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General Flynn states that “there was a decision made to have a security stand down, on the 7th of October, for 7 hours”.

This comes after Netanyahu reveals plans to relocate the Palestinian population in the US and Europe.

It appears that some elements within the IDF allowed the attack to happen, so they could justify ethnically cleansing Palestine, and relocating their population. Essentially a false flag operation to justify escalation and the land grab of Gaza and the West Bank.

If you’ve been following me, you’d know this has been my analysis since the jump! Hamas’ attack was brutal and horrific, but Israel WANTED it to happen, because it serves as a Casus Belli, to justify Israel’s blatant agenda to drive out the Muslim Palestinians from the region.

And based on the actions and behavior of the Israeli government, they were waiting for this opportunity. They let their own civilians die, so they could push their geopolitical agenda.

Evil is an understatement.

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The Colorado Supreme Court ruling is rightfully being shot down in Michigan, other States will follow suit, and most expect the US Supreme Court to promptly overturn this insanity.

This stunt by the Deep State only made Trump more popular, by continuing to prove him right.

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I’m excited for 2024. We have a lot more going for us this time around.

Many things once called “conspiracy theories” are now accepted realities.

Citizen journalism on X has massive influence, counters MSM propaganda, and shapes public perception.

Deep State corruption is becoming increasingly more obvious, they have established a new precedent, and normalized prosecuting high-profile politicians.

We have the platform, the reach, the experience, the playbook, and the momentum. We have all the pieces in place. The stage is set.

Now we just gotta execute.

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The broader public are starting to see why the Dems have been so desperate to keep the border open.

It’s election fraud. They are shipping in millions of new voters every year. That’s why the Dems were so vocal about DACA kids in 2017. That’s why they conducted the “kids in cages” psyop. That’s why Obama went on TV and told illegal immigrants they are allowed to vote in 2016.

All of it was a ploy to incentivize illegal immigrants to vote blue, and prevent Trump from building the wall, under the guise of “racism”.

It was never about racism, or care for immigrant children. It was about power. The Dems have weaponized illegal immigration as a tool to steal elections. It’s why they don’t want voter ID. It’s why they are willing to spend hundreds of billions to fail at securing Ukraine’s border, but won’t spend 5 billion to secure our own border.

It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore. It’s reality. The record doesn’t lie. The Democrats have weaponized illegal immigration to steal elections.

Flashback to Obama’s interview weeks before the 2016 Election, blatantly encouraging illegal immigrants to vote and telling them they will not be prosecuted for voting.

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Before you overreact to the headline, I would advise reading the article.

“Two sources familiar with conversations tell CBS News”.

Trump is not promoting this.

And then they cite how Trump called her rise in recent polls to be “fake” and how his base despises her.

Fake news.

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Given that the DNC are willing to take their opposition off the ballot in 2024, isn’t it much easier to consider that they cheated in 2020?

Are we expected to believe they just now stopped caring about election integrity?

It’s always been this way. It’s just more obvious now.

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I’ve never actually met a Biden-voter who likes Joe Biden. They are just anti-Trump.

They know the Biden admin is a complete clown show, they just don’t care. Their entire political identity revolves around hating the orange man, no matter the cost.

They don’t even remember what they hate him for anymore. They are just lost in the loop. It’s muscle memory for them at this point. It’s ingrained into their brains.

Is it because he is racist? Is it because he kept kids in cages? Is it because he conspired with Russia to steal the 2016 election? Is it because he incited an insurrection on January 6th?

All of these things turned out to be lies, perpetuated by the media and their establishment overlords.

The Left are fueled by hatred and deceit, not love. They know Biden is destroying America, but they are so conditioned to hate Trump and his supporters, they don’t care if Biden starts WW3. Whatever it takes to stop Trump. This ceaseless hatred has blinded them. They cannot see what they have become.

Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

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For those getting excited about the names of Epstein’s associates, you must understand.


This is a list of “associates”. Just because someone’s name is on this list does NOT mean they were engaged in crimes against minors.

Epstein was an intelligence honeypot scheme, where he and Ghislaine would try to compromise rich and powerful people, so they could control them via blackmail.

Just because someone was seen pictured with Epstein or associated with them does NOT mean they are a pedophile, it means Epstein was seeking to compromise that individual.

Do we really think the Biden admin are eager to show us the client list? Absolutely not.

This reeks of a trap or whitewash attempt.

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Watching establishment politicians and propagandist bootlickers defend the CO Supreme Court has been quite the show.

I only request that they maintain this same energy come January 2025 when Trump is back in charge, operating under the same rules of engagement.


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Putin accuses Kyiv of conspiring with “foreign agents”, and calls for a “severe response” to “state terrorism”.

Putin is calling out the CIA/MI6 for Nord Stream and more! And he fully intends to hold them accountable.☠️

See why I like him?

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-Election interference
-Foreign conflicts
-Money laundering
-Weaponization of DOJ
-Open borders
-LGBTQ/Gender psychosis
-Human-engineered pathogens
-Forced medical experimentation

If you are still a Democrat at this point, it’s on you.

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Zelensky is cancelling Ukrainian elections, and Biden is trying to remove the projected winner of the US Presidential election.

Both the nations that claim to be the champions of “democracy” are behaving like totalitarian dictatorships, and nullifying The People’s right to vote.

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Presumably, the SCOTUS will overturn this ruling, and this stunt will only end up making Trump more popular, and proving the establishment’s desperation.

They know they can’t win. They don’t have control of Twitter anymore, so they can’t shape public perception like they used to, and with citizen journalists able to dismantle their narratives in real time, their propaganda is largely neutralized. We are calling their plays out before they run them. We have the playbook.

They are FUCKED. And they know it. So they have no choice but to try to jail Trump, keep him off the ballot, or worse.

But with every step they take to prevent Trump from reclaiming office, they dig their graves just a little deeper, further justifying their future prosecution.

In the end, this will be a net positive for Trump. It will only fuel the anti-establishment movement that much more, and it provides Trump with future political ammunition to unleash on his enemies.

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I’ll believe it when I see it.

Is 170 ALL the names? I don’t think so. They could give us 170 names we don’t care about, while withholding the BIG ones. We want to see 100% of the names.

Zero chance the Biden regime are letting this happen. This feels like a whitewash attempt.

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Trump quotes Putin on Biden’s “persecution of his political rival” and the “rottenness of the American political system”.

Trump reminds us that “the world is watching”.

Trump seems to speak about Putin in a friendly light 👀


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The NYTs have taken Ukraine copium to the next level.

After the failed counteroffensive that was supposed to topple Moscow, they are now redefining “victory”.

They are admitting that Putin does NOT want to conquer Europe, AND that Ukraine lost the war.

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Alright DeSantis influencers, it’s time to give up the charade.

In January, there was only an 11 point margin between Trump and RDS. That margin is now 50 points.

RDS influencers claim RDS ran a perfect campaign, yet have no answers for why his support fell off a cliff, and is about to fall behind deranged warmongering neocon, Nikki Haley.

One of the main factors for this disastrous plummet, is the petulant behavior from RDS influencers, their blatant detachment from reality, and their betrayal to Trump and his supporters. While most of us are trying to have serious conversations about the corrupt establishment and how to combat it, they were trying to capitalize on the opportunity to smear Trump and promote their guy. Not a good look.

RDS’ message did not resonate with the public. Vivek and RFK Jr. were far more effective with their messaging. They expressed a hostile posture toward the establishment. That’s what the People wanted to see. RDS failed to do this, and the boots didn’t help. The American People want someone who is going to come in and uproot the Deep State, and DeSantis did not display the qualities or the confidence to accomplish this feat.

It’s time for the demagoguery to stop. It’s time for the RDS simps to bend the knee, and the submit to the will of The People, NOT the will of your campaign. It’s time to get on the Trump train or get out of the way. The scoreboard does not lie.

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What I want for Christmas doesn’t come from a store.

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Consider the timing of this Colorado Supreme Court debacle.

It’s right before Christmas. People are off work. Families are home for the holidays. More eyes are on the situation. More discussion is happening.

The Dems’ tyranny is getting maximum exposure.

It will bear fruit.

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Interesting 🤔

GOP lawmakers in swing States, PA, AZ, and GA, are looking to remove Biden from their ballots in 2024.

Can’t say I approve of the premise, but given the Deep State utilized lawfare to remove Trump first, can we blame them?

It’s war.

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🇺🇦 Defense Minister says Ukrainian men living abroad, ages 25-60, will be asked to report for military service.

Umerov says this is “not a punishment” but “an honor”.

"We are still discussing what should happen if they don't come voluntarily.”

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What made the USA the greatest nation ever created?

-Freedom of speech
-Due process
-Free and fair elections
-Quality of life

All of this is gone. The American dream is dead.

-You are not free to speak. Social media censorship dictates what you must think and say.

-Due process has been replaced by public perception. Trump and J6ers received no due process, yet have been “convicted” by rogue weaponized elements within the government.

-Elections are neither fair nor free. Pertinent information is kept from you, and lies are told to you, in order to influence who you vote for. And if you don’t pick who they want you to pick, they cheat, or take his name off the ballot,

-Quality of life is diminishing rapidly. Inflation is destroying Americans. The Middle class no longer exists. The wealth has been redistributed to the 1%. Cost of living is unbearable, and wages are not going up.

All the things we used to hang our hat on as Americans, have been stripped from you by the establishment. This is not a “democracy”. It’s a tyrannical dictatorship, operating under the guise of “freedom”.

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The heavily brainwashed are not going to wake up unless there are blatant glitches in the matrix.

What others see as a negative moment, I see as an opportunity to wake up more individuals.

I welcome the chaos, because the crazier shit gets, the closer we get to the finish line. One way or another.

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The Colorado Supreme Court have initiated what I call a “mass normie-waking event”.

Many unengaged citizens now recognize the severity of the situation, due to the unprecedented totalitarian behavior of the establishment.

This event will have a similar effect to the Mar-a-Lago raid and the nonsense indictments. The Biden regime go full dictator and overtly abuse government power to attack Trump, it only ends up making him more popular and galvanizing his support, waking up countless normies in the process. It happens every time.

Every abuse of power wakes up another batch of normies, and the abuses of power are escalating, making it harder for normies to ignore. The needle is moving.

They gotta see it to believe it. So let’s show it to them.

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WaPo REMOVES “War in Ukraine” tab from website!

They are never going to verbally admit defeat, but they tell you in other ways.

Instead of reporting the truth about how the US/NATO just sent hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians to the slaughter for their geopolitical agenda… they will pretend none of this ever happened.

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Could y’all imagine if Trump removed Biden from the ballot?

It would be wall-to-wall coverage, 24/7. “FASCIST DICTATORSHIP DESTROYS DEMOCRACY!”

Every city street would already be burning if the shoe were on the other foot. But when they do it… it’s (D)ifferent.

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The Left threw a 4 year temper tantrum about “election interference” from Russia, and used this lie to justify obstructing Trump’s entire Presidency.

Those same people are trying to take Trump off the ballot in 2024.

And they claim they are the ones “defending Democracy”.

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Colorado Supreme Court ruled that Trump is “disqualified from holding the office of President” via the 14th Amendment.

They are trying to take Trump off the Ballot.

I assume this will be taken up in the Supreme Court and the majority pro-Trump Justices will come in handy.

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I can feel a collective angst among us.

Trump is on pace to win, and they know it. They will have to act in order to prevent Trump from winning, and we know it.

The only question is, what is their play?

How far are the establishment willing to go to maintain their power?

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Damn… Conservatives boycotted and shamed Bud Light so hard, that they started making normal commercials again.

I’m still not drinking the piss water, but it was nice to see a commercial that didn’t feel like it was trying to push an agenda.

More of this. Less LGBTQ nonsense.

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