WaPo owner, Jeff Bezos, publishes his own piece, and admits that “Americans don’t trust the news media”!
Bezos and WaPo are admitting defeat!
“Our profession is now the least trusted of all. Something we are doing is clearly not working.”
Link below! MUST READ!
The establishment are using the same tactics they have always used to win elections.
The reason it’s not working now, is we are substantially more awake, and we have the tools to fight back, via free speech on X.
The People are adapting faster than the machine. We are winning.
This “Literally Hitler” media blitz, is election interference by the MSM.
Just like with the Russia hoax and Hunter’s Laptop, the MSM are wittingly attempting to deceive and manipulate the American People, using disinformation, to influence the outcome of the election.
Alright, I need everyone to lock in.
The Dems/MSM are in a legitimate panic. They see the writing on the wall. They do NOT feel confident their fraud will be enough to beat Trump’s turnout.
A cornered animal is dangerous. They are about to pull out all the stops.
Stay frosty.
49ers DE Nick Bosa, live video bombs NBC’s SNF post-game coverage, rocking a white and gold “Make America Great Again” hat.
Trump is everywhere. The fear of openly supporting Trump is dead.
Bosa is about to get a hefty fine, but well worth it 😂
Yup. Kamala is cooked.
She is asked directly about the internal polling and how it is affecting her strategy.
Her response, “My internal polling is my instinct”, followed by her trademark nervous cackle.
The numbers must be really bad 😂
Kamala is confronted about how Project 2025 has nothing to do with Trump, yet it’s one of their favorite talking points.
Kamala does not care that she is lying, and says, “I was a prosecutor, and Trump’s DNA is all over it”.
These people are psychotic.
Trump accomplished a lot with the Rogan interview:
-He admitted to some of his mistakes and clarified why he had lunatics like John Bolton on his staff.
-He squashed the ongoing Left-wing narratives that he is Hitler, and that he is “exhausted”.
-He reached potential new voters and new demographics that he might not normally be exposed to.
-He dwarfed Kamala’s rally in Houston and is completely dominating the airwaves 10 days out from the election.
-He proved he could do a 3 hour interview off-script, and Kamala chickened out and can’t handle a 15 minute scripted interview.
-He mended some bridges with the Libertarian and independent communities, and came off as sincere.
All in all, this move from Trump is already proving to be a massive success, and the numbers are insane. He might have gotten a little lost in the weave a few times, but he addressed many concerns Rogan’s audience might have had about him, and I think he is winning over a lot of hearts who have been hesitant to support Trump.
The Trump Train is picking up steam as we head into the final stretch.
Ya know, maybe the Dems/MSM are right. Maybe Trump actually is Hitler.
But if they wanted us to believe them, they should not have lied about:
-Russian collusion
-Hunter’s Laptop
-The border
-Biden’s condition
The boy who cried wolf.
Trump declares that he is going to win, and warns the Dems that he is keen to their schemes to commit fraud like they did in 2020.
Trump is giving us a little assurance that he is taking steps to combat fraud, also deterring bad actors, and preparing the public for prosecution of those who get caught.
A much needed white pill for many.
VERY interesting 👀
CNN are now preparing their audience for the possibility of Trump winning the popular vote.
“Part of my job is to warn our viewers, on either side of the aisle, of an event that may occur, that they don’t necessarily like, and Donald Trump winning the popular vote could ABSOLUTELY happen. You might as well wrap your minds around it now folks if you don’t like Donald Trump.”
Sounds like blue-voters are being programmed to expect a historic and stunning Donald Trump landslide victory.
The Dems keep using the fear of Trump’s retribution as a talking point, but that’s the main reason I’m voting for Trump.
I’m voting for Trump, RFK Jr., Elon, etc., because they are our best shot at exposing and prosecuting the Deep State.
Sorry not sorry. Don’t commit treason.
Kamala went to a DNC-friendly outlet, had all the variables on her side, and she STILL put on shockingly bad performance, even by her standards.
It was so bad, the MSM can’t even spin it favorably for her.
Kamala’s campaign is on the brink of collapse.
Kamala’s CNN Town Hall was an unmitigated disaster.
Even CNN anchor Jake Tapper admits that Kamala failed to answer any questions and directed everything towards hating Trump.
And anchor Dana Bash admits Kamala’s performance did not “close the deal”.
The campaign is lifeless.
Joe: So wait, it’s called… ‘spirit cooking’?
Trump: You wouldn’t believe it Joe. These are sick people. They mix blood, semen, breast milk, and feces, and they use it to paint creepy messages on the walls. These are the animals crooked Hillary and the Podestas hang out with.
Trump and his team are behaving like the map looks like this.
They are not just hoping to win all the swing states. They think they can flip some historically blue states also.
I’m not saying this will be the result, but I think this is well within the range of outcomes.
The panic from the Dems/MSM is about to reach an all-time high.
The next week will be filled with denial, anger, cope, fear, and a whole bunch of panic.
Expect them to go completely unhinged.
It’s coming. I foresee a lot of this
Still can’t believe what we just witnessed. It’s like a dream come true.
Trump, RFK Jr., Elon, Vance, Vivek, Tulsi, Tucker, and more, all on stage, uniting under one banner, when humanity needs it most.
It’s happening.
The reason Tapper is so frightened when Vance brings up the Russia Hoax, is because Tapper knows he took part in treason.
Tapper, and the rest of the MSM, wittingly deceived the American People, with intent to overthrow the sitting POTUS.
Let’s say Trump wins, and then actually resolves the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East like he claims.
Then the Dems/Neocons/MSM will have spent the last decade trying to smear, obstruct, indict, imprison, and assassinate, the guy who ends up preventing WW3.
If Trump is able to do what he claims, this will confirm for the public that the Biden regime were able to stop these conflicts the entire time, and chose not to. This will give Trump the political ammunition and public support to take drastic measures to ensure the Deep State never gain power again, to include prosecuting treasonous actors and corrupt media.
If Trump is able to establish himself as the peacemaker, the MSM and the Dems will lose all credibility, and the brainwashing spell will be lifted, the woke mind-virus will die, and we can start to rebuild.
This is the timeline we are on if Trump wins.
I don’t know how anyone could watch the Trump episode on Rogan, and come away thinking this guy is Hitler.
Trump comes off as human and relatable.
You might not like him, you might not agree with him, but at least he is real.
Kamala is getting smashed on the campaign, falling behind in the polls and early vote, and the MSM are beginning to panic.
Then Israel decides to begin airstrikes on Iran, 11 days out from the election, and they have English war propaganda videos at the ready.
Trump says Kamala and the Dems handling of the border is a “crime against humanity”.
Now is it starting to make sense why the Dems and MSM continue to cry about Trump wanting “military tribunals”?
They know what’s coming if he wins.
A reckoning.
The panic is real.
The Hitler hoax did not stick, the groping allegations got debunked immediately, and no major outlets were willing to touch it.
Now the Dems only have a week to reverse the trajectory of the election, and their lies are falling flat.
The ship is sinking.
The Dems are now wheeling out Hilldog to call Trump Hitler.
She compares Trump’s upcoming Madison Square Garden rally to some Nazi rally in 1939.
It’s pure comedy at this point. Nobody is buying it. All it does is confirm their desperation.
The demons are screeching.
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski goes absolutely unhinged in one of the most insane rants you’ll ever see. She hits damn near every buzzword/talking point.
-Veterans hoax
-Use Military on political opponents
-“He is killing us” (women)
-You “idiots” are not allowed to question the MSM and their Hitler allegations
These are the deranged ramblings of a terrified propagandist, who knows her side is about to lose, and her complicity in treason will eventually come forth. This is insane rhetoric, based exclusively on lies.
The Dems are losing, and the only thing they can do now is try to scare the public into voting for them. It won’t work.
I have been told that Kamala and Hitler groped the Hamburglar — and that there’s video.
I find it hilarious how the Dems and the MSM coordinated this big October surprise, and the American People are not buying it at all. 😂
The Dems/MSM have lied so often, and cried wolf so many times, nobody believes them anymore.