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11B Astute Observer

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Imagine that.

@KyleSeraphin @tracybeanz and @AGHuff have not shown ANY support for Trump after his win in Iowa.

The same people who tried to smear me out of nowhere, turned out to be anti-Trumpers grifting in the movement.

They attacked me for a reason.

Told ya so.

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Vivek’s campaign was literally Trump’s platform, just coming from a different surrogate.

Vivek won over the hearts and minds of never-Trumpers/Independents, with Trump talking points.

Now he will bring a sizable chunk of his supporters to Trump.

This was NOT an accident.

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How it feels watching never-Trumpers and Libs have a colossal meltdown all day long.

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Quick observation:

The media’s psyop attempt to associate Trump with Epstein’s crimes… it failed.

Trump is MORE popular. The Epstein docs ended up boosting his support by exonerating him, and exposing Clinton.

Their plan backfired. The lies didn’t stick, and citizen journalists used the opportunity to educate the public on the mountains of evidence of Clinton/Deep State affiliation with Epstein, pedophilia, and satanism.

We were dropping red-pill nukes all over the Internet, exposing truth to hundreds of millions of eyeballs. Our research and knowledge resonated with the public far more than the MSM lies did. Hence why they desperately did not want Elon to buy Twitter, because none of this happens without Elon leveling the playing field.

The results from Iowa prove we are winning the information war and that we have substantial control over public perception. MSM rendered ineffective.

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This is not a joke.

They are actually planning on doing this.

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Putin says past US elections were rigged!

“In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting.”

Russian MIL said the US “manufactured biological crises” to win elections, now Putin is calling out the Plandemic!

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-Trump wins Iowa in historic landslide
-Vivek drops out/endorses Trump
-Haley/DeSantis grasping at straws
-MSM in absolute shambles

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🚨Iowa Final Analysis🚨

No GOP candidate has ever won the Iowa Caucus by more than 12 points. Trump just won it by 30 with 95% reporting.

This HISTORIC landslide is a catastrophic indicator for DeSantis, Haley, and Vivek supporters, as well as the Dems.

Trump LOST Iowa in 2016 to Ted Cruz, 27.6% to 24.3%. Trump just secured 51% of the vote by himself in 2024. That’s a seismic shift. Even if the anti-Trumpers were to go all-in on one candidate, they STILL couldn’t beat Trump.

Trump’s base are energized and just made an emphatic statement to kick off election season. The media are in a full-blown panic because they know this performance indicates their propaganda is not working. Trump is more popular than ever.

I would expect the anti-Trumpers to consolidate their support behind one candidate, but so long as Haley and DeSantis both stick around, Trump will keep winning comfortably. Vivek doesn’t have the numbers to contend in 2024 and reportedly just dropped out of the race. He would be wise to endorse Trump, try to salvage support, and perhaps get a job in the administration where he can earn his stripes.

The People have spoken. Trump is going to be the candidate. Expect the Deep State to deploy all assets, because if the status quo remains, Trump will reclaim the White House.

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The pretenders were cute while they lasted, but now it’s back to business.

We’ve got a planet to save.

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Hello peasants, just a heads up, there might be a naturally occurring pandemic soon with a 20% kill rate. Even though it doesn’t exist yet and we don’t know anything about it, we need billions to prepare for it, and trillions for our vaccines that we already made for it.


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MLK was a Conservative, devout Christian, and would have denounced the modern day DNC/Left without question.

The Left promote racism, segregation, discrimination, the sexualization of children, and hate Christianity.

Dems/Lefties, you don’t get to claim MLK.

He would hate you.

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We are not concerned about the petulant squabbling of irrelevant candidates.

Soon, there will be only Trump, and then maybe the rest of you can get on board and focus your fire on the totalitarian psychopaths releasing pathogens, driving us into WW3, and raping child sex slaves.

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Do you see establishment lawmakers and Deep State NGO’s scrambling to “devise plans” to keep Vivek, Haley, or DeSantis out of office?


The Deep State expend nearly all of their ammunition on Trump for a reason! Because he poses the greatest threat.

The defense rests.

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What’s the main objective? To destroy the Deep State.

Who does the Deep State fear most? Trump.

Why? because he poses the greatest threat to their power.

He also has the political ammunition to justify swift retribution.

You’re either voting Trump, or you’ve lost the plot.

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Former Director of the NIH, Francis Collins, and Chief Medical Advisor Fauci, were questioned in a closed-door hearing.

They admitted that social distancing was made up, that they lied about the lab origins being a “conspiracy theory”, and they are still trying to cover up their involvement in gain of function research at the lab in Wuhan.

The US’s highest ranking health officials lied to you about EVERYTHING during the pandemic, censored/demonized the scientists who told the truth, covered up viable treatments to the virus, and profited immensely off of vaccine sales.

They just confirmed everything “conspiracy theorists” have been saying since the jump.

It came from a lab they operated, from research they funded, and they covered up these facts every step of the way. Crimes against humanity.

Justice is the only way forward now.

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You may not love everything about Trump, but you have to admit he was right about the existence of the Deep State, and he poses the most significant threat to their power.

It’s time for everyone to follow Vivek’s lead, invest in Trump, and support him in uprooting corruption.

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Trump on Vivek:

“It’s an honor to have his endorsement, he is gonna be working with us, and he is gonna be working with us for a long time.”

If you think this alliance formed overnight, you are delusional. Vivek was playing a role for Trump the entire time.


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I’ve dedicated my life to exposing the Deep State plot of creating and releasing SARS-CoV-2, to justify mass mail-in voting, to enable mass ballot-harvesting, to steal the 2020 election.

If another pandemic shows up this election… it’s gonna be difficult to deny this reality.

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DeSantis supporters are so desperate to maintain their hatred for Trump, that they have convinced themselves he is going to pick Haley as his VP.

Despite the fact that Trump calls her a “globalist” and shits on her regularly.

I wish you people could see yourselves. It’s sad 😂

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-Trump wins Iowa in historic landslide victory indicating Trump will win 2024.

-The WEF are talking about “pathogen X” and the upcoming pandemic…

-Russia warns the US plan to release more pathogens to rig another election…

It’s coming. The Deep State need mail-in voting.

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Why did it all go wrong for DeSantis?

Because the DeSantis campaign was not about what RDS can do, it was about attacking Trump and being the only alternative.

They never spent any time building DeSantis up. They allocated all their resources to smearing Trump, attacking his supporters, and being downright insufferable. An astonishing level of unjustified hubris.

They were banking on Trump being pulled off the ballot, thrown in jail, assassinated, etc. They never stood on the merit of their candidate.

This strategy doesn’t instill hope or motivate people to climb aboard. It’s the same strategy the Dems use. Nobody is a Biden fan, they just hate Trump. Same with DeSantis. His supporters don’t know a single thing DeSantis brings to the table, other than the fact that he’s NOT Trump.

Sooner or later, these people will have to realize, Trump is not just a candidate. He is the face of a revolutionary movement against a failed and corrupt system. He is the manifestation of The People’s resistance to tyranny.

Trump instills hope. DeSantis, Haley, and the Dems, only instill hatred and vitriol. This is the difference between us. This is the difference between another election and a revolution.

Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.

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I think Vivek was always on Trump’s side.

That brief media scuffle was just theater the day before the primary to create the illusion of distance. Vivek always knew he was going to endorse Trump and Trump is already singing his praises. Vivek staying in the race for Iowa was just a formality.

Vivek’s job was to be the Trump stand-in and articulate Trump’s agenda effectively to a broader audience that have been turned off by Trump himself. He woke up a lot of people this way and garnered a lot of support, which he has now transferred to Trump via endorsement.

Vivek did his job and I hope he can find himself a role in the Trump administration, because he is as sharp as they come and I am excited about him in the future if he proves he is for real.

DeSantis and Haley however… it’s war.

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Do you hear that?

That’s the sound of gator emojis being deleted from the bios and handles of DeSantis influencers.

We won’t have to hear their atrocious takes for much longer 😂


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If the anti-Trump GOP were smart, they would go all-in on one candidate, instead of splitting the vote between three.

If I were them, I would use Iowa/NH as a benchmark, then go all in on the candidate who performs best.

Having 3 anti-Trump candidates plays into Trump’s favor.

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⚠️Bioweapons Alert⚠️

Russian MFA, via the MoD, have once again accused the US of creating “artificially managed epidemics” violating the Biological Weapons Convention and are demanding UN investigation!

This comes as “Pathogen X” is being discussed at the WEF!

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⚠️Zelensky Admitting Defeat⚠️

Zelensky calls on Switzerland to organize a “high-level peace conference” and demands that Russian ally, CHINA, be involved in the talks.

Once again, Russia not invited.

Zelensky is looking for an off ramp! Ukraine is collapsing!

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The MSM are going to spend the next 10 months trying to scare the public, that Trump will use the military to prosecute bad actors, secure the border, and make sweeping changes in Washington.

This is only going to make people vote for him more 😂

That’s EXACTLY what we want!

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NBC News just admitted the Deep State exists.

A “network of public interest groups and lawmakers” are “quietly devising plans” to prevent Trump from using the military to carry out retribution.

They know Trump is going to win, and know what he’s about to do.

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DeSantis, Haley, and Vivek were cute, but let’s not kid ourselves… it was always gonna be Trump.

In a couple months, they will all be long forgotten, and come November, you will have your choice between Trump and whichever Deep State rat they roll out, or RFK Jr., unless he and Trump join forces.

You can listen to the noise, but that’s all it is. It won’t be around for much longer, so enjoy it while it lasts. It will get VERY quiet after we see the numbers from Iowa.

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One would think, given the circumstances of the Epstein docs, that Biden and his handlers might make it a conscious effort to NOT be blatantly creepy as fuck towards children.

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that Biden is a pedo, or that he doesn’t care that you know it.

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