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11B Astute Observer

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Dept of Defense is used for offense.

Dept of Education is used for indoctrination.

Health agencies spread illness.

Journalists spread propaganda.

Fact-checkers spread disinformation.

Left is right. Up is down.

“War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” -1984

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Putin arrives in North Korea for the first time since 2000, to meet with Supreme Leader, Kim Jong Un. 🇷🇺🇰🇵

Western MSM are extremely upset about this meeting, indicating that it is probably significant and something to monitor.

Putin is greeted with quite the warm welcome.

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I’ve come up with new slogan for the Democrat Party:

“Deny and lie until we die”.

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Flashback to January 2018:

Then White House Doctor, Ronny Jackson, responds to deranged media, who were desperately trying to establish the narrative that Trump was unfit for office.

Compare how the MSM treated Trump then, to how the MSM run cover for Biden now…

Biden is in significantly worse condition than Trump, yet the Dems/MSM refuse to acknowledge this undeniable reality.

The Dems/MSM ran Ronny Jackson out of Washington because he said Trump was cognitively fit, but are blaming Biden’s senility on “deep fakes”.

Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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KJP now blaming the damning videos of Biden on the “desperate Republicans” using “deep fakes”…

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -1984

You best start believing in Orwellian dystopias… you’re in one.

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According to the Financial Times, back in April of 2023, Chinese President Xi told EU President Ursula Von Der Leyen, that the US tried to bait China into attacking Taiwan.

Frankly, I believe Xi.

This is the same playbook the US used for Ukraine. The Casus Belli. The US put military forces all around their enemy’s border, and then cry victim when they get attacked. This way, the US can justify the war they wanted, and garner public support by making it look like they are acting in “defense”, when the US are the ones who brought their armies/weapons to Russia and China’s borders.

The Deep State are trying to initiate full-scale WW3, but make it seem like it’s Russia and China’s fault…

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If the Biden regime think American citizens are going to comply with a draft and fight in Ukraine, they are mistaken.

The majority of us would rather die fighting the US government, than die in a trench in Ukraine, fighting a rich man’s war.

That’s not a threat. It’s a promise.

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The Ukrainian side seem to forget they have absolutely zero leverage.

Putin doesn’t have to make any proposals. Russia will accomplish their goals regardless. He is merely offering a route to the same destination, without any more bloodshed.

It’s like Russia have Ukraine in an arm bar. Ukraine can choose to tap to save their arm, or they can choose not to tap, and Russia will break the arm anyways. Both scenarios end in defeat, one is just significantly more painful than the other.

If the West don’t like Putin’s proposal, they shouldn’t have lost the war.

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NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, explaining how Putin’s peace proposal is not real, and how the peaceful solution is actually to keep fighting a war they cannot win.

NATO are in no position to negotiate. Whatever leverage they had is now gone. Putin is offering an olive branch. NATO/Ukraine can admit defeat, spare the remaining Ukrainians and negotiate, or Putin is just going to take what he wants by force.

The West know they cannot take the political hit by admitting they lost this war, especially before the US election, so they will continue to sacrifice the Ukrainian People to advance their own nefarious agenda.

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Putin has offered Ukraine a “peace proposal” to permanently end this conflict and begin negotiations.

Ukraine, instructed by their US-handlers, have already denied the proposal because they refuse to admit defeat.

Putin has offered many opportunities for diplomacy, and the West decline every single time. Because the West started this war by CIA/State Dept color revolution in 2014, and they do not care about the Ukrainian People, and are sacrificing them by the hundreds of thousands to push their geopolitical agenda and weaken Russia.

The Biden regime fully intend to force Ukraine fight to the last Ukrainian before they admit they lost this war. As has been the case the entire time, Putin did not want this war, and has pleaded with the West to not cross the red line of bringing Ukraine into NATO.

Once you know the level of criminality the West are covering up in Ukraine (bioweapon development), you’ll know why it is they cannot allow Ukraine to surrender. If Ukraine falls, the Deep State face extinction.

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Libs… are y’all really about to vote for this guy?

Let’s just put policy aside for a moment and admit that this man is mentally and physically unfit for office.

Russia have nuclear submarines off the coast of Florida right now, and Biden doesn’t know what planet he’s on.

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Just a reminder that if Elon never bought Twitter, the algorithms never would have been changed, and the broader public would still be asleep.

Most of the content in your feeds would not be there, and your favorite accounts would still be suspended.

The shift we are seeing in public perception, can be largely attributed to the liberation of Twitter and the construction of X.

Trump’s approval/polling numbers would not be as high as they are if traditional TV MSM was the only source of news. Trump might not even be the GOP nominee if citizen journalists did not have the reach and influence that they do on X.

Public perception is the game, and Elon gave us the tools to fight back against the corrupt MSM. It’s working.

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Trump’s newest video on Tik Tok!

This may seem insignificant to some, but this is how Trump gains ground in the culture war and appeals to younger voters.

Also, the more active he gets on social media outside of Truth Social, the closer he gets to posting on X.

It’s coming.

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Comey: “Trump is coming for the DOJ/FBI and will use them to target his enemies.”

McCabe: “We might have to flee the country to avoid Trump’s retribution.”

Maddow: “I’m worried Trump is going to put me in the illegal immigrant camps.”


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Now that we have the tapes showing Pelosi admitting she should have deployed the National Guard…

Flashback to 09/17/2023, Trump interview with MSNBC.

Trump claimed he requested the NG, and that Pelosi denied it, which was confirmed by Capitol Police Chief, Steven Sund.

Trump said “Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 soldiers. If she didn’t turn down the soldiers, you wouldn’t have January 6th”.

And as expected, MSNBC propagandist hack was arrogantly fighting Trump every step of the way and inaccurately claiming that the request for soldiers “was never officially made”.

January 6th was just another layer of the massive coup, carried out by Deep State politicians, intelligence agencies, Big Tech, and the MSM, to frame Trump and certify a blatantly fraudulent election.

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Imagine being a Biden campaign strategist, and your job is to somehow convince Americans that this guy is NOT in cognitive decline.

It must be tough being a Democrat. Just lying to yourself 24/7 and shilling for a child-sniffing vegetable, while he drives our nation off a cliff.

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The majority of us are assuming that the DNC will replace Joe Biden, post-convention.

The question is, who do they go with?

Newsome? Big Mike? Kamala?

Call me crazy… but part of me is starting to think they might wheel Hilldog back out there for another go.

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If Elon never bought Twitter, it would currently be against community guidelines to criticize Biden’s health, and all the videos circulating would have been yanked and labeled as “Russian disinformation”.

Many still don’t grasp the importance and power of free speech on X.

Elon has neutralized the Deep State’s most valuable asset, which was a complete monopoly on the flow of information, and thus control of public perception.

With X available as a superior alternative to legacy MSM, the Deep State brainwashing apparatus cannot function. Their propaganda cannot compete in a free marketplace of ideas. It requires complete hegemony in order to work.

Elon broke the chain, and now their ability to gaslight the public has diminished significantly, resulting in more people waking up.

In the end, truth wins.

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We have broken the libs.

Biden’s physical and mental decline are indefensible, forcing the libs to resort to spreading baseless conspiracy theories about Republicans doctoring videos of Biden.

They now claim that the MSM are conspiring with Republicans to get Trump elected 🤣

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Watching the MSM shamelessly defend Biden’s physical and cognitive ability, confirms we are living in an Orwellian dystopia.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -1984

The gaslighting is disturbing…

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Trump’s plan to secure elections:

-One day voting
-Paper ballots
-Proof of citizenship
-Voter ID

The only people who do not approve of these measures, are Democrats, because this removes their ability to cheat with illegals voting.

Flashback to 11/04/2016: Obama, days before the 2016 election, was encouraging illegal immigrants to vote, and assuring them they will not be prosecuted if they try to vote.

Trump wants to secure our elections to prevent the Dems from doing this, and the Dems want to maintain their illegal immigrant vote, hence why they don’t want to secure the border and why they don’t want to secure elections.

It’s never been about “democracy”. It’s about election fraud. They don’t like the way Americans vote, so they ship in new voters and buy their vote.

The Dems will claim all these proposals to secure our elections are racist, and that “every vote should count”. It’s all a lie for them to retain their power.

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Hey Biden voters,

Once there are no Ukrainians left to fight Russia, who do you think Biden and NATO intend to send over there?

The House just passed a bill to automatically register males 18-25 for the draft, and they are working on adding females to the list too.

Awake yet?

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Putin’s Peace Proposal Breakdown!

Putin outlined his proposal for peace in Ukraine, and it sounds pretty reasonable.

-Ukraine must maintain neutral status
-Ukraine must remain nuclear-free
-Full demilitarization/denazification
-Russian territories acknowledged
-Formal international agreements
-All sanctions against Russia lifted

Putin only wants to liberate the Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine, as has always been the case. He does not have any intentions of conquering Europe like NATO claim. Putin will stop advancing West, if NATO stop advancing East.

Putin just doesn’t want NATO’s armies and weapons on his border. This has always been a red line, and NATO crossed it, despite endless warnings from Russia.

If Russia tried to put nuclear missiles and armies on our border, every American would be concerned, and would approve of eliminating the threat. In fact, this already happened, see Cuban Missile Crisis 1962.

Putin is not going to sit back and let NATO build a proxy army of literal Nazis on his border. Russia have been invaded by Nazis multiple times in their history, and don’t intend on letting it happen again. The West can either try to negotiate with Putin, or he is going to completely demilitarize and denazify Ukraine himself, in order to ensure the current and future safety of the Russian People.

Putin is offering the West an off-ramp from their colossal failure in Ukraine, but yet, they refuse. The West’s only definition of victory includes the complete defeat of Russia, which is only possible with direct NATO intervention and thus WW3 and likely nuclear war.

Our only hope is for Trump to win, and negotiate an end to this conflict with Putin, before the warmongering Biden regime and NATO get us all killed.

(Map shows currently held Russian territory in yellow, and the additional land Putin wants in the proposal in red).

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If Trump is able to come in and stop the war in Ukraine immediately like he claims he will, that would be a nail in the coffin for the Deep State.

It would prove that the Biden regime could have stopped this war the entire time, yet chose to push us to the brink of WW3 anyways.

The stage is set for Trump to be the global peacemaker, which would not only prove the Deep State’s criminality, but also give Trump near-unlimited political ammunition and optics to hold them accountable for their crimes against humanity.

If Trump is able to prevent WW3, he will not only win over the trust and approval of Americans, but citizens worldwide. It would be impossible to refute that Trump is for The People. It also would mean that Trump’s enemies just spent the last 8+ years trying to stop the guy who ended up preventing WW3…

This is the timeline we are on if Trump wins the election.

Flashback to August 29, 2023, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban sits down with Tucker Carlson to address this exact topic, and how Trump will be the man to “save the Western world and probably the globe as well”.

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Trump floats the idea of eliminating income tax…


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Let’s say you’re Trump in 2017.

You’re newly sworn in as President, and you’re surrounded by people who want you dead. They are trying to frame you with crimes, remove you from office, and obstruct any efforts to expose their criminality.

Your mission is to “drain the swamp” and eradicate the corrupt establishment, while all levers of government and the private sector are hellbent on stopping you. Intelligence community, Congress, MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Hollywood, Academia, etc.

Also, the majority of the population have been heavily propagandized to believe you’re a Russia asset. They have been brainwashed for decades to worship the politicians and institutions that have enslaved them, and they don’t believe that a “Deep State” exists.

How do you go about solving this problem? How do you convince hundreds of millions of brainwashed citizens that they are subjects of an Orwellian dystopia, their perception of reality is false, and their ruling class are legitimately evil?

Do you just start arresting all bad actors and deal with the uprisings, civil war, breakdown of society, and mass civilian casualties?

Or do you try to un-brainwash the population first? And what would an “un-brainwashing” process look like? What would be the timeline?

Once you start observing from this perspective, more pieces of the puzzle start to fit into place.

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Whatever is on those tapes with Special Counsel Hur, must be really damning for Biden.

Garland wouldn’t be hiding it, unless it was something worth hiding.

Garland is not just obstructing Congressional oversight, he is interfering in the upcoming Presidential election.

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Back in Trump’s first term, myself and others like me, tried to warn everyone that the DOJ, FBI, CIA, State Dept, Hollywood, Tech, MSM, etc., were all compromised by the Deep State.

Most people mocked us and called us “far-right conspiracy theorists”.

Not so funny now is it?

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I don’t give a damn about gun charges.

This is just a slap on the wrist to make it look like the DOJ were looking into Hunter’s criminality.

Just like Hillary with Comey’s speedy “investigation” of her private email server before the 2016 election, they are hoping this will appease the public so they can move past it.

Meanwhile, Hunter is heavily involved in the Ukrainian bio network, and is being alleged of crimes against humanity by the Russian and Chinese government.

Pictured is a slide from Russian MoD’s formal allegations to the UN, regarding US bioweapon development in Ukraine. Hunter, via Rosemont Seneca, secured the funding for these nefarious US labs in Ukraine that were doing research on bat coronaviruses as early as 2014.

The gun charges mean nothing if the true crimes go unpunished.

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Trump has received lots of criticism for his handling of Covid and unwillingness to fire Fauci, but what exactly could he have done?

At the time, the public and MSM literally worshipped Fauci like a god.

If Trump fired the senior most US Health Official, during a pandemic, the Dems/MSM would have lost their minds, and it would have severely negatively impacted Trump’s support, just months out from the 2020 election.

Many of Trump’s critics have forgotten just how tense it was back in the summer of 2020. If Trump fired Fauci during that time, the Left would have endless headlines/narratives to blame Trump for the million+ “deaths” of US citizens, and he would have lost reelection for sure.

The Deep State had Trump cornered. He was unable to remove anyone like Fauci or Collins during this period due to optics. It was truly a genius plan on their part.

And then we look at masks, lockdowns, and vaccines. Trump was notoriously anti-mask and received loads of hate from the media for it, he was anti-lockdown and left it up to the States, and he was vehemently anti-vaccine mandate. Trump was all about individual choice the entire time, and never wanted to force anything on anyone.

As for vaccine production, what was Trump supposed to do? Trump is a savvy business man and diplomat, but he is not a doctor or scientist. How was Trump, or anyone in his administration, supposed to know better than the highest ranking officials in the US and global health organizations? How are they supposed to know if the vaccines are good or not?

They had no choice but to trust their health officials. Is it Trump’s fault that the WHO, CDC, NIH, USAID, etc., are all corrupt?

The majority of the world didn’t even know these entities were corrupt until AFTER Covid ended and their lies became apparent. Was Trump supposed to arrest all the corrupt actors of these health organizations, while the public are locked down and severely brainwashed to worship these health organizations? It would have been absolute chaos.

In retrospect, Trump fared very well given the predicament he was in. He was trying to navigate the many layers of this global psyop campaign, in additional to nationwide Soros-funded BLM riots, all while trying to win reelection, immediately after he just got done fending off the 3 year “Russian collusion” psyop…

The blanket criticisms of Trump’s handling of Covid are short-sighted and lack nuance.

Flashback to Reuters report from 10/06/2020:

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