If the status quo remains, Trump is going to win.
I want to be excited, but I know a counterpunch is coming.
The Swamp are not going to just let Trump win, but the clock is ticking. We are 8 months out.
Everything hinges on the enemy’s next move. What hoax do they try next?
Nikki Haley has dropped out.
Now we no longer have to see the Haley campaign post the cringiest shit imaginable all day long.
All eyes shift towards the General.
Nuland to Resign!
Nuland is the definition of Deep State bureaucrat. She is the architect of the Ukraine color revolution, and coordinated with the CIA to overthrow the sovereign nation in 2014.
However, Nuland’s big mouth is the only reason you all know who I am.
Flashback to March 8th, 2022. Nuland admits in a public hearing, that the US do indeed have biolabs in Ukraine, and that they are “quite concerned Russian forces are seeking to gain control of” these biolabs, and they were “working with the Ukrainians to make sure the research material does not fall into the hands of Russian forces”.
This is the day my life changed forever. Prior to this moment, I was just the crazy guy who got banned from every platform on the internet, because I ACCURATELY reported that Putin was targeting US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. After Nuland spilled the beans, every conservative news outlet and TV show was talking about the biolabs in Ukraine, all the way up to the most watched show in America, Tucker Carlson, on Fox News at the time.
Since that day, I abandoned my life, and have been hellbent on exposing the truth about Ukraine and US bioweapon production. I’d say it’s worked out pretty well thus far.
In conclusion, Nuland is one of the slimiest Deep State rats on Earth, complicit in crimes against humanity. She is resigning because she knows her plot to overthrow Russia ultimately failed, and the incoming administration will hold her and everyone accountable. She is running before Justice comes knocking.
It’s not hyperbolic to say that the Biden regime have gone full 1930’s Germany.
-Weaponized legal system
-Election interference/fraud
-State-controlled media/tech
-Mass propaganda and disinformation
-Waging a World War
-Developing bioweapons
-Human trafficking
We are in the moment, so it’s difficult to fully recognize the magnitude of the situation, but make no mistake; we are in the midst of one of the most sinister and tyrannical empires in human history.
Trump said it in North Carolina, and now he is saying it in Virginia.
“Too Big To Rig”
Until we get same-day paper ballots, the plan is to simply outvote the cheat.
Trump also says they will be watching, and that if he wins, they will prosecute in an unprecedented fashion.
As a Trump supporter, I’d like a little more assurance that what happened last time will not happen again, but I don’t have any solutions or any better ideas to combat election fraud. Either they stop it, or they don’t.
All we can do as citizens is educate ourselves, wake up as many people as possible, vote for Trump in an overwhelming fashion, and outperform any ballot-harvesting schemes.
Trump has been declared winner of the Missouri Caucuses.
However, this doesn’t feel like news, as we all know Trump is going to win the Primary. The election doesn’t depend on the vote, it depends on election interference and fraud.
Will they remove Trump from the ballot? Will they release another pathogen to implement mass mail-in voting, harvest ballots, and dump them at swing states at 3:00AM after they stopped counting?
Will they censor accurate information about the Bidens in the week leading up to the election?
If the American public are properly informed, the Deep State are unsuccessful in removing Trump from the ballot, and there is no mass mail-in ballots for them to harvest, Trump will win in a landslide.
This is not “democracy”. It’s war.
Holy shit 👀
Trudeau’s opposition leader, Pierre Poilievre, accuses Trudeau of covering up a “massive security breach” at Canada’s “most sensitive laboratory”.
Allegedly, China had access to this lab and Canada’s virological secrets.
Biosecurity is a serious threat worldwide.
DeSantis signs legislation to authorize the release of Epstein Grand Jury Documents!
This goes into effect July 1st, 2024.
The docs are from the 2006 investigation.
DeSantis on X:
“The public deserves to know who participated in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking operation, and the survivors deserve justice.”
There are two factions within the GOP:
-Establishment Neocons
Establishment GOP are dropping like flies. Paul Ryan, John McCain, Ronna McDaniel, Nikki Haley, and now Mitch McConnell.
Neoconservatism is dead. MAGA is taking over.
America First is the future.
Now that the MSM admit the CIA had bases in Ukraine since 2014, let’s revisit this infamous phone call.
Two weeks after Trump was elected in 2016, then VP Biden called then Ukrainian President Poroshenko, nervous about Trump finding out where the money was going in Ukraine.
Biden says he did not want Trump to get “sophisticated enough” to understand what was going on in Ukraine, implying that the US funding was not going towards the stated purpose.
What was going on in Ukraine that Biden and Obama were so desperate to prevent Trump from figuring out?
You decide for yourself, but if it was legal, they wouldn’t be trying to cover it up.
For the last ten years, the CIA have been using Ukraine to build their own military force, outside the scope of US MIL and Executive control.
Using taxpayer dollars, under the guise of foreign aid, the CIA turned Ukraine into a giant forward operating base on Russia’s border.
Ukraine’s military is the Deep State army. Created solely for the purpose of fighting Russia, in the hopes of weakening Russia enough to overthrow Putin, and install their globalist puppet, Navalny. This was their plan. It did not work.
In simple terms; the Deep State took your tax dollars, used them to create a Nazi military in Ukraine, started WW3 with Russia, then lied to you about it when they got caught.
And they call it “Democracy”.
So the official MSM narrative is now that the CIA established bases in Ukraine, since 2014.
In addition to the bases, CIA proxy, USAID, funded and operated biolabs in Ukraine, as part of project PREDICT, a preemptive pandemic response program, looking for animal viruses in nature, so they could then enhance the functions, and make vaccines for viruses that don’t exist yet, and might never exist.
In other words, the CIA were conducting gain of function/directed evolution research on bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, starting in 2014. Also known as, bioweapon development. Most notably from virologist Nathan Wolfe, CEO of the Biden-funded, Metabiota, operating in Ukraine.
Lo and behold, six years after the CIA started looking for bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, a bat coronavirus causes a pandemic, and all evidence suggests it was man-made.
AND US intelligence, health agencies, big tech, and lapdog media, went great lengths to cover the entire thing up.
You wanna know why the media freak out so much about the biolabs in Ukraine? Because they are protecting one of the Deep State’s darkest secrets.
In case you didn’t hear, the MSM are now admitting that Ukraine is a CIA proxy.
Meaning Putin’s invasion of Ukraine was NOT unprovoked, and that the US are the expansionists, overthrowing sovereign nations for geopolitical gain.
The US brought war to Putin’s doorstep.
Meaning that every single thing Western media told you about the war in Ukraine, was based on a lie. All the analysis you heard from pompous MSM talking-heads, was based on the presumption that Putin did this unprovoked, just because he is “literally Hitler”. None of it was true.
Turns out, Putin’s accusations of Western intelligence controlling Ukraine were correct, therefore his attack is more than justified. Just imagine if Russia funded Nazi militias in Canada, started a civil war, overthrew the government, then installed their own puppet regime, then put Russian intelligence bases and biolabs all over our northern border. Every American would be calling to flatten Canada and Russia. Well that’s exactly what the US did to Russia, and they are pissed.
Russia tried to join NATO, they were denied. Russia tried to negotiate non-violent means to resolve the conflict, they were denied. Russia tried to present their grievances of US bioweapon production and espionage to the UN, they were denied. Russia tried to go the diplomatic route, and the West just cried “Russian disinformation”, while they were the ones pushing disinformation.
The West also went out of their way to censor independent journalists like me who have been telling you this from day one, because if the public knew this detail the entire time, they wouldn’t have supported sending our tax dollars there.
This is going to be a tough pill to swallow for many Americans, but Russia are not the bad guys in this scenario. The West are, and it’s not even close.
The sooner we all recognize this, the sooner we can clean up the mess.
Gemini says that I “spread misinformation” about the existence of “secret biolabs” in Ukraine developing biological weapons. Claiming I’ve been debunked by “widely credible sources”.
Yet @Google Gemini also admits that the US DoD confirmed they fund 46 Biolabs in Ukraine… 😂
Do I have a defamation suit here? This is absolutely ridiculous. None of my claims have been debunked, in fact most of them have been confirmed.
And they got my name wrong. This product is trash and spreading falsehoods about me, one of the most accurate reporters on the planet over the last two years.
Now that we have officially buried Nimrata, it’s time for MAGA to focus on the next obstacle… RFK Jr.
The majority of MAGA have written off RFK Jr. as irrelevant, but he is polling anywhere from 9-14%, with Trump and Biden neck and neck.
Trump’s new slogan is “Too Big To Rig”. If we intend to outvote the steal, we are going to need all the help we can get. There is no room for error. With 9-14% of the vote out there, that could EASILY flip a closely contested swing State, and could cost us the election, which essentially means WW3.
RFK Jr. also pulls 1% more from Trump voters than he does Biden voters. That’s 1% we cannot afford to be missing out on, with the fate of humanity on the line.
If Kennedy were to drop out entirely, that would give Trump an approximate net 1% boost against Biden. If Kennedy were to drop out and endorse Trump, we could see an even bigger bump. But if Trump were to offer Kennedy his VP seat, we would be able to bring over a substantial chunk of that 9-14%, and create a significant gap between the Trump/Kennedy ticket and the Deep State ticket.
As things stand now, Kennedy’s presence in the race is detrimental to Trump’s chances, meaning he is technically aiding Biden and the Deep State. And if the Dems switch Biden out for a better candidate, all the sudden Trump is in real trouble.
The only logical conclusion is for these men to align, unite under one banner, and ensure the Deep State do NOT win in November. We have to create a ticket that is TOO BIG TO RIG!
There’s only one way to make that happen.
Libs… Neocons… Never-Trumpers…
Your time has come. The future is MAGA.
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.
Now that the Colorado case has been overturned, does Haley stay in the race after Super Tuesday?
Trump is about to sweep every state, and can get close to mathematically eliminating Haley by tomorrow’s end, with 865 delegates up for grabs.
Haley’s only chance was for Trump to be removed from the ballot. Maybe she sticks around in the hopes the Dems in Congress can do something like Raskin has promised and pass legislation to prevent Trump from running, but it’s highly doubtful they could get a bill like that through the House.
I’m not saying Haley will drop out tomorrow, but her avenues to the White House are gone. She might leave sooner than later.
Now that removing Trump from the ballot is off the table, the Deep State will have to explore other options…
They have to cheat in the election, cancel the election, or eliminate Trump.
Do they release another pathogen? Do they initiate WW3?
A cornered animal is dangerous.
The Dems were unsuccessful in removing Trump from the ballot with their weaponized lawfare.
Not only did they fail, they overplayed their hand and justified their future reckoning. Now when Trump reclaims office, the precedent has been established that it’s okay to weaponize the Justice system against political opponents.
Now Trump has the optics, the public support, the political ammunition, and the precedent, needed to prosecute high-profile actors. The situation is primed for him to “drain the swamp”.
The public are also SIGNIFICANTLY more awake than they were in his first term. We have been getting hit with a ceaseless barrage of red-pills throughout Biden’s tenure, and with the rise of independent journalism on X, we have the platform and reach to disseminate truth and circumvent the corrupt MSM.
The avenue for justice exists. Will it happen? Of course we will have to wait and see, but there are some stars aligning here.
Iowa ✅
New Hampshire ✅
Nevada ✅
South Carolina ✅
Michigan ✅
Idaho ✅
Missouri ✅
Taking care of business, racking up historic wins, and the Trump Train keeps gaining steam.
The Dems better have more tricks up their sleeve, or they are going to get steamrolled.
The US: “Putin is a dictator!”
Also the US:
-Waging wars around the world
-Creating/releasing bioweapons
-Using espionage to overthrow nations
-State-controlled media/tech
-Mass propaganda
-Trafficking humans/drugs/weapons
-Imprisoning journalists/political opponents
House Oversight release Hunter Biden deposition transcript!
Hunter admits that Joe is “the Big Guy”.
Meaning that Obama and Joe, using Hunter as proxy, were selling US policy decisions to foreign oligarchs, to enrich themselves.
They sold us out.
Also known as TREASON!
Trump’s early dominance in the Primaries is causing massive panic amongst the establishment GOP.
Red voters are all-in on Trump.
If GOP politicians want to retain their seats in Congress, they will have to endorse Trump, or risk losing reelection.
Trump is taking over the GOP.
Trump with another dominant victory, and it’s barely even news.
The public have already accepted that Trump is going to be the nominee. It’s merely a formality at this point.
Unless something drastically changes, Trump is going to win every single State.
In case everyone forgot, a human-engineered pathogen just killed millions of people around the globe.
Russia and China claim the US did it. The US claim that nature did it, and censored the top scientists who suggested it was man-made.
Forgive me if I don’t believe the US.
The same people who lied to you about CIA/State Dept control of Ukraine, also lied to you about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.
First they said the labs didn’t exist. They got caught. Then they admitted the labs do exist, but promised us they were for “defensive” purposes only.
Russia and China see it differently, and have claimed the US are collecting Russian and Chinese DNA, to make ethnic bioweapons capable of targeting and wiping out their respective populations. RFK Jr. spoke on it back in July of 2023, and confirms that the biolabs in Ukraine are about producing ethnic bioweapons.
The reason the Deep State freak out when anyone gets too close to this subject, is because they have something to hide.
Can I be real with y’all for a moment?
The Deep State launched a massive disinformation and censorship campaign to justify a proxy war with Russia, and I was one of the main drivers of truth that helped reverse global public opinion on Ukraine.
How fucking crazy is that?
I’ve spent the last two years being censored by Big Tech, and heavily smeared by the MSM for my reporting, and it turns out I was right the whole time?
Will myself, and the other journalists who were accurate on this conflict, ever get the recognition we deserve? Will anyone apologize to us for calling us Russian disinformation agents?
I don’t know how or when, but before all is said and done, I’m leaving here with something 😂
Zelensky is visibly high as hell on MSNBC…
How much longer are we going to let this clown show go on?
This man is coked out of his mind while getting asked about the war he is losing. This is the guy Congress wants to give another $60 billion of our money to…
The MSM’s major narratives have all been proven false.
2016-2019 it was “Russian Collusion”. Turns out they made the whole thing up, and used it to justify obstructing Trump’s presidency.
2019-2022 it was C19 and “vaccines”. They lied to us about the man-made origins, masks, efficacy/safety of the “vaccines”, etc., then used it to steal the 2020 election and justify installing a global biomedical police state.
2022-now, it has been Ukraine. They lied to us about the CIA/State Dept color revolution in 2014, the status of the war, widespread Nazism, corruption, Nord Stream, US-funded biolabs, etc., and used it to launder hundreds of billions of dollars from American taxpayers, while sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives.
If you aren’t angry, you aren’t paying attention.