The Left’s assault on Christianity is not an accident.
They are trying to strip us of our culture, because they intend to establish a new one.
A strong People with strong beliefs, are much harder to enslave than those who are broken and directionless.
They have a vision for the future in which they are the “Gods”, which requires that they get rid of the current ones. They are trying to break our souls, because they want us to be hopeless, poor, sick, uneducated, and thus dependent on The Party.
The world they want requires deleting the world that exists.
Make no mistake, we are in a spiritual war, and losing is not an option.
Russia have formally accused Ukraine of violating UN terrorist treaties, alleging they carried out a number of terrorist attacks, including the recent attack in Moscow.
Russia are demanding the immediate arrest and extradition of all involved in the attacks.
Via @mfa_russia
So uhhh Vladimir Putin just accused the US, UK, and Ukraine, of being behind the terror attack in Moscow.
Meanwhile, the Biden regime are focused on the “Trans Day of Visibility”.
We are in a lukewarm WW3, and the Dems are busy pandering to the rainbow flag people…
The American People are on the receiving end of a nationwide humiliation ritual.
The Deep State are mocking us. They are brazenly defiling our culture and our history, because their mission is to destroy our way of life.
They hate you, and they don’t care if you know it.
This is WILD…
White House officially declare Easter as “Transgender Day of Visibility”.
This appears to be a direct middle finger to Christians, from the allegedly Catholic, Joe Biden.
It’s like they are intentionally trying to lose in November 🤔
Dan Bongino with a phenomenal segment on the current media environment.
He highlights how many are jumping to conclusions with no evidence, because social media incentivizes engagement rather than accuracy.
Some of y’all have gotten too comfortable.
Worth a listen. @dbongino
So are we just going to ignore that Lara Logan claimed she had “multiple intelligence sources” tell her that the Baltimore port incident was a “9/11 style attack”?
She compared 6 civilian deaths, to 3,000 civilian deaths in the most significant terror attack in American history…
And since when did we start believing unnamed sources? When the MSM do that, we rightfully criticize them, because “unnamed sources” are used as a shield for journalists to make shit up, without consequence.
After intent being ruled out, she then claimed this was a “cyberattack” and the fallout will be an “economic nuke strike”. All authorities, local, State, Federal, Military, and private sector, have ALL confirmed their investigations do not indicate this was a terror attack, and they have reviewed the “black box” on the ship for all communications, determining that there is no evidence of intent or foul play at this time. The US Army Corps of Engineers are currently onsite assessing the damages and clearing the path for the port. The economic impact will also be minimal, according to maritime experts and supply chain analysts. None of what Lara said about this situation is true… at all…
So if Lara has legitimate evidence that this is a terror attack, her and her “intelligence sources” need to come forward with a little more evidence than just a “trust me bro”. That’s not how we do things around here. Why exactly does Lara get a pass to use unnamed sources? If we are under attack, we need to know. And if we are under attack, why is Lara Logan the only person on Earth who has sources telling her that?
I normally let this kind of stuff go, but Lara had the audacity to attack me, and claimed I was “100 percent wrong” in my assessment, and then proceeded to go on talk shows and told people to not trust me, because I was exercising discernment about prematurely declaring this was a terrorist attack. And then she blocked me when I confronted her and asked her to explain what was wrong about.
Frankly, this is absolute bullshit. Unacceptable behavior. So now it’s war.
If Lara wants to question my accurate reporting, she better show us some sauce, because as of right now, he attacks on me are based solely on conjecture, and she has moved the goalposts again and again about this incident.
Shame on you Lara for this pathetic display of “journalism”, and shame on all of you who refuse to confront her on using unnamed sources with no proof.
If you want an actual analytical breakdown from a legitimate maritime expert and historian, you should watch the latest update from mariner Sal Mercogliano.
He gives an extremely detailed and sourced breakdown of the events from Baltimore.
It’s astonishing how after all I have done for this movement, how quickly some of you will turn against me, simply because I am asking for proof of something before reporting it…
This is why I have credibility and most of you do not.
Because I confirm reports, and have receipts for my claims, BEFORE I broadcast them. I don’t decide something, and then find facts to support it. I find the facts, and draw conclusions based on variables that we know. And I don’t cite unnamed “intelligence sources” to back up my speculation… I have cold hard facts. If you want to refute that, feel free to challenge any of my assertions and I can show you real-world proof to back my claims.
I provide accurate reporting, analysis, and an occasional meme. If you are looking for baseless speculation and conspiracy theories, you are in the wrong place.
I take my accuracy and journalistic integrity seriously, and anyone who wants to question my motives or my loyalty to the truth, you are doing so out of emotion, not logic.
If you think my adherence to accuracy makes me “Deep State”, or “controlled opposition”, you are welcome to unfollow at any time. You won’t catch me losing any sleep.
Russian Federal Security Service Chief said today, “the US, Britain, and Ukraine, were behind the Moscow concert hall attack”.
Those are serious allegations… with global implications…
Regardless of who you think is telling the truth, tensions are high.
Listen guys…
Conspiracies are real. PSYOPs and false flags happen. Evil exists.
But if you believe that terrorists preemptively planted charges on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, and then hacked a ship, at 1:30AM, all to distract from P Diddy…
You’re an idiot.
Eyes on 👀
Tulsi Gabbard brings up the US DoD funded biolabs in Ukraine with Tucker.
She speaks about the backlash she received from Mitt Romney and the MSM for the factual statements about US biological activity in Ukraine.
These two were arguably the most vocal public figures about the biolabs in Ukraine, and helped shift public perception on what the MSM claimed was a “conspiracy theory”.
Regardless of what you believe happened, the man in control of the largest nuclear arsenal on Earth, just accused bad actors within the US government of being responsible for ordering the terror attack in Moscow that claimed 140+ civilians, including 3 children…
This is bad…
Putin says that “radical Islamists” carried out the attack, but “now we want to know who ordered it”.
He claims this was “part of Kyiv regime’s attack on Russia”.
Given that Western intelligence have been the financiers of global Islamic terrorism for decades, suspect #1 would be the CIA.
No matter how you slice it, the US are somewhat responsible for this attack. Whether it was ISIS acting alone, Ukraine acting alone, one of the NATO allies, or the CIA themselves; ALL of them belong to the same entity. All of them answer to the same masters. All funded by the US taxpayer. All tentacles of the same octopus.
The Biden regime, which is really the extension of the Obama regime, by some layers of separation, are responsible for the attack.
And Putin knows it…
It’s not hyperbolic to say that we are currently closer to WW3 than we have ever been.
This is not about money. This is war.
$175 million is not going to deter Trump from his mission of fixing this country.
The objective is to get back in the White House. The root of this problem is corruption at all levels. The only way to resolve this problem, is to drain the swamp. The only way Trump can do that, is to win the election.
While $175 million sounds like a lot, and is still an egregious injustice and clearly part of a political witch hunt; ultimately, Trump will be largely unaffected by this with his incoming $3+ billion windfall from Truth Social. But most importantly, this blatant tyranny is substantially increasing Trump’s support.
This entire witch hunt is solidifying Trump’s reelection. The public are siding with Trump.
This is exactly what the Deep State did NOT want. They don’t care about his money. They want to remove him from the chess board. They want to bankrupt him so he lacks the funds to fight back, and they want to smear him to lessen his support.
All of it backfired. Trump still has funds, their desperation increased his support, and they are running out of time.
Teflon Don strikes again.
The Woke mind-virus is a religious cult.
The State is their God.
The MSM is their “holy” text.
Virtue signaling is how they demonstrate their faith.
Any who oppose their God (the State) are seen as heretics, worthy of excommunication.
This demonic cult must be vanquished.
These are the people the Left demand you worship.
Blue-haired, cross-dressing furries, with mutilated genitalia.
This is the world they want your children to grow up in. They are targeting the children from an early age to normalize this INSANITY…
They are after the kids…
I hope they have a bunch of trans psychos at the White House for Easter tomorrow.
If the Biden regime are willingly going to create negative optics for themselves, let them. They are just giving us more ammunition.
The crazier they act, the more Trump supporters we create.
Russian Security Services (FSB) have reported that they foiled an upcoming terror attack in the south of the country.
FSB arrested three men from a “Central Asian Country”.
FSB allege the men planned to set off an explosion in a public place near Stavropol. FSB claim they found improvised explosive devices and chemical substances at the residence.
It appears that Russia may have found a trail leading them to other planned attacks, likely by the same entity pulling the strings.
Just last week, the Dems/MSM were saying Trump was going to be bankrupt, and were celebrating the Biden regime’s fascistic weaponization of the legal system.
Now Trump is richer than their Deep State financier, George Soros…
They thought they had Trump for real this time 😭
Russia have arrested an accomplice involved in the Crocus City Hall terror attack.
This individual is allegedly involved in the financing of the attack.
Russia claim they now have confirmation the terrorists received financial backing from Ukraine.
Scary times…
US Army Corps of Engineers are currently at the site in Baltimore.
1,100 Army Specialists have been deployed to the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and are focused on clearing the Federal channel to open up shipping lanes, as well as provide support to local authorities.
US MIL are on the case.
They are currently inspecting the site with remote vehicles and sonar, assessing the structural damage of the bridge, and have deployed debris-clearing vessels to begin establishing a waterway for commercial and civilian vessels.
Here is the police dispatch from before and after the bridge collapse, as first reported by @DCNewsLive
Mayday calls were received by first responders, they were aware the ship had lost steering, and stopped incoming traffic from getting onto the bridge.
Reportedly, no civilian vehicles were on the bridge at the time of collapse. There were 8 workers filling potholes on the bridge at the time of collapse, 2 survived, 6 are unaccounted for and presumed dead.
This means that if this was a terror attack meant to kill people, it was not very effective. What kind of terrorist warns first responders to save civilians?
If the terror attack was meant to cripple American infrastructure and shipping, I95 and I895 have been implemented as alternate land routes, the port will be able to operate after the way is cleared, and supply chains have already begun diverting transportation through other ports until the Baltimore port is viable again.
GM and Ford have both said this will have “minimal impact” on their operations and have already deployed contingencies.
I know you heard lots of doom-mongering today about how this is going to cripple the United States economy, but the that’s simply not true at all. This isolated incident will be an inconvenience, but the machine will keep churning. If we see a trend of accidents like this, then I might start to worry.
If you think this ship was hacked, and the bridge was taken out intentionally… then this attack was horribly executed and didn’t accomplish much.
RFK Jr. selects Nicole Shanahan as his running mate.
Based on the response from his supporters, it doesn’t look good. I anticipate this will drive votes to Trump.
Hopefully RFK Jr. can find a home in the Trump administration, as his path to the White House appears unlikely.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see anything that would indicate the tragedy in Baltimore was some sort of terror attack.
Strategically, what would it accomplish?
If they wanted to terrorize the US, they would have picked a different bridge, at a busier time.
The bridge going down also does not inhibit US Military capabilities or threaten our production in any significant way. It will be a substantial inconvenience for the port of Baltimore, but it doesn’t really move the needle from a global transportation or economic perspective.
If more bridges start to go down due to “accidents”, then we can start worrying, but this, as of now, appears to be a freak accident. Yes I saw the video of the lights going off, and those claiming the ship was hacked, but I don’t see the motive and I cannot identify who would stand to benefit from the situation.
If terror cells in the US are capable of hacking ships and destroying bridges, one would think they would have chosen a bigger and better target, with significant civilian presence.
Obviously, if more information that comes out shows differently I will correct, but I don’t see how this event is some grande conspiracy. Certainly something to keep an eye on, but I wouldn’t start worrying unless we start to see similar events with regularity.
I wonder why Putin thinks the US are responsible for the attack 🤔
Maybe it’s because US politicians have been arming and training Ukraine to fight Russia for the last 10 years.
They orchestrated this conflict from the beginning.
They brought war to Russia’s doorstep.
“Who is to benefit? This crime can only be a link, in a chain of attempts, by those who are at war with our country since 2014”.
Putin is referring the Obama State Dept/CIA who overthrew Ukraine (Nuland).
Putin is blaming the Deep State…
Teflon Don strikes again!
The situation seemed bleak, the Dems looked like they might have a victory, but once again, Trump escapes, and their blatant tyranny will only increase his support.
Weird how that keeps happening 😂
The more they struggle, the more the noose tightens.