and instant gratification without foresight, forever bound to the fleeting moment.

The strong, however, act with purpose beyond the present. They master their impulses, viewing them as distractions from their higher path. They endure hardship willingly, knowing that true power and mastery are forged through restraint and long-term vision. It is this inner discipline, this defiance of temporary temptations, that elevates the strong above the weak, marking them as the true architects of their fate.

Do not be a sheep, stay forever commited to your purpose.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

There are many very good sounding excuses to not organize in real life with others of Our People. All the carrots and sticks of modern society are designed to make all those excuses appear to be valid, rational objections to something that seems risky.

All those excuses when examined from a Nationalist perspective amount to nothing more than the apathetic cowardice of an atomized individual. The reasons to NOT organize are many, but they are nothing compared to the slow decline and fade from existence we will suffer if you don't start now.

The system has invested more resources than you could ever imagine into keeping you a lone, isolated individualist; with no sense of unity. That is because if we organize in large enough numbers, we will become the thing they've feared since the second they took power.

If your enemy shows you they fear something enough to make it the most socially taboo thing in the world, become that thing. Start to organize and become the thing they fear, start to resist or cease to exist.


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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

You could bring together every politician, every expert, every intellectual to solve the world’s problems and they would all fail to see -

The great corruption - the great destroyer of our age - is the illness of the spirit.

There is no solution beyond this: to heal and renew our own world, we must first go into the darkness that lies at the depths of our own soul and light fires there once again.

In this light, and with this fire, we may illuminate the way forward - but until we take part in a revolution of our spirit, there can be no other victory.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

"Communism rots the body,
Capitalism rots the soul."

Tomislav Sunić

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Written by a jarhead for jarheads this book is crayon eating simple which is what makes it artfully elegant and applicable.

Worth printing out.

Introduction Chapter 1: Clothing, Boots, and Equipment
Chapter 2: Map Work and Navigation
Chapter 3: Weapons and Optics
Chapter 4: Camouflage
Chapter 5: Living in the Field
Chapter 6: Signals and Marking
Chapter 7: Communication
Chapter 8: Patrolling
Chapter 9: Defense Fieldcraft
Chapter 10: Planning
Chapter 11: Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks

Appendix A: Sample Kits for Units Reference’s

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

In 2023, a teenage Swedish girl lured the Arab who had raped her out into the woods with promises of more.

Her male friends then spent hours torturing him, before hanging him from a tree.

All were acquitted on appeal, because they wouldn't rat one another out, and the court couldn't determine which was actually guilty of murder.

Just thought this was an important story to make sure you were aware of.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Very interesting take on this topic... 🤔

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

“If a man isn’t willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he’s no good.”

Ezra Pound

In the preface to Guide To Kulchur, Pound notes that he will be committing himself to ideas that “very few men can AFFORD to.”

A pencil drawing of “Der Schwertschleifer“ (English : The Sword grinder), a statue created by German sculptor Ernst Kunst. Exhibited in the 1943 Munich Haus der Deutschen Kunst exhibition (catalogue no. HDK 564). Unfortunately no further information is available, most probably this statue too was destroyed after the war.

© 2023 P-S Lindblom

Slide 2 : Limited edition prints, 48cm x 33cm, 50 copies, FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

The fact that we live in a late stage in our civilizational era should not come as surprise for anyone. Like eras before we see example of decadence on an scale way higher an unthinkeble for earlier generations.

Take the latest problem here in Multikultitopia in Scandinavia as an example. The Danish medicine Ozempic is being bought up in such a mass of fat people that just want to live the bourgeois dream. Without doing anything physical. That it now runs empty in pharmaceutical stores over Scandinavia.

This leads now that other fat people have a interesting problem. Mostly obese working class that uses Ozempic as a medical treatment for their diabetes type 2. Which they have earned through a life lived via McDonalds and a sea of sugar, cannot find or afford Ozempic these days. Even though the state doctors have prescribed the drug. But the shells are running empty.

The left does as is usually does. Nothing real.
Here we have a perfect line of class interest that clashes.
Ordinary people just want to live the modern bourgeois dream of good looks without putting in the effort at the gym. And now the merchantsociety puts gold before need.

The people who shouted at the gymbros for years. The people that says that training is fascism and have imposed "body positive" ideology now shoots up Ozempic to such degree that other fatties that have been mislead by their fake propaganda will now suffer and probably die becouse some rich fat fuck could pay his way off the gym.

For years we have heard about that testosterone is dangerous becouse you will achieve goals at the gym etc.
But Ozempic is golden in this modern world. Because then you don't even need to show up to loose fat. One is uplifting and one is down playing.

But some things are certain. The lefts propagadists does not give a fuck about the fatties in the working class. They are more busy to get there share of Ozempic. And in this hypernarcissistic world. Fatties care more about themselves than other fatties.

Fvcking weaklings.

XIV 🏴‍☠️

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Man also saw the same laws of death and renewal in nature. The annual cycle of the sun also determines the rhythm of all living things, both animals and plants. His entire life revolves around youth and aging, death and rebirth. And man's own life followed this rhythm.
The Norse man knew that his own life came from a man destined to die. In the consciousness of his own death, the Nordic man dominated life. This was the essence of his beliefs. What he learned from the sun and saw in his own forests.
That is why he considered trees sacred. He imagined that the entire universe was supported by a giant tree. The old ash tree described in the Eddas. In its eternity, the law of death and rebirth provides constant regeneration, an eternal rhythm.
Thus the Nordic man, in his celebrations around the bonfires, had the sun wheel, and the tree as symbols, just as in the stories we have read about the tree of life, which grows on the mother's tomb and They protect the young woman with their blessing.

- Die Gestaltung der Festeim Jahres und Lebenslauf, Fritz Weitzel, SS Obergruppenführer.


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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

Theres an old saying that goes, "I slept and dreamed that life is beauty, I woke and found that life is duty." For the true soldier though there is no difference between the two. What could be more beautiful than a person giving all that they are, in defense of all that is fair in this world? This is the divine duty we have been given, and I say we must revel in the demands of our Gods. There is no greater purpose in life than to understand your obligations and fulfill them to the best of your ability. With each connection we have comes an obligation, in greater or lesser degrees, but the most profound of these debts is the one we owe to our Faith and Folk.

We were given this life and all it entails to have as our sacred possessions and we must guard them jealously. If we do not wake up and truly begin to cherish our gifts, then we will lose them forever. As Bob said, our love for all that we hold dear must create an equal amount of hatred for all those who would harm these things. Yet everywhere we look, we can see all that we love is being attacked by scum with impunity. Everything noble in this world shouts at us to put a stop to this once for all, our honor requires it, our Gods decree it, our duty demands it, and our Folk plead for it. Let us shoulder this holy burden so that when our children sleep and dream of being happy and free, they wake to find weve made it a reality.

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

No Apologies!

By Omniphi Media

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

You give meaning to your life.
You give meaning to your death.

“Dying in a meaningless war” only depends on who's dying.

Did he, this guy who was just blown into a thousand pieces of blood by a drone, have dreams? Did he want that? Did he know exactly what he was doing there? Was he master of himself? Or a poor slave?

Did he know what he was fighting for? Was he okay with that?

Could it be that this man, who died in a meaningless war, did follow the absurd, suicidal and impossible path willingly? Did he know it was impossible?

What if he wanted all of this? What if he wished for something so terrible in the hope of discovering in himself something noble, unique, his own?

What if this guy wasn't fighting the obvious war that everyone sees, but another war, invisible, personal, interior, sacred...

What if... he just wanted to being consumed in his own flame and die his own way?

Can we judge this man? Can we say that his death was... meaningless?

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⚡️Bastion Croatia⚡️

If you choose not to take action, you don’t owe the right to blame anybody but yourself for what is going on.

Stop larping on the internet, stop blackpilling.

It is time to realize that either we will be the strongest generation of Europeans, or the last.

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