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How To Deal With Difficult People

“If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” Mt 5:41 NIV
Jesus said, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles.” Roman soldiers were permitted to force a Jew to carry a burden a mile for them. They treated Jews as tools to be used. However, in those days, a Roman soldier was likely to be very young, a stranger in the city, poor, and deeply resented by the locals. So, what would you do in that situation? Jesus invites you to take the high road. When you carry someone’s burden and finish the first mile, say, “You look tired. Can I help you some more? Can I carry your burden another mile?” Can you imagine doing that? But it’s what you’re called to do. Often when someone takes advantage of you, you want to think of them as unlikable instead of a real person with their own story. It’s said that a friend offered to introduce English essayist Charles Lamb to a man whom Lamb had disliked for a long time. “Don’t make me meet him,” Lamb said. “I want to go on hating him, and I can’t do that to a man I know.” Understand this: You can give the gift of empathy. You can remember that the person you don’t like is also a human being. You can put yourself in his place. You can take the time to imagine how he feels, what he has been through, and how life has treated him. When you do that, your problem becomes an opportunity to practice the Christ life. Isn’t that what you want? Isn’t that what you signed up for in the first place?

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What You Will Do In Heaven

“Then I saw ‘a new heaven and a new earth.’” Rev 21:1 NIV
Perhaps the reason many of us are not as excited about heaven as we should be is because of what we have been told; that we will stand around playing harps, singing songs, and worshiping God forever. Think about it. When the singing and prayers in the average Sunday-morning service last longer than fifteen minutes, many get bored. So when we hear we will be doing this nonstop, twenty-four hours a day, forever in heaven, you understand why we can’t comprehend it or celebrate it. But there is more than one way of worshiping God. Astronomers approximate the existence of hundreds of billions of galaxies, more than ten galaxies for each person alive today! So, you won’t run out of things to do in heaven, and it certainly won’t be boring. It has taken thousands of years for billions of humans to explore a single tiny planet, and we have barely scratched the surface. Exploring the marvels of the new heavens and the new earth will keep us intrigued forever. And our love for God will grow infinitely bigger as a result. So, we will never cease to worship Him. Jesus told the woman at the well that God is looking for those who “worship…in the Spirit and in truth” (Jn 4:23 NIV). If you worship out of ignorance, worship is empty. God doesn’t just want you to worship Him; He wants you to know who you are worshiping and why you are worshiping Him. Worship is twofold; “in the Spirit and in truth.” So, learning the truth about God will keep you busy, excited, satisfied, and fulfilled for all eternity.

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God And Your Work (2)

“Those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” 1Co 4:2 NIV
Most adults spend about half their waking lives at work. Your work is a huge part of God’s plan for your life. He designed a specific vocation just for you in which you should find personal fulfillment, meet the needs of your family, and help to perpetuate His purposes in the earth. The fourth commandment covers all seven days of the week, not just the Sabbath. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work…for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth” (Ex 20: 9,11 NIV). Sometimes you hear sermons designed to make you feel guilty about not keeping the Sabbath, but have you ever heard a sermon designed to make you feel guilty about not honoring the six-day workweek? The point is that just as God made and loves the Sabbath, He also made and loves work. The Bible says, “The kingdom of God is in your midst” (Lk 17:21 NIV). Whether you’re a butcher, baker, or candlestick maker, you’re required to demonstrate integrity in the workplace. It’s embarrassing when nonbelievers say, “I’ll never do business with a Christian again.” The Bible says, “O Lord…how excellent is thy name in all the earth!” (Ps 8:1). You should strive to be “excellent” in your work. Tardiness, clock-watching, goofing off, watercooler gossip, flirting, speaking evil about your boss—these things should have no place in your life. The Bible says, “It is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful.” You should go to work praying, “Lord, today I want to do a good job and bring credit to your name.”

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Is Your Business Struggling?

“God is…always ready to help in times of trouble.” Ps 46:1 NLT
When your business is failing, you can lose your sense of security, your peace of mind, and your ability to sleep. It even affects your family. If that’s where you are today, read these words: “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.” Clear your mind for a moment and think about this: Everything you have belongs to God, including your business, right? He is the owner, and you’re the manager. So when trouble comes, you have the right (and the responsibility) to go to Him for help and expect Him to turn things around for you. When nobody else was catching fish, Jesus told the disciples where to find a boatload of them. The Bible says that there is nothing too hard for God (See Jer 32:27), and that includes the problem you’re facing and the situation you are in right now. The writer of Proverbs says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” (Pr 3:5-6 NLT). And He can guide you through the advice of a friend who is succeeding where you’re failing: “Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success” (Pr 15:22 NLT). Sometimes this calls for changing your policies, products, or personnel—and that takes courage and commitment. But if you have built your business on a foundation of integrity, fairness, quality products, and good service, you have the right to go to God in times of trouble, ask for His help, and expect to receive it.

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Try to be more flexible

“The wisdom from above is…willing to yield to others.” Jas 3:17 NLT
Flexible people are happy people. They experience a lot less stress than the rigid types who insist on things always being done a certain way. One of the reasons inflexibility is so stressful is that we have to achieve our goals through thinking human beings who often have their own ideas, ideas different from ours. If you’re not the type who is receptive to new ways of doing things because you view them as a personal rejection of your own ideas, ask Jesus the Great Physician to perform some corrective surgery on you. The Pharisees were the epitome of perfectionism and inflexibility. When they accused Jesus of not keeping the Sabbath, He said, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath” (Mk 2:27 NLT). Question: How flexible are you? Are you so specific at home that your family stays on edge for fear of violating one of your endless preferences? Must the towels always be folded in a certain way? If plans need to be changed, does it send you into a tailspin or do you stop and consider that God may have a different plan? Don’t try to justify your behavior by hiding under the cloak of “excellence.” Yes, you would like to see things done in the best manner possible; however, seek to understand when your behavior leaves the realm of being excellent and begins to border on being an inflexible perfectionist who not only creates stress for yourself but for others as well. The word for you today is—relax. Bend a little. Try going with the flow.

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Armed for spiritual warfare (2)

“Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.” Eph 6:13 NLT
Let’s look at the next three pieces of spiritual armor God has provided for us to live victoriously: (1) “You will need faith as your shield” (v. 16 TLB). For what? “To stop the fiery arrows aimed at you by Satan” (v. 16 TLB). Do you remember in the old western movies the battles between Native American Indians and the settlers? The settlers circled the wagons, and the Indians shot flaming arrows into them. They both understood that you can’t fight fires and fight foes at the same time; flaming arrows are a distraction. Satan uses the same tactic. But faith (focusing on God’s Word) snuffs out those flaming arrows. (2) “Put on salvation as your helmet” (v. 17 NLT). This helmet protects your mind. When Satan whispers, “If you were really a Christian, you wouldn’t have…,” you repel his attacks by knowing your identity in Christ—a blood-bought, totally forgiven, seen-as-righteous, heaven-bound child of God. (3) “Take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (v. 17 NLT). “The word of God” referred to here isn’t logos (the written word) but rhéma, which means “utterance.” It calls for speaking God’s Word to defeat Satan; utilizing the right Scripture at the right time to deal with the problem. That’s why Satan fights you so hard over Bible reading. Three times he attacked Jesus in the wilderness, and three times Jesus answered, “It is written” (Mt 4:4-10). He demolished Satan with Scripture! The devil can outargue you, but he has no defense against the Word of God. So, memorize the Scriptures, and use them as a weapon to defeat him.

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“Will the real Jesus please stand up?”

“Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Jn 13:35 NRSV
Have you seen the poster depicting three men, each representing a different version of Jesus? The first looks like an uncouth mountain man, the second is tanned and athletic, the third is a slight, meek-mannered character. The caption underneath says, “Will the real Jesus please stand up?” In John 13, the real Jesus stands up. He tells us what He is all about and what He wants us to be all about—and it’s love! In the upper room, Jesus recognized that His time was short. The cross was looming, Judas was about to betray Him, and He had to prepare His disciples to continue without Him. It’s like asking a pastor, “If you had one last sermon, what would it be?” Or asking a teacher, “What great truth would you most like to convey to your students?” Or asking parents, “If you could tell your kids only one thing, what would it be?” Jesus spells it out: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you…By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (vv. 34-35 NRSV). Like a last will and testament, Jesus’ final message is important not only because of its content but because of its tone and timing. It sums up His life and our responsibility to God and to others—to love them! Now, since love isn’t what you say but what you do—today go out and find practical ways to express God’s love to those you meet. They will feel good, and you will too.

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Be a nurturer

“I too was once my father’s son, tenderly loved as my mother’s only child.” Pr 4:3 NLT
In order for your child to thrive physically and emotionally in later life, you must nurture them with love during their earliest and formative years. Indeed, health experts are now saying that it’s essential to their survival. One Christian leader writes: “A study conducted at Harvard University shows unmistakably that the quality of the bonding between a boy and his mother is related to his physical health and well-being forty or fifty years later. Remarkably, 91 percent of college men who said they had not enjoyed a close relationship with their mothers developed coronary artery disease, hypertension, duodenal ulcers, or alcoholism by the midlife years. Only 45 percent of the men who recalled maternal warmth and closeness had similar illnesses. The same was true of men and relationships with their fathers. And consider this: 100 percent of the participants in this study whose mothers and fathers were cold and distant suffered numerous diagnosed diseases in midlife. In short, the quality of early relationships between boys and their parents is a powerful predictor of lifelong health. And you can be sure, the same is true of girls and women. It comes down to this: Where early needs are not met, trouble looms down the road.” Solomon, one of the wisest men who ever lived, said, “For I, too, was once my father’s son, tenderly loved as my mother’s only child.” David and Bathsheba were Solomon’s parents, and the story of what they did wrong is recorded for us all to read. But when it came to raising their son Solomon, they got it right. And by God’s grace you can too.

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Character (1)

“A principled life can stand up to the worst.” Pr 11:4 MSG
Abraham Lincoln said, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” It’s easier to focus on our talent because, generally speaking, it produces results that are rewarded and celebrated by others. In other words, there is an element of ego connected to our gifts. Character is built in private. Your reputation is what people think you are, but character is what God (and you) know you are. If you want to go the distance, focus more on character than talent. The writer of Proverbs says, “Live right, and you will eat from the life-giving tree. And if you act wisely, others will follow” (Pr 11:30 CEV). If you’re praying for greater results, being must precede doing. To achieve greater goals, you must become a more effective leader. To attract better people, you must become a person of great character. When you consistently display character, competence, and purpose, you make a powerful statement to those around you and draw them closer to you. Great things are rarely accomplished alone, so if you want to attract good people, you have to become a better person yourself. This is particularly true if you’re a person of great ability. Your talent may lift you up before others, but your lack of character will bring you down. The Bible says, “A thick bankroll is no help when life falls apart, but a principled life can stand up to the worst” (Pr 11:4 MSG). A wise leader is willing to admit, “I’m not perfect, but I know who is. And I’m doing my best to become more and more like Him in my professional and personal life.”

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When you feel angry (2)

“Cease from anger…it only causes harm.” Ps 37:8 NKJV
Your anger may or may not hurt the person toward whom it’s directed, but it can definitely hurt you. Prolonged anger releases toxic chemicals into your body that elevate your blood pressure, create cholesterol, and increase your risk of stroke and heart attack. Every minute given to anger is a minute taken away from joy. And it can hurt you personally and professionally. Everybody gets upset from time to time. But when you walk around with your anger barely concealed, people avoid you. Plus, you’re giving whoever angers you power over your attitude and your responses. That’s too much power to give anybody! God wants you to live in peace. Here is how to let go of your anger: (1) Recognize the main hurt and emotion at the root of your anger. (Pride?). (2) Become mindful of how your anger is exhibiting itself (such as surliness or profanity). (3) Restrain anger’s effect on your body by inhaling deeply and exhaling, adding an affirmation such as “Thank you, Father” or “I receive Your peace now.” Watch your tone of voice in all your communications, not just with someone who has angered you. Request rather than order. You will feel more in control, and people will be more inclined to cooperate with you. (4) Decide to forgive. You will know you have forgiven when you no longer desire to see your offender penalized. Don’t mistake this with the reality that you still feel hurt. Feelings follow behavior. If you continue to reopen the wound by constantly talking about it, it will never heal. Just keep walking in love, and your emotions will fall into line with your decision.

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Don’t be afraid of failing

“I will be with you.” Jos 1:5 NKJV
Because we are keenly aware of our limitations, we tend to limit our pursuits to our comfort zone. And that can lead to a life of mediocrity and unfulfilled dreams. Your efforts don’t rest solely on your shoulders, but on God’s. Yes, you have a part to play. But when you have done your best, you must trust God to do the rest. On the threshold of the promised land, God said to Joshua, “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you, nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage” (vv. 5-6). Your ability is limited, but God’s ability is unlimited. You may experience failure on your way to success, but God’s guarantee is, “I will not fail thee.” The fear of failure is often based on the erroneous belief that success rests solely on our abilities. And because we’re aware of our inadequacies, we stay in our comfort zone instead of tackling the giants in the promised land. This can lead to a life of frustration over “what could have been.” When you know that what you want lines up with God’s will, be bold and know that you will eventually succeed. “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him” (1Jn 5:14-15 NKJV). When your confidence is “in Him,” your success is assured. When you know that what you want is what God wants, you can move forward in strength.

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Set healthy boundaries

“Our word to you does not waver between ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’” 2Co 1:18 NLT
Paul writes, “Do you think I make my plans carelessly? Do you think I am like people of the world who say ‘Yes’ when they really mean ‘No’? As surely as God is faithful, our word to you does not waver” (vv.17-18 NLT). Paul had learned to set boundaries on his relationships, and you must do the same. A wise man said, “Never complain about what you permit.” Unless you set boundaries, you have no right to complain about people who take advantage of you and waste your time. “Jesus…does not waver between ‘Yes’ and ‘No’…he always does what he says” (v. 19 NLT). And as His follower, you must learn when it’s appropriate to say yes and when it’s appropriate to say no. When people back you into a corner, confront them promptly, privately, and personally. And if they won’t listen, take someone with you. And if they won’t listen to both of you, take it to the church leadership (See Mt 18:15-17). Be clear about what you will and won’t tolerate. In the words of the country song, “You’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything.” Get comfortable voicing your wishes and preferences without fear of rejection and alienation. Make this your prayer today: “Lord, let me serve and give to others from a pure heart rather than a need for love and acceptance. On the authority of your Word, I command the spirit of fear that has prevented me from setting healthy boundaries to leave now. I place my trust in you. I will not fear what people can do to me (See Ps 56:11). In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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Contrary winds (2)

“The voyage will be with…much loss.” Ac 27:10 RSV
Paul told everyone on board the ship bound for Rome, “The voyage will be with injury and much loss, not only of the cargo and the ship, but…our lives” (v. 10 RSV). One author writes: “Paul didn’t talk about a little skirmish…a little loss…This voyage would be beset with disasters, with much loss, even to their lives…To Paul this journey meant eventual martyrdom. However, Paul would not die until his mission was completed, until he would strike a fatal blow at the heart of the Roman Empire, its political genius, military supremacy…pride and pomp. When Paul walked into Rome with the Gospel, hell shook and all heaven rejoiced. We are all beneficiaries because that little battle-scarred man with a chain around his ankle started to convert many in Rome [and gave] us the books of Ephesians, Colossians, Philippians and Philemon while he was the prisoner of Jesus Christ…[These phrases] from Acts 27 bring this journey more to life: The winds were contrary…we sailed slowly…passing with difficulty…sailing was now dangerous…tempestuous winds arose…we secured the skiff with difficulty…we used cables to undergird the ship…exceedingly tempest tossed…we threw the ship’s tackle overboard…neither sun nor stars appeared for many days…all hope that we would get saved was given up…the stern was broken up.” The destination is within reach—but not without “much loss.” Thank God that’s not the end of the story. The centurion, “wishing to save Paul…commanded those who could swim to throw themselves overboard…and make for the shore…the rest on…pieces of the vessel…escaped safely to land.” (Ac 27:43-44 AMPC). When you keep your eyes on Jesus, you will make it in spite of the storm. Guaranteed!

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Humble yourself

“Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” Lk 18:14 NLT
Jesus said: “Two men went to the Temple to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a despised tax collector. The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed this prayer: ‘I thank you, God, that I am not like other people—cheaters, sinners, adulterers. I’m certainly not like that tax collector! I fast twice a week, and I give you a tenth of my income.’ But the tax collector stood at a distance and dared not even lift his eyes to heaven as he prayed. Instead, he beat his chest in sorrow, saying, ‘O God, be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.’ I tell you, this sinner, not the Pharisee, returned home justified before God. For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted” (vv. 10-14 NLT). You can appear to be the most devout person in church yet have a heart filled with pride. And the worst part is that you don’t know it. For example, when you take all the credit for things God enabled you to accomplish and acquire, that’s pride. When you compare yourself with others, that’s pride. When you think you can do the will of God without the power of God, that’s pride. When you exclude people who don’t fit into your peer group or social circle, that’s pride. And it will cost you, because “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble” (Jas 4:6 NIV). So if you want to walk in His favor today, then humble yourself before Him.

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Do you know why you’re here?

“He chose us.” Eph 1:4 NKJV
When it comes to God’s will for your life, He decides it and you discover it. It’s not something you can change, a topic for debate, or a plan you get to have a say in. The truth is, you can miss God’s will and be miserable, or do things His way and experience “glorious, inexpressible joy” (1Pe 1:8 NLT). The choice is yours. “But I don’t know God’s will for my life,” you say. Then pray this prayer: “Father, I’m tired of going through life with no real purpose because it brings no glory to you. You created every living thing, including me, that they may bring you pleasure (See Rev 4:11). I know that you have a specific job for me to do. Your Word says you formed me in the womb to be your servant (See Isa 49:5 NIV). I’m getting lots of input from other people, but I need to know the path you have chosen for me. Help me to stop ignoring and minimizing the gifts and talents you have invested in me; acting like they’re of no significance. I know we are all called to serve, and I need your help to discern who, where, when, and how I should serve. I want to do what you have destined me to do and not be sidetracked by wrong priorities, busywork, or other people’s desires and demands. At the end of my life, I want to be able to look back and say like Jesus, ‘I brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you told me to’ (See Jn 17:4 NIV). In the name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

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God Ideas

“David gave…Solomon…the plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind for the…temple of the Lord.” 1Ch 28:11-12 NIV
The first Jewish temple ranks as one of the architectural wonders of the ancient world. Built in the tenth century BC, the project’s scope was so massive that Solomon employed thirty thousand loggers and eighty thousand stonecutters. More than three thousand foremen managed the seven-year project. The temple was the epicenter of Judaism. It was the place of sacrifice. It was the place of worship. It was the place of pilgrimage. But like everything else, the temple was once a figment of the imagination. The cumulative history of the Jewish temple can be traced all the way back to an idea in the mind of King David. But it wasn’t David’s idea. “David gave his son Solomon the plans for the portico of the temple, its buildings, its storerooms, its upper parts, its inner rooms and the place of atonement. He gave him the plans of all that the Spirit had put in his mind for the courts of the temple of the Lord.” We have no idea how God downloaded the plans to David. JPEGs? PDFs? Mental images? Detailed drawings? One thing is sure: The plans for the temple were not manufactured in David’s mind, they originated with the Spirit of God. The temple wasn’t just a good idea, it was a God idea. So, ask God for an idea. Pray for a plan. Why? Two reasons. First because the Bible says, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Ps 37:4 NIV). Second, when something is conceived by God’s Spirit, it is sure to succeed.

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God And Your Work (3)

“I have chosen Bezalel.” Ex 31:2 NIV
The first person in the Bible who was said to be “filled with the Spirit of God” was Bezalel. And if his name doesn’t ring a bell, it’s because he wasn’t a prophet, priest, king, or apostle. He was a craftsman, skilled in design. He had an eye for color and a flair for management, and when it came time for building the tabernacle, he oversaw the job. Here is what God said about him: “I have chosen Bezalel…and…filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills—to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of crafts” (Ex 31:2-5 NIV). Imagine being Bezalel. From your youth you loved to work with your hands. You don’t know God is involved in this—but He is! He actually placed these desires within you. When you’re working, the joy you feel is actually the presence of God. You have certain strengths; you were born with them. They will always be your strengths, and you delight in them. Wonderful things happen when you discover those strengths, put them to use, and focus on improving them. Trying to develop in an area where God hasn’t gifted you is like trying to instruct a rabbit to swim or a snail to run. When you’re in your God-given slot, working with your God-given strengths, you’re at your best. When that happens, you are blessed, and so is everybody around you. The point is, in God’s plan, Bezalel was every bit as important as Moses. So, take heart; what you do matters!

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God And Your Work (1)

“Whatever you do, do well.” Ecc 9:10 NLT
In the Bible, you will notice that everybody works! And most of its heroes had secular vocations. Isaac developed real estate, Jacob was a rancher, Joseph served God best by staying in his well-paying government job rather than starting a nonprofit, faith-based organization to do charity work. Daniel was an immigrant who attended Babylon’s version of Oxford and grew to be prime minister. Lydia was a profitable businesswoman in textiles. Conceivably the ultimate expression of how much God values work is Jesus the carpenter. More than three-quarters of His life, He occupied Himself in the building profession, creating benches and tables, and was probably engaged in construction. The word we translate “carpenter” comes from the Greek word tektón, from which we get our word technology, and would contain the capability to do stone or masonry work. The Bible was penned by workers, about workers, and for workers. Work was God’s idea. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” (Ge 2:15 NIV). The first man, Adam, was a landscaper. By identifying what you have been called to do in life and giving yourself fully to it, you are as “ordained” as any pastor who stands in a pulpit. It’s a pity we use the word secular when it comes to any kind of work other than church work, because God doesn’t see it that way. All honest work earns His smile of approval. When it comes to work, the thing He requires from you is wrapped up in these words: “Whatever you do, do well.”

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God’s First Commission To Us

“Fill the earth and govern it.” Ge 1:28 NLT
The first thing God told Adam and Eve to do was “fill the earth and govern it.” Because Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden doesn’t mean they were limited to the Garden of Eden. God told them to “fill the earth and govern it.” Stop and think about it. God was inviting Adam and Eve to explore. Everything outside Eden was uncharted territory. They could travel 24,759 miles in any direction and never see the same landscape twice. There were 196,949,970 square miles of virgin territory to explore. One way we glorify God is by exploring and educating ourselves about everything He has created. One author explains: “The astronomer who charts the stars, the geneticist who maps the human genome, the researcher who seeks a cure for Parkinson’s disease, the oceanographer who explores the barrier reef, the ornithologist who studies and preserves rare bird species, the physicist who tries to catch quarks, the chemist who charts molecular structures, and the theologian who studies God have one thing in common. All of them are explorers. They are fulfilling the Genesis commission. And their exploration honors God if it’s done for the right reasons and results in the right response: to know Him and to worship Him.” There will always be some scientists who arrive at atheistic conclusions. But rather than abandon science, we have been called to reclaim it. If God created everything, then everything carries His holy fingerprint. All truth is God’s truth. Abraham Kuyper said, “There is not one square inch of the entire creation about which Jesus Christ does not cry out, ‘This is mine! This belongs to me!’”

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Armed for spiritual warfare (3)

“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.” Eph 6:18 NLT
Your spiritual armor must be put on correctly so that all the pieces fit; otherwise, you’re vulnerable to defeat at Satan’s hands. So, how do you do that? Paul tells us how: “Pray in the Spirit at all times.” Your clothes closet is where you find what you need to wear in the natural realm, and your prayer closet is where you find what you need to wear in the spiritual realm. Only through prayer do you become clothed for spiritual warfare, so don’t go into battle undressed. Paul writes, “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh” (Ro 13:14 NIV). That’s one of the most effective verses in Scripture when it comes to winning over temptation. Professionals who train dogs to listen and obey their commands no matter what, start by throwing a piece of red meat in front of the dog. The untrained dog immediately goes for it, but eventually the trainer teaches the animal to give him its undivided attention regardless of what’s put in front of it. When the training process is complete, the dog will not take its eyes off its master even when temptation is right under its nose. There is an important lesson here for you. If you keep your eyes on Jesus, it won’t matter what kind of lie or temptation Satan throws your way. Every now and then you may want to “go for it,” but if you stay focused on Jesus and listen to His voice alone, you will be victorious in the fight.

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Armed for spiritual warfare (1)

“Put on all of God’s armor.” Eph 6:11 NLT
Every day you live, you will battle the world, the flesh, and the devil. In order to be armed for spiritual warfare, Paul gives us six specific pieces of spiritual armor. Here are the first three: (1) The sturdy “belt of truth” (v. 14 NLT). During World War II, a plane flew many miles past its destination. Why? Because the crew, not realizing there were such strong tailwinds, refused to believe the cockpit instruments. As a result, everyone on board perished. Yet when the plane was found years later, the instruments were still in perfect working order. You can depend on God’s Word to guide you right. Read it daily and believe it no matter what your mind or emotions tell you. (2) “The body armor of God’s righteousness” (v. 14 NLT). Note, it is God’s righteousness, not yours. You’re not saved by trusting your own performance but by trusting Christ’s performance on the cross. When you know that, God’s righteousness becomes the breastplate that protects your heart from doubts about your salvation (See 2Co 5:21). (3) “For shoes, put on…peace” (Eph 6:15 NLT). Shoes indicate you’re going somewhere, so don’t expect to hear from God if you’re determined to remain frozen in the same spot. When you start moving ahead, He confirms the rightness of your direction by giving you a sense of peace (See Col 3:15). You “know in your knower” that you’re on the right track. When you don’t have peace about it, seek God for direction. This is particularly important if you’re a self-starter who loves what you do. God wants you to have an abiding sense of His peace—so, don’t go without it.

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Start living on purpose

“Those who help others are helped.” Pr 11:25 MSG
One of the best ways to keep your life in balance and stay on track spiritually is to pass on what you know to others. The Bible says, “Those who help others are helped.” As you pass along your insights, you will get more insights from God. Paul challenges Timothy, “Now I want you to tell these same things to followers who can be trusted to tell others” (2Ti 2:2 CEV). If you know people who haven’t discovered their God-given purpose in life yet, it’s your job to share with them what has been shared with you. For example, don’t just read this devotional and keep it to yourself, share it with your friends. The more you know, the more God expects you to use that knowledge to help others. That’s how things are supposed to work in His kingdom. James writes, “Anyone who knows the right thing to do, but does not do it, is sinning” (Jas 4:17 NCV). In other words, increased knowledge brings increased responsibility. Passing along the purpose of life to others is more than just an obligation; it’s one of our greatest privileges. Imagine how different the world would be if everyone knew their calling. That’s why Paul writes, “If you teach these things to other followers, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus” (1Ti 4:6 CEV). Not only does God want us to live out His purposes, He wants us to help others do the same. That is what assignment-centered living is all about. Regardless of your age, the rest of your life can be the best of your life if you will do this one thing—start living on purpose!

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Character (2)

“When people are tempted and still continue strong, they should be happy.” Jas 1:12 NCV
Because he was handsome, Joseph attracted the unwanted attentions of his boss’s wife. Day after day, she tried to seduce him. Now fast-forward to later in his life: If Joseph encountered that level of temptation when he was just a household slave, can you imagine the level he was exposed to when he became Egypt’s prime minister? Acting with integrity in small things equips you to act with integrity in big ones. In the hour of temptation, you will be called upon to choose one of two paths: character or compromise. And every time you choose character, you become stronger, even when your choice comes at a cost. Observe: (1) Character is more than just talk. Do you remember the old show-and-tell method of teaching in school? If you’re all tell and no show, you lose credibility. (2) Talent is a gift, but character is a choice. Generally speaking, talent is something you’re born with; you have little say in the matter. But character is a choice you get to make each day, and usually it’s made when only God and you know about it. (3) Character brings lasting success. It’s said that early Stradivarius violins were made from wood taken from the side of trees that had faced the brunt of a storm. Why? Because weather-beaten wood produces the sweetest music. Are you getting the idea? (4) Temporarily you may rise above your character limitations, but you won’t be able to sustain it. Eventually you will be seen for what you are. So, the word for you today is—don’t just work to build your career, work to build your character.

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Winning the battle over apathy

“Stir up the gift of God which is in you.” 2Ti 1:6 NKJV
Paul told Timothy, “Stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.” That Scripture means, even though you’re gifted, you can become apathetic if you don’t keep doing the right things. “Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away” (Heb 2:1 NKJV). The word “drift” is not only slow and subtle, it’s deadly. Let’s look at two of the things that can rob you of your passion, enthusiasm, motivation, and focus. (1) Lack of goals. “Without a vision the people perish” (See Pr 29:18). What used to enthuse you? What destroyed your interest in it? Is it a desire you could revive? Put it down in writing. Ignore the potential cost or reasons it might not work. Just indulge your mind in the luxury of feeling optimistic and excited about something, even a small thing. (2) Wrong goals. Are you pursuing a goal you feel was imposed upon you by someone else? Or like Jonah before he was swallowed by the whale, possibly you’re rowing against the tide of God’s will for your life. Check with Him and see if this is so. Did God really lead you to pamper yourself in that extravagant item that’s now requiring you to work two jobs? Or maybe the time has come to an end for a goal that was part of God’s plan for a specific season of your life. Moving on is sometimes difficult, but oh, the joy and peace of knowing that you are in the center of God’s perfect will!

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When you feel angry (1)

“Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” Jas 1:19 NLT
The Bible gives us three keys to handling our anger the right way. Let’s look at each one and see what we can learn: (1) “Be quick to listen.” Don’t react, and don’t rush to judgment. Slow down and try to get the facts, then prayerfully and carefully consider how God wants you to respond. (2) “Slow to speak.” If you’re unsure, or you don’t know, just say so. There is an old Chinese proverb that says, “It’s better to say nothing and appear to be a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it.” Your need to be in control, or to look like you have all the answers, can come back to bite you. What you don’t say, you won’t have to explain or apologize for later. (3) “Slow to get angry.” Note, the Bible doesn’t say that you should never get angry. It says you should get angry about the right things, in the right way, at the right time. Solomon says, “Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool” (Ecc 7:9 NLT). That’s why it’s so important to deal with your hurts. An unhealed wound causes pain which often manifests itself in anger. The trouble is, we carry our anger around with us and vent it on others. As a result, they distance themselves from us, or distrust us, or deny us the intimacy and closeness we desire with them. The Bible says, “The discretion of a man makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression” (Pr 19:11 NKJV). Christlike character grows through exercising patience, love, and restraint.

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Meditate on the Scriptures

“I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate Your ways.” Ps 119:15 NKJV
If you want to grow spiritually, you need a consistent diet of Scripture. In fact, you will never outgrow your diet of Scripture. There is no substitute. There is no supplement. The poet T. S. Eliot said, “Everything we eat has some…effect upon us. It affects us during the process of assimilation and digestion; and I believe that exactly the same is true of anything we read.” We are what we read. But let’s take that a step further. Reading without meditating is like eating without digesting. If you want to absorb the nutrients, you can’t just read it; you have to chew on it. Meditation is the way we metabolize Scripture. That’s how it gets into our spirit and our soul. The French writer Jacques Réda had a particular habit. He would walk the streets of Paris with the purpose of seeing one new thing every day. It was how he renewed his love for the city. We renew our love for God in a similar way. Our love grows as we see new dimensions of His personality, and His personality is predominantly revealed in the pages of the Bible. What if we approached God’s Word the way Jacques Réda walked the streets of Paris? Here is the secret of spiritual growth: You can’t merely read the Bible, you have to meditate on it. Reading provides breadth to our understanding, but meditation provides depth. If all we do is read Scripture, our understanding of God and our experience with Him is one-dimensional. The Bible is a kaleidoscope. Each time you turn it, another beautiful pattern of truth is revealed.

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Contrary winds (3)

“Stormy wind, fulfilling His word.” Ps 148:8 NAS
The winds were contrary when Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, they were contrary on their way to the promised land, and they were contrary when they got there. There is no such thing as a storm-free voyage: “Through…hardships and tribulations we…enter the kingdom” (Ac 14:22 AMPC). When you have to fight to stay afloat day after day, it’s easy to get discouraged. Paul said, “When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days…all hope…we would be saved was…given up” (Ac 27:20 NKJV). Maybe you’re weary and discouraged because of what you’re battling. You’re ready to call it quits—and humanly speaking, nobody would blame you. But before you give up, ask yourself this: What if God is the One engineering this storm to get me where I need to go? What if He is the One who “spoke and raised a stormy wind” (Ps 107:25 NAS), so I would have to keep my eyes on Him? What if He is the One who “hurled a great wind on the sea” (Jnh 1:4 NAS), to see if I would keep the faith when I can’t see the far shore? A psalmist tells us God uses “fire…hail, snow…clouds [and] stormy wind” (Ps 148:8) to fulfill His word. In Exodus 10, He “directed an east wind on the land all…day…and…night; and…it…brought the locusts…[He] shifted the wind to a very strong west wind, which picked up the locusts and drove them into the Red Sea” (vv. 13, 19 NAS). One author adds, “When the Lord fought for Israel…stormy winds brought about their deliverance…And one day, by God’s great mercy, we too shall stand upon the sea of glass and see how stormy winds brought about our deliverance.”

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Contrary winds (1)

“The winds were contrary.” Ac 27:4
When you set out to do anything for God, the Enemy will make sure you encounter “contrary winds.” In fact, if you’re not sailing against the wind, chances are you’re headed in the wrong direction! The Bible says Jesus was “tempted of the devil” (Mt 4:1). Satan never let up, including the night before Jesus was crucified when “Satan entered into Judas…one of the twelve” (Lk 22:3 NLT). Reimar Schultze says, “Wherever you go today, Satan will…try to get you at some street corner, at the office, or in the field. He will make you fall if you leave home without your spiritual armor on; if you leave your belt of truth…in the closet, your breastplate of righteousness…by the door, your gospel shoes under your bed, or if you leave your shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit and the helmet of salvation behind you…If you say at daybreak, ‘I will pray whenever I get a chance today,’ you just gave away your victory. Before long the wrong words will come out of your mouth, you will look at forbidden fruits and display an improper attitude. The most foolish thing [you] can do is to leave home unarmed and spiritually naked. A fool says, ‘I have no time to pray,’ but later…he finds all kinds of time to attempt to repair the damage prayerlessness…produced….Following Jesus is not a walk in the park…Every good thing in the kingdom…from Adam on has come to us through men and women who stuck it out when the going got tough. The biblical history of the church ends with [these victorious words]… ‘and so we came to Rome’” (Ac 28:14 NLT).

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How to pray when you are sick

“Is anyone among you sick?” Jas 5:14 NIV
The Bible says, “Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up” (vv.14-15 NIV). So, let’s be in no doubt; when we’re sick, we are told to call for the church elders to anoint us with oil and pray over us, believing that we will be healed. In times of sickness, we’re also told to pray for one another. Jesus said, “These signs will follow those who believe: In My name…they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mk 16:17-18 NKJV). If you are sick today, pray: “Lord, even though the doctor’s report is negative, you have the last word concerning my life. Your Word says, ‘You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book’ (Ps 139:16 NLT). Forgive me for any door I may have opened to this illness by failing to be a good steward of my health. Raise me up as testimony to your healing power. You are the changeless miracle-working God yesterday, today, and forever (See Heb 13:8). I take authority over every defective part of my body and command each one to be made whole in the name of Jesus. I decree that I will not die before my appointed time but will live to report what you have done (See Ps 118:17). By faith I stand on your Word and declare, ‘By your stripes I am healed’” (See Isa 53:5).

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A father’s blessing

“My son is like the smell of a field that the Lord has blessed.” Ge 27:27 NIV
Every child longs for their father’s blessing, and every father is called to bless their children. When Isaac blessed his sons, he was acting on God’s behalf, using his divinely delegated power to impart blessing. A father’s blessing was a cherished institution, but its effectiveness rested on the fact that Isaac blessed his sons as an act of faith and not out of mere sentiment or favoritism. By Hebrew custom, a father’s blessing comprised two elements. (1) A meaningful touch. “Jacob went close to his father Isaac, who touched him…Then his father Isaac said to him, ‘Come here, my son, and kiss me’” (Ge 27:22, 26 NIV). A patriarch’s blessing included the laying on of hands, a kiss, and embrace of acceptance and love. Jesus knew exactly what children needed, that’s why “he took them up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them” (Mk 10:16). And such expressions of love still bless our children who crave them from us. (2) A spoken word of affection. Before blessing Jacob, his father said to him, “Ah, the smell of my son is like the smell of a field that the Lord has blessed” (Ge 27:27 NIV). To a city dweller these words may not mean much, but not to Isaac’s boys. This old outdoors patriarch who loved nature was in essence saying, “That’s my boy—a hunter, a man’s man, just like his dad!” He couldn’t have spoken more affirming words to his son. Dad, let your words not be critical, demeaning, or insensitive, but words that say, “I couldn’t be prouder than to call you my child!”

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