😍 Academic and advanced words to achieve a high score on vocabulary.
Sample essays with the use of the words and their definitions are given.
always ahead
📝Coronavirus related vocabulary
😱•Coronavirus - koronavirus
✴️•Covid 19 - COVID 19
🤕•Outbreak - avj olish
👽•Pandemic - pandemiya
😷•Masks - Niqoblar
👥•Social distancing - ijtimoiy masofani saqlash
📳•Quarantine - karantin
🚭•Lock down - qatʼiy izolyatsiya
🚯•Shelter in place - boshpana joyida
♻️•Community spread - ommaviy tarqalish
👀•Contact tracing - kontaktlarni kuzatish
🦽•Ventilators - ventilyatorlar
🥴•Vulnerable - zaif
😮💨•Immune compromised - immunitet zaiflashgan
🤯•High risk - yuqori xavf
💉•Vaccine - vaktsina
Vocabulary for Writing Task 1 Academic 📊
🧮 Fractions:
4% = A tiny fraction.
24% = Almost a quarter.
25% Exactly a quarter.
26% = Roughly one quarter.
32% Nearly one-third, nearly a third.
49% = Around a half, just under a half.
50% Exactly a half.
51% = Just over a half.
73% = Nearly three quarters.
77% = Approximately three quarter, more than three-quarter.
79% = Well over three quarters
idioms and Phrasal Verbs for Speaking
speaking booster
Essay Activator 🧭
One of the most useful books for writing, particularly to master Academic writing
Judayam foydali speaking sample'lar hamda so'zlar bor ekan. Albatta, ishlating!
🍃if a person laughs too much, even at stupid things, they are lonely deep inside.
🍃 if a person sleeps a lot, they are sad.
🍃if a person speaks less, but speaks fast, he keeps secrets.
🍃 if someone can't cry, they are weak.
🍃if someone eats in an abnormal manner, they are tense.
🍃 if someone cries on little things, they are innocent and soft-hearted.
🍃 if someone becomes angry over silly or petty things, it means they need love...
Comment “I don’t understand” in your native language!
Learn 5 other ways to say " I don't understand" in English! 🇬🇧🇺🇸
Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements and this has set a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree
Types of phobias😱:
achluophobia - fear of darkness
aerophobia - fear of flying
ailurophobia - fear of cats
amaxophobia - fear of riding in a car
autophobia - fear of being alone
bathmophobia - fear of stairs or steep slopes
cynophobia - fear of dogs
dentophobia - fear of dentists
glossophobia- fear of speaking
hemophobia - fear of blood
hydrophobia - fear of water
iatrophobia - fear of doctors
insectophobia - fear of insects
leukophobia - fear of the color white
mageirocophobia - fear of cooking
melanophobia - fear of the color
necrophobia - fear of death or dead things
nosocomephobia - fear of hospitals
nyctophobia - fear of the dark
ophidiophobia - fear of snakes
ornithophobia - fear of birds
philophobia - fear of love
pyrophobia - fear of fire
xenophobia - fear of strangers or foreigners
🔴IELTS imtihonida (Speakingdan) 100% tushadigan savollar toʻplami. ✅
Tayyorlaning ❗️
♻️ Doʻstlarga ulashing ♻️
🔝 @bestwayofficial - Ingliz tilini birga oʻrgamiz! 🔥
▪️IELTS 9 Band Vocabulary
1. Very Shy – Intimidated
2. Very Easy – Effortless
3. Very Dirty – Filthy
4. Very Talanted – Cripted
5. Very Tasty – Delicious
6. Very funny – Hilarious
7. Very dangerous – Ferocious
8. Very Fast – Rapid
9. Very Interested – an avaid
10. Very Serious – Gravd
11. Very deep – Propound
12 Very Noisy – Deafening
13. Very Creative – Innovation
14. Very Friendly – Amiable
15. Very Peaceful – Serene, Tranquil
Doim koʻpchiligingizdan writing yozishda qiynalaman deb koʻp murojaatlar kelib tushadi.
Writingda yaxshi insho yozishning asosiy kaliti bu gʻoyalarning mukammal ekanligi va ularni toʻgʻri asoslab bera olish.
Bu kitob esa aynan sizga writing yozishda gʻoyalar bilan yordam beradi.
Tell me about the town or city you come from.🌇
Use the same words for your city:
🏡pleasant = yoqimli,yaxshi
🏡...is expanding =kengaymoqda
🏡mild weather = iliq havo
🏡massive =ulkan
🏡renovated = rekonstruksiya qilingan
🏡worth a visit = borishga arzirli
🏡contemporary = zamonaviy
IELTS Academic Band 8.0 Vocabulary 🎯🎯🎯
1. unacceptable - kutilmagan, qabul qilib bo'lydigan
/ˌʌn.əkˈsep.tə.bl / adjective
too bad to be accepted, approved of or allowed to continue
The unions have described the latest pay offer as unacceptable.
Kasaba uyushmalari so'nggi maosh taklifini qabul qilib bo'lmaydigan deb tasvirlaydi.
2. Rarely - kamdan-kam
/ˈreəli/ adverb
not often
We rarely see each other now.
Hozir biz bir-birimizni kamdan-kam ko'ramiz.
3. emphasize - ta'kidlamoq
/ˈem p .fə.saɪz/ verb [ T ]
1. to show or state that something is very important or worth giving attention to
2. to make something more obvious
Tight jeans will only emphasize any extra weight that you are carrying.
Qattiq jinsi shimlar faqat siz ko'taradigan har qanday qo'shimcha yukni ta'kidlaydi.
4. long/medium/short- term - uzoq / o'rta / qisqa muddatli
-term /-tɜːm/ suffix
lasting a long/medium/short time
The project will have long-term benefits.
Loyiha uzoq muddatli foyda keltiradi.
5. precisely - aniq, aynan
/prɪˈsaɪ.sli/ adverb
The fireworks begin at 8 o’clock precisely.
Salyutlar otilishi aniq soat 8 da boshlanadi.
6. advocate - himoya qilmoq
/ˈæd.və.keɪt/ verb [ T ]
to publicly support or suggest an idea, development or way of doing something
He advocated his close friend.
U o'zining yaqin do'stini himoya qildi.
7. unless - agar ...masa
/ənˈles/ conjunction
except if
You can't get a job unless you've got experience .
Agar tajribangiz bo'lmasa, ish topa olmaysiz.
#Idiom Time
🥩Chew the fat-to waste time talking or chat idly.
🗞️Ex:Sotti is chewing the fat with the neighbour.
Vocabulary from the programme
🇬🇧 to be on the decline
🇺🇿 kichraymoq, ozaymoq
to get smaller, to shrink, to dwindle
🇬🇧 pest
🇺🇿 zarakunanda
an insect or small animal which is harmful to other species or which damages crops
🇬🇧 the lack of habitat
🇺🇿 tabiiy muhit yetishmovchilgi
when there is not enough land that provides natural conditions for a species to thrive, or sometimes even to survive
🇬🇧 to pollinate
🇺🇿 changlatmoq
to carry pollen grains and fertilise plants
🇬🇧 to fertilise
🇺🇿 o'g'itlamoq
to make a plant grow or produce crops
🇬🇧 beehive
🇺🇿 asalari qutisi
a box-like container in which bees are kept so that their honey can be collected