The Biden regime just approved the largest aid to Taiwan ever recorded. $567 million.
As the death toll rises in Asheville and elsewhere, and more are desperate for immediate aid, the Biden regime are focused on sending our tax dollars 8,000 miles away.
Meanwhile, Americans are dying and in dire need of support from the government, and the Biden regime are nowhere to be found. These people hate you. The American People are not their priority, and they just proved it.
There will be no coexistence. It’s either us, or them.
If you were wondering why they are trying to kill Trump, this is why.
Trump is about to negotiate an end to the conflict in Ukraine. This means the military industrial complex lose their cash cow, and the CIA lose their offshore proxy.
This is why they impeached Trump as soon as he started digging into where the money was going in Ukraine. Trump did not commit any crime. All he did was get too close to finding out what was going on.
And now if Trump does win the election and does negotiate an end to conflict and the end the flow of money, as he claims, then the public will see that Trump is the peacekeeper, and the Biden regime were the ones who instigated this war.
And one of the stipulations Putin will demand in order to come to an agreement, will include a full-scale UN security council investigation of US bioweapon development in Ukraine. Putin and his military have been demanding it at the UN for years now, and the US veto every attempt. Given RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been extremely vocal about this subject, it’s very likely if Trump wins, that his administration will not only agree with Putin in this regard, but assist him in exposing and resolving this threat to humanity.
This is what’s at stake. This is why the Dems seeing Trump talking to Zelensky is their worst nightmare. If Ukraine falls, the Deep State face extinction.
Interesting 🤔
Biden’s DNI briefed Trump on alleged Iranian attempts to assassinate him.
Color me skeptical. The intelligence community never release anything unless it benefits them.
Sounds like they are attempting to blame Iran for CIA/Democrat attempts to assassinate Trump.
They would never willingly release this intelligence to Trump. They want him dead. My guess is, they are seeking to deceive the public, and blaming Iran to prevent the masses from connecting the dots and blaming the Dems/CIA. This is not to say I support Iran, but this reeks of classic CIA subterfuge.
And given that the intelligence community never tell us the truth about anything, I strongly doubt they abruptly grew some integrity.
Not buying it.
Eventually, the public are going to learn that the world is run on blackmail.
Much of the ruling class are controlled by nefarious actors, by means of blackmail. Diddy and Epstein are just two of many such operations. This practice has been going on for decades.
Politicians, celebrities, athletes, musicians, actors, anyone with a high level of influence or power; all of them were a target for nefarious intelligence entities, seeking to gain control.
With this method of honeypot and blackmail, bad actors can rule from the shadows, without having to win a single election. If they have dirt on all of the politicians, they control the policy decisions via proxy.
This is how the world operates. Democracy is a fairy tale.
The Democrats have convinced themselves that Trump deserves to be assassinated because he is a “threat to democracy”.
Meanwhile, their party:
-did not hold primary election
-weaponized the media
-brainwashed the planet
-manufactured a pandemic
-violated free speech
-covered up Hunter’s laptop
-interfered in federal elections
-started proxy wars worldwide
-pushed the world to the brink of WW3
If you think Trump is the “threat to democracy”, you are not paying attention.
Biden’s DOJ just released this letter written by the failed Trump assassin, Ryan Routh, in which he offers $150,000 to anyone who “finishes the job”.
So the Democrats have a bounty out on Trump’s head, and Biden’s DOJ are loudly advertising it to the public. These are essentially marching orders to the MSM-brainwashed sheep. The Dems are hoping more blue-haired, Ukraine-loving, Trump-hating lunatics, try to kill Trump. They aren’t even hiding it anymore.
If the shoe were on the other foot, and Trump supporter did this, the world would stop. There would be wall-to-wall coverage, town halls, burning cities, collegiate encampments, mass protests, riots, civil uprisings, sweeping censorship against all Trump supporters, etc. The Dems would be losing their minds and foaming at the mouth.
There will be no coexistence. This is war.
If you are awake, it’s easy to get overwhelmed from all the madness and blatant idiocracy.
But on the bright side, the crazier things get, the higher likelihood normies wake up. The deep sleepers must be spoon-fed. Repeatedly.
It might not feel like it, but this is the necessary progression to mass-awakening. It must get worse before it gets better. If we want to justify making drastic and lasting change, the public cannot be told, they must witness the corruption and evil for themselves.
So while it may be frustrating for us to endure the blatant lies and insanity from the Biden regime and Kamala campaign, they are providing the public with a steady dose of red pills.
Every bad clip is another opportunity for normies to break from the Matrix.
Welp, I guess Jill Biden is now the Commander in Chief.
I don’t recall anyone voting for her. It’s not like the Dems care anyways. Nobody voted for Kamala either.
We are currently in a proxy war with Russia, on the verge of WW3, and this is who is in charge of our government…
Interesting 🤔
Trump speaks about the FBI confirming Iran spied on his campaign and shared the info with the Dems.
“This is real stuff” Trump says.
The Dems obstructed Trump’s entire presidency over allegations of Russia hacking their campaign, which turned out to be a lie. Now Iran actually spied on Trump’s campaign, and were looking to conspire with the Dems. Shouldn’t the world be stopping?
As for why Biden’s own FBI are admitting this, I am not sure. By all accounts, none of this makes any sense, but given there have been multiple attempts on Trump’s life, this situation could be much deeper than we understand.
What if the Dems are communicating with hostile foreign adversaries as part of a broader plot to assassinate Trump?
Given how deranged the Dems have become, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to question if they would do something like this.
Trump’s post from Truth Social last night seems pertinent.
He claims the FBI caught Iran spying on him, and feeding the intel to the Harris campaign, and once again brings up the possibility of the Dems replacing her.
Some pretty serious allegations here.
It’s wild how quickly the news cycle has moved on from the most recent Trump assassination attempt.
Brainwashed democrats are trying to kill Trump so often, it’s just part of the American routine now. It’s normalized.
Just a typical Wednesday here in 2024.
We still have 7 weeks until Election Day, and the battle does not stop there.
If Trump wins, the Dems will deploy every asset to prevent the peaceful transition of power for the additional 11 weeks leading up to Inauguration Day.
The craziness has just begun. Trump is likely going to be fending off assassination attempts on a regular basis, and we just have to hope none of them succeed.
We also have to hope WW3 doesn’t escalate and nukes don’t start flying.
And we also have to hope that we can outvote the Deep State attempts to steal the election.
It’s going to be a long 18 weeks, but on the bright side, we would not have gotten this far if they were in complete control.
For those who don’t know, Diddy was running a honeypot/blackmail operation, just like Epstein.
The only question is, who was above Diddy? Who was he feeding the intelligence to?
Given the CIA are neck deep in all these kinds of operations, it’s pretty safe to assume they knew. And given Diddy has been an extremely vocal and influential asset for the Democrat Party, it’s safe to say where his loyalty lies.
Diddy was an intelligence asset, and his mission was to obtain blackmail for the Deep State, in exchange for fame and riches. Literally sold his soul to the devil.
Don’t let the Democrats disassociate from Diddy. He is one of theirs. They have been using him to try and influence Hollywood and the music industry since at least the early 2000’s. He is a Democrat operative.
Video: Diddy interviews Obama 2004
Best case: MSM/Democrat violent rhetoric has caused multiple attempts on Trump’s life, and they continue to fuel the fire.
Worst case: The Dems/intelligence community are involved.
Either way, they are evil, and must be destroyed.
This is not an election. It’s a war.
After yet another Trump assassination attempt, Hillary is saying that the MSM rhetoric hasn’t gone far enough, and that the “journalists” need to increase their gaslighting about Trump’s danger to our world.
It’s not complicated folks.
The Democrats are straight up EVIL…
The US Government are willing to send trillions of our tax dollars to fund conflicts all around the globe.
But when the American People desperately need aid, the Biden regime are nowhere to be found…
Anyways, here is a completely unrelated painting from the French Revolution.
I tried to watch the Kamala interview…
It’s bad.
Clearly doesn’t know what she’s talking about, talking in circles, lying repeatedly, and bullshitting her way through it. Classic Kamala.
She sounds like when the teacher calls on you and you didn’t do the reading assignment. Unfortunately, blue-voters don’t care. None of them are voting FOR Kamala, they are voting against Trump. They would vote for Satan himself if there was a (D) next to his name on the ballot.
So while I’d like to think these embarrassing performances from Kamala are hurting her, I’m not sure they do. Her supporters know she’s an idiot. They have already accepted this. They are just holding their noses and voting the opposite of Trump, regardless who it is. Merit and logic are irrelevant to the equation.
Would-be assassin Ryan Routh officially charged for attempted assassination on Trump.
Wonderful. Now we need to see who he was communicating with, and where he got his money.
Did he act solely because the left-wing media brainwashed him? Or was he sent by someone?
I’m willing to bet his affiliation with Ukraine will prove relevant.
The Dems have seen the internal polling. They know they are going to lose in a fair fight.
They will explore other contingencies:
-Assassinate Trump
-Election fraud
They will continue to try to eliminate Trump. If that fails, they are already sending more troops to the Middle East, and could attempt to incite large-scale conflict, in the hopes they can justify cancelling the election in a time of war. If that doesnt work, they will implement some level of voter fraud, in an attempt to steal the swing states. If that does not work, they will attempt to prevent the peaceful transition of power, and refuse to cede power to Trump.
It’s going to be a bumpy ride. Stay frosty.
The Biden regime just went full-Gestapo.
They are advertising a bounty on Trump’s head, put out by Trump’s would-be assassin, who is an intelligence asset/patsy.
Our own government is trying to kill the People’s preferred candidate and frontrunner for POTUS.
Wake the fuck up.
Trump did two debates on Democrat-controlled outlets CNN and ABC.
After Kamala ducked Trump on the September 4th debate on Fox News, Trump went into enemy territory AGAIN and beat Kamala, even though she had all the questions, and biased moderators.
The Dems are desperate to change the calculus before November. They have the internal polls. They know they are significantly behind.
They are trying to drag Trump into another disadvantageous situation, and Trump is not taking the bait.
They can screech all they want, but Kamala is the one who is ducking debates and refuses to go into any situation with unbiased media. She cannot perform outside of structure, and is only willing to go on outlets that are subservient to the DNC and won’t fact check her lies.
This is desperation from the Dems.
There are two types of voters in the United States.
Those that think this unelected cackling buffoon would make a good Commander in Chief.
And those that have functioning brains.
If you think Kamala is POTUS material, you live in a completely separate reality.
In case you needed any further confirmation that these people are evil:
Democrat leaders refuse to tone down the rhetoric after multiple assassination attempts, and continue to label Trump a “threat to democracy”, despite the fact that their party did not hold an election.
The Sméagol-looking creature, Pramila Jayapal (D) Washington, even says that TRUMP is the one that needs to tone down HIS rhetoric, after a Democrat supporter just tried to murder Trump… AGAIN!
There will be no coexistence. They want Trump dead, and they don’t care if you know it. This is not politics. This is war.
The Left-wing bots and trolls are out in force.
They have been given new talking points. They are mass spamming my comments that Trump is only running for office to “stay out of jail”.
The Dems are desperate to deflect from the assassination attempts. They will tell their sheep anything to convince them they are righteous, and that their blind hatred for Trump is justified.
Trump is clearly being persecuted and under attack, yet the Dems have convinced themselves that Trump is the provocateur and that they are the victims. Psychological projection.
We are dealing with dangerous and evil people, and I fear there will be no coexistence in our future. These demons cannot be saved. They must be defeated and their ideology driven to extinction.
You can say what you want about Trump, but you cannot say he doesn’t care.
He’s a billionaire and could be spending his days at home with his supermodel wife at his estate.
Instead, he is fending off assassination attempts and taking on the corrupt establishment.
Holy shit…
The cringe has reached new heights.
“I’m in these streets”.
Bitch, you just spent the last 2 weeks telling everyone you grew up a middle class kid. You’re not hood. You’re a prosecutor and a whore.
I’m tired of holding back.
Life is a weird place right now. It’s hard to plan for the future.
If Trump wins, America is back, and the cleanup begins.
If Kamala wins, Hillary wants to arrest me for spreading “Russian disinformation”.
We either claim victory, or I’m ending up in the gulag. 😂
These people are sick.
Deep State mouthpiece, KJP, says that Trump is a “threat to our democracy”, and that HE is the one who needs to tone down HIS rhetoric, after a Harris/Walz supporter, just tried to assassinate him.
They want Trump dead, and they don’t care if you know it.
Every time I look at my phone, there’s a slight fear that I’m going to read that one of these assassination attempts succeeded.
Every time I watch Trump give a speech, I’m wondering if a bullet is going to hit him in the head.
Whatever this is, it ain’t “democracy”.
Given how far the Deep State have gone, not only would Trump be justified in throwing every single corrupt actor behind bars, he would be irresponsible not to.
Also, Trump has what he did not have last time.
The public are more awake, and the MSM have lost their potency. The public are no longer buying the MSM lies, thanks mostly to Elon’s defense of free speech on X, and the rise of independent journalism.
Now with the MSM largely neutralized, and the public red-pilled after 4 years of the Biden/Kamala circus, Trump has the variables in place that would be necessary to carry out an unprecedented cleansing of the US government.
Trump has the public support, the optics, the precedent, the political ammunition, and the surrounding cast, to do what is necessary.
No more niceties. The enemies of We the People must be uprooted and eliminated, never to rise again.