Hey Planet Earth,
Just a reminder that the world leaders who were most vocal about American politicians engaging in pedophilia, were Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
It’s no coincidence the Deep State fear these two men above all others.
Who knows where the bodies are buried?
“It’s not Left vs Right!”
I agree. It’s the people who rape kids vs the people who don’t.
But it’s not my fault all the people raping kids are predominantly on the Left. It’s not my fault the Left ideologically promote sexualization of children.
Who takes kids to drag shows, pride parades, and teach 2SLGBTQIA+ shit to them at school? Which side claimed widespread pedophilia was a Right-wing conspiracy theory?
The Left-wing media are also the ones who have been running cover for this Epstein story and pizzagate for DECADES while Right-wingers, predominantly Trump supporters, have been the only “side” trying to expose it, while facing HEAVY resistance, for YEARS!
So spare me with the “it’s both sides!”… no it’s not. One side is ideologically focused on sexualizing children, while the resistance to widespread pedophilia is coming almost exclusively from the Right.
Anyone who denies this is objectively wrong. Pedophilia is a Left-wing characteristic, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.
I love all the shills who think they are now experts on Epstein and his associates, when they were the ones who have been denying this whole thing for years 😂
We’ve been studying this and screaming it from the rooftops for YEARS. You think you’re gonna tell us what happened?
Putin’s speech on Western pedophilia from February 2023.
“They are destroying the institution of family, their culture’s historical identity, and various perversions with regard to children, up to pedophilia are accepted as the new norm.”
Putin was right…
Now that we just saw how quickly the world disseminated the Epstein docs, imagine if Elon never bought Twitter…
This news would NOT be circulating like this. All hashtags/trends would be stifled. All of us would be banned.
This awakening does NOT happen without Elon.
Democrats, do us all a favor and don’t open your fucking mouths moving forward, unless the words are “I’m sorry, you were right”.
You people have lost your privilege to speak in our presence.
You all had the AUDACITY to call us deplorable, while worshipping literal pedophiles.
You all discriminated against us, weaponized all levers of government against us, and claimed WE were the evil ones, because YOU were brainwashed by the pedophiles YOU claimed were the “decent” ones.
You all called us crazy for talking about widespread pedophilia and child trafficking. You claimed that we were conspiracy theorist whack-jobs. Well turns out we were right.
So moving forward, you all do not get the privilege of being taken seriously in any capacity. If you do not denounce your leaders and their crimes against children, you are complicit perpetuating the enabling of crimes against children.
We will not be taking any shit from people who rape children, or their supporters. Your leaders will pay for what they have done, and you can either join us, or shut the fuck up and get out of the way.
Take notice of who in the “truth” movement are excited, and those who are sour.
DeSantis bros are acting like someone pissed in their cereal because there was nothing negative about Trump in the docs.
These people don’t care about the victims. They just want to destroy Trump.
Today has been a terrible day for the Deep State.
These Epstein docs are waking up a MASSIVE new batch of normies, and many fence-sitters just got the catalyst they needed to take the leap.
This will shift public perception SIGNIFICANTLY and it will show up at the ballot box.
DeSantis bros, anti-Trumpers, and Libtards in absolute SHAMBLES! 😂🤣
They have been falsely claiming for months that Trump was involved in this too, when Trump has been the one trying to expose it for years.
It’s almost like they never knew what they were talking about.
“Decency is on the ballot”.
Coming from the party ruled by pedophiles.
If I had a nickel for every time an ex-intelligence agent in the “Patriot” movement to tried to smear me, in an attempt to boost their book sales, I’d have 2 nickels.
Which isn’t a lot, but it’s pretty weird that it’s happened twice 😂
Holy shit… it’s all starting to make sense.
Not only can the Deep State not allow Trump to be President, they can’t even allow him to become the CANDIDATE because his influence will get the House GOP to stand firm on halting all funding for Ukraine.
Politico just admitted it.
If Ukraine falls, the Deep State are completely f*cked. Their offshore racket is gone, their funding dries up, and Russia are still accusing them of making biological weapons. Everything is at stake here.
Now it’s starting to make sense why they tried to take Trump off the ballot so soon. Why they are desperate to speed up Jack Smith Special Counsel. Why they are desperate to promote any other GOP candidate besides Trump. Why there is so much escalation and new conflict worldwide. Why Ukraine are committing terror attacks on civilians trying to incite WW3. It’s why all these attacks are happening NOW.
They can’t let Trump be the candidate. If he performs well in the early primaries, Ukraine funding is toast, and the Deep State face extinction. I thought they had until November to figure it out, but apparently they have WAY less time than that.
Everything revolves around funding for Ukraine. They want to use Israel to justify packaging funding for Ukraine. They are promoting DeSantis and Haley, DESPERATELY trying to get one of these two to beat Trump in the Primary because they support funding Ukraine.
Politico just admitted the Deep State’s entire plan.
I know I said I wasn’t going to say anything more about @KyleSeraphin but you all HAVE to see this 🤣
Kyle is now claiming he has “independent reporters” tell him that all of my “ideas are threadbare at best”.
And what “ideas” might those by Kyle? Because last I checked, I share sourced material and analysis, all of which turns out to be accurate, months before the media reports on it. My track record is stellar. Tell me the last time I got something wrong… I’ll wait.
He also brings in the term “secret drops”, implying that my content has something to do with Q, completely exposing that he has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about as it pertains to me, my content, and all the facts I’ve been pumping out for years.
Seraphin’s claims about it me and my work on the biolabs are just objectively untrue. Anyone who has followed me for any amount of time knows my reporting has been legitimate.
As for why this random ex-FBI agent decided to start attacking me, I do not know. I don’t even know the guy, he is the one who followed me, and now he went from criticizing my opinion to attacking my work and my credibility, as if he was waiting for the opportunity.
I don’t know what is driving him to do this or what he thinks he will accomplish, but this is just flat out disgusting behavior and I think the public should be aware of his blatantly disingenuous and defamatory statements about me.
Hopefully he can get the help he needs, because his timeline is literally just him attacking people all day. This is not how Patriots behave.
Former FBI agent using unnamed “independent reporters” to smear one of the most influential and accomplished citizen journalists on Earth… you do the math 😂
On sight Seraphin.
Idk about you all, but I am highly skeptical of this Epstein “associates” list.
I’ve never seen this much advertisement for something the Deep State doesn’t want to get out.
I don’t know exactly what they are up to, but I am detecting some level of deception.
Smells fishy.
This will be my final statement on @KyleSeraphin
The FBI glowy is complaining that I blocked him, when I didn’t even know who he was, when HE is the one who follows me, and is the one talking shit about me.
Now he is claiming that I “made up” things about the biolabs in Ukraine, and keeps crying that I blocked him after he attacked me for no reason whatsoever.
Turns out Kyle’s entire shtick is that he thinks he knows better than the Trump team, that Trump’s legal team has no idea about what’s going on at the FBI, and that HE is the one who has the connections that Trump doesn’t know about. Imagine how arrogant you have to be to think the most powerful man on the planet doesn’t know what’s going on but YOU do…
I don’t do anything but mind my business and wake up normies. I don’t start drama. I don’t attack those perceived to be on the same team.
If you express a war-like posture towards me, I block you, and go about my business. Don’t attack me, make false claims about me, try to farm my audience for engagement, then act surprised when I block you.
If you fall for this guy’s bullshit, it’s on you. He was just looking for a reason to attack me. And if I have not proven I am one of the good ones… I’m not sure who has.
Yawn. Back to work.
If the ruling class are willing to literally rape child sex slaves…
What are they NOT willing to do?
If they are willing to commit the most heinous acts imaginable… are they above stealing elections, inciting wars, brainwashing the planet, and making biological weapons?
The MSM are intentionally misrepresenting the content of the Epstein documents and DESPERATELY trying to convince the unengaged public that Trump is implicated.
They are PRAYING you don’t read the docs for yourselves so they can manipulate you.
They rely on your ignorance.
It has been absolutely DISGUSTING to watch Left-wingers and anti-Trumpers throw a colossal temper tantrum, because Trump was exonerated in the Epstein docs.
They don’t care that children were abused. They just wanted to get Trump.
I can’t decide on who is worse.
I know we still have work to do, but damn it feels like an immeasurable weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
It’s been 7+ years of vitriol and torment. Seemingly the entire world told us we were crazy… but we never wavered because we KNEW we were right.
Who’s crazy now?
The Great Reckoning WILL happen.
It’s only a matter of when.
I wonder how Clinton/DNC voters feel right now.
Do they feel any level of disgust? Betrayal? Do they even care that their idols are pedophiles?
Do they care that the Clinton family were compromised in an intelligence honeypot scheme?
It’s a tough day to be a normie.
I think someone just psyoped the shit out of the Left/anti-Trumpers.
For months, they have been falsely claiming that Trump is part of Epstein’s client list, anxiously awaiting these docs so they could say “LOOK TRUMP IS A PEDO”!
They would not have been paying attention unless they thought Trump was going to look bad. Now we got them to pay attention to Trump’s exoneration, AND exposed them to the real criminals, a la Clinton, Prince Andrew, etc.
They got baited. Was it coincidence? Or by design?
Regardless, its an absolutely MASSIVE win for Patriots.
Now does it make sense why the Left are obsessed with teaching 2SLGBTQIA+ nonsense to children?
They were rapidly trying to normalize wild sexual deviancy, so they could normalize pedophilia before they truth came out.
This is the world they want. They want your children.
So not only is Bill Clinton a pedophile, but the US government, the DNC, the MSM, and Big Tech, went out of their way to hide this reality from you.
They also smeared, destroyed, or murdered, all the journalists who tried to expose this reality.
It’s not a theory anymore.
Witness testifies in Epstein docs that Bill Clinton “likes them young, referring to girls”.
Ya hear that?
That’s the sound of millions of normies waking up.
If the establishment have any hope of derailing Trump in the Primary, it would behoove them to have Haley or DeSantis drop out, so they can consolidate the anti-Trump vote.
We are days away from Iowa Caucuses, and now there are questions about Haley’s eligibility.
Convenient 🤔
If the establishment GOP were smart, they would dump one of the candidates and go all in. The clock is ticking, and this might serve as an easy off ramp for Haley that saves face.
Former NATO ambassador warns that if Trump becomes GOP candidate, that Congressional Republicans will want to “keep up” with Trump’s resistance to funding Ukraine, and Ukraine will fall.
The clock is about to strike midnight for Ukraine.
Russia bombed the absolute piss out of Ukraine last night, and it barely got any traction in Western media.
Claudine Gay and Epstein dominated the airwaves.
Americans just don’t care about Ukraine anymore. Yet a few months ago, it was allegedly the “final stand for democracy”.
Look, Trump is not perfect.
I criticized him heavily for the superhero NFTs, for declaring to run for President right after he JUST said the 2022 election was fraudulent, etc.
But it was telling to watch those in the so-called “truth” community spring an all out assault on Trump over one post on Truth Social. As if the last 7+ years of being the sole force combating the FBI and the Deep State, magically disappeared because Trump said the FBI should stay where they are at and do their jobs like they are supposed to.
Those who dislike Trump, or prefer another candidate, used this as an opportunity to prop their candidate up, by claiming Trump is now pro-FBI, when he did not say that… at all, and they know damn well they are being disingenuous. They know damn well Trump is the greatest threat to the FBI, thus why they attack him unlike anyone else.
Trump is perfectly worthy of criticism, as is everyone, but if you think this outrage is organic or legitimate, you are mistaken. The only ones frantically up in arms don’t like Trump or have been looking for a reason to bash him and his supporters. This is the only opportunity they DeSantis bros have had in months. This was their Super Bowl.
Come November, they will all be voting for The Don, and they will pretend like they never doubted him.
Yeah Claudine Gay resigned, but did we solve the problem?
Academia and corporate America are still infected with DEI.
We handed the reigns over to a bunch of brainwashed theater kids, and they ran all our institutions into the ground.
Time to go back to hiring people on merit.