Warmongering neocon, Dick Cheney, endorses Kamala Harris.
This is further confirmation that the old GOP is dead, and Trump has taken over the Republican Party.
-The Cheneys
-The Bushes
-The McCains
-Paul Ryan
-Mitt Romney
The old GOP establishment have been booted out of MAGA, and remain loyal to their uniparty cohorts on the other side of the aisle, hence why they all support Kamala.
This proves that a Deep State/Uniparty exists, and confirms that Trump/MAGA are the opposition to this entity.
Dick Cheney endorsing Kamala is a MASSIVE positive for Trump. And it’s also hilarious, because before Trump came along, Dick Cheney was arguably the guy they hated most. They don’t event realize what they have become.
The Kamala hype-train has run out of steam.
The illusion of popularity has fizzled out, and now her campaign is limping into a debate with Trump in 4 days, with just 1 very unimpressive interview under her belt.
I like our position.
If Kamala does not have a good performance, her campaign might not be salvageable. The Dems would then have to explore other options, whether that be refusing to certify the election, some unforeseen level of fraud, WW3, a new “pandemic”, black swan event, etc.
There is also the potential that the DNC just swap her out like they did Biden. Legally, the DNC have the authority to replace their candidate post-convention if Kamala were to “step down”, but strategically, I don’t see how the Dems could abandon Kamala after going all-in on her, and so little time left on the clock. It would be a bad look to circumvent democracy AGAIN by selecting a 3rd candidate, but at this point, nothing would surprise me, and their brainwashed sheep will do whatever they are told.
Image is Nate Silver election winner probability model, reflective of Kamala’s drop in polls, specifically in swing states.
I do not care about Hunter Biden’s gun charges, drug possession, or tax evasion.
I DO care about his biolab company, Metabiota, which was heavily involved in developing bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, via USAID Project PREDICT, prior to the C19 outbreak.
Nothing else matters.
DOJ: “Conservative media company received $10 million from state-backed Russian media outlet RT, to entice influencers to push pro-Russian content.”
The Dems/MSM covered up Biden’s condition, circumvented democracy, and installed their candidate, without garnering a single vote.
All while they spread anti-Trump and pro-Kamala propaganda 24/7.
Yet they want you to believe it’s Russia influencing our elections.
This comes after the 2020 election, when they used their proxy control of all social media, and WITTINGLY censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, and labeled it as Russian disinformation, running cover for Biden family, and HEAVILY influencing the 2020 election.
In addition to all that, they also manufactured a global biological crisis, they are trying to throw Trump in jail, and they tried to assassinate him…
The American People’s enemies are not in Russia, China, or Iran. They are in Washington DC.
Weird vibes right now.
We are just waiting for the debate at this point.
It also feels like many are burnt out, myself included.
Two months from election day, and most Americans are just ready to find out what kind of world we will be living in come 2025.
Kamala continues to display abysmal optics. She appears frantic and stressed.
The MSM-fabricated hype has died down, and reality is starting to set in. She is going to have to debate Trump next week, and she can’t effectively talk off-script.
She’s cooked, and she knows it.
Her campaign is already on life support. Right now they are dealing with the Gold Star families debacle, Walz’s stolen valor scandal, and the uninspiring joint-CNN interview. They are about to head into this debate with no momentum, and they are relying on Kamala to turn their entire campaign around in this debate.
If Kamala has a poor performance, and Trump does to her what he did to Biden, I don’t see how the Dems are able to maintain the illusion anymore.
I like our position.
I’d respect the Dems more if they would just cut the bullshit and admit they don’t like Kamala, and that they are just supporting her because she’s not Trump.
Instead, we must endure this ridiculous theater, where they pretend that Kamala is accomplished and competent.
Walz refuses to answer for his stolen valor scandal.
When asked about why he “misspoke” about his service record, he replies, “I’ve done 24 years of wearing a uniform in this country”.
That’s wasn’t the f*cking question Tim…
These people are fake and reprehensible.
Sneak peek of the CNN interview with Harris and Walz…
It’s a pathetic disaster.
Kamala can’t even talk properly, with a month to prepare, and with her support blanket Tim Walz nodding along at her side.
If you believe this woman is fit to be POTUS, you are brainwashed.
Trump went on another QAnon meme rampage last night.
There are two options here:
1) Trump is just a loose cannon on his Truth account, unknowingly sharing Q memes, and has been doing so for years now, and nobody has stopped him.
2) Trump knows what he is doing.
For those who don’t know, Trump does this all the time on Truth Social. So regardless of what you believe the whole Q thing is, or its validity, Trump is leaning into it, and has been for quite some time.
If he was doing this on accident, I would imagine someone in his campaign would have told him to stop it after the first 10 times he did it.
I’ll leave the rest up for your interpretation.
If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they would not be:
-Copying Trump’s policies
-Trying to appear moderate
-Forcing RFK Jr. to stay on the ballot
-Weaponizing DOJ against Trump
-Attempting to assassinate Trump
The enemy’s behavior tells the story.
They are afraid.
Jack Smith and the Dems can try to indict Trump all they like.
It just confirms they are corrupt and tyrannical. It proves they know they cannot win a fair election.
If they think the American People will allow them to jail Trump, they are mistaken. This country will erupt.
The political landscape has transformed.
The people who call themselves “Liberals” are not liberal at all.
“Democrats” are no longer Democratic.
The Right are now the side of anti-war and free speech.
It’s a new world you’re living in.
Adapt accordingly.
Very interesting 👀
RFK Jr.’s internal polling shows upwards of 66% of his supporters would vote for Trump if he was not in the race.
RFK Jr. admits his presence in the race was detrimental to Trump, and would help Harris get elected.
If RFK Jr.’s numbers are accurate, then Trump can expect a net increase of roughly 3+ million votes nationwide. That’s an average of 60,000+ net votes for Trump per state, which could easily flip swing state races which most were decided by 10k-20k votes in 2020. Obviously they wouldn’t be distributed that evenly, but you get the point.
RFK Jr. might have just saved us from Kamala.
-Trump sentencing delayed until after election.
-RFK Jr. wins legal battles in multiple swing states to get his name removed from the ballot, helping Trump.
-Kamala dropping in the polls, win probably is plummeting, and debate upcoming.
The Dems are in shambles once again!
Trump confirms he will start a government efficiency task force, headed by Elon Musk!
Elon will audit the entire federal government, and eliminate the fraudulent spending of our tax dollars, saving trillions.
This is the Deep State’s worst nightmare, for multiple reasons:
1) Our tax dollars are the life source of the Deep State machine. Their wealth comes from laundering our tax dollars in the form of “foreign aid” and “spending”. Trump and his allies know this, and are cutting off the money supply, and thus neutralizing their power.
2) Elon will be tasked with trimming the fat, and if it looks anything like his Twitter overhaul, many jobs in the US government are going to disappear, as they are unnecessary for the machine function. This means less bureaucrats milking government pensions, more money in our pockets, and less opportunity for nefarious actors to find a home in the US Government.
3) Elon is obviously a smart guy, and he knows they are corrupt. Once he audits the federal government, he is going to see what they have been up to, and he is going to help expose it.
This action plan addresses the core of US government corruption, hinders the loopholes that were being exploited, and leads to exposure of bad actors. This will effectively limit the Deep State’s ability to function moving forward, even after Trump is gone.
The Deep State essentially face extinction if Trump wins.
Putin is hilarious 😂
He says he supports Kamala and her laugh is “fascinating”.
For those of you who don’t understand, Putin is trolling. He is making fun of Kamala for being stupid. He does not actually support Kamala or Biden.
He likes them because they are easy opponents on the geopolitical battlefield. But let’s not kid ourselves, Putin wants Trump to win, and that’s a good thing. Putin recognizes that if Trump is in office, the flow of money to Ukraine will stop, Trump is willing to make a deal, and the war will end. Putin does not want this war, he just wants NATO off his doorstep, and Trump/RFK Jr. are determined to make that happen.
Putin and his military have literally accused Biden, Obama, Hillary, Soros, and the Democrat Party, by name, of creating biological weapons in Ukraine.
Putin is anti-woke. He frequently talks about the evils of “Western liberalism” and how the West have fallen into a degenerate and hedonistic society, that engages in satanism and pedophilia. He is pro-Christian, pro-family, pro-conservative lifestyle.
Putin does not actually support Kamala, Biden, or the Dems, and the crowd know it, and are laughing along because the statement is so preposterous and obviously said in jest.
Putin also knows if he says he supports Trump, the Western MSM will freak out and accuse him of interfering in the election for Trump. So he said the opposite to troll the Dems, while also poking fun at Kamala for being a cackling imbecile.
To me, it looks like the Dems are setting the stage to justify NOT certifying the election if Trump wins.
The Deep State recognize that Kamala is not gaining any traction. They know she cannot win in a fair election, and their fraud might not be enough to save her.
Swapping Kamala out for a new candidate would be DISASTROUS for the Dems at this point, and would be too big of a defeat to overcome after going all-in on her. So it appears their plan is to plant the idea that Russia, China, Iran, etc., are all influencing the election, and therefore can justify not certifying the election, and not handing power over to Trump.
They have the internal polling numbers. They know Kamala will lose, and they don’t have any confidence in her to make an impact in the debate, so they are preemptively going to the next contingency in the plan.
They do not intend to partake in the “peaceful transition of power” if Trump wins, and they will say it’s necessary to preserve our “democracy”.
Video is from 8/7/2024:
The internal polls must be really bad for Kamala.
They would not be trying to establish the “Russian interference” narrative again if she were ahead.
This play by the Dems/MSM is an admittance that they are losing the battle for public opinion. Their influence is limited. The days of them controlling groupthink are over.
As more people wake up, the pool of sheep for them to control dwindles. Our years of hard work in the Information War is starting to bear fruit.
Trump speaks with Lex Fridman on declassifying the Epstein files!
Trump says “A lot of big people went to that island, but fortunately, I was not one of them”.
This is why the Deep State fear him. Because he knows their darkest secrets, and aims to expose them!
This is why they have been throwing everything at him since he came down that escalator. Because they knew that he knew.
RFK Jr. on the All-In Podcast, says we are “going to see a very different President Trump than we did in the first term”.
RFK Jr. talks about his conversations with Trump admitting what he did wrong last time, and some of his bad appointees.
Libertarians, RFK Jr. supporters, anti-Trump DeSantis supporters, etc., should be jumping for joy, because this was their biggest criticism of Trump, and now he is addressing it, and RFK Jr. is backing him. The gripes they had about Trump, he is addressing.
Trump’s brush with death has altered his perspective on life, and now he is locked-in, and he has the team around him to get it done.
This performance from Kamala and Walz was absolutely abysmal.
The Democrat elite are having buyers remorse, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are exploring what other options they have.
Trump is going to eviscerate Kamala in the debate, and they know it.
She avoided the media for over a month.
Then accepted a pre-recorded interview with a friendly outlet in CNN, who is coddling her.
She has Walz next to her for emotional support.
She has all the variables on her side, and THIS is the performance she puts on?
Not impressed.
If you are awake, you are not my target. Your box is already checked.
I am targeting the sleepers and untapped demographics.
I structure my content to appeal to the curious normies, and use Socratic language to entice thought.
There is method to the madness.
Did The New York Post see my post on X, and then turn it into an article?
It’s like when you copy your buddy’s homework and try to make it sound a little different.
The MSM are reporting yesterday’s news, that they read on X.
Scott Jennings just DRAGGED Kamala over bringing Tim Walz along for her interview.
He says it’s “weak sauce” for Kamala to bring along her running mate and soak up half the time. She can’t even handle an interview by herself.
I’m amazed CNN lets this guy talk. 😂
Trump names Tulsi and RFK Jr. to his transition team!
Trump is making it clear he is not making the same mistakes as last time.
One of his biggest criticisms was that he did not surround himself with the right people.
Now he is picking anti-Deep State champions. He’s ready.
So Zuckerberg came out and admitted that the Biden/Harris regime were engaged in the unconstitutional policing of free speech on private platforms.
This is also known as “fascism”.
The Dems are who they claim to fight. All they do is project. Their accusations are confessions.
RFK Jr. sits down with Tucker to discuss the new Trump endorsement!
RFK Jr. says that there have been 4-5 political realignments in American history, and he thinks “we are going through one right now with the Democrat Party”.
The ruling class of the DNC are corrupt, and they do not reflect the will of their voters. The ideals and values the Democrats used to uphold, they no longer do. Democrat voters still see themselves as Kennedy Democrats, when in reality, they have become what they claim to oppose.
RFK Jr. is initiating a great exodus from the Democrat Party!