Dems: “JD Vance and Trump are weird”
Also the Dems:
Venezuela: *takes to the street, refuses to accept results of a stolen election, and demands their military turn on their corrupt tyrannical establishment*
The citizen journalist army has evolved into a well-oiled machine.
With so many people creating content, information travels faster than it ever has.
The People have never had access to this much knowledge. We wield great power.
We have the tools to win this Information War.
So the Dems think JD Vance is “weird”?
They didn’t think the Clintons and Podestas were weird for having “spirit cooking dinners” with infamous satanist witch, Marina Abromovic.
This is who the Democrat elite hang out with. The lady who smears blood, feces, semen, and breast milk all over the walls in creepy messages, and pours blood all over child effigies… and they call it “art”.
This woman was also just hired by Zelensky as an Ambassador to Ukraine to “help rebuild schools in Ukraine”.
Dems… you don’t get to call anyone “weird”. You people are psychotic.
Now that we saw the Olympic opening ceremony, laced with satanic, pedophilic, and cannibalistic imagery…
Flashback to 08/19/2020:
MSM ask Trump if he is “secretly saving the world from a satanic cult of pedophiles and cannibals”.
He says “is that supposed to be a bad thing?”, and then goes on to say “we are actually, we are saving the world from radical left philosophy that will destroy this country, and when this country is gone, the rest of the world would follow”.
Is there a secret shadow war going on against a satanic pedo cult? You decide.
The alphabet brigade have overstayed their welcome in our society.
Your sexual preference is one thing, but when you are constantly shoving this hedonism in our faces, and bringing CHILDREN into it, now you’ve crossed the line.
We are no longer going to “tolerate” this.
It’s time to send these foul creatures back into the fringes of society where they can rot by themselves in irrelevancy. No longer should they be allowed in the spotlight. No longer should we promote this evil. It never should have started in the first place.
And I’m not even religious. I just have common sense, and I know that whatever this woke bullshit is, is straight up evil, and it’s been a guise to normalize pedophilia, and I won’t stand for it. May these people receive no quarter in the future world we build.
It’s time to put the theater kids permanently back in timeout.
There is a silver lining to all this.
Trump has forced the Deep State to expose themselves. Their greatest weapon used to be that the public were blind to their presence. They don’t have that luxury anymore.
We know “they” exist.
No matter what happens, they can’t undo that.
Putin: “The West are engaged in satanism.”
Also the West:
The Israel-obsessed anti-Trumpers have convinced themselves Trump is owned by Israel. They are naive.
Trump called out Netanyahu in 2020, claiming that Bibi “never wanted peace”.
Trump recognizes the value of good relationships with world leaders, whether it be Putin, Xi, Kim Jong Un, Bin Salman, Modi, Bolsonaro, Orban, Abbas, etc.
Trump is a master diplomat and deal-maker, and he tries to keep good relations with EVERYONE. He has been trying to broker peace around the world, and he recognizes Israel are not the innocent darlings they pretend to be. Trump knows.
So while I know it’s trendy for anti-Trumpers to claim Trump is owned by Israel, but this is completely false. Trump is not owned by anyone, which is why the Deep State fear him more than anyone else.
Trump knows far more than he lets on about Israel.
Anyone else just exhausted?
The MSM started being objective and telling the truth for a couple weeks there, but over the last week, they have regained form and cranked up their propaganda to a new level.
It’s an unprecedented disinformation campaign to rapidly prop up Kamala. They are faking polls, rewriting history, gaslighting relentlessly, and outright lying to our faces.
It’s an endless barrage. No matter how many times we catch them in a lie, they just double down, continue to lie, and their brainwashed sheep willfully fall right in line.
I just long for the day when I’m no longer under constant psychological attack from my own government, and I fear that day may never come.
The Dems now want the American People to believe it was actually Trump and the Republicans who blocked securing the border.
This comes after the Dems blocked every attempt to build a wall, and refused to allocate $5 billion for our own border, but sent $200+ billion to Ukraine.
During Trump’s first term, they claimed that there was no crisis at the border whatsoever. Now they admit there is a crisis, but it’s somehow it’s actually Trump’s fault.
There is no limit to their lies and deceit. However much you think you hate these people, it isn’t enough.
2016: “There is no humanitarian crisis at the border! That’s a conspiracy theory! Walls are racist!”
2020: “Okay, maybe there is a humanitarian crisis at the border… BUT ITS ACTUALLY TRUMP’S FAULT! Kamala the border czar will fix it!”
2024: “Kamala was never the border czar!”
Trump brings up the possibility that Kamala is replaced by a third candidate.
The Dems are going to try her out, see how she does in the polls, and if she does not perform well, they will swap candidates, AGAIN!
Don’t get too attached to Kamala. She might not be here long.
If these people were wearing MAGA hats, the Biden regime would unleash law enforcement on them, and the MSM would be calling it an insurrection.
Читать полностью…It’s disturbing how quickly the Dems/MSM all got back in line, and started parroting the same pro-Kamala talking points.
Even the most devout pro-Biden talking heads have shamelessly done a 180. Not a single mention of the blatant circumvention of democracy.
In addition, the new shiny object that is Kamala, allowed the MSM to focus all their efforts on propping her up, giving them an excuse to stop talking about the Deep State’s failed assassination attempt on Trump, and the RNC’s success.
The sane people can see through this gaslighting, but the Democrat sheep are falling right back under the MSM spell. It’s like they already forgot about the last month’s unprecedented implosion, and the attempts on Trump’s life.
It’s mortifying how easily the masses can be convinced that they did not see what they just saw. The Dems just went full authoritarian, and convinced their base it was “democracy”.
I fear many will never wake up.
New article from the AP is hilarious.
They are blaming popular “pro-Russian voices” for suggesting Democrat rhetoric led to Trump’s assassination attempt, and theories that the Biden regime or Ukraine were involved.
Kinda sounds like the @AP are talking about me tbh 😂
But on a serious note, the MSM are in full desperation mode by blaming Russia for completely plausible analysis of the situation. Millions of Americas thought that immediately, completely outside any influence from Russia.
The Ministry of Truth are working overtime to cover up the crimes of The Party, which makes me suspect they were behind the assassination attempt even more.
They released a bioweapon, brainwashed the masses, stole the election, arrested and attempted to assassinate Trump, circumvented democracy, installed a new puppet without a single vote, all while their lapdog MSM/Big Tech covered up the whole thing.
And they call it “Democracy”.
The MSM-created Kamala honeymoon phase is already dying.
Soon, she is going to have to start producing actual results, or Obama and co. will swap her out.
The Dems know the skewed WSJ/Ipsos polls are fake. They have the real numbers.
Does Kamala move the needle enough?
While the Dems try to fabricate Kamala’s popularity, Trump is out securing more votes.
Tens of millions of Americans are invested in crypto, they are very passionate about it, and Trump is lobbying for their vote.
Meanwhile, Kamala is pandering to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, that the Dems already have comfortably in their control. They are not expanding their voter base. Trump is.
Trump has secured his base, and now he’s going after Libertarians, centrists, RFK Jr. voters, black/latino communities, younger generations, etc. Trump is expanding his umbrella of support, while the Dems are dedicating resources to demographics they already have.
I understand none of this matters if they are allowed to cheat, but just looking at it from a process standpoint, Trump’s strategy is sound, and the Dems are relying on perception rather than substance.
Hopefully it makes a difference in November.
Kamala did absolutely nothing.
She hasn’t taken a press conference or answered a single question.
If you believe this Kamala rollout was “well executed”, it just shows how easily people can be manipulated by propaganda.
All that happened was the MSM said “Kamala good” for a couple days, and the sheep happily fell in line. The MSM also blatantly lied for Kamala, repeated their instructed pro-Kamala talking points like the border czar hoax, and deployed all assets to prop Kamala up.
Then a couple of Dem pollsters published some heavily skewed polls showing Kamala beating Trump, and voilá, the sheep believe Kamala is actually popular, and already completely forgot the DNC imploded and that they tried to assassinate Trump. They are just mindlessly chasing the next shiny object.
This is the power of perception. Reality is irrelevant when you brainwash your populace.
Democrat logic:
2016: “Walls are racist!”
2017: “Walls are racist!”
2018: “Walls are racist!”
2019: “Walls are racist!”
2020: “Walls are racist!”
2021: “Walls are racist!”
2022: “Walls are racist!”
2023: “Walls are racist!”
I fail to see how fat chicks, men in dresses, trans lunatics, satanic imagery, and children, have anything to do with the Olympics.
I don’t know what the purpose is. Just to mock Christianity?
What do they gain from this?
Dr. Ronny Jackson provides an update on President Trump’s bullet wound on his ear.
He tells FBI Director Wray and Congress to correct the record.
I just find it hilarious how the Left spent the last 8+ years vilifying ANYONE who questioned doctors or media.
Rules for thee.
This is how Washington and the MSM operate.
They are all given the same talking points, and they parrot them in unison.
They repeat the lie often enough, to the point where it becomes accepted as fact.
Reality is irrelevant when they control perception.
Trump is meeting with world leaders, already negotiating deals for peace in the Middle East and in Ukraine.
Meanwhile, Kamala is on Ru Paul, pandering to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, demanding they vote for her.
We have entered the 9th layer of hell.
Trump and the GOP are the party of Democracy.
The GOP had Trump, DeSantis, Vivek, Haley, Christie, Pence, Scott, Cruz, etc.
They all battled it out, and Trump won resoundingly, by the vote of the American People.
The Democrats forced RFK Jr. out of their primary, prevented the Democratic process, handed the nomination to Joe Biden, staged a coup, and then handed it to Kamala, without garnering a single vote.
Dems, you don’t get to cry about “democracy” ever again.
VERY interesting 👀
NY Post claims Obama hasn’t endorsed Kamala, because he doesn’t believe she can beat Trump!
Take with grain of salt, as the report comes from a “source close to the Biden family”, but something to monitor for sure.
This DNC power struggle is far from over.
Chief Propagandist, Karine Jean-Pierre, now wants you to believe that Biden is NOT stepping down due to his old age, but doesn’t give the reason.
The Democrats do not have even a shred of honor or decency, and they believe all of us are stupid.
“There’s still 104 days until the election and 180 days until the inauguration.”