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Yup. He called Kamala “Vice President Trump”.

And it continues to get worse.

There is no way the Dems can spin this. It’s over.

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Wow… Tapper is going after Biden.

He reported on the Wisconsin radio story, in which the Biden team requested to remove some of Biden’s answers bragging about the number of “blacks” in his administration.

Normally, this story would never be shown on CNN, but something changed.

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I truly don’t think it matters who the Dems run at this point.

All that matters is:

-are they able to cheat enough?
-are they able to cancel the election?
-are they able to get rid of Trump?

Winning a fair election was never on the table.

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The SAVE Act just passed the House.

Republicans were unanimously yea.

198 Democrats voted nay, only 5 voted yea, confirming that the Dems do not want secure elections.

This bill will likely die in the Senate, and if it gets to Joe’s desk, there is no way he signs it.

However, by introducing the bill, it forces the Dems to show their hand, and gives serious legitimacy to the idea that the Dems use illegals to vote, and engage in voter fraud.

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Remember how the Dems claimed that Hunter’s crimes did not matter, because Hunter was not on the ballot?

Well now he is running our government.

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The Biden regime are laying the groundwork to blame Russia for interfering in the election, by simply showing Biden’s “most embarrassing” moments from the debate.

They want you to believe that what you saw with your own two eyes, is actually Russian disinformation. 🤡🌎

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Wow… The Biden regime has gone COMPLETELY off the rails.

KJP refuses to confirm the White House guest logs showing visits from a Parkinson’s specialist.

KJP knows the lies she is spouting are comically obvious. She is starting to crack.

The house of cards is collapsing.

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As we all expected, Biden and the Dems vehemently oppose the SAVE Act.

The only reason anyone would oppose this, is because they benefit from voter fraud.

This is also the main reason why they oppose the wall and border security.

Because they steal elections with illegals.

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The Dems have no choice but to cheat.

The crazy part is, their voters don’t care. In fact, they support it.

They actually believe Trump is Hitler, and that cheating in elections is justified to save “democracy”.

They don’t see the irony in this whatsoever.

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“Okay, maybe we lied about Biden’s health.

And Russian collusion.

And Covid.

And Hunter’s Laptop.

And January 6th.

And Ukraine.

And Epstein.

And Hollywood.

And everything in between…

But trust us when we tell you Trump is a threat to our democracy!”

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The Dems/MSM cannot even convince themselves that they support Biden.

Their only option is to repeat “convicted felon” over and over again, and scare voters into believing Trump is “literally Hitler”.

That’s all they have left at this point.

No merit. No policy. Just lies.

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The hardcore Biden cultists are now claiming that MSM is fake news and not to be trusted.

They’ve been calling us conspiracy theorists for years for saying MSM is propaganda. Now they’ve flipped.

It’s only a matter of time before they start claiming CNN/MSNBC work for Putin.🤣

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Biden outlines his plan to turn the campaign around!

What do you think Dems?

Do you feel confident in your leader?

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DoD sent out an alert today.

This one is pertaining to the NATO summit in DC, from July 9-11.

32 NATO allies will be in DC. Transit in and around DC will be severely limited.

Seems like a pretty standard security/travel alert, but something to keep an eye on for sure.

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And here we go folks.

Mail-in ballots/drop boxes have always been the objective, because it’s how they commit mass election fraud.

Trump takes massive lead in the polls, and the Dems are already formulating a plan to steal the swing states.

They are going to try it again.

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Today was supposed to be about Joe Biden’s “big boy” press conference, to show the world he is fit to be POTUS.

He just introduced Zelensky as “President Putin”.

I’m curious to see how the pro-Biden talking heads spin this one. 😂

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The MSM are beyond desperate.

They are blaming Russia for “covert social media accounts” pointing out the truth about Biden, the Dems, Ukraine, and election security.

They are correct about one thing. This is “information warfare”. They are just mad because they are losing.

They are already laying the groundwork to blame Russia for their pending election loss, and perhaps start another Mueller-like special counsel to obstruct Trump’s next term like they did in 2016.

This is how they were able to stop Trump from draining the swamp the first time. They brainwashed the majority of the population into believing Trump was a literal Russian asset, put him under investigation, which hamstrung him from implementing the MAGA agenda for the first 3 years of his presidency…

Then immediately after that hoax ended and Trump was exonerated, covid showed up, and the rest is history.

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For those wondering why the Dems opposed the SAVE Act, here is a supercut of the House Dems’ arguments from the floor.

They claim it’s a Republican conspiracy to prevent “black, brown, and LGBTQIA+” people from voting.

They claim it’s “xenophobic” and “anti-democratic” to require an ID to vote.

In reality, we all know this is just because they plan to cheat. And given that their candidate is a vegetable who is trialing heavily in the polls, they need to be able to cheat now more than ever.

The GOP just forced the Dems to admit they use illegals to cheat in federal elections.

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Notice how the Dems didn’t care about Epstein until Biden imploded and Trump jumped to a massive lead in the polls.

They said “Sound of Freedom” was QAnon propaganda.

They ignored the Podesta emails.

They denied the human-trafficking crisis at the border.

They still don’t care about Haiti or Libya.

They glorified Balenciaga.

They sexualize our children without our consent with the 2SLGBTQIA+ cult.

They still ignore Bill Clinton’s ACTUAL crimes with Epstein and visits to the island.

They don’t care about Epstein’s victims. They don’t care about the children. They don’t care about human trafficking. They don’t care about pedophilia.

All they care about is getting Trump.

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2009: “Epstein is a conspiracy theory”
2016: “Epstein is a conspiracy theory”
2020: “Epstein is a conspiracy theory”

The people who vehemently denied Epstein, human trafficking, and pedophilia, for years, are now the experts? 😂

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The Democrats are having an existential crisis.

The Party has split into two factions. There is the pro-Biden camp, and those who want to go to a new candidate.

Regardless of which avenue they take, the disunity and incompetence displayed by the Dems, might be insurmountable.

Even if they swap Joe out, it’s so late in the process, they won’t be able to run an effective campaign. Also moving off of Joe will be a MASSIVE defeat, because it proves Trump was right, and proves they lied…

But sticking with Joe will also be a massive defeat, because half the party and the media have already bailed on Joe, telling him to step down.

The Dems are in disarray, the media are conflicted, and their voters are left disappointed and confused. They could not have played this any worse.

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The Dems do not care about the will of the American People. So they ship in millions of low-IQ immigrants and give them handouts, to coerce them to vote blue.

They didn’t like the way we voted, so they brought in new voters.

This is why the Dems oppose the wall, border security, voter ID, etc., because their power relies on illegal immigration keeping them in office.

They never believed walls were racist. They never actually cared about “kids in cages”. They never cared about immigrants. It’s always been about election fraud.

They sold out the American People in order to take and retain power. They turned our cities into sh*tholes for their own gain. They ruined the American Dream to line their own pockets off of the fruit of our labor.

And then called you a Nazi for recognizing it.

“Traitorous” is an understatement.

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Biden rambling about the “elites” in the Democrat Party calling for him to step down.

Only problem is, Joe is part of the elite…

Also, I know Joe stumbled a few times, but sections of this voice call sounded like AI to me.

This entire situation is truly bizarre.

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Biden says that “Lord Almighty” is the only one who could persuade him to quit his reelection campaign.

So if the Democrats, Republicans, and the People, all don’t want Biden in power, yet he refuses to relinquish said power…

What does that make Biden?

President? Or Dictator?

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The talking points went out.

MSNBC propagandist, Ali Velshi, perfectly encapsulates the Deep State narrative moving forward.

Their plan is to make you ignore Biden’s senility, by convincing you that Trump is a “threat to our democracy”.

This is the enemy’s playbook.

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The current state of US Politics 😂

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Biden’s ABC interview might be worse than the debate.

Joe failed to demonstrate he is capable. Anyone who claims he did well is either a propagandist, or in a TDS-induced psychosis.

MSM are struggling to spin it. MSNBC/CNN panels look like funerals.

Let the implosion continue!

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Trump supporters are witnessing the best case scenario play out right now.

We want Joe to stay in the race as long as possible, and continue to make a mockery of the DNC.

The MSM have already abandoned Joe. This disunity amongst the Deep State is waking up millions.

Even if they swap Joe out down the road, the damage he is currently doing to the DNC’s image might be irreparable. The People have absolutely zero confidence or trust in the Democrat Party. The Dems/MSM have gone extreme lengths to deceive and manipulate, and it’s rubbing their own voters the wrong way, as it should.

Biden is currently our greatest weapon. He is destroying the DNC from within and exposing the corrupt MSM, simultaneously.

Not bad for a vegetable.

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Step 1: set up legal groundwork to mandate drop boxes across the swing states.

Step 2: release virus and over-exaggerate its lethality to create public fear of voting in person.

Step 3: send out mass mail-in ballots.

Step 4: harvest mail-in ballots and deliver them to districts needed to flip the swing states at 4am after they know how many votes they need.

Step 5: use media to accuse anyone who calls out mail-in ballot fraud of being a Russian asset or election denier.

Step 6: use intelligence community stage “insurrection” so electors cannot air grievances of fraud before Congress, and certify a stolen election.

They did it in 2020, and they are about to try it again… Mass mail-in ballots are their objective.

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Jimmy Dore on The Joe Rogan Experience talking about the debate!

Rogan says the Democrats are “in a cult”.

Dore says that the media covering up Biden’s senility is the “biggest lie that has ever been told in politics”.

Must watch episode!

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