My biggest takeaway from today’s events in London, is that the US should leave NATO immediately.
We gain nothing from NATO, but we lose trillions of dollars, and we risk full-scale WW3 by being in a ‘defense’ alliance with these warmongers.
It’s time to leave NATO.
Holy shit…
UK PM Starmer proposes a new plan for Ukraine and wants Europe to up their economic spending and says “the UK are prepared to back this with boots on the ground and planes in the air”.
It’s about to become clear to the world that NATO are the ones pushing for WW3.
Zelensky’s debacle is not just the end of Ukraine. This is the beginning of the end of NATO.
If Trump cuts off all funding to Ukraine, the world is about to quickly realize that NATO is nothing without the US.
Without the threat of the US MIL and access to US taxpayer money, NATO becomes SUBSTANTIALLY less powerful, and arguably irrelevant when compared to nuclear superpowers like Russia and China. Without the threat of the US MIL and our nuclear capabilities, NATO loses all value. Their security ‘guarantees’ would become next to useless.
If the US, under new management from Trump, were to abandon NATO, the globalist war machine would lose their ability to operate, and would eventually cease to exist.
Pictured below are the current stats on NATO spending. Without the US, NATO is nothing. We don’t need them. They need us.
If all the Ukraine flag 🇺🇦 accounts actually cared about the well-being of the Ukrainian People, they would be begging Zelensky to take Trump’s deal and spare the lives of the remaining Ukrainian soldiers.
But they don’t actually care.
They treat this like a football game. They are just cheering on their favorite team, hoping they make comeback, completely disassociated from the fact that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are dying horrific deaths, fighting a war they never had any chance of winning. They are being slaughtered.
The pro-Ukraine 🇺🇦 accounts are either USAID-paid propagandists, or they are petulant imbeciles larping online. They have zero loyalty to Ukraine, they have no desire for peace, and they don’t care how many innocents have to die. In fact, they want the war to escalate and for other nations to put boots on the ground for them. They want global war and full-scale WW3, not peace.
They are perfectly fine sending other people to die, while they post memes on the internet all day. The only reason they don’t want a ceasefire, is because they are not the ones being sent to the meat grinder.
The ironic thing is, Trump is the only leader on Earth who is fighting for the well-being of the Ukrainian People, not Zelensky. Trump wants them to live. Zelensky wants them all to die to maintain his grift. To the last Ukrainian.
I understand today was exciting, but the reality of this situation is actually extremely sad and disturbing.
Zelensky is a coked-up military dictator that is holding the Ukrainian People hostage, and is trying to instigate global war.
He’s about to sacrifice countless more lives due to his insanity and disassociation from reality. He has no avenue for victory. He needs to concede, and accept Trump’s proposal for peace.
The Ukrainian People have been butchered by a corrupt regime that does not serve them. Zelensky is a puppet of the Deep State. He has no loyalty to the Ukrainian People. He serves only himself, and his handlers.
The Ukrainian People have been sent to the slaughter, and Zelensky doesn’t plan on stopping any time soon.
Evil is an understatement.
🔥Trump goes scorched earth!🔥
Trump is demanding an immediate ceasefire, and he is not interested in talking with Zelensky until he is ready for peace.
Trump says that either Zelensky agrees to a ceasefire, “or we let him fight it out”.
“Without us, he doesn’t win”.
Trump has taken off the gloves and is done with the games. Either Zelensky surrenders, or Trump will just cut off all funds and weapons, Putin will take all of Ukraine, and Zelensky is a dead man.
This is EXACTLY what I voted for!
Reuters reporting that senior US official said that Zelensky’s debacle will “speed up” Trump and Elon’s investigation into “waste, fraud, and abuse involving US aid to Ukraine”!
Zelensky’s stunt just gave Trump and Elon the green light to go scorched earth!!!
There’s a lot to unpack from the Zelensky debacle at the White House today.
But my initial takeaway is, that Trump just got the optics he needed to go scorched earth on Zelensky.
Trump might not help Ukraine at all now, and Russia’s end of the deal probably just got sweeter.
Now Trump can be more lenient with Russia in negotiations, and Zelensky has solidified himself as an irrelevant speed bump on the journey to peace.
Zelensky just lost his most valuable asset, which was Trump’s diplomacy. Now Trump might not give Ukraine anything.
Trump, Vance, and Zelensky get in heated exchange and are yelling at each other in the White House!
Trump has to remind Zelensky that the only reason he is still alive, is because of our funding and weapons.
Elon says Bondi and Kash are doing their jobs and fighting the entrenched bureaucracy.
Kash assured us that we will see transparency and nothing will be covered up.
If you want to be angry, direct it at the right people, which would be the FBI Field Office in NY withholding the information.
NOT Kash, Bondi, and Trump, who are actively trying to bring this information to you.
So what did we learn today?
We learned that Trump, Bondi, and Kash, are legitimately trying to expose the Epstein situation, and the SDNY office are withholding thousands of files, audio, video, etc.
But Bondi and Kash are onto them, and are using the power of their offices to force the SDNY to hand over everything by tomorrow morning.
We also learned there will be multiple “phases” of information being released, meaning more information is coming.
And while the information in phase 1 might not be “new” to those of us deeply in the political space who have been following this story for years, this information is new to millions of normies who have never laid eyes on any of this stuff, and now it’s being blasted all over their social media feeds, coming from the official US DOJ website. That has SERIOUS value.
So we learned that Trump and his appointees have a plan, they know about the foul play, they are committed to getting this information to us, they are confident they will succeed, they are taking action to make it happen, they are being transparent with the public, and it hasn’t even been a week since Kash was sworn-in as Director of the FBI, meaning this is obviously on top of the priority list.
I am once again suggesting that maybe, just maybe, the sky is not falling. 😂
In fact, I’d argue it’s the exact opposite.
I guess I’m living on a different planet from the rest of the internet.
I’m ecstatic right now 😂
All I’m seeing is proof that Trump’s appointees are using the full power of their offices to expose this Epstein situation.
Are they facing resistance? Yes. But didn’t we expect them to face resistance? And doesn’t resistance prove they are over the target? Doesn’t resistance prove that Bondi and Kash are a separate entity from the entrenched bureaucracy? Doesn’t resistance prove the Deep State have something to hide?
All I’m seeing is that Trump and his team are serious about exposing the Epstein situation, and they have an action plan to release it to the public. You’re welcome to criticize the plan, but at least there is a plan. If you don’t like the plan, then in 4 years, you run for President and win, then you can implement your plan. Until then, Trump is your President, and this is his plan, and we have no choice but to see how it plays out.
What I know for absolute certain, is that people whining on the internet will not change the pace or the outcome of the operation.
More logic. More observation. More analysis. Less emotion.
Trump shuts down any possibility of Ukraine ever getting NATO membership.
“It’s just not gonna happen. That’s what started this whole thing.”
I appreciate how Trump breaks the fourth wall here and just tells it how it is. No more beating around the bush. NATO expansionism is what provoked Putin to act, and Trump is not afraid to acknowledge it.
A rare moment of realism in US politics.
Just to be clear,
AG Bondi said we will see “some” information about Epstein, and then said “hopefully tomorrow”.
Manage your expectations accordingly.
I would wager that this DECLAS process will be spaced out in digestible chunks, as opposed to releasing everything at once. I understand many of you hate this idea and want everything right away, but I doubt that will be the case, and Bondi’s comments about “some” of the information, seem to suggest that is the most likely scenario.
Ultimately, my position is just to wait and see what we get, and then we can react to it accordingly. I trust Trump and his team have a detailed plan on how they want to go about releasing this information for maximum exposure and public understanding.
There is method to the madness.
Alright, here’s my take on the Epstein files situation:
Rep. Luna asked the DOJ about the Epstein/JFK/RFK/MLK files, and the DOJ essentially said nothing, but they might have dropped us a hint.
Trump’s DOJ mentioned the “integrity of criminal investigations and prosecutions”.
I’m no legal expert, but it sounds like they are trying to say that there are currently ongoing investigations. Of course it could just be legalese or a cover-up as some are suggesting, but maybe there’s a good reason we don’t have the list yet.
Doesn’t it make more sense to have the clients and those involved already investigated and arrested BEFORE releasing the client list to the public?
Wouldn’t the entire investigation and prosecutions be compromised if the list is released before all ducks are in a row? If there are high-profile politicians and figures involved, what does that mean for NATSEC? There are so many variables involved.
Ultimately, I trust Trump and his appointees to carry out their plan. If we are ever going to see justice, we will see it when we see it, and I don’t think us groaning about it on social media is going to change the pace or the outcome of the process.
Did Kash overpromise on releasing the Epstein list on “day 1”? Maybe he did, but that does not mean the sky is falling. Maybe there’s a good reason.
To be clear, this is more political theater than anything of real consequence.
The UK just gave Ukraine only $2 billion to compensate for the disaster at the White House, and the UK’s military is a tenth of the size of Russia’s.
This is empty posturing. They need the US.
The Dems spent the last 8+ years telling the world that Trump was a Nazi dictator that would start WW3.
Then they turned around and sent weapons, missiles, and hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to an ACTUAL Nazi dictator who is trying to start WW3.
How ironic.
Trump: I just want the killing to stop and for us to stop wasting trillions of dollars on wars around the globe.
The Dems:
I spent the last 3 years trying to warn the world that Ukraine was compromised by the Deep State and that Zelensky was a puppet leading his people to a slaughter.
The MSM said I was a traitor, Russian asset, conspiracy theorist, and a Putin shill.
They called me a madman.
Zelensky is a dead man walking.
He has two options:
A) Surrender, agree to ceasefire, Trump finds out where the money went in Ukraine, and he’s a dead man.
B) Don’t surrender, Trump shuts off all support, Putin takes all of Ukraine, and he’s a dead man.
Pick your poison.
At least option A will spare the lives of many innocent Ukrainian and Russian soldiers, but no matter how you slice it, there is no scenario where Zelensky survives this.
Zelensky just dug his own grave in front of the entire world.
Zelensky just gave Trump a golden ticket.
Now Trump has the optics to shut down all aid to Ukraine, turn up the heat on the investigation into the money laundering, and negotiations with Putin just got easier.
This was a massive turning point for public perception of Ukraine, and I’d argue we are now closer to peace, now that Trump no longer has to worry about being seemingly supportive of Ukraine. He can come to terms with Putin, and Zelensky will remain at the kid’s table while the adults determine his fate.
Today, the veil was lifted.
I don’t know if I’ve ever seen someone be kicked out of the White House before, let alone a world ‘leader’.
Zelensky just got spanked and humiliated in front of the entire world.
Trump and the American People have had enough of the Deep State parasite known as Zelensky.
Trump released statement on Zelensky’s disrespectful behavior at the White House today.
Trump says Zelensky is “not ready for peace”.
Zelensky wants to use the US to keep the war going and money flowing, and Trump is having none of it.
Wild stuff.
Zelensky arrives to the White House to finalize the economic deal with Trump.
Trump trolls him in front of the entire world and says “he’s all dressed up today”.
Absolutely savage 😂
Elon chimes in on the whole Epstein files situation.
He quotes a post about giving AG Bondi a chance to do her job, and that her intentions are true.
He is pretty much saying that the Deep State are fighting back and we need to be patient.
FBI Director Kash speaks on the ongoing situation with the Epstein files! 🔥
He claims “there will be no cover-ups, no missing documents, and no stone left unturned”.
Trump, Bondi, and Kash, are legitimately attempting to expose this Epstein situation, and the Deep State are fighting back with the limited power they have remaining. This was always expected.
Trump, Bondi, and Kash, all know that the NY FBI field office are withholding thousands of docs, audio, video, etc., and Kash is being transparent with the People and telling us that he will get to the bottom of it, and nothing will be lost.
The mere fact that the current Director of the FBI saying this, is a miracle in itself.
🔥It’s happening!🔥
AG Bondi just ordered the FBI to deliver the “full and complete Epstein files”, which includes documents, audio, video, etc., to her desk by 8:00 AM tomorrow.
She also confirms that public disclosure will be happening, but that they will make sure to protect the privacy of the victims.
In other words, we will eventually be getting everything, Trump’s appointees are working diligently to get the job done, and everyone just needs to relax.
Whatever we get in “Phase 1” is just the beginning, and more will be coming, hence the usage of “phases”.
Bondi is being extremely transparent and letting us know what’s going on, and the process of public disclosure is underway! Yes the Deep State will resist, but Trump and his appointees are actively working on achieving “transparency for the American People”.
Senator Blackburn with an important update about the Epstein files.
She says this will be a “phase 1 release” and that there will be “more to come”.
This confirms my thinking that this will be a spaced-out DECLAS process to maximize exposure and public comprehension.
This process will be done in digestible chunks. I understand many of you don’t like this idea and you want it all right now, but this is how it’s going to happen regardless of what you want.
Just keep in mind that whatever information we get today or in the near future, there will be more information down the road. This will be a normalization process, not a band-aid rip.
Pam Bondi on Jesse Watters just now, speaks on the status of the Epstein files!
She says that they are looking over the files to protect the information of the 250+ victims, but that tomorrow, we “are going to see some Epstein information being released” from the DOJ.
As I was just saying, Trump and his team are getting their ducks in a row, and will release everything when they feel they have everything in place for public disclosure. As Bondi outlines, the ‘delay’ was for a good reason, and everyone just needs to let Trump and his team work.
It’s happening.
Trump critics, and even many of his supporters, do not like that Trump has friendly relationships with our perceived ‘enemies’ like Putin and Xi.
These people do not see the value in befriending your ‘enemies’.
“The supreme Art of War is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
Far too many Americans are addicted to the idea that we MUST defeat Russia and China, simply because we have been told for decades that they are our enemies. What if they were not? What if we just agreed to not be enemies, and thus eliminate the need for WW3?
Trump recognizes that the best outcome for the American People, and the world, is diplomacy, not global war. If you cannot see the value in that, you have to expand your thinking.