Russia are sending a warships, including a nuclear submarine, to Cuba for joint exercises in the Caribbean.
Russia and Cuba claim will be no nuclear weapons aboard any vessel, posing no threat to the US, but Russia have stated that they plan to arm US enemies with long range weaponry, after Ukraine used US-made missiles to strike inside Russia earlier this week.
This could be the opening stages of another Cuban Missile Crisis…
We are inching closer to nuclear escalation.
It’s amazing how far we have come.
Back in 2016, Trump supporters were demanding to “lock her up” and to drain the swamp.
The normies said that was fascist and that the swamp didn’t exist.
Now they are criticizing Trump for not locking everyone up the first time, even though they would have believed the media and called him a totalitarian dictator if he arrested anyone.
Trump had to earn the public’s trust first, and we had to destroy the trust in the MSM. Now after “Russian Collusion”, Covid, Ukraine, and four years of the disastrous Biden regime, the broader public don’t trust the MSM, and they are demanding Trump drain the swamp.
We got them right where we want them. Arresting corrupt swamp rats is the easy part. It’s getting the brainwashed public to go along with it that’s the challenge.
I am extremely skeptical of the MSM reporting on Trump’s VP “short list”.
Trump knew who his VP was going to be LONG ago. He has been keeping it tight to the vest for strategic timing purposes.
I bet it’s not a single person on this list. Feels like a smokescreen.
Trump is also not going to give up a Senate seat to fill VP. Those positions are too valuable.
The FBI now admit Hunter’s laptop was real.
This confirms that the DNC, MSM, Big Tech, Government Agencies, and NGOs, all coordinated to WITTINGLY manipulate the public, in an effort to interfere in the 2020 election.
One of the greatest proofs that the Deep State exists.
-Russia declare US an enemy due to US-made weapons fired onto Russian soil
-The FBI admit Hunter’s laptop was real, and was submitted as evidence in the Hunter Biden trial
-The WHO declare H5N2 Bird Flu as “significant public health risk” after first human death reported in Mexico
Things are about to start heating up. The closer we get to Election Day, the more desperate the enemy will become.
Stay frosty.
Ukraine used US weapons to strike inside Russia.
Putin warned there would be extreme consequences for the West if Ukraine used NATO weapons on Russian soil.
This is the exact reason why Putin demanded Ukraine stay out of NATO.
This is a significant escalation.
The Dems obstructed every attempt Trump made to build a wall.
Congressional Dems refused to allocate $5 billion for a wall, because they claimed it was “racist”. But they had no problem sending $200+ billion to Ukraine.
Now they admit it’s a problem, but blame the GOP… 🤡🌎
Flashback to 03/18/2020:
Approximately 7 weeks after lockdowns started, 8 months before election, Hillary Clinton demanded that Congress “make voting by mail the norm going forward”.
Mail-in votes was always the objective. Covid was one massive plot to steal the 2020 election.
The reason Fauci made up the 6 foot social distancing and mask wearing, was to make the citizens fear being close to one another.
They needed the public to fear voting in person.
This opened the door to justify implementing mass mail-in voting, which the Deep State then used to harvest millions of usable ballots, to then drop off at contested swing States in the middle of the night, to ensure Trump did not win.
This is ultimately what Fauci and the Dems are hiding. Covid was a significant cog in a coup to overthrow Trump.
Is nobody going to ask Fauci about the biolabs in Ukraine?
The Russian Military claim one of the main reasons they moved into Ukraine was because of US bioweapon development.
We are in a proxy war with Russia, and on the verge of WW3, over these labs, and NOBODY brought it up?
I’ve been trying to warn the world for years that Wuhan is the cover story and the reported point of outbreak, but the epicenter of US bioweapon development was going on in Ukraine. The entire country has essentially been one giant CIA/State Dept proxy since 2014. It’s an offshore playground for criminal racketeering that is outside the scope of US oversight.
We also have confirmation that the Deep State desperately do NOT want us looking into the biolabs in Ukraine, based on the lengths they went to cover this story up and how much they panicked when it broke.
Initially, the MSM/Big Tech claimed the US-funded biolabs in Ukraine did not exist at all, and censored anyone who talked about them (a la me). Then eventually they admitted the labs existed, but claimed they were purely for defensive purposes. Why lie unless they have something to hide?
Then you add in the whole layer of Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca owning biolab company Metabiota operating in Ukraine, and doing gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in Ukraine as early as 2014 via project PREDICT with USAID.
Then you add the layer of Metabiota founder and lead virologist Nathan Wolfe, being monetarily affiliated with Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation…
These committees are looking in the wrong spot…
Fauci claims that he “kept an open mind” in regard to the lab leak theory…
Here are the NIH emails confirming that’s a lie.
04/16/2020: Director Francis Collins emails Fauci about how to “put down this very destructive conspiracy”.
Fauci responds, “I would not do anything about this right now. It is a shiny object that will go away with time.”
Fauci just lied under oath.
Fauci is now claiming that he kept an “open mind” about the lab leak theory the entire time, and had nothing to do with the intelligence community suppressing the lab leak theory…
The gaslighting is INSANE…
They are backtracking now!
Trump vows to declassify documents pertaining to 9/11, JFK, and Epstein.
The public are substantially more awake in 2024 than they were in 2016, and most importantly, we have a safe platform on X to actually discuss and disseminate the information, nullifying the corrupt MSM.
Keep in mind Trump’s entire first term was hamstrung by the Mueller/Russia hoax. Much of the public still believed the MSM, and Big Tech censorship was still rampant. The climate was not conducive for massive disclosure of our State’s darkest secrets.
But if Trump wins, this time he would have the public support, the optics, and citizen journalists have the reach to make it count.
Some stars could be aligning here.
The biggest loser from this “convicted felon” fiasco might be RFK Jr.
RFK Jr.’s campaign revolves around being the alternative to the “duopoly”, implying Trump is part of the Deep State.
But this blatant lawfare has solidified that Trump is the biggest threat to the Deep State. Trump is drawing more attention and eliciting a bigger response from the enemy than RFK Jr. is.
This blasts a hole in the entire RFK Jr. narrative and campaign strategy. How are they going to convince people that Trump is part of the Deep State, when the Biden regime are expending this much ammunition to stopping him?
The enemy are telling us who they fear most with their actions. It’s Trump.
I love the energy right now.
The Biden regime’s plan was to humiliate Trump and demoralize his supporters.
It’s safe to say that backfired.
Trump is unbothered. His supporters are highly-motivated and emboldened to be more vocal.
The Deep State merely added fuel to the fire.
Trump brings up his slogan again.
“Too big to rig”.
Until we can move to all paper ballots and secure elections, the plan is to simply outvote the attempts to steal the election.
We have to overwhelm mail-in ballot harvesting with huge numbers.
It’s the only plan we’ve got.
I’m a huge fan of Vivek, and would love to see him as VP or one of the cabinet positions.
However, I think he would be most valuable as Press Secretary. His greatest skills are talking, and ripping MSM reporters to shreds.
When I think about who I want facing the media everyday, it’s Vivek, and it’s not even close. He is easily the best at articulating and relaying Trump’s message, and he is sharper than any MSM propagandist.
Not to mention how stark the contrast would be, going from the absolute clown show that is Karine Jean-Pierre, to the incredibly impressive Vivek Ramaswamy. It would be an undeniable display that the adults are back in charge.
Maybe this would be an underutilization of his full potential, but he would be the press’ worst nightmare day in and day out.
Last night on CNN, disgraced former FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, created the greatest Trump campaign ad imaginable.
McCabe says he and other bureaucrats are concerned about Trump’s “retribution”, and they might have to flee the country to avoid being detained.
All the right people are extremely fearful of Trump’s 2nd term. Which makes me want to vote for him even more.
This also blasts a gaping hole in the anti-Trump narrative that Trump is pro-FBI and/or is not going to drain the swamp. All the swamp creatures are scared of Trump, because they know he is the greatest threat to their empire.
They know what’s coming.
This is far closer to reality than people are willing to admit 😂
Читать полностью…Eyes on!
Putin speaks in regard to the Biden regime’s political weaponization of the justice system, and how they are destroying democracy!
Putin also points out how Trump’s support has risen after the conviction.
This is a must watch!
The Biden regime are trying to throw Trump in jail for life, over a bookkeeper error.
But a man-made pathogen killed millions of people and shut down the world, and the Biden regime are not the least bit interested in finding out who is responsible?
I wonder why that is 🤔
If you REALLY want to go down the rabbit hole, I am about to blow your mind.
Flashback to 2011 movie, “Contagion”.
The blockbuster movie with star-studded Hollywood cast, about a global pandemic stemming from a virus from a wet market in China…
Nathan Wolfe, Metabiota founder and lead virologist, was the lead biological consultant for this movie to help direct the producers on how the health community would realistically respond to a “hypothetical” pandemic.
Nathan Wolfe is also monetarily affiliated with Ghislaine Maxwell and the Clinton Foundation via the TerraMar project, and the Bidens via Rosemont Seneca funding his Biolab company with multiple labs in Ukraine, Metabiota.
Is it’s a coincidence that the same people who warned about a global pandemic coming, also happen to be the ones modifying pathogens?
The same guy who was looking for bat coronaviruses in Ukraine, is also closely affiliated with Epstein, Clinton, Biden, and the Rothschilds.
He also “predicted” the Covid pandemic in his book in 2008, exactly where it would come from, and how the government would respond to it, over a decade before it happened…
Fauci did not “make up” social distancing. It was always the plan.
Nathan Wolfe is the at the epicenter of this entire thing. Fauci is just a front man.
Eyes on 👀
Elon responded to a quote from Mike Benz, of my post, pertaining to the push for mail-in voting.
Elon is not ready to conclude that this was intentional, but he admits that the government capitalized on the event to push mail-in voting!
We are getting close!
Does anyone else find it weird how defensive the Democrats are of Fauci?
Not a single Democrat asked Fauci a hard-hitting question, despite him completely flip-flopping on masks, social distancing, lockdowns, and the lab-leak theory.
Shouldn’t they be mad at him?
Shouldn’t they be upset that everything he told them about Covid was a lie? Shouldn’t they be upset that masks and social distancing were made up?
Nope. They still defend him and believe him unconditionally. Because this is not about “science”. It’s political warfare.
Fauci is a Deep State operative, and the Dems have been instructed to defend him at all costs.
Jim Jordan is grinning ear-to-ear and winking at the end, because he KNOWS Fauci just perjured himself. Because Jim Jordan is the one who released the emails seen above.
Jim just laid a trap, and Fauci walked right into it.
Dr. Rich McCormick eviscerates Fauci on the bureaucracy censoring him and threatening his medical license based on their made up “science”.
McCormick represents many Americans who had our free speech inhibited based on complete lies.
Fauci belongs in a cage.
Did you all notice how the MSM just completely stopped reporting on the war in Ukraine?
That’s because Russian MIL are consistently taking ground, Ukraine are running out of bodies, and the additional $61 BILLION we sent over there solved absolutely nothing.
Imagine that.
Fauci made up social distancing and mask-wearing, and passed it off as “the science”.
Then US intelligence agencies instructed Big Tech companies to censor anyone who questioned any of this.
The US government fired 50+ million “non-essential” workers overnight, all based on a complete fabrication.
It all started from a man-made pathogen that THEY created, which led to mass mail-in ballots, which opened the door for massive voter fraud, and resulted in the Deep State’s preferred candidate “winning”.
It’s the single greatest crime ever committed, and they are all still walking free…
Nothing upsets the Libs more than our positivity.
They were expecting us to be demoralized by the “convicted felon” hoax. They wanted to humiliate and shame us into submission.
They did not get what they were after.
Don’t let them see you sweat. Stay the course. We laugh last.
Sean Strickland post fight calls out the lawfare against President Trump!
“President Trump, you’re the man bro, it is a damn travesty what they are doing to you.”
Even Rogan follows up and says “let’s get it done” in reference to Trump’s victory.
The People stand with Trump.