Unfortunately, most cannot differentiate between what the anonymous poster known as Q said, and what really dumb followers of Q said.
A lot of people made a lot of ridiculously crazy claims about a lot of things. Some of those people are just dumb. Some were doing it on purpose to conflate Q with flat-earth, JFK Jr. being alive, etc., in an attempt to smear and discourage people from looking into it.
If you just read the Q drops for what they are, there is a lot of truth, and a lot of things that ended up coming true. The whole numerology thing, and crazy decodes trying to predict dates and the future by followers of Q, none of that shit had anything to do with Q.
So yeah, many of the people who call themselves “Q followers” are really, REALLY crazy. Completely batshit. But that doesn’t mean that what Q claimed was not true.
A lot of it was truthful, and given the MSM has been writing articles about it nonstop for years, I think we would be remised if we didn’t acknowledge what did come true, as well as what did not.
Are we mature enough as public to have this conversation? I doubt it.
Biden’s approval rating is plummeting and Trump’s popularity is soaring. Their only option is to cheat.
How can the Deep State commit election fraud? Mass mail-in voting.
How can the Deep State obtain mass mail-in voting? A pandemic.
It’s almost like they’ve done it before.
We are going to have to start thanking Joe Biden and his clown show of an administration.
Why? They’ve red-pilled more people than ANYONE the last 3 years with their embarrassing gaffes, abysmal foreign policy, WW3, endless spending, 2SLGBTQIA+ insanity, Hunter scandals, document scandals, money laundering scandals, election fraud, January 6th hoax, vaccines failing, covid origins, Ukraine, Israel, weaponization of government to attack political opponents, the list goes on and on.
The Biden regime has been nothing but a 3 year campaign ad for Trump. Now when Trump returns, not only will Trump have the political justification to destroy Deep State actors, the public will support him in this venture because the Biden regime has been so blatantly disastrous, that it woke up a sizable chunk of the population.
The global awakening and massive shift in public perception could not have happened without the Biden administration showing their asses 24/7. They make my job EXTREMELY easy.
Are there still people out there who think Elon is a WEF sleeper agent trying to put brain chips in everyone’s head?
What about CEO Linda Yaccarino? Has she destroyed free speech yet, like so many predicted?
The doubters were wrong. X continues to be a normie-waking machine.
There is a chunk of truthers who are upset about Milei winning, because they think he is a WEF/Zionist plant that tricked Argentinians into voting for him.
If this is the case, then nothing has changed, except Milei redpilled millions around the world first… It’s a net gain either way.
Just because he might not share your exact viewpoint about Ukraine or the Middle East, doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world. The man recognizes that a Deep State exists, that Leftism/Socialism is poison, and that the less government the better.
He might not be perfect, but he sees the root of the problem and he’s not afraid to tell you about it. This makes him better than 99.99% of politicians to ever walk this earth.
If he turns out to be a Deep State sleeper agent (highly improbable), then we adjust our assessment as the situation develops. Until then, I’m enjoying the win and enjoying the red pills Milei is dishing out.
Me seeing Argentina getting a super based anti-government Libertarian President.
Читать полностью…Every major media narrative was a lie
-Russiagate: fabricated by the Clinton campaign
-Covid: made in a lab and the vaccines were neither safe nor effective
-Ukraine: catastrophic failure
-January 6th: false flag event staged by elements within our own government
-Hunter’s Laptop: real, not Russian disinformation
-Election Fraud: real, significant admitted irregularities in swing States such as Arizona, Georgia, and Pennsylvania
-Social Media Censorship: real, FBI/DHS were meeting and communicating with private tech companies and instructing them to censor accurate information on their platforms
If the entire MSM are parroting the same thing at the same time, historically speaking, it’s virtually guaranteed to be a lie.
Rep Massie perfectly summarizes why I oppose sending US tax dollars to any country on the planet.
Even if you think Ukraine or Israel are a just cause that deserve our support, all that money we send doesn’t end up supporting anyone but corrupt politicians and their donors.
Now that we have the tapes proving January 6th was not the violent insurrection we were told it was, let me enlighten you on what ACTUALLY happened that day.
Flashback to January 4th, 2021. Pence promised that he was going to “hear the objections and evidence”, in reference to the massive irregularities and voter fraud in the 2020 election (video below).
Pence never got to hear those electors air their objections or evidence. The January 6th event at the Capitol was the means Pence used to justify NOT giving electors their day in Congress. Pence claimed the acts by Trump and his supporters were so heinous, that he was just going to certify the election the next day.
Well, now that we have the January 6th tapes, it is clear this event was facilitated and coordinated by elements within our own government, and the evidence of this was intentionally withheld from the American People in order to continue perpetuating this massive lie.
You witnessed an insurrection on January 6th 2021, but it wasn’t by Trump supporters. It was by establishment politicians, elements within the intelligence community, and State-controlled MSM outlets, who coordinated to generate, escalate, and exaggerate the situation in order to avoid electors airing their objections, in order to certify a stolen election. You witnessed treason and war waged on the American People.
That’s what happened on January 6th. Our nation was stolen from us by corrupt elements within our own government. And all the hatred, discrimination, censorship, and vitriol towards Trump supporters, ALL of it was based on a lie.
You best start believing in Orwellian dystopias. You’re in one.
Natural Gas reserves were discovered off the coast of Gaza in 2000, and have yet to be harvested due to the perpetual instability in the region.
When assessing potential incentives for Israel’s land grab, this is a major factor.
Similar to the US and 9/11, it appears like Israel were looking for a reason to justify occupying another country for natural resources. October 7th granted them the opportunity.
Compound this with Israel’s inexplicable ignoring of intelligence, egregiously slow response time to the October 7th attacks, and the eagerness to slaughter and displace the Palestinian population… one might question if Israel allowed or encouraged Hamas to attack, so they could justify claiming Gaza and the West Bank for resources and their geopolitical agenda.
Cui Bono? Who benefits? Follow the money.
The Right are convinced that Biden and Xi are aligned, but the actions of these players don’t reflect that whatsoever.
China literally accused Biden’s own biolab company, Metabiota, of making biological weapons in Ukraine… 😂
I wonder if this topic will come up at dinner.
The conflicts in Ukraine/Middle East are exposing the US Empire.
Now with the free flow of information on X, we are able to combat propaganda and the public are getting a crash course on Deep State corruption worldwide.
The world is waking up and many don’t even know it.
The Left: “You can’t vote for Trump! He is going to weaponize the government and arrest all the corrupt politicians in DC!”
Much of the Right forget that 99% of them despised Russia early on and fully supported Ukraine.
Then the facts slowly crept out, Ukraine was exposed as a US proxy/money laundering operation, and now the Right despise Ukraine.
Something similar is about to happen with Israel.
Whether you want to blame the US or Ukraine for the Nord Stream bombing, it doesn’t matter.
They are the same entity.
Ukraine is a US proxy. They are heavily funded by and subservient to the US empire.
Anything Ukraine do, the US are responsible for via extension.
QAnon? You mean the “conspiracy theory” that claimed:
-A Deep State exists
-The MSM are corrupt
-Our politicians are evil
-Trafficking/pedophilia is rampant
-Russiagate was a hoax
-C19 was man-made
-Election fraud is real
-Pharma is a scam
It’s not like any of that came true…
Let’s take a look at Biden’s approval rating numbers.
January 2023, Biden’s approval numbers began a sharp and consistent negative trend which has led to his worst approval rate to date.
What happened in January 2023? Elon started letting people back on Twitter.
Elon finalized the purchase for Twitter on October 28, 2022. He took a few months to assess the situation, trim the fat, and make an action plan. Come January, the pro-DNC algorithms were removed, free speech was restored, and dissenting voices (like myself) were reinstated on Twitter, after formerly being suspended for wrongspeak.
Since that moment, public perception of Joe Biden has shifted immensely. This confirms that citizen journalism on X is highly influential and effective. It’s working. It also confirms that Deep State control of Twitter was heavily influencing public perception and thus altered the results of prior elections.
THIS is why the Deep State are after Elon. He took away their monopoly on narrative control, and now they are unable to effectively brainwash the masses like they used to, which severely jeopardizes their ability to retain power.
Elon introducing free speech to Twitter changed the world forever.
From 2020 to now, there has been a +30 point shift in favor of Trump among voters ages 18-34. Why?
Because of free speech on X! Nearly 60% of X’s 556 million users are ages 18-34.
There is a direct correlation between Elon taking over Twitter, and the shift in public perception, ESPECIALLY among the younger generations. They are finally being exposed to Deep State corruption, because opposing viewpoints were allowed to be voiced on X, in real time, to a massive global audience.
The conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East have done irreparable damage to Biden’s approval, and the truth about these situations were only made available due to Elon’s control of X and the ascension of the citizen journalist movement. The younger voters are not learning the truth by watching the MSM. They are getting red-pilled on X.
THIS is what the Deep State feared would happen when Elon took over. THIS is why they fought him tooth and nail and set all the dogs loose on him. THIS is why Media Matters and the ADL are trying to smear Elon and making false allegations about “widespread antisemitism”.
They knew if there was a free marketplace of ideas and opinions, that their propaganda would not be able to survive. And sure enough, once free speech was introduced, their control of the narrative dissipated rapidly and substantially.
The labors of citizen journalists have started to bear fruit. The legacy media are failing and the awakening is happening. It’s working!
In case you were not aware, the establishment hates you.
This is not a democracy. The establishment are not concerned with whom The People vote for. They tell you who to vote for, and if you don’t pick their candidate, they are willing to cheat, lie, steal, and murder.
⚠️Change of Batter Incoming⚠️
NBC poll shows Trump beating Biden in 2024.
Biden lost significant ground, amongst young voters especially. The foreign conflicts and corruption have taken their toll.
Now the MSM are setting the stage to introduce a new DNC candidate in 2024.
“Conspiracy Theorists” pulling up to thanksgiving dinner after being right about everything.
Читать полностью…Media Matters and the ADL are launching a coordinated PR attack on Elon in an attempt to subvert the Free Speech movement on X.
Why? Because we are DESTROYING the legacy media in the information space. Their lies don’t work anymore.
It has exactly 0% to do with anti-semitism.
Dave Smith highlights a disturbing reality.
If civilians are responsible for the crimes of their governments, then the American citizenry are responsible for the deaths of MILLIONS.
This idea that the Palestinians deserve to die for what Hamas did… is absolutely insane.
Let’s see if Americans maintain this same energy when it’s revealed the US were responsible for SARS-CoV-2.
Rep. Clay Higgins claims to have intel that the FBI bussed in agents disguised as Trump supporters to the Capitol on J6.
If true, then the FBI were complicit in a coordinated event to certify a fraudulent election and overthrow the sitting and duly elected POTUS, Donald J Trump.
Also known as Treason.
Theoretically speaking, if you had to un-brainwash billions of people who have been propagandized for decades, how would you do it?
Would you abruptly tell them they have been brainwashed?
Or would you slowly introduce this reality to them and show them proof along the way?
The Left are now crying that Trump is going to weaponize the government.
Meanwhile, the Left have already weaponized the entire government and the private sector and have been waging war on Trump and his supporters for years…
-The media is a propaganda arm of the DNC, and they have made that abundantly clear over the last 7 years or so. Pushing the false Russiagate story despite zero evidence. Covid and Ukraine. All of them lies 24/7. All weaponized to harm Trump.
-Social media is a propaganda arm of the DNC. Twitter and other social media outlets were having weekly meetings with, and taking direct orders from, the FBI/DHS. They interfered in every single election. They censored factual evidence about the Biden Laptop, Covid, Ukraine, etc. They went full Orwell and violated the 1st Amendment freedoms protected by the Constitution. Targeting Conservatives.
-Academia is a propaganda arm of the DNC. Government schools and public universities are teaching children woke trans gender insanity, and embedding Left-wing talking points in their minds. Teaching them from a young age to develop a hatred for white men and conservatism. The Left are literally brainwashing our children to be Democrat voters while we are at work.
-The Executive Branch is a propaganda arm of the DNC. The FBI/CIA have been weaponized to destroy anyone who threatens Deep State control of the US. They have been attacking Trump by covert and overt means since he came down the escalator. They staged January 6th to convince the public that all Trump supporters were domestic terrorists. The Biden regime weaponized the DOJ, raided Trump’s house, indicted him, arrested him multiple times, and is trying to put him in jail by any means necessary before November 2024.
So for all the Left-wing media-types clutching your pearls over the idea of Trump weaponizing the government, you have to realize that your side are the evil ones who already weaponized every fabric of American society.
The American People are sick of your shit and there will be consequences for the way you all have conducted yourselves over the last 20 years or so.
Our turn is coming, and there is nothing you can do or say that will stop it.
Jen Psaki just made the best Trump campaign ad we could ask for.
She speaks on what a 2nd Trump term would look like. About the fear of Trump “prosecuting anyone he deems an enemy” and how “this time he plans to line his administration with people who will actually do it”.
What Psaki doesn’t know, is that Americans are fed up with the corrupt Biden regime, woke insanity, the COVID disaster, and the colossal failure in Ukraine. The American People WANT accountability for crimes perpetrated against us.
We want scorched-earth Trump, and given how the Biden regime have weaponized government to attack Trump, he would be completely justified in eradicating the corruption with swift and furious anger.
Retribution 2024.
Interesting 🤔
Trump is now criticizing Israel 🇮🇱 and their handling of Gaza 🇵🇸.
He says that the hatred and atrocities in the Middle East are “horrible on both sides”.
Trump is telling us that Israel are not innocent 👀
It’s Ukraine all over again. Shift incoming.
WaPo admits that Ukraine were responsible for the Nord Stream terrorist attack!
Ukraine, advised by their US handlers, sabotaged civilian infrastructure that provided millions of Europeans with energy, then blamed it on Russia.
WaPo admits that Ukraine were responsible for the Nord Stream terrorist attack!
Ukraine, advised by their US handlers, sabotaged civilian infrastructure that provided millions of Europeans with energy, then blamed it on Russia.