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11B Astute Observer

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For those of you outraged by field interrogation methods, I would advise not committing acts of terror and killing innocents.

The only reason you’re seeing this image is because Putin wants you to see it.

This is a deterrent to future terrorists. Your humanity is forfeit.

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Did you all notice the lack in public outrage over the attack in Moscow, juxtaposed to past acts of terror?

The masses already forgot they changed their profile pictures to French flags in 2015 after the 11/13 attacks.

It confirms the sheep are only outraged when instructed.

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Putin has remained poised and logical in the face of evil.

Yet MSM claim he is a deranged Hitler-esque loose-cannon, who wants nuclear war and global domination.

If we use 9/11 and 10/7 as precedent, Russia are now free to invade or bomb any country they wish.

However, Putin does not appear to be taking the cheese. He recognizes he is being provoked by the West, in an attempt to justify more spending for Ukraine, or worse, direct US/NATO intervention, and thus full-scale WW3.

If Putin retaliates in kind, the Deep State will get the global conflict they desire, in the hopes they can reestablish their control amidst the chaos.

Putin is keen to their plan. I don’t foresee any wild escalations, but I would not be surprised to see some “decision-making centers” being on the receiving end of a few Kinzhals in the not so distant future.

Putin knows the gravity of the situation and he will not risk his position out of emotion.

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Imagine how differently this situation would have been covered by the MSM if we did not have X.

Before the MSM even got a chance to establish their narrative, citizen journos had already analyzed the situation and disseminated it around the globe.

The MSM just can’t keep up.

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There are three possibilities here:

1- US/NATO/Ukraine were behind the attack, in an attempt to force Putin to escalate, and drag NATO into full-scale WW3.

2- Russia were behind the attack to justify significant escalation.

3- Unknown entity carried out for unknown reasons.

Option 1 seems like the most plausible, because the West are the only ones who could possibly benefit from this situation. Putin already has all the support he needs to do whatever the hell he wants, he does not need to kill his own civilians to justify a war he is already in, fresh off an election where he got 88% of the vote.

Deep State actors are the ones who are desperate to start a global war. It solves all of their problems. They can cancel the US election, further extend their power, and the war machine keeps getting paid.

Would they start WW3 to stop Trump? Absolutely.

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The terrorist attack going down in Moscow is horrific.

I will refrain from drawing any conclusions until more details emerge, but it doesn’t look good.

Depending on who is found to be responsible for this attack… it could have global implications…


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As expected, the Left-wing media don’t have any logical argument, they just scream on national television that the border is Trump’s fault.

Coming from the people who said the border was secure and a wall is not needed.

This is peak Orwellian gaslighting and propaganda.

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Can we all agree that putting the blue-haired theater kids in charge of the most powerful empire in human history… was a bad idea?

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I’m just spitballin’, but hear me out.

What if we built some sort of tall and sturdy structure, that could act as a barrier to prevent hostile foreign invaders from storming into our country?

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The Dems went out of their way to prevent Trump from building the wall.

They fought him tooth and nail over $5 billion for the wall, but have no problem sending $200+ billion to Ukraine…

It’s not an accident. It’s intentional.

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NBC just put out an article claiming Trump is eyeing Senator Marco Rubio as a potential VP.

Firstly, this is like the 20th person the media have claimed is Trump’s front runner for VP. These people have absolutely no idea.

Secondly, Rubio is a rat.

People forget, but Rubio is the one who asked Victoria Nuland the infamous question about the biolabs in Ukraine that caused quite a stir. He was not trying to grill her. He was trying to give her a softball to blame the Russians for any biological activity that comes out of that part of the world.

Then two days later, 03/10/2022, he tried to clean up the mess that he made in another hearing with DNI Avril Haines and CIA Director William Burns. He asked them to clarify about the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, stating that the media and the “fact-checkers” lied about the existence of these labs, and he is concerned about people in the “information space” “latching on” to this subject. Meaning myself and others who were vocal about the labs and the media coverup.

Rubio has been trying to run cover for the biolabs in Ukraine from the jump. I’m not sure what his role in all of it is, but he who screams loudest…

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I know it’s common for everyone to say that both parties are bad, RINOs, Uniparty, two sides of the same coin, etc.

But objectively speaking, the GOP are SIGNIFICANTLY better than the DNC. Watch any public hearing, and the gap in sanity and intelligence is painfully apparent.

The Dems are constantly engaged in cringey theater, that even they don’t believe anymore. They refuse to acknowledge clear and incontrovertible evidence. It’s a circus, every single time.

They cannot be reasoned with. They just regurgitate buzzwords and scream when they are proven wrong. They have abandoned reason for madness.

I’m not saying the GOP are the answer to all your problems, and I despise many who call themselves Republicans, but we have to openly recognize that the Dems are completely unhinged, and have been for over a decade.

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Within the last 48 hours, both Ron Paul and General Flynn have warned of a coming “Black Swan event”.

These two men have been pretty accurate over the last decade. It might behoove us to listen.

The enemy will not roll over and allow Trump to win. They have something planned.

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So the New York Times admit the Deep State is real… but that it’s actually a good thing!

Someone might want to inform the Ukrainian flag-wavers and blue-haired whales in my comments, because they have been assuring me for YEARS that the Deep State is “not real”.

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If you ask a blue-voter why they are voting for Biden, they will say:

-2SLGBTQIA+ rights

Their entire political ideology revolves around murdering babies, and mutilating their genitalia if they happen to make it past the abortions.

Sounds kinda demonic… just sayin’.

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If the West didn’t want us to believe Putin, they shouldn’t have lied to us about EVERY SINGLE THING for the last however many years.

Maybe Putin is lying. However, he has been significantly closer to the truth than the MSM have.

Who are we expected to trust in a world of lies?

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What happens when Trump reclaims office and swiftly relieves global tensions to avoid WW3?

The public are going to realize that all of this could have been avoided with proper leadership.

Not only would Trump be a hero, but it would confirm the Deep State are the problem.

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Russia have detained the terrorists.

They are singing like canaries. They claim they were recruited on Telegram to commit the attack in exchange for money.

Putin himself claims that Ukraine tried to assist the terrorists into Ukraine after the attack.

It’s clear some organized entity used patsies as proxy to carry out the attack. Textbook CIA behavior. Combined with Ukraine trying to assist the terrorist in their escape… the evidence would strongly suggest this attack was organized by Western Intelligence.

Whether that be Ukraine, CIA, MI6, Mossad, or some other Western entity, they all serve the same globalist masters, and share the same goal of defeating Russia by any means necessary.

Regardless of what the truth is, Putin is going to have a response. He claims Ukraine, and all those who assisted, will pay a heavy price.

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Four days ago, Obama was in the UK for a private meeting.

Today, ISIS took credit for the terror attack in Moscow.

Obama’s CIA created ISIS.

Obama is the shadow POTUS.

The CIA/MI6 already committed terrorism in the European theater by sabotaging Nordstream.

Get the picture?

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Ukrainian intelligence have already called the attack in Moscow a “deliberate provocation by the Putin regime”.

Before the bullets stopped flying, Ukraine already claimed that it’s a false flag. I have a feeling Putin feels differently.

Regardless, it’s about to get ugly.

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We have to rely on the Senate to block both the Tik Tok bill, and this atrocious $1.2 Trillion spending bill.

Realistically, nothing is going to change until we can get Trump back in office and just solve problems with Executive power.

Congress continue to be useless.

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Elon knows 👀

It’s only a matter of time before the entire world has to cross this bridge.

Privately owned biolab companies, funded by the US government, were looking for, and experimenting on, bat coronaviruses, in Ukraine, as early as 2014.

Can’t ignore it forever.

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It’s going to be very difficult for the Left to run damage control on this one.

They’ve spent the last 8 years telling us that walls are racist and that we don’t need one.

Even the most brainwashed normie is going to look at this and say “alright Trump might have been right”.

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Flashback to January 30th, 2024.

Rep Robert Garcia gave us this absolute gem. He and the rest of the Dems threw a fit over Trump/MAGA’s desire to secure the border.

Electric fences and gator moats would look pretty good right about now…

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Contrary to popular belief, I am a centrist Libertarian.

I’m anti-interventionist, pro-recreational drug use, religiously agnostic, anti-establishment. 20 years ago, I’d be called a liberal hippie.

The Left have gone so far left, that I’m now considered a far-Right extremist.

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Let me make this abundantly clear:

Just because something has been covered before, doesn’t mean we must abstain from talking about it ever again.

My mission is to wake up normies. I’m trying to literally un-brainwash millions of zombies. This requires extensive repetition. They have to see repeated glitches in the matrix with their own eyes and ears in order to wake up.

They cannot be told, they must be shown. Not once or twice. It takes on average over 30 times for a human to fully memorize something. It takes serious repetition for something to be ingrained in our minds.

There are also new people waking up every single day. Today might be the day someone new decided to start an X account and start digging for themselves. Today might be the day a blue-voter decided enough was enough, and it’s time to start looking for alternative sources of information.

These are the people I am targeting. If you are already awake, your box has been checked. I am after the margins.

Now that you all know my mission, please, either join me, or get the fuck out of the way.


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Holy shit…

Rep Byron Donalds outlines the money trail from CCP-controlled entity that eventually found its way to Joe Biden himself.

Money went from CCP, to Hunter Biden bank account, to James Biden bank account, eventually withdrawn by Sara Biden, and then given to Joe Biden.

This is how corrupt US bureaucrats/oligarchs launder money in exchange for policy decisions and State secrets.

We have a paper trail confirming the sitting POTUS is receiving money from China… The United States is compromised.

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2016: “There is no crisis at the border!”

2024: “Okay maybe there is a crisis at the border… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

2016: “The Deep State is a far-right QAnon conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe the Deep State is real… BUT IT’S ACTUALLY A GOOD THING!”

2016: “Epstein island is not real and human-trafficking/pedophilia is a conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe Epstein island and human-trafficking/pedophilia is real… BUT IT’S TRUMP’S FAULT!”

2016: “The media is not fake news! That’s a far-right conspiracy theory!”

2024: “Okay maybe we lied about some stuff… BUT WE DID IT TO STOP TRUMP!”

I could do this forever.

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Now that we have seen the MSM response to Putin’s victory, I am even more certain that CIA/MI6 assassinated Navalny.

With Navalny dead, they were able to claim Putin “rigged” the election, despite the fact that Navalny was a Western asset, polling beneath 2%…

Cui Bono?

Now the West have convinced their sheep that Navalny was a legitimate threat to beat Putin, and that Putin is a dictator. Navalny was WAY more valuable to the West as a dead man than he was alive.

They used his death to launch a psyop campaign to both garner support for Ukraine, and smear Putin. Yet another hoax, perpetrated by the same people.

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Intriguing response from General Flynn on The Benny Show 👀

Flynn says he would accept a role in the Trump administration under one condition:

“That I can do the things that I know need to be done, and I believe that President Trump would allow that.”

If Trump wins, Flynn will be off the leash. He is talking about mass government reform and going after Deep State-compromised entities. THIS is what Trump supporters have been waiting for.

If there is one man on Earth that the Deep State do NOT want at the helm of cleansing the US government… it’s General Flynn. Which is why he is the best man for the job.

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