Citizens of Earth,
Today, you have a choice:
-Watch the Putin interview, and entertain new realities you’ve never thought possible
-Don’t watch the Putin interview, and remain blind to the truth that our government has desperately tried to suppress
The choice is yours.
Topics I hope Tucker and Putin cover:
-Origins of the Ukraine war, and how US bureaucrats started the conflict in 2014
-Degeration of Western society, destruction of the nuclear family, gender insanity, and normalization of pedophilia
-US Bioweapon development
How about you?
Interesting exchange 👀
Rodgers and Rogan speak on the lab leak theory and the other conspiracy theories that people were wrongly censored for.
Rodgers highlights the “playbook” that “they” used and alludes to “Disease X”.
Rodgers is all the way red-pilled.
Me: “Let’s see how the Libs are handling all this”
The Libs:
You know who does NOT like Putin?
-Jeffery Epstein
-Marina Abramović
-The Rothschilds
-Klaus Schwab
-Joe Biden
-Hillary Clinton
-Barack Obama
-George Soros
-Justin Trudeau
-Ukrainian Nazis
-Every establishment US politician
-The MSM
Is the enemy of my enemy my friend?
This interview will change global perception. The veil is being lifted. Hundreds of millions of Western citizens are about to see and hear Putin speak for the first time.
What they witness will shock them.
Putin is not the monster we were told he was.
The establishment are extorting the American People.
They want an additional $60 billion for Ukraine, in exchange for securing the border, something we already pay them to do.
AND Schumer threatens to send our children to die in WW3 if we don’t comply…
Is this “democracy”?
The Deep State are in real trouble.
Tucker’s reach is the biggest on Earth. His interview with Trump did 267M views on X alone.
Whatever Tucker is doing in Russia, the Deep State are terrified of it. They know one of their darkest secrets is about to get massive exposure.
They did the same exact thing when Trump and Flynn got close to Putin. They threw an absolute fit and cried “treason”.
Why? Because they are afraid of what Putin would share with Trump. Putin is anti-Globalist. Putin knows about their criminality in Ukraine. Putin knows where the bodies are buried.
Putin has repeatedly called out the West’s perversion and widespread pedophilia. He calls out the Western oligarchs’ plot to create biological weapons and manufacture biological crises to enrich themselves and steal elections via mail-in voting. Putin is as red-pilled as they come.
They can’t have any of these truths on the airwaves, let alone on the biggest platform on the planet. If the public learn Putin is not the bad guy, it’s over.
Of course the Senate’s new spending bill includes $60 billion in funding for Ukraine.
Because when Ukraine falls, the Deep State’s money-laundering and offshore racket falls with it, AND they’re at risk of prosecution for crimes against humanity, namely bioweapon production.
The “spirit cooking” satanist witch that the Podestas were emailing, Marina Abramović, she is also close friends with Zelensky.
He recently appointed her as an ambassador to assist in the rebuilding of schools in Ukraine.
The lady who writes creepy messages in blood/shit/semen/breast milk on the walls and glorifies violence against children in her “art”… Zelensky decided to put her in charge of children’s facilities in Ukraine…
The same lady who hangs out with notorious child traffickers and pedophiles, John and Tony Podesta.
The same lady who hangs out with Jacob Rothschild and poses in front of famous painting “Satan Summoning His Legions”.
The truth is worse than you can imagine.
You can spend the next 9 months debating about irrelevant minutia if you’d like.
The reality is, the DNC establishment are engaged in human-trafficking, pedophilia, genocide, brainwashing, censorship, bioweapon development, and satanism.
If that’s not a dealbreaker… what is?
This is the “artwork” Podesta has in his house.
Podesta has been in every DNC administration since Clinton in ‘93.
Could you imagine if Trump’s campaign manager had this “artwork” in his house?
The media would have 24/7 wall-to-wall coverage and the streets would be in flames.
Just when I thought the Biden regime couldn’t get any more stupid, they bring John Podesta back into the spotlight.
Why would they make it this easy for us?
Biden just brought in the ringleader of the satanic pedos. Given the Epstein files coming out, this might be the dumbest thing the Deep State could have done. Now citizen journalists are going to recirculate all of his pedophile/satanic activity. But most importantly, we have the free speech platform to do it, and the influence/reach to make a significant impact on public perception. They can’t censor us now thanks to Elon.
Now we are going to be pumping out red-pills about the Podestas, making Biden’s optics even worse. It’s like Zelensky promoting Marina Abramović to oversee school construction in Ukraine. They are making it blatantly obvious where their allegiance lies, confirming they are evil.
It’s time to red-pill the public on the Podestas. It’s time to dive back down maybe the most disturbing rabbit hole there is… I’ve been dreading the day I would have to do this, but it must be done.
Stay tuned.
The Biden regime are already in a proxy war in Ukraine, and funding both sides of the war in the Middle East.
Now they are starting another war in the Red Sea, with Taiwan still on the horizon.
What happens if Trump reclaims office and cleans all this up immediately?
The public would be forced to accept that Trump prevented full-scale WW3, and have to admit that the Biden regime could have stopped it the entire time. It would be impossible to deny that Trump is a good President and that the establishment were responsible for driving the world to the brink of destruction.
The stars are lining up here for Trump to win over the hearts and minds of all The People, which would give him the political ammunition and optics to bring the hammer down on the perpetrators.
We just have to win a rigged election and hope the world lasts until January 2025. Easier said than done.
If you are awake, the rest of the ride is not for you.
You already know that:
-The border is insecure
-Biden is a meat-puppet
-Ukraine is a money-laundering scheme
-C19 was man-made
-Washington is corrupt
The next 9 months are about waking up those who are still asleep.
If you’re wondering why Hillary ran to MSNBC to cry about Putin and Tucker, it’s because Russian MIL directly accused her of being one of the main ideologists behind the US biological network in Ukraine.
Putin’s military accused her of crimes against humanity.
She’s scared.
Rogan and Rodgers on the Left’s agenda to normalize pedophilia 👀
Rogan: “We are one step away from ‘minor attracted persons’ being something that everybody’s cool with”.
Rodgers: “I bet Putin’s probably gonna say something about that in this interview”
If you’ve never listened to Putin speak, then 100% of your perception of him is based on what MSM told you.
The same MSM that lied about:
-Russian collusion
-Widespread human-trafficking
-Border crisis
-Election fraud
Truth is scarier than fiction.
As someone who has been trying to get everyone on board the Putin/Russia train for years, I am euphoric right now.
Because I know what’s about to happen to the people who watch the interview. Because the same thing happened to me.
The first time I heard Putin speak, he sounded very reasonable. He believes in traditional family values. He believes Western society is a failing cesspool of perversion and gender insanity. He is right.
He is sharp, intelligent, direct, no-nonsense, and he’s not afraid to call out Globalism, corruption, widespread pedophilia, satanism, bioweapon production, etc. Objectively, he is far more impressive than any politician we have in America, which is currently a complete circus.
He is logical and calm. He plainly expresses that he does not view the United States or her People as his enemy, but rather the corrupt establishment who have taken over the United States. Then it hit me. Putin is an enemy of the Deep State.
Once you realize this, and start viewing all the world events from this perspective, everything starts to click. What if Russia are telling the truth? What if the US/NATO are the bad guys?
Tucker is about to drop one of the biggest red-pills in history.
Idk about you all, but I had plans to prosecute Biden, Obama, Bush, the Clintons, and all associates.
If Biden’s DOJ wants to create a precedent that US Presidential immunity is not a thing, be my guest 😂
This will come in handy when prosecuting those responsible for C19.
This is one of the main reasons they fear Putin.
Putin has been warning the world for years about the dangers of the US developing ethnic bioweapons.
He has been vocal about the US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine experimenting with bat coronaviruses and creating bioweapons.
Putin has also not been shy about who is behind this brazen plot. Russian MIL cite that Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Soros, are the main ideologists responsible for crimes against humanity.
This is why I support Putin and care about the Biolabs in Ukraine so much. Because this is our most plausible and direct path to accountability for crimes against humanity.
Tucker’s convoy heads to Russian presidential administration 👀
The Deep State cannot have this, because hundreds of millions of people are going to see that Putin is NOT the warmongering psychopath they told us he was.
And if Tucker brings up the Biolabs… oh boy.
Maybe a quick dust-up with WW3 will wake the normies up.
Either Humanity will perish, or we can correct our course and use this opportunity to evolve as a civilization.
What’s it gonna be?
What’s that? Jack Smith didn’t end up getting Trump?
I for one am shocked.
Over 2.5 million views and counting.
For argument’s sake, let’s say only 1% of them were normies. That would still be 25,000 people who got exposed to this reality.
Don’t tell me we aren’t making difference. Truth is getting exposure like it never has before. We are winning.
The Biden regime are in a proxy war with Russia, Iran, and soon to be China.
Our economy is failing. Our society is imploding. Civil war is brewing. Bioweapons are killing millions.
And the Biden regime said to themselves: “Ya know what we need? JOHN PODESTA!”
The wheels of justice move far too slow.
You think Zuckerberg cares about his social media platform being used by child predators? He already has $140 billion.
You think Mayorkas cares about being impeached? 20 million people already crossed the border.
Damage is already done.
I despise that content creators are incentivized to engage in click-bait yellow journalism.
Too many are concerned about the numbers, and not concerned about the accuracy of the message. Too many are looking to create stories where they don’t exist.
Many forgot the mission.
The Democrats are adorable. They are constantly making Trump more popular, thinking they are doing the opposite.
Hell yeah we want a gator moat. Let’s get some bullsharks in there too, strap some laser-beams to their heads. Full send.