Comey’s fear should make you want to vote for Trump even more.
Comey knows that Trump is going to cleanse the DOJ/FBI. The only difference between 2016 and now, is that Trump has the public support, the optics, the precedent, and the justification, to actually pull it off.
This is why I support Donald Trump. Because he terrifies all the right people. The corrupt bureaucracy know that if Trump gets back in, they face extinction.
An unprecedented reckoning is what the American People are voting for. It’s long overdue.
Bill Maher makes an excellent distinction between the true definition of “liberalism” and the new era of the modern Left, otherwise known as “woke”.
You might not like Maher, but this kind of rhetoric coming from him does significantly more damage than a conservative voice.
But what Maher refuses to address, is that the DNC are now completely controlled by the radical “woke” Leftists. The Left have abandoned the classical liberals. The definition of “classical liberal” includes:
-individual autonomy
-limited government
-economic freedom
-freedom of speech
The current Left/DNC do not reflect ANY of these characteristics. In fact they represent the exact opposite. These characteristics now belong to the Right.
Any blue-voter calling themselves a “classical liberal” is just an indirect way of admitting Trump was right about the Dems being batshit insane.
Do the Dems realize how badly they just screwed themselves?
All of these cases against Trump have done nothing but exonerate him, increase his support, and most importantly, open the door for reciprocity by establishing some dangerous precedents.
They just dug their own graves.
Now Trump and his administration could realistically prosecute anyone they wanted to, and the Dems could not cry political weaponization. THEY are the ones who opened Pandora’s Box.
If Trump gets in the White House, he has the optics, the support, and the precedent, necessary to hold Deep State actors accountable and drain the Swamp.
The public have been normalized to accept, and in many cases cheer for, high-profile politicians being charged, investigated, arrested, prosecuted, etc.
The stage is set.
Wow… 👀
The ICC issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant, as well as Hamas leadership, for various war crimes and crimes against humanity.
However, keep in mind the ICC’s “authority” is largely ignored.
US-puppet Zelensky canceled all elections in Ukraine indefinitely due to the war.
Given Trump’s growing support and that the lawfare against him failed, you know the Biden regime would LOVE to try something similar.
Keep this in mind as we continue to flirt with full-scale WW3.
There is a reason the Left are so upset about Harrison Butker’s speech about traditional family values.
Because the Left’s mission is to destroy the nuclear family, so that the individual is dependent on the State.
The Left want full control of all aspects of your life. They want both parents working, so they have more income tax to launder. They want your children being raised in their indoctrination centers known as public schools, so they can raise your children while you are at work.
The Left want to demonize your religion, so you will accept the Party as your God. They want every human isolated and without a higher purpose, so they will view serving the Party as their only purpose.
The Left’s ideology cannot coexist in a marketplace of free ideas, so they are seeking to destroy all other ideas.
The reason they are so triggered about Harrison Butker, and anyone else who speaks about traditional family values, is because they are trying to eliminate the idea of family.
Wow… Diddy is cooked.
DNC advocate, and Hollywood darling, Sean “Diddy” Combs, seen beating his then girlfriend, inside a hotel, in 2016.
There will be far less Left-wing outrage from this than there was for Harrison Butker’s speech on family values…
You ask a blue-voter why they are voting for Biden, and they say:
-LGBTQ+ rights (sexualizing children)
-Reproductive rights (murdering children)
-Gender-affirming care (mutilating children)
The Left’s entire platform revolves around hating Trump, and harming children…
Monkeypox is back!
The CDC are now warning that Congo is experiencing a Monkeypox outbreak “that could soon spread to US after arrival of new, ultra-infectious, deadly strain”.
It seems like the CDC/NIH/WHO are BEGGING for one of these pathogens to turn into a global pandemic.
Biden is abusing executive privilege to prevent the public from hearing his interview with Special Counsel Hur!
AG Garland continues to deny Congressional Republicans access to these recordings, citing that the GOP will use them to smear Biden on the campaign trail.
This means that Garland and rest of the Biden admin know these recordings are damaging to Biden, and means they are wittingly covering up potential high crimes and treason by the sitting POTUS.
Garland claims he is remaining apolitical by preventing Congressional Republicans from accessing the tapes, when he is clearly acting as a political agent for the Biden regime by covering up his criminality for the sake of winning reelection.
Think the Deep State isn’t real? Think again.
Putin arrives in Beijing to meet with Xi.
You’ll notice both Xi and Putin have trailing officials carrying their nation’s respective nuclear footballs.
Simply a matter of protocol? Or an intentional display of strength?
Many have forgotten just how bad it used to be in Trump’s first term.
Every MSM outlet was screaming about Trump/Russia collusion 24/7. All of it turned out to be a lie.
The Dems obstructed every single aspect of Trump’s administration, based on this lie, that they created.
The biggest obstacle was not the corruption itself. The biggest obstacle was that the majority of the American People were still heavily brainwashed. Many still trusted the MSM. They believed the propaganda.
Not anymore.
RFK Jr. on Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast.
RFK Jr. claims that he takes more votes from Trump than he does from Biden. His polling indicates that 57% of his voters would vote for Trump if RFK Jr. was not in the race.
RFK Jr.’s presence in the race is negative for Trump.
This is the scenario that I have been trying to warn Trump supporters about. RFK Jr. does not have the juice to win in a three way race, but he has the ability to split the vote in battleground States, and open a path for a Biden a victory.
This is a reality we cannot continue to ignore.
Imagine if Ivanka said Donald Trump was sneaking into her showers and making her uncomfortable as a young girl…
The world would stop. The MSM would have wall-to-wall breaking news coverage. The streets would be in flames.
But since it’s Biden, nothing but crickets.
This segment from CNN is astonishing.
Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona, all States that Biden won in 2020 (allegedly), are now leaning heavily for Trump.
Hispanic and Black voters are jumping on the Trump train!
The lawfare backfired, and now Biden’s path to victory is very slim.
AOC just spilled the beans on the Deep State’s entire plan.
This was never about justice. It was always about keeping Trump bogged down with an endless stream of phony cases, so he cannot campaign and to smear him in the media.
It’s coordinated election interference.
All of this is one giant plot, spearheaded by the Biden White House, to manipulate the American People, and prevent Trump from reclaiming office.
This is not “democracy”. This is fascism.
Anti-Trumpers and RFK Jr. voters love to regurgitate that Trump is part of the “Duopoly” or “Uniparty”.
If that was the case, why have they been attacking him 24/7 ever since he came down that escalator in 2015?
Why expend this much ammunition if Trump is not a threat?
Why would they go such lengths to destroy someone that is allegedly on their team?
Why would they carry out this dog and pony show, just to expose their own corruption along the way?
This anti-Trump narrative doesn’t make any sense. The Deep State attack him because they fear him and what he represents. Simple as that.
All these cases against Trump have been nothing but an extension of the 8 year witch hunt.
There was never any crimes. This was never about justice. This was political weaponization of government, all to smear Trump and provide fodder for their MSM lapdogs to mislead the public, and interfere in elections.
That’s what this has always been about. It’s about keeping Trump out of office, and preventing him from advancing his agenda, regardless of how the American People vote.
This witch hunt is confirmation that this is not a “democracy”, as the Left like to claim. We are free to choose who to vote for, so long as it’s an approved candidate by the establishment.
This is not democracy. It’s tyranny, with the illusion of individual choice.
I see many Americans celebrating Raisi’s death.
Before you celebrate, consider the potential global implications.
If this was NOT an accident, this could be an Archduke Ferdinand-type moment and the entire world would be in serious danger.
Let’s hope it was just an accident.
I’m not going to jump to any conclusions, but if there was any foul play with this helicopter crash carrying Iranian President Raisi, this could serve as a catalyst for broader conflict.
Let’s pray, for the good of humanity, that this was just an accident, and everyone is okay.
CATASTROPHIC polling numbers for Biden and the Dems.
Trump’s poll numbers are quantifiable evidence that the Left’s propaganda is losing effectiveness.
They’ve been claiming Trump is literally Hitler, nonstop for 8 years, and the People are not buying it.
America wants Trump!
Interesting 🤔
This was yesterday, but Trump spoke on Putin’s visit to Beijing, and the alliance between Putin and Xi.
He claims that Putin and Xi are formulating plans to “do damage”.
The Biden regime’s destructive foreign policy is pushing us closer to full-scale WW3.
Harrison Butker: “Start a family. Have children”.
The Left:
Could you imagine if Trump used executive privilege to cover up tapes from an interview with Mueller?
The Dems and the MSM would lose their minds, and Soros-funded riots would already have the streets in flames.
Biden just went full totalitarian dictator.
Decades of destructive US foreign policy has led to the coalition of Russia and China against the West.
-Endless war
-Color revolutions
-Bioweapon development
While Biden cannot finish a sentence, Putin and Xi are building a new world without us.
It makes absolutely zero sense for the Biden regime to want this debate. Pedo Joe is gonna get ragdolled.
But it’s a LONG six weeks between now and June 27th.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just posturing from the Biden camp, and the debate somehow ends up not happening. That way they can say “we wanted to debate!”, and then blame the debate falling through on H5N1 or whatever hoax they have planned.
But if Joe is actually going to debate, I don’t see how it could benefit his campaign in any way. It will be painfully apparent Trump is a superior option to Biden.
There is more than meets the eye on this one. Stay frosty.
It’s time to address this commonly used anti-Trump talking point about his inability to drain the swamp in his first term.
Trump’s first term was completely hamstrung by the Mueller investigation and the MSM had the public convinced Trump was literally a Russian agent… Then as soon as he got past the Russia hoax, they released a biological weapon, shut the world down, and stole the election.
If Trump would have gone in day one, and started arresting people, he would have looked like a totalitarian dictator, and would have caused massive uprisings and legitimately a civil war. The public were not even awake yet at this point.
The same people criticizing Trump for not draining the swamp, didn’t even believe the swamp was real back in 2016. The MSM still had the overwhelming majority of Americans under their spell.
So while it’s real easy for RFK Jr. supporters to criticize Trump now, the majority of them didn’t even know this war with the Deep State was going on, and they would have criticized Trump for draining the swamp if he did it, and called him a dictator.
The world wasn’t awake then. Now they are. This is why Trump is going to finish the job this time. Because the public have been shown how deep the corruption goes.
They are ready.
I wonder how it feels to be a Democrat voter right now.
No matter what they say publicly, absolutely none of them are excited to have Joe Biden as the nominee.
They are not voting FOR Biden. They are voting AGAINST Trump.
The DNC’s entire platform revolves around hate.
Look at what’s happened in the past few days:
-Ashley Biden confirming her diary, meaning Joe is a pedo
-Left-wing MSM admitting Trump is dominating Biden in the polls
-Trump having 100k+ person rally in blue New Jersey
The Dems might have to swap out Biden… but who? 🤔
Here we go…
Chief Scientist at the WHO, and one of the main individuals who WITTINGLY covered up the lab origins of SARS-CoV-2, is now suggesting that H5N1 Bird Flu is a “serious concern”, and is pushing to preemptively develop vaccines.
They are going to try it again…