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11B Astute Observer

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I’m not sure what I was expecting, but I figured SOMETHING would have changed following the Bill Clinton/Epstein allegations.

They were ready to burn Kavanaugh at the stake over signatures in his high school year book… but zero outrage over Clinton raping child sex slaves…

We have reached peak clown world, and I don’t know what other arguments need to be made. The Deep State are pushing us into WW3, they are releasing human-engineered pathogens, and they are engaged in human trafficking/pedophilia.

If you think this is a better option than “mean tweets”, then you cannot be helped and you are no longer human. Just mindless sheep, stuck in the loop.

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Trump pulled us out of conflicts and mended hostile relationships with our global adversaries.

Biden got us into a proxy war with Russia, a proxy war in Israel/Palestine, unilaterally started bombing Yemen, and is pushing us into WW3.

The scoreboard does not lie.

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So it’s been a week since the Epstein docs started coming out.

Has anyone in the Biden administration been asked about how they feel about the allegations?

We just had a DeSantis/Haley debate and a live Trump interview. Did anyone ask them?

How has this question been avoided?

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The WEF and WHO are reverting back to a similar pattern.

Warning of an “unknown” pathogen that could cause a global pandemic, but this time it will be 20x as deadly as C19. They are calling it “Disease X” or “Pathogen X”.

If it’s “unknown”, how do they know it’s going to be 20x as deadly? Do they plan to release another pathogen for this election season? The public are already conditioned and mail-in voting would be easy to implement, opening the door for fraud once again.

I don’t know what their plan is, but they have to do something soon. If the status quo remains, Trump will win. Do they go back to the mail-in voting play? Or do they go a different route?

The only problem is, if they do it again, it’s going to be VERY obvious after they just did it in 2020, and citizen journalists have a free speech platform to call it out, unlike last time.

Something to keep an eye on for sure.

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Did you catch that from Trump?

He says covid came out of the labs in Wuhan! 👀 I don’t know if I’ve ever heard him say it so plainly.

Then he also reminds us that he “got along with President Xi”… 👀

He says he “THINKS” it was incompetence, “but who knows”, and leaves the door open to the potential of an intentional release.

Slowly but surely, we inch closer and closer to the final destination.

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⚠️PSA To Liberals⚠️

You said media and government corruption was a conspiracy theory.

You said covid lab-origins and big pharma corruption was a conspiracy theory.

You said Epstein island, Pizzagate, and child sex-trafficking was a conspiracy theory.

You said DEI and Replacement Theory was a conspiracy theory.

You said FBI/DOJ involvement in January 6th was a conspiracy theory.

You said social media censorship and manipulation was a conspiracy theory.

You said Russia winning the war was a conspiracy theory.

At what point do you people accept that you have been wrong about every single thing for nearly a decade? How much longer can you lie to yourselves and continue to perpetuate the great lie?

You have two choices:

1) Bend the knee, beg for forgiveness, and help us extinguish the evil in this world you claimed didn’t exist.

2) Continue to shill for the ruling class who are stealing your tax dollars, brainwashing the masses, poisoning the planet, slaughtering millions, and literally raping child sex slaves.

Choose wisely. Judgement Day is coming.

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MAGA: “Human-trafficking and pedophilia is bad. We should put a stop to it, then arrest and prosecute everyone involved.”

The Left/MSM:

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The Left/MSM love to talk about slavery, and love to demonize White Americans for the actions of our ancestors.

But what about modern slavery? What about the millions of humans sold into sex-trafficking around the world right now?

Why does the Left not talk about them? Not only that, but they actively prevent the public from even knowing about this reality, calling it a kooky Far-Right conspiracy theory at every chance they get…

You’d think the Left, allegedly being about human rights and equity, would be screaming about this global atrocity every single day… but they don’t… why is that?

By all means, it doesn’t make sense. Until you recognize that the ruling class who control the media, also control the global human slave trade, hence why they don’t like anyone drawing attention to it in any capacity.

It’s why they sent their lapdog media to attack Sound of Freedom, Assange, Trump, Q, Pizzagate, ANYTHING that gets close to their deepest and darkest secret, they attack it with everything they’ve got.

So don’t expect the media or Left to apologize or show any sort of outrage that Bill Clinton went to Epstein island, raped child sex slaves, and was compromised in a global honeypot/blackmail operation run by satanic megalomaniacs. It’s not gonna happen.

It’s up to us, and us alone.

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The Left/MSM’s response to the Epstein docs has been telling.

They are not outraged that high-profile politicians raped child sex slaves… They are only outraged that people are pointing it out…

We knew it was coming, yet their shamelessness still boggles my mind.


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They’d rather go to WW3 than admit we were right.

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Politico is running cover for Epstein and the Clintons!

Catherine Kim interviews our favorite pedo-sympathizer, Mike Rothschild, who says it’s all still just a QAnon/Far-Right conspiracy theory.

This same guy is running cover for pedos on every MSM outlet!

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Regardless of who you think is implicated in Epstein’s crimes, let’s isolate what we know for certain.

There was an elite pedophile island, that was part of a larger intelligence honeypot/blackmail operation, used to control global policy decisions.

Meaning that the world is in fact, run by rich pedophiles. Meaning the Q followers were kinda right about that, while the media told you, with great confidence and hubris, that this whole thing was a psychotic Right-wing conspiracy theory, and you’re literally a domestic terrorist if you believed it in any capacity.

Well the “conspiracy theorists” turned out to be correct. While politicians, intelligence agencies, media, and social media, were WITTINGLY involved in burying this reality, and smearing/censoring those who reported on it.

Yet the deniers and MSM are just pretending like that’s not the case. No mea culpas. No apologies. NOTHING.

“Q followers” and “conspiracy theorists” were the most demonized and discriminated group of people in America for the last 7 years, and they turned out to be right about one of the biggest revelations in human history.

When will the world admit it?

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If y’all think this is bad, just wait until we get to the Podesta art.

It gets worse. Much worse.

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The Clinton campaign approached MI6 agent Christopher Steele to fabricate the pee pee tape dossier, to funnel to the FBI/CIA to justify spying on Trump and generate the Mueller probe.

If Epstein had tapes of Trump compromised with minors, why did they go through all that?

Why not just release the tapes and Trump is done?

Mueller turned over every single stone, raided Trump’s lawyers, DOJ raided his house, tried to pin him for ANY crime they could find, then couldn’t find one so they were forced to make them up, impeachment, election fraud, media smear campaigns, etc.

You mean to tell me they went through allllllllll this, when they had tapes of Trump raping children this entire time?

The math, is not mathing. If Trump was involved, we would have known about it long ago, he wouldn’t be using all his resources trying to expose it, and they wouldn’t be using all their resources to stopping him.

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If they had any incriminating evidence on Trump, it would have been released before November 2016.

If Epstein had tapes of Trump, he would have released them before Trump seized his island and threw him in jail.

If Trump was on their team, why are they at war with each other?

If Trump was implicated, why would he bring up the island in 2015?

If Trump was compromised by Epstein, why is it that they cannot control him?

If Trump was involved, why did he sign EO 13773 and dedicate his presidency to stop global human-trafficking?

If Trump was one of “them”, why do ALL of “them” hate him?

If they had blackmail on him, they would have used it.

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So where is the line Libs?

What is it going to take to wake you people up?

The failing economy, global plandemic, mass propaganda, social media censorship, and raping child sex slaves wasn’t enough for you?

You need to see a little WW3 first before you admit you were wrong?

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It feels like we have stepped into an accelerated timeline.

So many happenings all at once. Normies are getting hit from all angles. Realities once considered too crazy to be true, are now widely accepted as fact. Glitches in the Matrix.

We are winning the Information War.

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08/16/2023: Russian MIL, via General Kirillov, warned that the US were looking to create another pandemic.

“Just like in 2019, the USA has started to prepare a new pandemic by looking for mutated viruses. We do not exclude the possibility of the USA using so-called ‘defensive technologies’ in an offensive capacity, as well as in pursuit of the goal of imposing global control by creating biological crises.”

Looking for “mutated viruses”? Who does that sound like? Nathan Wolfe, the @virushunter , and founder of Metabiota, operating biolabs in Ukraine.

Essentially, Russian MIL accused the US of creating and intentionally releasing SARS-CoV-2 in 2019 in order to control the world, and they claim they US are planning to do it again this election.

Now with the WEF/WHO talk about the emergence of this mysterious “Pathogen X”, it’s looking like the Russians might be telling the truth about this whole thing.

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My top picks for VP:

1) RFK Jr.
2) Kari Lake
3) Vivek

All 3 take absolutely zero shit from establishment hacks, and have proven they are dedicated to, and capable of, combating and uprooting corruption.

I’d be happy with any of these three, but I REALLY want RFK Jr. His skillset and his wisdom would be an invaluable asset in destroying the Deep State. And most importantly, we know he is dedicated to the mission, because they literally murdered his uncle and his father…

Who wants to destroy the Deep State more than the Trumps and the Kennedys? Who better for the job than the two families who have been attacked by the establishment more than any others?

RFK Jr. would capture a significant chunk of the center/left, the name recognition among classical liberals would make it hard to resist, and I don’t see how it loses. This ticket would galvanize the country, and it would be the media’s worst nightmare.

In addition, both of these men recognize that we are at war with a corrupt and evil establishment, and have stressed how the country will not survive if we don’t win 2024. If they both truly believe that, which I think they do, then the logical thing to do would be to join forces.

But as always, we will see what happens.

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Trump says he knows who he wants as VP and will keep it a secret. But that’s not the news here for me.

Look at Trump! He looks healthy and a little trimmed up. He is still sharp, witty, and rattling off zingers.

He looks ready to go. There’s a different energy about him.

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I wish I could provide some valuable analysis on the Hunter Biden situation, but I just don’t have anything to add.

It’s a fucking shitshow.

The silver lining however, is maybe this circus will break some sleepers from the matrix, because the double standard is apparent. I

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Check the comments and look at the ratio.

The public are destroying the media over their “reporting” on Epstein, meaning the efforts of citizen journalists are making a difference.

For those who gauge public perception, it’s obvious we are winning. We establish the narrative.

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Remember when the media threw an absolute fit about the movie “Sound of Freedom”?

Why is it that they were so upset about the exposure of widespread human-trafficking and pedophilia?

There was 1000x more outrage about this movie coming out, than about Epstein’s crimes…

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There’s an easy way to resolve all this.

Suspend the US government, go under temporary Martial Law, and prosecute all politicians involved in sex-trafficking/pedophilia via military tribunal.

I think we all agree there needs to be swift justice and transparency.

Who says no?

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So uhhhh when do we have the public conversation?

I’m not saying everything Q or their followers said is true, but it’s objectively true that they were right about the cabal running a global pedo ring and conspiring against Trump.

We must give credit where credit is due.

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Many have asked: Why didn’t Trump arrest the Clintons for their involvement with Epstein in his first term?

In short. The public were not ready.

Remember what it was like back then? A large chunk of the public were still under the MSM spell and believed Trump was a Russian spy. The MSM had firm control of the narrative/public perception, and the public were heavily brainwashed to hate Trump and his followers. They had the world convinced Trump was a deranged dictator.

Just imagine if in 2017, Trump barged in and arrested the Clintons and exposed Bill as a pedo. It would have started a civil war. Legitimately. Mass civil uprisings. The MSM would have said it was a lie and been calling for Americans to storm the White House because Trump is a dictator arresting his political opponents. Mass civilian casualties. Breakdown of society. Direct threat to NATSEC and opens susceptibility to foreign attacks. It would have been ugly.

If Trump would have arrested the Clintons back then, it would not have worked. But this time around, we hold all the cards:

-We have control of the narrative via the rise of independent/citizen journalism.

-The public have spent the last 7 years watching nearly every “conspiracy theory” come true, and witnessed continuous examples of massive corruption in the media and government.

-This information is coming out while Trump is not POTUS, so they cannot say that it is partisan or disinformation.

-Trump has the political ammunition and the precedent established to go after the Deep State since they weaponized the government to go after him.

The stars are aligning. The public will be ready this time around. We’ve woken enough normies, and a whole bunch more are about to be hopping aboard the bandwagon.

We could actually pull this off.

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🚨Epstein Docs!🚨

Epstein victim states that she “doesn’t think Trump participated in anything” and never saw him at Epstein’s properties.

She also says Bill Clinton was a witness to the sexual abuse of minors and has been to the island, and that Jeffrey “wasn’t shy” about sexual abuse of children, having nude pictures of girls all over the house.

Eventually the public will arrive to the conclusion that Trump was part of the sting operation to expose this whole thing, hence why all those implicated fear and attack Trump more than anything.

It’s happening.

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If Trump is a pedophile, how come NONE of his enemies have EVER accused him of being a pedophile?

Clinton? Obama? Biden? Pelosi? McCain? Bush? You name them. NOBODY has ever called Trump a pedo.

But Trump and his allies have called Bill and his allies pedos, publicly.

If Trump was a pedo, how come the Deep State or the MSM have never even tried this smear angle? They’ve called him a racist, sexist, rapist, xenophobe, tax-evader, insurrectionist, treasonous, threat to democracy, agent of Russia. They’ve called him every name in the book EXCEPT pedophile. Seems like it would be a good thing to do from their perspective. But they didn’t. They STILL haven’t, even with the Epstein docs coming out.

If Trump was a pedo, why isn’t every Democrat politician firing off tweets right now about Trump being a pedo? Shouldn’t they be jumping all over this if he was?

All of Trump’s enemies, and their lapdog media, have been telling the world that pedophilia is a kooky Right-wing conspiracy theory this entire time. Why would they do that if they knew Trump was a pedo? And are we going to trust the people who were completely wrong about this topic AND were caught burying the story under threat from Bill Clinton himself?

All the moves and countermoves paint a very clear picture. The Deep State have been covering up this story for decades, they got caught, and now they are clinging to whatever straw they can grasp onto, no matter how flimsy.

These are acts of desperation.

We know it. They know it. They know that we know it. It’s only a matter of time now.

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Many are desperate to believe Trump is implicated in Epstein’s crimes.

If this was the case, why would Trump expose a crime he himself was involved in?

Trump is the one who has been trying to expose this for DECADES. If Trump is guilty of it, why would he bring attention it?

There are two options:

A) Trump is innocent and is trying to expose the pedos

B) Trump is guilty, and is STILL trying to expose the pedos, which would include himself

It is incontrovertible that Trump is the one combating child-sex trafficking and spreading awareness to this grim reality via Executive Order, while the Deep State and their lapdog media have called it “conspiracy theory” until now.

If Trump is involved, then he is hellbent on exposing it anyway.

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I created a visual story of the ongoing Shadow War between Trump and the Deep State.

From Epstein and his blackmail operation, to Marina Abramović, the Podestas, Covid, Ukraine, and everything in between.

You WILL be riveted!

Please enjoy and share!

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