The Democrats and Ukraine claim that Trump and Putin must be stopped, in order to preserve their sacred “democracy”.
Meanwhile, Ukraine cancelled their elections, and the Dems are about to unilaterally overturn their primary elections.
Funny how that works.
You can tell from Vance’s speech what his task is.
He just mentioned blue collar workers in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
The next 3 months, Vance will be targeting the working class in the most contested battleground states.
Vance’s job is to win over the Rust Belt.
Wow… they know it’s over.
Van Jones can feel the walls closing in!
“A bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden.”
“The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together.”
The Democrat Party is imploding, and even the MSM cannot spin it.
Biden: “I’ll step down if I have a medical condition emerge.”
*A few moments later*
Democrats : “Biden has Covid!”
Most Americans would be on the hot seat if we don’t show up to work on time.
If we fail at our jobs, we get fired.
Meanwhile, the Secret Service just let Trump get shot, and they are just like “whoops, we will be better next time”.
That’s not how it works.
Heads must roll.
Biden and the Dems are laying the groundwork to swap candidates.
Biden admits that he made a huge mistake with the debate, and would step down if a “medical condition emerged”.
It’s coming. It’s only a matter of who replaces him, and when. The transition is underway.
MAGA is not the GOP.
The old GOP is dead. The RNC is merely a vessel. This is a populist movement.
All are welcome in MAGA. We don’t care what color your skin is, what deity you worship, or who you’re attracted to. If you want to Make America Great Again, you’re one of us.
This is why I have been relentlessly trying to unify MAGA, Libertarians, RFK Jr. supporters, independents, disgruntled left-wingers, younger generations, the sports community, the comedy scene, the music industry, and anyone else who is tired of this shit.
We all share the same enemy, and that enemy is terrified of Donald J. Trump.
It’s time for all of us, as Americans, to unite under the same banner, and it’s time for MAGA to welcome everyone with open arms.
This is how Revolutions are won.
CNN reporting that Secret Service have “ramped up security” due to intelligence of an alleged Iranian plot to assassinate Trump.
First reaction… I don’t believe this at all.
Sounds to me like CNN are trying to blame Islamic terrorism to distract from who actually did it.
Also, if there was actual intelligence of an assassination plot, I don’t think we would hear about it.
This reeks of damage control and disinformation to deter blame away from the Biden regime’s Secret Service failure.
Leaked call between Trump and RFK Jr.’s discussion yesterday! Trump was reaching out to Kennedy looking for an endorsement.
Trump is heard here discussing the dangers of vaccinating babies, and how “something is wrong with that whole system”.
Trump is seeking help from RFK Jr. in the upcoming administration. Trump reiterates that he is going to win, and tells RFK Jr. it would be good for him and his mission to drop out, endorse Trump, and have a seat at the table.
The perception of Trump’s vaccine stance has been one of the main concerns for RFK Jr. voters, Libertarians, and even many Conservatives. This should help quell some of that, and prove Trump is seeking to surround himself with the right people this time around.
This is a massive development, and if Kennedy chooses to go through with it, I think Trump would gain a lot of support, and RFK Jr. would still have the opportunity to do what he does best, which is handle the pharmaceutical realm.
To me, this is a huge step in the right direction. It’s clear Trump recognizes RFK Jr.’s value, and I think we can expect to see a role for Mr. Kennedy in the upcoming administration!
Unite America!
GOP Chairman, Michael Whatley, confirms 50 Cent will be in attendance at the RNC in Milwaukee.
Benny asks if he will be performing and Whatley says “stay tuned” and “there are plenty of surprises”.
Lol. Are we about to meme this shit into existence?
You know who else was not a fan of Trump in 2016?
I was 24, working two jobs, and my interests were partying, sports, and women. Politics were barely on my radar.
I considered myself Libertarian, and my perception of Trump was based on what I heard in passing on TV, which at the time, was 100% negative. However, I was not a fan of Hillary or liberals. I knew that bitch was evil. So I abstained from voting in 2016, because I didn’t understand what was going on, I assumed Trump was going to lose, and I had to go to work that day, so I just didn’t vote.
But after Trump was elected, I saw how insane the Democrats/MSM were behaving towards Trump, so I started paying more attention. Something was obviously not right. Like many others, I started noticing irregularities in the MSM narrative, eventually I woke up, and before the end of 2017, I was fully supporting Trump. The rest is history.
If I can change, so can anyone else.
This is wild.
NBC News asks Biden about his violent rhetoric around putting a “bullseye” on Trump.
Biden’s brain malfunctions, and he can’t even defend the question properly.
These people are dangerous and incompetent. Their years of divisive propaganda campaign caused this.
It’s J.D. Vance!
I think it’s a great pick, with a chance to move the needle. Being from Ohio, maybe Vance can help influence close by swing states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
This pick did not hurt Trump like it would have if he picked Rubio or Nikki Haley.
I am still curious to see what happened between Trump and RFK Jr., as they reportedly had a long conversation today about a potential unity ticket. Hopefully RFK Jr. and Trump decided on a different role for RFK Jr., where we can maximize RFK Jr.’s skillset in the upcoming Trump administration.
Same goes for Vivek, who I assume already has a position locked up.
Regardless, it certainly feels like there is a sense of unity and a sense of urgency moving forward. The country is rallying behind Trump.
Welcome aboard J.D. Vance. Let’s get the job done!
Reports that RFK Jr. is in Milwaukee 👀
RFK Jr. and his VP Shanahan were sharing kind words about Trump and Melania on X.
Trump is now demanding RFK Jr. immediately get a Secret Service detail.
They are acting VERY simpatico all the sudden.
Are we actually doin this?
The Democrat Party is facing extinction.
If Trump wins, and is able to prevent WW3 as he claims, that means the Dems just waged an 8+ year war on the guy who ended up bringing world peace.
There’s no coming back from that.
I think we are watching a massive restructure of US politics.
If Trump wins convincingly, he will have majorities in both chambers, with his already existing majority in the Supreme Court. He would then have the power to fully implement the MAGA agenda, and most importantly, he actually has the public support he did not have last time.
Combine this with Elon’s takeover of Twitter and the decentralization of media, all the pieces are in place for Trump to have success, without the MSM brainwashing the public to think he is a Russian asset.
Trump will control all three branches of government, he will have massive public support, unlimited political ammunition, and the MSM have been largely neutralized.
The stars are aligning.
Trump walks out at day 3 of the RNC to “It’s a Man’s Man’s Man’s World” by James Brown.
Unmatched aura. Biden could never.
It’s over for Biden.
It’s been over since about 10 seconds into the debate 3 weeks ago.
Instead of a clean break, the Dems dragged it out, and tried to salvage the unsalvageable, doing a great deal of damage to themselves in the process.
The Democrat party is in shambles!
Within hours of Biden interview revealing he would step down if some sort of “medical condition emerged”, he has tested positive for Covid!
How convenient!
It appears the Dems are putting a lid on Joe and preventing him from doing further damage before they swap!
New ad just posted by the Trump campaign, and it is electric!
Lots of storm imagery and they highlight Trump’s rally where he says he will “totally obliterate the Deep State”.
Trump is ready to finish this shadow war.
We are so back!
The way I see it, the Deep State are responsible for this no matter how you slice it.
Either it was treasonous negligence and violent media-driven rhetoric pushed the kid over the edge, or the Deep State carried out the act themselves.
Either way, they are complicit.
The MSM/Dems, accompanied by their insane anti-Trump propaganda, have brainwashed hundreds of millions.
They waged psychological war on the American People to advance their nefarious agenda, and they’ve warped some minds beyond the point of return.
Regardless of if they had a direct hand in Trump’s attempted assassination, they are guilty of treason, sedition, and crimes against humanity, for which the punishment is death.
Functionally, nothing has changed. Either we destroy the Deep State, or they destroy us.
Matt Walsh, and the rest of the puritan conservatives, lack vision, strategy, and compassion.
People like Amber Rose, 50 Cent, Harmeet Dillon, etc., are all worth EXPONENTIALLY more than any conservative talking head.
These people dip into the demographics we don’t own. These people have massive influence over the younger generations, and non-White/Christian communities. You don’t have to like everything about them in order to recognize their value.
Matt fails to grasp how elections are won, and how influence matters. If we want people to vote for Trump, we can’t shame and smear them when they finally join our side.
Matt should stick to basic biology and crying about trans people, while the adults win the election.
Here we go!
Now the MSM are going to start calling Trump an “anti-vaxxer” because he talked with RFK Jr. about the dangers of absurd US vaccine usage on babies!
This will actually work in Trump’s favor. Pretty much everyone is a vaccine skeptic now.
Also, many Libertarians and RFK Jr. supporters’ main issue with Trump, is his defense of the vaccines. This might be what bridges the gap, and gets them to hop on board.
Trump is showing he wants to surround himself with the right people to tackle Big Pharma.
I still get sick to my stomach every time I think about how things would be if those bullets did not miss.
The Republic would have fallen, and mass chaos would have swept the nation. Elections would be irrelevant.
The world would be a vastly different place right now.
Who are you voting for?
The savvy business man who took a bullet, and the articulate Marine?
Or the child-sniffing vegetable, and the incompetent DEI hire?
Elon pledges $45 million a month to a new pro-Trump Super PAC!
Amidst the chaos over the last couple days, Elon has fully come out of the MAGA closet. He’s all aboard now.
The money is not what’s important. It’s influence. The most influential man on Earth is all-in on Trump.
Many view Vance’s former dislike of Trump as a weakness.
I see it as opportunity. Vance can spin this to undecided voters.
Messaging could be along the lines of:
“I was not a fan of Trump before, but I changed, here’s why you should too!”
Also, Neocons and Dems are upset by the pick, which leads me to believe it was a good pick. If our enemies don’t like it, there must be a reason.
I think many are prematurely underestimating Vance’s value.
For those asking “Why J.D. Vance?”:
Trump told us his logic with the announcement.
Currently, the tightest races are in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The Rust Belt states will decide the 2024 election.
Vance is from Ohio, and Trump told us in his announcement, that Vance’s job during the campaign will be to focus on winning over the hardworking people in these states.
Vance is a Midwest/Rust Belt guy, who hopefully can appeal to these voters, and put Trump over the top in these battleground states. That’s the thought process behind the pick.
Logically, it makes sense. Now we just have to make it work.
I’m having a mild panic attack.
We might actually be doing this.
This could not have turned out worse for the Deep State.
Not only did Trump come out unscathed, but the Dems handled themselves poorly, and the MSM confirmed their complicity.
Now Trump has near unlimited political ammunition and public support.
They created a living martyr.
This assassination attempt has emboldened many fence-sitters to take the leap. Big names from Elon Musk, to celebrities, to professional athletes, and everyone in between, are coming out in support of Trump after the attack. It’s a galvanizing moment for many Americans.
Not only did the Deep State fail to take him out, they made him considerably more formidable in the process.