✅IELTS Speaking | Part 3: 'technology' topic
1. What technology or equipment is used in most workplaces nowadays?
2. Does technology help workers or make their lives more difficult?
3. What effect does new technology have on employment?
1. Tip: give a list of different technologies, then talk about one in detail:
In most workplaces people use equipment such as computers, phones, printers, fax machines and photocopiers. I think the computer is probably the most essential piece of equipment because we rely on it for almost everything: communicating by email, writing reports, organising data, and finding information on the Internet.
2. Tip: talk about the positives AND the negatives:
Technology definitely helps workers because it makes many tasks so much easier. For example, email is such a useful tool for communication between employees in different offices, or even in different countries. On the other hand, technology can make life more difficult, especially when it goes wrong. It causes a lot of stress when the Internet is down or a computer crashes.
3. Tip: give the good effects AND the bad effects:
I think technology is often responsible for people losing their jobs. Machines have replaced people in areas like manufacturing and agriculture, and whenever a new technology is introduced, there are redundancies. At the same time, jobs might be created thanks to a new technology; for example, there would be no computer programmers if the computer hadn't been invented.
#IELTS #speaking #SpeakLikeAPro
Join for more: 🅱️ BIG BEN School
"There would be no computer programmers if the computer hadn't been invented." 💻
I was asked why I didn't use "there would have been" in this sentence. 🤔 This is actually a mixed conditional that I used intentionally. 🧐
I used:
"would be" (second conditional)
"hadn't been invented" (third conditional)
By combining these, I made a mixed conditional to refer to an imaginary past situation (using the third conditional "hadn't been invented") resulting in the present (using the second conditional "would be"). 👨💻
This allows me to imagine a hypothetical world where computers were never invented, and say that in that imaginary world, there would be no programmers today.
Mixed conditionals are useful for speculating about alternative versions of the present based on a change in the past. 💡
source: ielts-simon.com
#grammar #advancedgrammar
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IELTS Speaking: two types of hesitation
If you look at the 'fluency and coherence' column of the band descriptors, you'll see the following:
Band 7: may demonstrate language-related hesitation
Band 8: hesitation is usually content-related
Do you understand the difference between these two types of hesitation? Here's how I would summarise them:
Language-related hesitation: the candidate pauses because he/she is struggling with vocabulary or grammar.
Content-related hesitation: the candidate pauses to think about his/her answer to the question.
Tip: Try recording yourself as you answer some IELTS speaking questions. Listen to the recording and pay attention to your hesitations. Ask yourself whether you paused to find language or to consider your response to the question.
#IELTS #speaking #SpeakLikeAPro
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VOCABULARY | Useful phrases with "Luck"
rely on continuing good luck - push your luck
fortunately and unexpectedly - by a stroke of luck
success at your first attempt - beginner's luck
risk the outcome - take pot luck
decided by chance - the luck of the draw
unfortunately not - no such luck
if things turn out well - with any luck
not be lucky this time - be out of luck
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IELTS | Writing Task 1
A useful book to improve your IELTS Writing Task 1
#writing #task1#IELTS
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IELTS Speaking | Pronunciation
🎓💬 Master pronunciation with these stress tips!
When answering questions, emphasize the juicy bits - the main info! 🎯 Like Hanan, say "I'm a STUDENT, studying MEDICINE to be a DOCTOR" and not just "I'm a student." 🏥👩⚕️ When Kwan shares his story, it's all about "STUDENT, studying ECONOMICS at CHONJU University" - make those words pop! 📈🎒 And it's not just "I'm from Korea" - it's "from a SMALL VILLAGE near CHONJU in Korea." 🇰🇷🌄 Get the stress right, and you're nailing the conversation game! #LanguageLearning #PronunciationProTips #SpeakLikeAPro
Join for more: 🅱️ BIG BEN School
🔻 🅱️ ‘BIG BEN School'da qishgi qabul BOSHLANMOQDA!
15-Noyabr - 15-Dekabr sanalarida ushbu kurslarga ro'yxatdan o'ting:
- IELTS (B1-C1)
- General English (Beginner-B1)
- Kiddy English (7-13 yosh)
- Matematika (DTM, Westminster)
- Koreys Tili
- Rus tili
Kelajagingiz uchun poydevor yaratishga shoshiling!
📍Manzil: "Korzinka" supermarketi yaqinida.
📱 @BB_Navoi
✅Fall '23 Admission at BIG BEN School!
🔵🔵🔵Регистрация студентов на новый учебный год пройдет
сo 2 по 5 сентября на курсы:
- IELTS (B1-C1)
- General English (A1-B1)
- SAT (1300+)
- Корейский язык
- Русский язык
- Математика
- Английский для Детей (7-12)
📤 Отправьте эту замечательную новость всем родным!!!
📍 Ориентир - супермаркет 'Korzinka', Красная будка
📞 (91) 309 90 91
📞 (90) 739 37 39
📱 Admin
📱 Instagram.com/bigben__school
🔥 SAT in Navoi!
Are you ready to take your academic dreams to the next level?
Our SAT course is the answer! Taught by Jamshid Safarov, an experienced instructor with 4 years of SAT teaching experience, our course is designed to help you achieve a target score of 1400+ on the SAT exam.
With a high SAT score, you'll have the competitive edge you need to gain admission to top US universities and be eligible for up to $70,000 in scholarships per year.
Our course is the best in Navoi and the only one that can guarantee good results. We offer a comprehensive curriculum, personalized attention, and support to help you achieve your goals.
Now we cater to students of all levels, including those with a Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate level (General English & Pre-SAT preparation).
Join our SAT course today and give yourself the best chance of success!
Contact us: @BB_Navoi
Instructor: @UzNewYorker (+998 90 739 3 739)
BIG BEN CUP🏆 19.03.2023
Football championship😍😍😍
@bigben_school futbol musobaqasi e'lon qiladi🎉
1. Big Ben school talabasi bo'lish
2. Max 8 kishidan iborat jamoa tuzish( 5ta asosiy tarkib 2ta zahira)
3. Jamoaga nom qo'yish
4. Bir xil rangdagi sport formasida bo'lish
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun oxirgi muddat 17.03.2022
Qur'a tashlash 18.02.2022 da bo'lib o'tadi⚡️
G'oliblarga medallar🥇va albatta BIG BEN CUP🏆 topshiriladi🎉
BIG BEN CUP🏆 19.03.2023
Чемпионат по футболу😍😍😍
@bigben_school объявляет футбольный турнир🎉
1. Являться учеником школы Биг Бен
2. Создать команду из 8 человек (5 основных, 2 запасных)
3. Назвать команду
4. Быть в униформе одного цвета
Крайний срок регистрации – 17 марта 2023 г.
Розыгрыш состоится 19.02.2023⚡️
Победители получат медали 🥇 и конечно же BIG BEN CUP🏆 🎉
Bizda natijalar ketma-ketligi!
🎯 Qishning sovuq kunlarida Big Ben’dan qaynoq natijalarni qarshi oling. Bizda tahsil olgan bu o'quvchilarimiz IELTS imtihonidan super natijalarni qayd etishgan.
📌 Buning sababini esa, kuchli o'qitish tizimimiz va malakali o'qituvchilarimiz deb ayta olamiz.
📥Hozirda o'quv markazimizda IELTS kurslariga qabul davom etmoqda. Sizda shunday natijalarga erishish uchun hali ham imkoniyat bor.
Kurslarga yozilish uchun izohda "➕" belgisini qoldiring!
📞 Tel: 90 739 3 739
🚀 BIG BEN Kids guruhlariga Dekabr oyi uchun qabul boshlandi!
💫 Navoiy shahrida siz farzandingizni malakali o'qituvchilarning darslariga yozdirish imkoniyatiga egasiz. Biz 7-13 yoshli bolalar uchun ingliz tilini tizimli o'qitishni kafolatlaymiz.
📚Bolalar uchun ingliz tili darslari ularning kelajagi uchun muvaffaqiyat eshiklari kalitidir!!!
🗂Qabul 28-noyabrdan 12-dekabrga qadar davom etadi.
❗️ Farzandingizni roʻyxatdan oʻtkazishga shoshiling, joylar soni cheklangan!
📞 +998940996400
💭Каждый родитель мечтает чтобы его дети учились в президентской школе.
В 🅱️🅱️BIG BEN SCHOOL мы позаботились и об этом 😊.
💥Мы составили специальный курс, где ваш ребенок сможет эффективно подготовиться к экзамену который ждёт его (её) при поступлении.
📣 Спешите регистрировать своих детей, ведь их ждёт успешное будущее!
⏩Скорее поделитесь этой бомбической новостью со своими знакомыми!
📞 (99) 33 9 00 66
Math in English 🧮 ( математика на английском)
❄ BIG BEN School начинает новый 2021 год с великолепной новостью 😍🧨💯
❄ Теперь вы вмести с нами можете подготовиться к экзаменам по математике на английском.✅
❄ За всего лишь три(3) месяца подготовки вы сможете добиться желаемого результата 🤯🤗🤗
❄ Присоединяйтесь скорее к нам и начните новый год с уверенного шага к мечте 🎆🎓
❄ Регистрация будет продолжаться до 10 января 🗓
Math in English 🧮 (matematika ingliz tilida)
❄ BIG BEN School yangi 2021 yilni ajoyib yangiliklar bilan boshlaydi 😍 💯
❄ Endi siz biz bilan matematika fanidan imtihonlarga ingliz tilida tayyorgarlik ko'rishingiz mumkin.
❄ Atigi uch (3) oylik tayyorgarlik davomida siz kerakli natijaga erishishingiz mumkin 🤯🤗🤗
❄ Bizga qo'shilishga shoshiling va yangi yilni orzular tomon ishonchli qadam bilan boshlang 🎆🎓
❄ Ro'yxatdan o'tish 10 yanvargacha davom etadi 🗓
🅱🅱 @bigben_school
💥💥💥Самый долгожданный момент наступает уже совсем скоро!!!
📣📣📣10 Октября состоится открытие самого крутейшего Английского центра 🅱️🅱️ BIG BEN SCHOOL (@bigben_school)!!!
➕Набор во все курсы уже начались. Вы сможете прийти и зарегистрироваться!
Присоединяйтесь к нам и становитесь лучшей версией себя!
Поделитесь этой замечательной новостью со всеми!!!
📍Адрес: Около супермаркета Makro, над магазином Turk Brand.
🔶 🔶 🔶 🔶
💥💥💥Juda tez orada eng uzoq kutilgan lahza keladi !!!
📣📣📣10-oktyabrda eng zo'r ingliz markazi 🅱️🅱️ BIG BEN SCHOOL (@bigben_school) ochiladi !!!
➕Barcha kurslarimizga qabul qilish allaqachon boshlangan. Siz kelib ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz mumkin!
Bizga qo'shiling va yuqori natijalarga erishing!
Ushbu ajoyib yangilikni hammaga ulashing !!!
📍Manzil: Makro supermarketining oldidagi Turk Brand do'koni tepasida.
🎧 IELTS Listening Advice:
🎧 podcasts and audiobooks
Just a quick question today on the topic of study habits: Do you listen to podcasts and/or audiobooks in English? (I'm not asking about IELTS-specific materials)
Think about how much listening you do in your own language each day. Maybe podcasts, audiobooks and other online resources can help you to get closer to this amount of English listening practice. (source: ielts-simon)
Join for more: 🅱️ BIG BEN School
a. Murder vs. Manslaughter:
- Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being with intent (also known as malice aforethought). This means that the person who commits the act either intends to kill or cause serious harm, or acts with a reckless disregard for human life.
- Manslaughter, on the other hand, is also an unlawful killing, but without the intent to kill. It is often divided into two categories: voluntary manslaughter (such as a killing in the heat of passion) and involuntary manslaughter (a killing resulting from a non-felony, such as a reckless act).
b. Mugging vs. Smuggling:
- Mugging refers to a street crime where a perpetrator uses violence or intimidation to steal personal property from someone in a public place.
- Smuggling involves the illegal transportation of objects, substances, information, or people, such as taking goods across a border without paying customs duties or bringing in banned substances.
c. Bribery vs. Blackmail:
- Bribery is the act of giving or receiving something of value in exchange for some kind of influence or action in return that the recipient would otherwise not offer.
- Blackmail is demanding money or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.
d. Burglary vs. Robbery:
- Burglary is entering a building illegally with the intent to commit a crime, especially theft, but no victim is necessarily present.
- Robbery is taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force, which involves a victim being present and threatened.
e. Arson vs. Assault:
- Arson is the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property.
- Assault is an act that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done.
f. Fraud vs. Forgery:
- Fraud is wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
- Forgery is the act of making, adapting, or imitating objects, statistics, or documents with the intent to deceive.
#vocabulary #IELTSTopics
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🎧 IELTS Listening:
🕖are you 'putting in the hours'?
If you want to get a better score in IELTS listening, the most important thing is to do lots of listening practice. You need to put in the hours!
To "put in the hours" means "to do the necessary amount of hard work". But let's use this phrase more literally by considering how many practice hours you are actually doing every day or every week. Do you know how many hours you spent listening to English yesterday, or last week?
Maybe you could keep a record of the time you spend listening to English this week, and maybe you can try to increase this listening time next week.
A person who listens to 10 hours of English per week is probably going to improve much faster than a person who only manages 30 minutes.
source: ielts-simon
Join for more: 🅱️ BIG BEN School
📹 Weekly Videos | LVL - A1 Part 1
Short movies
Source: American English File
Join for more: 🅱️ BIG BEN School
In the IELTS Speaking Part 2, following the prompts provided on the cue card is advisable. They serve to structure your response effectively. It's possible to achieve a high score without addressing every single prompt, provided your discussion on the topic is articulate and thorough. However, completely ignoring the prompts is not recommended as it may result in a response that doesn't align with the task requirements.
If a candidate misinterprets the question and speaks about an unrelated topic, it will likely lead to a low score. Staying on topic is essential to demonstrate that the response is spontaneous and not pre-memorized.
Join for more: 🅱️ BIG BEN School
February 3, 2024
IELTS Writing Task 1: The pie charts below show the sources of the electricity produced in four countries between 2003 and 2008.
IELTS Writing Task 2: Some people say that the governments should pay for health care and education but others think that this is not the government's responsibility.
Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
Join for more: 🅱️ BIG BEN School
🔻🅱🅱 Big Ben UMID filiali ishga tushmoqda!
🎉 O'quv markazimiz barchani ushbu yangi filialimizning ochilish marosimiga taklif etadi!
🗓 3-sentabr kuni soat 18:00 da UMID filialiga tashrif buyuring va yangicha atmosferani his eting!
🚀Yangicha atmosfera barpo etilgan filialimizda o’qish istagida bo’lganlar ko’pchilikni tashkil qiladi. Shu sababli hoziroq ro’yxatdan o’tib, o’z o’rningizni band qilib qo’ying!
Kurslarga yozilish uchun izohda “➕” belgisini qoldiring!
📞 Tel: 91 309 90 91
90 739 37 39
94 099 64 00
🚀 Do you want to win $200000 scholarships to study in the USA🇺🇸?
SAT Group (in Navoi) admission is open 🥳💥
The course includes:
- SAT Preparation (English + Math);
- Help with creating a personal brand (the most important part of the course that will help you win generous scholarships);
- Help with creating a university list and applying to them;
- Essays and Recommendation Letters analysis;
Admission test date: May 14, Sunday
Program launch date: May 22, Monday
The course fee: $60/month - Advance Payment
Registration link: https://forms.gle/uEevcG6Z59q1nAJf7
For more info contact: @BB_Navoi
Share this message with your friends!
We sincerely congratulate you and your loved ones on Navruz holiday! May you be blessed with happiness, success and good health! 🌸🌷
🅱️🅱️ BIG BEN School SPRING Intake!🥳🥳
'BIG BEN School'da 2023-yil Bahorgi qabul boshlandi!
Sizda Navoiy shahridagi eng zo'r IELTS o'qituvchilardan ta'lim olish imkoniyati bor!
📥 Quyidagi kurslarda o'zingizga mos daraja uchun 28-fevral - 7-mart kunlari ro'yxatdan o'ting:
- IELTS (Intermediate - Advanced)
- General English (Beginner - Pre-Intermediate)
- Kids (7-12 y.o.)
🚀Kelajangiz uchun poydevor yaratishga shoshiling!
📍Manzil: "Makro" supermarketi yaqinida
Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: @BB_Navoi
☎️ +998907393739
🇬🇧 IELTS o'zi nima? Siz ushbu postda o'zingizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob topishingiz mumkin. Undan tashqari izohlarda ham savollaringizga javob beramiz!
Agar sizda ham IELTS sertifikatiga ega bo'lish istagi bo'lsa, bizga murojaat qiling. Biz sizga ingliz tilini tizimli o'qitishni kafolatlaymiz.
❗️ Unutmang, ingliz tili siz uchun kelajagingiz uchun muvaffaqiyat eshiklari kalitidir!!!
📞 +998940996400
Fall Admission at 🅱️🅱️BIG BEN School!
Регистрация студентов на новый учебный год пройдет сo 2 по 5 сентября на курсы:
- IELTS (Intermediate - Advanced)
- General English (Beginner - Intermediate)
- Президентская школа
- Kiddy (7-12)
В BIG BEN вы сможете регулярно участвовать в:
- Speaking Club
- Movie night
- Debate
- IELTS Masterclass
- Mock test
📤 Share this amazing news with all your friends!!!
📍 Ориентир - супермаркет 'Макро', Красная будка
📞 (94) 099 64 00
🅱🅱 @BB_Navoi
Осенний набор в 🅱️🅱️BIG BEN School!
Регистрация нынешних и новых студентов на новый учебный год пройдет сo 2 по 5 сентября на курсы:
- IELTS (Intermediate - Advanced
- General English (Beginner - Upper-intermediate)
- Президентская школа
- Kiddy (7-13)
В BIG BEN вы сможете регулярно участвовать в:
- Speaking Club
- Movie night
- Debate
- IELTS Masterclass
- Mock test
📤 Поделитесь этой новостью со своими друзьями
📍 Ориентир - супермаркет 'Макро', Красная будка
📞 (99) 33 9 00 66
IELTS Writing Tip #1
Understanding writing task 2
The aim of writing task 2
As writing task 2 is worth double the marks of task 1, it deserves special attention, and I have found that the greatest debates centre around this task. A high-level IELTS certificate tells the world that you are able to write about any topic in a serious way; writing task 2 aims to find out whether this can be said about your writing. Looking in more detail at the instructions for the task, as well as the criteria for Task response, and Coherence and cohesion, we can elaborate on this broad idea and state the following:
• You will be given a topic and a question (these two elements make up ‘the task’).
• Your response must be at least 250 words long, and must be a formal essay.
• In your essay, you must discuss the topic and present an argument that clearly explains your position on the issues raised in the question/s.
• Your ideas must be organised into logical paragraphs, and each paragraph should contain one central idea.
• Your ideas must be explained and supported, and you can use your own knowledge and experience to do that.
These details are readily available, yet many people tell me this is not enough information. They would actually like these broad ideas to be much narrower, making preparation for the test easier. However, any description of task 2 must be broad in order to force you to study a wide range of language and develop the skills your certificate will say that you have. In other words, the way that we describe this task has to be broad to ensure that you do the right preparation for the test. Therefore, while more detailed descriptions might seem convenient, they will not accurately describe the real test. As we shall see, it is the attempts to describe the task in a much more limited way that cause a great deal of confusion and, I believe, also keep people stuck below band 7.
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🤗 У нас семейные скидки 👨👩👧👦
BIG BEN 🅱️🅱️ @bigben__school продолжает заботиться о вас 😊😊😊
Для учеников из одной семьи мы предоставляем 10% скидку от общей суммы 🤩🤩🤩.
Теперь вы сможете не только получить образование высшего класса но и с экономить обучаясь вместе с родными 👨👩👧👦🤗
📞 90 739 37 39 ( Позвоните или свяжитесь по Telegram)
🤗 Bizda oilaviy chegirmalar mavjud👨👩👧👦
BIG BEN school 🅱️🅱️ @bigben__school sizga g'amxo'rlik qilishni davom etadi😊😊😊
Agar siz 2 va undan ortiq farzandlaringizni BIG BEN schoolda o'qitsangiz biz sizga umumiy to'lovning 10% miqdorida chegirma taqdim etamiz 🤩🤩🤩.
Endi siz nafaqat yuqori sifatli ta'limga ega bo'lishingiz, balki oila a'zolaringiz bilan birga o'qib chegirmalarga ega bo'lishingiz mumkin 👨👩👧👦🤗
📞 90 739 37 39 (Qo'ng'iroq qiling yoki Telegram orqali bog'laning)