She avoided the media for over a month.
Then accepted a pre-recorded interview with a friendly outlet in CNN, who is coddling her.
She has Walz next to her for emotional support.
She has all the variables on her side, and THIS is the performance she puts on?
Not impressed.
If you are awake, you are not my target. Your box is already checked.
I am targeting the sleepers and untapped demographics.
I structure my content to appeal to the curious normies, and use Socratic language to entice thought.
There is method to the madness.
Did The New York Post see my post on X, and then turn it into an article?
It’s like when you copy your buddy’s homework and try to make it sound a little different.
The MSM are reporting yesterday’s news, that they read on X.
Scott Jennings just DRAGGED Kamala over bringing Tim Walz along for her interview.
He says it’s “weak sauce” for Kamala to bring along her running mate and soak up half the time. She can’t even handle an interview by herself.
I’m amazed CNN lets this guy talk. 😂
Trump names Tulsi and RFK Jr. to his transition team!
Trump is making it clear he is not making the same mistakes as last time.
One of his biggest criticisms was that he did not surround himself with the right people.
Now he is picking anti-Deep State champions. He’s ready.
So Zuckerberg came out and admitted that the Biden/Harris regime were engaged in the unconstitutional policing of free speech on private platforms.
This is also known as “fascism”.
The Dems are who they claim to fight. All they do is project. Their accusations are confessions.
RFK Jr. sits down with Tucker to discuss the new Trump endorsement!
RFK Jr. says that there have been 4-5 political realignments in American history, and he thinks “we are going through one right now with the Democrat Party”.
The ruling class of the DNC are corrupt, and they do not reflect the will of their voters. The ideals and values the Democrats used to uphold, they no longer do. Democrat voters still see themselves as Kennedy Democrats, when in reality, they have become what they claim to oppose.
RFK Jr. is initiating a great exodus from the Democrat Party!
Former Democrat, Tulsi Gabbard, officially endorses Trump and joins the campaign!
This one is not so much a surprise, but more of a reminder that sane Democrats are fleeing what has become of the DNC.
Tulsi will serve a vital role in appealing to female and center-left voters, and sounds like she will have a role in the upcoming administration.
Tulsi was also the first politician to speak out about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. Both she and RFK Jr. have been vocal about this subject.
I see a pattern developing.
One thing is for certain… Trump and his team have a plan.
Trump and RFK Jr. timed their announcement to steal the spotlight from the Dems right after the DNC, and now RFK Jr. will be joining the campaign, with more announcements to come.
This rollout was coordinated. As for how long it’s been in the works, that’s up for debate, but there is no doubt that Trump and his team are deploying some pretty savvy political maneuvers.
Trump eliminated Biden in the debate, forced the Dems to play their hand with the Kamala rollout/honeymoon, and then stole all the momentum with a historic and unprecedented alliance. Now the Dems are scrambling for a solution, with only 10 weeks to go.
You’re watching a game of chess.
-Trump and RFK Jr. joined forces, and are all-in on cleansing the Deep State.
-Elon endorsed Trump, and is willing to serve in Trump’s administration.
-Trump is back to mean-tweeting.
Y’all don’t need any analysis from me. You know how I feel about it. 😂
Dear Democrats,
Your party is not the same party that it used to be. Your leadership has betrayed you. The ruling elite of the DNC are controlled by literal evil.
They have brainwashed you, and you are in a deep psychosis.
We are begging you to wake up, before it’s too late.
Trump and RFK Jr. represent the populist anti-establishment movement.
They oppose the establishment, and the establishment oppose them.
Meanwhile, Kamala was hand-selected by the establishment without receiving a single vote.
2024 is not Red vs Blue.
It’s The People vs evil.
A live look inside the Deep State war room after RFK Jr. and Trump joined forces!
Читать полностью…Trump and RFK Jr. are on stage together, talking about ending the wars, bringing the money back home, helping the children, ending the censorship, and obliterating the Deep State.
*RFK Jr. Endorses Trump*
Me: “Excuse me Garçon, we’ll take your finest bottle of Democrat tears, please.”
Sneak peek of the CNN interview with Harris and Walz…
It’s a pathetic disaster.
Kamala can’t even talk properly, with a month to prepare, and with her support blanket Tim Walz nodding along at her side.
If you believe this woman is fit to be POTUS, you are brainwashed.
Trump went on another QAnon meme rampage last night.
There are two options here:
1) Trump is just a loose cannon on his Truth account, unknowingly sharing Q memes, and has been doing so for years now, and nobody has stopped him.
2) Trump knows what he is doing.
For those who don’t know, Trump does this all the time on Truth Social. So regardless of what you believe the whole Q thing is, or its validity, Trump is leaning into it, and has been for quite some time.
If he was doing this on accident, I would imagine someone in his campaign would have told him to stop it after the first 10 times he did it.
I’ll leave the rest up for your interpretation.
If Kamala was actually ahead in the polls, they would not be:
-Copying Trump’s policies
-Trying to appear moderate
-Forcing RFK Jr. to stay on the ballot
-Weaponizing DOJ against Trump
-Attempting to assassinate Trump
The enemy’s behavior tells the story.
They are afraid.
Jack Smith and the Dems can try to indict Trump all they like.
It just confirms they are corrupt and tyrannical. It proves they know they cannot win a fair election.
If they think the American People will allow them to jail Trump, they are mistaken. This country will erupt.
The political landscape has transformed.
The people who call themselves “Liberals” are not liberal at all.
“Democrats” are no longer Democratic.
The Right are now the side of anti-war and free speech.
It’s a new world you’re living in.
Adapt accordingly.
Very interesting 👀
RFK Jr.’s internal polling shows upwards of 66% of his supporters would vote for Trump if he was not in the race.
RFK Jr. admits his presence in the race was detrimental to Trump, and would help Harris get elected.
If RFK Jr.’s numbers are accurate, then Trump can expect a net increase of roughly 3+ million votes nationwide. That’s an average of 60,000+ net votes for Trump per state, which could easily flip swing state races which most were decided by 10k-20k votes in 2020. Obviously they wouldn’t be distributed that evenly, but you get the point.
RFK Jr. might have just saved us from Kamala.
Trump's newest allies have something very specific in common.
Tulsi and RFK Jr. are the two most prominent US politicians to discuss the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
They have been vocal about this subject, and Trump just brought them both onto his team. 👀
Perhaps this is a sign of things to come!
I wanted RFK Jr. as VP, because I wanted:
-RFK Jr. influence in Trump admin
-RFK Jr. to cleanse pharma/health
-RFK Jr. to help campaign for Trump
-RFK Jr. supporters to vote Trump so we can make it “too big to rig”.
It seems like we are getting all that with this alliance, and then some. RFK Jr. might not have the title of VP, but he certainly is behaving like a “running mate”, and RFK Jr. supporters appear to be buying in.
We get to have our cake, and eat it too!
When’s the last time you heard the Dems mention child trafficking?
When’s the last time you heard the Dems talk about children’s health?
They said child trafficking was a QAnon conspiracy theory, and their idea of children’s health is hormone blockers and genital mutilation.
Trump and RFK Jr. want to save the children, while the Dems want to brainwash, sexualize, and poison them.
If you cannot recognize the difference, you are either brainwashed, or you are evil.
-RFK Jr. will be “actively campaigning” with Trump
-Trump will have a series of announcements revealing “other Democrats joining his campaign”
-Trump and RFK Jr. are all-in on making American healthy again
The campaign is just getting started!
Trump/Kennedy want to:
-Stop human/child trafficking
-Improve health of children
-Revamp our failing academia
-Create a better future for our children
Kamala and the Dems:
-Cover up human/child trafficking
-Promote sexualization of children
-Glorify abortion
-Reject family
The fact that this is even a conversation, shows how absolutely insane and brainwashed the Dems have become. Anyone who votes for Kamala and the Dems, you need to take a good look at yourself in the mirror, and reassess your entire existence.
Flashback to January 6th, 2019: Trump speaks to the press about the need for a border wall and the human trafficking humanitarian crisis at the border.
You’ll never see a Democrat even mention this horrible reality, and there’s a very sinister reason why.
The Deep State’s worst nightmare just unfolded in front of the world yesterday.
Not only does this make the election significantly harder to steal, but if they lose, the two men they fear most will be at the helm.
This is the Deep State’s death warrant.
My fellow Americans…
We are back. We are so back. We have never been as back as we are currently.
Remember this day. This will be known as the official moment when sane Americans put aside their differences, and joined forces against the Deep State.
Let’s ride!
The Trump campaign released their internal polling data, showing how RFK Jr.’s endorsement impacts the swing states.
Their numbers suggest Trump will receive substantial net gains in every swing state.
The election just got a whole lot harder to steal!
RFK Jr. supporters, I hope you’ll join us in this moment of unprecedented peril.
The situation has never been more dire, and it’s up to all of us to prevent the Dems from getting into the White House.
We are far more alike than we are different. Vote Trump this November, and we can work together to:
-Tackle the health epidemic
-End the foreign conflicts
-Secure the border
-Fix our failing economy
-Protect our children
-Cleanse the Deep State
Who’s with me?